Wait, they're evil?!

Euphemia smiled like she was remembering something nostalgic.

"Well, first all of all, the prince isn't my type. I'm not into blonde haired princes. I'm more into dashing black-haired villains," Euphemia said.

Miyu laughed.

"Secondly, I felt sad for Lucien when I read his story in the webnovel. I just had this feeling that he wouldn't kill his own mother and I didn't want to stay with the prince. The Saintess in the webnovel died in the story even though she was with the prince, so why should I choose him? He must not have protected her enough. I didn't want to have the same fate as the Saintess in the story so I chose a different route. I went with the villain and he isn't really a villain. He's the kindest person I've ever met," Euphemia said.

"Wait . . . You read about him from a webnovel? I think I'm missing something here," Miyu said, confused.

"Are you saying you haven't read Taming the Saintess?" Euphemia asked.