Where are the witches?

Cordelia wiped away her tears and stared at the trees.

She got off her knees and sat on the grass with two knees. Stress swept over her body.

"Jungle!" she looked at Noah in surprise. Noah nodded as react stepped forward, rubbed his eyes in disbelief to see better.

"It's here!" He replied, Looked back to face Cordelia.

"Love was the solution," Noah added.

Cordelia gave him a slight smile before standing up; she swallowed hard, unable to take her eyes off the jungle. She involuntarily reached out to grab Noah's cold and frozen hand.

"I did it," Cordelia said proudly.

"Nilsson did it, " Noah admitted as Cordelia looked down sadly at her foot.


In the dark jungle, a woman was screaming, the sound came from a jungle hut, for a few minutes, the wild shriek covered the whole forest. A man was hunting in the woods when the sound caught his attention.

He was a hunter from Northland, a town near the forest, green, but cold, he was a little fat and had a long black beard on his chin. He had tiny eyes that were close to each other, long, slender legs, and ears that could hear very well.

Most importantly, he was a brave man.

The man followed the sound, and he found the old hut, holding his bow and arrow in a defensive position and opened the door of the cabin slowly; he saw a woman lying on the empty and cold ground of the place, drowning in her blood.

And her voice was cut off, the woman had just given birth, and a baby was beside her. Another woman, who seemed to be a midwife, laid the second baby on the ground and glared hard at the man.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She snapped

"I have been just, I, though she was in danger," He confessed.

"Get out of here." She stood up, glaring at him dangerously. "You are not a wizard; you are not allowed here."

The man nodded in fear but stayed still, looked over at the woman who was lying helplessly.

As she turned her face faintly to look over at, man, he could see that she has no sign of witches on her forehead.

"She is not a witch, " he muttered under his lips.

"Get out! Or I use your blood to feed these babies. "She threatened him, showing her dagger.

"I'm not afraid of your dagger or your power bitch. I'm taking this woman with me."

The woman hissed angrily lifted her dagger to attack the man before she gets to say any spells.

Lord of beasts got in.

"What this man is doing here?" The beast glared at the man dangerously. He grabbed his neck lifted him onto the air; the woman who was lying on the ground moaned in pain,

"Carlos, let him go, " she winced, gasped for air.

"You, kind wife, no beasts will let prey go, " he chuckled, squeezed the man's neck harder; he was struggling for his life, let go of hi arrow grabbed the attacker's fist, But the bits made his fist even tighter.

One of the babies was crying her eyes out, but the other one was in a deep slumber, her eyes were close peacefully, she was calm and cold. The midwife ran into her to make her breath, as the beast was killing the hunter man joyfully.

"This human shouldn't have come here, " he raised an eyebrow to tighten his grip until finally he strangles the poor man and let him fall on the ground. His wife was crying for the man but stayed silent in fear. The beast looked over at the midwife, come on, take my baby back, witch!

The midwife obeyed spelled life words in her ear, gave her life potion, but nothing affected the kid, so the beast furrowed his brows.

"You killed my baby."

"I didn't, sir, she just got born like this"

"You are lying, you killed her, and I will do the same to you.

" The beast raised an eyebrow again and punched the witch on her chest.

"Killing a witch has a bad effect on the earth! You'll be cursed!" She begged for her life.

"It's not a proper way to satisfy a beast, " he mocked her,

His wife begged him to stop, winced faintly .she is about to get up to can reach him, but she is too weak after giving birth to the babies.

"Silence, woman, I told you marrying a beast isn't easy, " he yelled at his wife,

The witch lifted her dragged to cast a spell on the beast, but the bits turned into a black snake turned around, her fist made the dagger fell on the ground, he attacked her once again, this time he strangled the witch brutally and left her on the floor.

"They will come and kill us all," his wife mutters.

"I'm waiting for them, " he replied proudly, took his wife and a live baby, and disappeared. A few moments later, the girl opened her eyes started to cry. She cried for a few hours kicking the air with her tiny legs when the queen of humans heard her voice.

The human queen had a son named Arthur, who had wizardry skills, so he was in the school of magic with his especial teachers.

At the moment, he was training how to transform into someone else's body when Arthur heard a baby crying. He stopped his trains and looked over at the professor.

"Excuse me, sir, I hear a baby's voice," he told him politely.

But the professor is too old to hear he chuckled.

"It's a good way to sneak out of your training, my prince, " he winked at Arthur.

"But I swear to the queen's pride, I hear the voice!"

When the professor saw the boy's insistence, he decided to trust him because the queen's sons did not lie at all.

