With Stars in His Eyes

Sir Brandon was enthusiastic.

He was entering the keep earlier than usual today. He emulated confidence as he strode through the entryway. The guards greeted him with a nod and a wave. Brandon simply waved back, his gusto ablaze like a fire. He winked at some of the noble ladies, who giggled a little as the knight in shining armor entered the court.

The court was empty except for a few servants cleaning the area. Blue banners with gold lions hung from the ceiling, glowing with power as sunlight struck it, coloring it through stained-glass art pieces, detailing the plights and epics of warriors, heroes who were immortalized forever in this great hall. Brandon had looked to them as idols, as futures that he could have. He spent most of his life getting to where he was now. His family had chipped in here and there, but the glory was well-earned and he was able to do more than claim to be the child of a noble family. Brandon, looking now to the throne, could now focus on bigger aspirations.

King Thomas the Third had been a very unlucky man, his only son taken away by disease a few years ago and his wife much earlier. Due to his insistence to avoid remarriage, he had no posterity to pass his domain to. He was truly the last of his kin. Despite the problems that would normally arise in such a succession crisis, Thomas had been very adamant that, based on the actions and behaviors of those around him, the next successor was already in the kingdom and he would find them before his reign would end.

It could be anyone, Brandon realized. It could be anyone he could rely on, anyone he trusted, anyone who could get work done. Maybe....

"Brandon," a voice called out. Brandon, his deep mental train taking him from reality, jumped a little and looked to his side. He sighed in relief as he recognized the person by his side.

"You have to stop scaring me like that, Matthew," Brandon muttered, shaking his head. "I wanna live, you know."

Matthew chuckled a little and replied, "Just make sure you're on planet Earth next time."

Matthew was King Thomas' middle-aged advisor and sage in the court. He was usually summoned for critical decisions to be made, mainly due to his skill in foreknowledge and seership, but today, he seemed to be less tense than usual. He was still in his white robe with blue pendants around his neck, draping in front of him. He also was still carrying his small birdcage with his seemingly unkempt, but peculiar crow.

"What are you doing here, knight," Matthew asked, a little more serious this time.

"I'm here for the knights' call-up," Brandon simply responded. He had been practicing this response for a while.

"Right," Matthew replied with a smile. He already knew what was going on. "What are you ​really doing here?"

Brandon rolled his eyes. He never could get past Matthew and his lightning-like intuition. If a man were to try and kill anyone in the court, Matthew would already know and the poor saboteur would never even reach the courtyard.

"I seek an audience with Lord Allison," Brandon sighed.

"You're asking her, aren't you," Matthew asked, a little annoyed.

"You don't have to be obvious about it."

"I didn't even have to use my powers for that," Matthew responded. "Everyone knows you're trying to win his daughter's hand, which makes sense. She is one of, if not ​the​, most beautiful women in the kingdom."

"I already know that," Brandon said, his smug confidence returning. "That's why I'm asking."

"Brandon, I get you're used to having your way in life. Your family is one of the most powerful we have," Matthew continued, a little worried for his friend, "but you can't possibly believe it will be this easy! Have you even spent an evening with her?"

"No," Brandon replied, messing with the crow a little. "I mean, we've talked a couple times, nothing too much, though."

Matthew rubbed his eyes and groaned. The next generation was truly hopeless. The crow seemed to agree.

"It's me, though," Brandon continued, trying to win Matthew over. "No one in their right mind says no to the hottest, handsomest, and bravest guy here. She's gonna beg for that ring."

Matthew shook his head. The boy's heart was too hardened.

"Well, you can go try," he lamented. "Please promise me, though, that you will be okay with whatever the response is. This is not some social event to strut around and please your friends, this is serious!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, it's important," Brandon lazily replied, ignoring almost everything Matthew was saying. He jumped a little as the crow jumped at him in its cage. "Just tell me where he is."

Matthew gave him a blank look of disappointment and, after some silence, said, "He'll be in the council room."

"Ok, thank you," Brandon replied, expressing some form of annoyed gratitude. He started walking in that direction before turning around and yelling, "Wish me luck, Matt-boy!"

