Laura gets ready.

Laura stroked Robert's hair as she was still crying for her elder son's death; meanwhile, Robert gave her a faint smile.

"I never thought I would see you again," he confessed.

Laura, " I'm sorry I let you down," she gazed into his eyes lovingly. She really couldn't conceal her feeling for him.

"I killed him, oh, Robert, I killed my son! Such a devil I am now!" she breathed heavily, "He didn't listen, I needed help, all kingdoms needed help, and he never listened to me. "Laura shrieked, and her shrike covered the whole universe.


In Laura's chamber, she was kissing Robert when Brenner walked in without knocking on the door.

"Mother! Please stop! we are at war!" Brenner snapped.

Laura stepped away from Robert, looked over at her son ."I told you to knock on the door thousands of times, why you won't listen!"

Brenner smirked, ignoring Robert's presence in the chamber.

"I need you to sign these bloody papers for my father to get back, or we will die if he invades us!"

" Your father won't invade us; he doesn't dare! He is just threatening me into marrying him again! now get out."

Robert was looking at them in silence. He never interrupted the Queen's quarrels with his sons.

Brenner gave Roberth a dangerous glare " I leave so that you can be with this man ? mom, he is nothing but a guard! My father is a lord! He mocked Robert.

Laura gave her son a hard slap.

Laura," your father is nothing but a mere who only was able to give me three sons!" she sat on the chair hold her face in her both hands.

"Get out," she muttered under her lips.

Brenner's sighed gave them both hate and disgust look And walked out, managing a sinister plot in his mind.


Laura sat in front of Robert, remembering all her memorize with him,

"I missed you," she relieved innocently.

"I needed you, Laura, your son, threw me out, captured me, in prisoned me, tortured me."

Laura, " I'm sorry, I should have killed him a long time ago; he was mad worst than his father."

Robert, " I'm sorry you had to kill him."

Laura wiped tears from her cheeks, cleared her throat. Robert, I need you in a battle against a few soul suckers; they have my grandchild.

Robert " You have a grandchild now! " he said, keen to know. He kissed her hand gently.

Laura smiled at this."I have, apparently, a stubborn girl who can't deal with her powers," she chuckled.

Robert, "another laura then," he joked, chuckled.

Laura, "maybe, so would you help an old woman to rescue her grandchild?"

Rober sighed, " I'm too old for that, Laura."

Laura nodded " Maybe, still, she needs us, or she will die," she confirmed.

Rober " I don't know, Arthur never helped me."

Laura sighed in despair, took his hand " Rober, I need you, forget about others. I have to do something for humanity."

Robert, " You did your part; leave the rest for them."

Laura stood up, annoyed and felt abandoned by him,

"Fine then, I'll do it myself, you men are too proud of yourselves" she looked sadly at Brenner,

"I suppose I killed him for nothing " she gave a disappointed look to Rober, fixed his black robe, spun around herself, and vanished.

She appeared in the dining room fells on the ground faintly as she cried slowly; Arthur helped her to stand up.

"Mother," he gasped, gave her some water. Noah raised an eyebrow.

"Where is that man?" he asked politely.

"He won't come; it is just us," Laura replied, annoyed and embarrassed; although she pulled herself together, she stood up again owned the room once again.

"Noah, get your dagger, I and you will do it, of course with the army," she smirked.

Arthur "There is no army," he relived helplessly " I sent them to their home, cause there was no one to fight vampires or soul suckers when you are gone." he added

Laura, " Arthur!" she protested.

She walked toward her hidden chamber.

It was a long time since someone stepped on this lost room. Arthur and Noah followed her in with widening eyes and dry mouth.

Laura put her palm on the frigid wall and laid her forehead on the wall. It recognized the Queen's hand and immediately got open. Noah smirked, followed her in.

"We didn't have a problem if Cordelia was like you, " Noah confessed, wrinkled his nose. Laura let out a loud laugh at this.

The room is dusty and messy, torn papers, and empty tubes. Laura sighed, commanded the maids to tide up, then searched behind the books to find a hidden key, grabbed it, and pulled away from the rug on the floor, a lock appeared, and the Queen opened.

Under that hidden door is a box-like a little perfume.