He took the boy in his room and stood behind the giant orb and told the boy to watch inside. When the boy was watching throw the globe, The Professor said some spells and put both his hands on the orb to help him see better because Arthur had not known yet, how to do it by himself.

The orb was attached to the boy's ear and heard the baby's voice; as soon as it listened to t, he showed the hut and the baby, who was lying beside two bodies. The man seemed a common man, but the woman had a witchery sign on her forehead; the professor furrows his brows at this.

"Gods help us a witch got killed!"

"What is that mean?" Arthur asked, confused.

"Whenever a witch dies, a disaster follows.

Arthur widens his eyes at this, looked back at the orb.

"The baby is alive, " he confirmed.

The professor nodded as an agreement, sat at his table, pulled out a potion from the drawer. Drank it all and attached his mind to the witch's eyes, he made her dead eyes show him whatever she saw earlier; this way, he found out the address of the hut, sent some of the school's guards to get the baby to the school.

Flashback Ends

Noah sighed, "Stop feeling sorry for yourself, let's go in, weak witch, " he offended her again; she punched him the followed him through the jungle.

They entered the green jungle, that merged with dense trees, lush bushes, butterflies following each other, even a few small bluebirds were flying over the flowers. Cordelia smiled, thrilled to see the scene.

She even saw a deer that was running in the distance, but Noah reminded him that it was an illusion. Noah never saw beauty or care, he thought everything was ridiculous, and they should try to make Cordelia stronger, nothing more.

"You can't have fun for a bit?"

"There is nothing fun, we are under attack, and only one person can help us."

"Who?" Cordelia suggested although she knows already the answer she wanted to hear from him,

"The stupidest girl in the world who only cares about beauty and love, "he roared.

"Fine, fine' She grinned, followed him giggling girly.

"You don't care about love?'

"Shut up."


She followed him wordlessly before asking.

"You don't want anyone to care about you? Love you? And listen to you when you feel sad?"

At this time, he turned to face her, grabbed her arm brutally glared in her eyes. "Look at me, don't waste our time on these sites! Shut your mouth and search for the bloody school," He yelled.

"I don't have to?' she smirked.

"What?" He asked doubtfully.

"Just look at your back," she pouted innocently.

As Noah turned to face his back, he saw a vast white building with a large sign that read: Green-Kerry School of Magic.

"Wow," he puffed.

"You never saw such a magnificent building, right?"

"Shut up, " he took her tiny hand in his own, and they walked onto the school.

He lifted his hand to knock on the door. It got open before Noah gets to bang.

A middle-aged young woman in a black hat and red robe appeared in front of the door. The woman's face was sullen, and the more Cordelia paid attention, the less she noticed her blinking. The woman noticed Cordelia's stare, leaned over. Cordelia took a step back. But Noah did not move and gave Cordelia's hand a firm squeeze to reassure her that there was no danger, although he wasn't sure himself.

"What do you want?" She glared at them.

"She is a witch," Noah said doubtfully. Made woman look at them suspiciously.

"She has no sign, " she responded.

"Which sign?" Cordelia asked Noah to kick her side with his elbow to make her shut her mouth.

"She is new, my lady; she needs to get one," Noah suggested making the woman frown.

"It's aged we didn't have a new student, " she confirmed.

"We found a way in; please don't take us back," he implored.

"What about you?" She glared dangerously at Noah.

"I'm a wizard, at least now, " he shrugged, transformed in Nilsson's body, and got back to his own.

"Fine, get in, you both need a sign, I should talk to the headmaster "she let them in forceful, showed them a place to stand in the hallway while she went to speak to the headmaster.

She gets into the master's room, bowed a little, as respect and folded her arms on her chest.

"Two people are here; one is human, the other one, I'm not sure what is it, maybe half human and half beast."

Master lifted his head to face her when he hears this.

"Let them miss Loran," He said with a calm and shaky voice, he is an old man, or I should tell the old professor who I talked about him earlier.

With this reply, miss Loran walked out and got back with two of them.

"Noah bowed, but Cordelia didn't move made Noah to glare at her, so she bent as well.

"What do you want?" The master asked, stood up to get closer to them.

"She has power and can't control them," Noah explained.

"She can't talk, herself?" He asked sarcastically.

"No, I mean yes, but she may disturb you with the words she chooses," Noah revealed confidently and proud of himself.

"Let her talk, " he gave Noah a death glare, made Cordelia giggle again.

"I am princess Cordelia, the next queen of Mainland and humankind, "she claimed politely.

"Oh, my little Sharon has a daughter!" The master chuckled and leaned over to stroke her head.

"Excuse me?" Cordelia looked up at him, surprised.

The old professor. Turned and took an old picture from his table gave it to her.

"Your mother was a baby when she stepped here for the first time," he admitted gladly.