"Don't ever call me that again," Matthew sternly replied. The creepy crow gave a small screech.

"Got it, bye," Brandon said, a little fearfully. He did not want to get on Matthew's bad side. He finally went through a door and exited the court before Matthew could decide. Heading down a hallway, he began to hear voices as he approached the council room.

He opened the doors without too much hesitation. Entering the room, a group of four men looked up from their table and stopped talking to see the newcomer enter. Three guards stood near the walls of the room, where a large round table stood. One of them in the middle recognized him and his eyes seemed to radiate warmth. The others, all noblemen and administrators in the kingdom, looked immediately annoyed.

"You look lost, knight," the man said with a slow smile.

"I do not mean to interrupt, your majesty," Brandon replied, a little cautious.

"Already are," one of the nobles muttered.

"​But,​ " Brandon emphasized, shooting the noble a look to stand down, "I seek Lord Allison to discuss some rather important details."

"He'll be in shortly," Thomas replied. "He is working on details for the kingdom's 200th anniversary."

"Isn't that later in the year," Brandon asked, a little confused.

"It's next week," Thomas kindly corrected.

"Ah," Brandon replied. "Next week, right. I ​almost​ forgot about it, but I didn't... cause I'm me."

One of the councilmen rolled his eyes, while Thomas looked a little humored.

One of the guards

in the room scoffed, "Seriously? Are you that ignorant of tradition, wastrel?"

"Rhineas, that's enough," Thomas rebuked. "The only wastrel here will be the one who can't humble himself and accept that he wasn't picked for knighthood. If you could stop whining, that would be appreciated."

Rhineas silenced himself. Brandon stuck his tongue out at him without Thomas noticing.

"Knighted a freaking rookie instead of me," Rhineas muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. Thankfully, Thomas chose to ignore him.

The decision was controversial and the two had been in close competition for one of the twelve spots available for knights, but Thomas had been very adamant about his choice of Brandon over Rhineas. Rhineas had been close to the workings of the kingdom for much longer compared to Brandon and most felt that Rhineas was more qualified for the position.

Rhineas was still bitter about the selection, as knighthood was a lifelong commitment and openings were rare.

"Sir Brandon," Thomas continued, "I would suggest waiting for a better time than now. The man has a lot on his plate right now."

"I always have time for friends," a jolly voice announced. Brandon suddenly felt two strong but kind hands clasp his shoulders. Lord Allison always had a good charisma that led people to love him, like a young child to their grandparents.

"What can I do for you, knight," Lord Allison asked with a twinkle in his eye.

Brandon looked at the councilmen, a question in his glance. Thomas waved him to go ahead. Rhineas looked absolutely disgusted.

"I wanted to ask about your daughter if-" he started.

"Let me stop you there," the kind lord interrupted. "If there is a request or proposal you seek to make about my daughter, I suggest you take it up with her. I've decided to give her that authority to make those choices for her life."

"Really," Thomas commented, surprised. It wasn't common for such practices here, but times were changing apparently. "Good for her, good for both of you."

"Ok," Brandon replied, a little uncertain now. "Do you know where..."

"The seaside markets," Lord Allison immediately replied, a humorous smile on his face. "She's gathering food for next week."

Brandon started moving toward the door. He looked back and yelled to King Thomas, "Your highness, I'd like to work at the sea wall today."

"Granted," Thomas replied, laughing. Brandon then ran out into the hallway and disappeared, probably to find a horse. It was a decent journey from the keep to the markets on the coastline.

Lord Allison looked at King Thomas, a little amused at the sight.

"He's young and naive," he said to the king.

"Yes," came the reply, "do you think she will agree to it?"

"Oh, of course not," Lord Allison laughed, "but a lot of good lessons will come out of it. They always do..."

Brandon, not really listening to the foreshadowing, sped out of the castle and went for his horse.

Getting on, he hurried out of the gate. Eagerness seemed to be pumping in his veins. There was no way to stop him.

He was going to marry Princess Emily.