Actress in Another World

"Oh, the flowers are so pretty!"

"The prince must have picked them out personally!"

The maids gushed on and on about the flowers and about Miyu's beauty while they helped her wear another white dress. Miyu was having a hard time trying to keep up her false cheery smile as the maids babbled on. Miyu breathed a sigh of relief when they were finally gone.

There was a knock on the door. Was it Glenn? She smiled.

"Come in," Miyu said.

It was one of the butlers, the oldest one.

"Greetings, Holy Saintess. His Highness has asked for you to dine with him this morning," the butler said.

"Oh," Miyu said.

Sh*t. What about her outing with Glenn?

The butler raised an eyebrow. "Did you have other plans this morning, My Lady?"

"No. Miyu is just surprised," Miyu said. "Please tell His Highness Miyu will join him shortly. Miyu just needs to change into a different outfit."