Cordelia blushed shyly, looked over at the picture seeing her father and mother together.

"I didn't know he was a witch," she confessed innocently, handed the picture back to the master.

"She wasn't a witch. Your father was a wizard when he left. I never saw him again."

He relived in sorrow, and looked at the picture, tried not to cry in front of them.

"My father is in our kingdom now. He was always a good king and made me ready to replace my mother."

The master nodded, "He always supported your mother. "The master admitted, "How's the Queen?"

At this question, Cordelia looked down at her foot; sadly, her eyes got wet." She is dead before I got born, a beast Quinn killed her. When the evil queen was gone, my mother's servant came out of where she had stood up, cut my mother's belly, and sent me back to the Mainland."

Master listened carefully, then took a deep breath. "So you are home now Cordelia, we will teach you how to fight, and who is this boy?"

Cordelia told the headmaster everything about Noah and the power she shared with him.

"So, you are a beast, little boy?" He asked, lifting Noah's chin.

"Yes, my lord, but I help Cordelia to bring peace to beasts and humans."

The master laughed," you two remind me of Arthur and baby Sharon. "He relived clearly he remembers his distant memory about Cordelia's parents.

"Noah, you may stay till you have power, but as soon as losing it to Cordelia, you have to leave for your safety." He commanded seriously made Noah node without thinking.


Guards get the baby in the master's room; Arthur was still in the place keen to see the baby. When the guards hand the baby to the headmaster's arms, he sighed, looking down at her nicely.

"It seemed you were, right young man," he confessed, looked over at him.

"What do you want to do with her"

"Maybe find a family for her, she can't stay here until we find out if she is a witch or not."

"But professor, what if we don't find any suitable human? There are a few humans in the jungle, may I take her to the castle with me? Maybe we can find a family in the Mainland," he suggested.

At this time, Arthur was seven years old with a pure heart, the master knows he wants to help, so he let him take her back home on holiday.

" Alright, Prince Arthur, you can take her to the mainland, but remember to take care of her as well as you can, " he gazes into his eyes deeply as Arthur nodded innocently and walked out.

Arthur took Sharon to the Mainland with himself. The queen got surprised to see his son with a baby in his arms; although guards and made insisted on holding the baby, Arthur would not let anyone touch her despite the time which she needed to eat.

Arthur showed the baby girl to her mother, and the queen started to like the baby from the first sight and accepted Sharon to be in the castle until they find a family who suits the girl.

As Sharon was growing up in the castle, She became a sweet girl with light brown hair and green eyes. The queen didn't have a daughter. She was scared about her successors, while no men could legally rule the MainlandMainland and the human race.

One time when she was brushing her

Lover sat up in bed and suggested.

" Maybe we can put Sharon as your heir, "he said in fear, knows The Queen is mad at him for not giving her a daughter.

" People won't accept that," she relived with a helpless tone, kept brushing her hair.

Robert got up from the bed, leaned over at her.

" People love Sharon," he kissed the queen's neck; she shook her hair got up from the chair. Robert pinned her against the wall behind her.

" You know you want it; you want it so much you can't deny."

He whispers against her ear pinning her hands above her head, kissing her cheek, " you need an heir; she needs a mother, " he is so close to her now that he breathes fanning onto her face.

Queen loves when he is the dominant one when it comes to making love. She bites her lower lip.

"I... I will think about it, " she gasped, trying to look away.

" Also, we can marry her with one of our sons," he kissed her lip when he was saying ' our sons' made her gasp for air.

" You'll marry me as you promised after you get a girl, " he groans against her ear and kisses her with no other words.

The next day, the queen relived this matter with her advisers, they agreed to a marriage between Arthur and Sharon, who was three by now, so they decided to call them-fiancée until Sharon gets enough older to be able to marry Prince Arthur.

End of FlashBack

When the master fined talking to them, called Loran, to show the children's room, Noah smirked.

" Then your father has royal blood "

" Yes, but he never mentioned that to me," Cordelia replied gently before letting out a little yawn.

Ms. Loran showed her the girl's bedroom. " Here is where you are sleeping."

She turned to Noah, " and you come with me."

Cordelia frowns, " but it's only two of us! And I'm afraid of darkness and being alone."

" Then you never can be a witch," she glared at her turned to lead Noah out.

Cordelia entered into a room. It was a vast room that made her tremble. She sat on the bed, glanced at the wall in front of her; she hated to be alone, especially at nights. She laid her forehead on her knees and took a deep breath. She missed Nilsson from all her heart. Now she has to be alone all night without any maids, friends, or someone to talk to. She felt lonely and depressed, like a little bird who is in the cage.


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