"Here it is, my weapon, she smirked as Noah, he gave her a suspicious look.

Noah, "its too late for me to take my word back, cause I don't think that can kill those creatures."

Laura " Just wait and see, little guy," she smirked, stood up from her knees, and took the rug back.

They walked to the garden she sprayed the perfume to herself and him.

"It helps us to look like them and removes human smell from us," Laura explained.

Noah, " Then we will get close to them?"

Laura nodded " And we will kill them"

Arthur widened his eye as he was stroking his beard " What about my daughter? how you want to get her back?"

Noah furrowed his brow," And professors too."

Laura raised an eyebrow like she wasn't thinking about this matter before, cause she always used to kill vampires and never rescued them. After a few moments of thinking, she broke the silence.

Laura " We need a master for that, I got one when I killed the suckers, Come, Noah," she commanded and spun around herself using his robe again, as Noah transformed to a black crow.

Noah was flying in the form of a winter black crow. He focused on finding his way in the dark, cloudy sky. The wind was blowing so hard he could hardly control his balance. Wondering how birds could fly in any situation,

Noah did his best, bravely fought the wind, and made his way through it, finally saw the school. He went to it and landed on the roof, waiting for the Queen. Suddenly a round of wind appeared in front of his eyes, and the Queen appeared with her black rob.

Laura " Life is hard for people who don't know magic, my robe wasn't working properly, but luckily it got fixed itself" she chuckled, and it caused Amanda to notice a sound from the roof; she stepped away from Cordelia, who was laying on the couch, and opened the window,

Noah looked down from the top of the roof and noticed Amanda was crawling up from the wall

he got scared for a moment and hide behind the Queen as she resprayed herself seductively. Amanda stood on the edge of the roof gave the, a lousy smile

"Noah? Where did you go? you promised to spend time with me," She hissed

Noah " I didn't, Nilsson did," he smirked

Amanda " I knew you were in his body, stop fooling me" she winked at him and turned her face to look at Laura.

Amanda, " You smell wired; who are you?"

Laura smirked and played along " this boy is mine" Laura shrieked wildly and pushed Amanda away. Noah widens his eyes were looking in fear when Amanda turned to Siren's body.

Siren, " Noah, help me," she cried out, glared at the Queen. Glittered her teeth attacked the Queen as Laura pulled her sword out cut Amanda's arm; she fell on the ground, hissed wildly,

Laura shouted at Noah, " Get Cordelia" Noah nodded before Amana can catch him with her healthy hand. He turned to the crow and flew into the window, got in.

"Cordelia!" he gasped as he saw her. Hellen got in the room hissed to Noah dangerously, he didn't care, grabbed Cordelia and dragged her onto the window; Cordelia gave Noah a death glare, but he didn't smell of a human, so she didn't attack him,

Laura was fighting with Amanda, who is more in the form of an animal now. She holds Laura's sides showed her sharp teeth leaned over to pin her hands above her head when an arrow passed throw her body. Amanda's corpse fell on the Queen's body. She cant push him away. A manly hand reached to the corpse and threw it away.

Laura smiled in pain " Robert !" she gasped, as Robert was bandaging her wounded leg with a part of his shirt.

"Children need us," she ground, took his arrows, helped her to stand up " Get your sword. I smell so many soul suckers."

Laura nodded innocently followed him to the edge of the roof. Meanwhile, Noah was escaping throw the window as he was carrying Cordelia on his arms, but ms Loran blocked his way m she was right behind the window staring at him. He took a step back. Cordelia started to laugh wildly.

The headmaster appeared in front of him.

"Give her to me."

Robert and Lauran get in from Hellen's Back. She turned didn't care as long as they didn't smell. Robert killed her with a move of his arrow. The headmaster dragged the boy into his arms looked at Robert, who aimed the bow at the headmaster,

Noah screamed, " No! Please don't kill him," he begged them. Laura threw her golden sword onto ms Loran's dress, pinned her against the curtain of the window, and glanced at Robert . then at Noah. Headmaster leaned to suck Noah's soul, Cordelia was laughing madly. Laura nodded, and Robert shot the arrow. Noah shrieked.


and the arrow passed throw the headmaster's head.


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