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Noah noticed that Cordelia is lying on the ground, unconscious. He stopped the carriage jumped off it to sit her up. Brishen Jumped out of his horse stepped toward them.

"Don't touch my future wife," he demanded as pushing away Noah, only to lift the girl on his strong arms. Laura took off the carriage.

"What is happening ?" she asked surprisingly, gazed down at the poor girl,

Noah shrugged, rubbing his own arm, which Brishen beat onto it earlier.

Noah, "I don't know, she just feels from the horse, and it's gone." Brishen laid the girl in the carriage's seat and jumped out of it.

" She seemed too weak for a queen" he raised an eyebrow in disgust. Laura pushed him away, glared into his eye dangerously.

Laura, " You won't try to take everything away from her, or I do things with you that no mother ever did to her child" she kept eye contact with him for a few moments before pulling away. Cordelia's moan gathered their attention. Robert was still in the carriage. He checked on the princess's body temperature.

Robert, " I think she has a fever."

Laura stepped into the carriage again.

Laura, " we need to take her to the Castle as soon as possible," she commanded. And Noah started to ride the carriage. A few days later, Cordelia had a fever, and Laura fed her almost by force. Until finally, they could see the magnificent castle which appeared above the mountain . from their eyesight, it was like the column of the castle was stroking the clear sky.

"We are here," Noah informed them as soon as he saw the castle.

"oh, finally! " Laura sighed out of relief and looked out of the village as they passed throw it gently.

Suddenly a woman recognized Laura, ran onto the carriage, calling her name. Laura hid as soon as she noticed that woman was getting her name. It might have harmful consequences for her to be seen alive again. Everyone knows about the sacrifice thing, and people wouldn't believe their beloved king would ever kill an innocent to get back his mother!

The woman was screaming her name, which made everyone notice the carriage the gather around it made a vast crowed around them. Noah couldn't do anything magical in front of the thousand people around him. He is in fear to be recognized; at this moment, Cordelia's eyes got open; they were all red.

Laura gave her a gentle smile ignoring the difference in her eyes. Cordelia sat up with a mad smile on her face. She turned her head toward Robert, leaned her neck onto her right side, then held it Normal. Laura got confused, cheers of people outside got more and more. Cordelia laughed loud fire burst out of her head. She crawled up from the window stood on the top of the Carriage before Laura or Robert could reach her.

People stared at her surprisingly, they never saw a royal with fire in her head and red eyes, and Skin made of fish scales; everyone widened their eyes, some of them shut their mouth In a deadly silence, the others still were calling Laura.

Hearing Laura's name Cordelia got angrier and furious. She opened her arms and made a massive fire out of her palms started to burn everyone and everything around her. People who were gathering around them with an awe look got shocked with this reaction of the royals, they ran away and tried to rescue her life, with that, Laura couldn't wait for more and see people are burning, she shouted at Noah to help, wearing her robe as soon as she could find it.

Noah obeyed the Queen, jumped in the middle of the air, made water come from his palms to wash the fire away, and Laura turned with her robe and appeared beside the son. Everyone cheered to see her. She smirked at the crowed threw her sword toward Cordelia. It passed throw her leg and made her fall on the carriage's roof, letting out a scratching sound.

Laura flew onto her, Took her on her arms, And held onto the castle. Landed her on the ground.shouted for a guard to get her to maester. The guard embraced the girl and took her in. Noah reached the Queen stood beside her.

Laura, "she is getting dangerous already," she let out a long sigh.

Noah, " I hoped the school could help" he looked down in despair," Maybe you could give her your robe?"

With that, the Queen gave him a death glare " don't ever say that my robe has made for me. If anyone else dared to wear it, the robe would eat it alive," she smirked.

Noah, " you can't make one for her?"

Laura " No child, the woman who made this for me to get me some power, is dead; also Cordelia has magic power. We need to teach her to be human."

Noah nodded

Brishen, " I want to know how Arthur looks like now," He said as he was taking her mother's arm.

Laura looked over at him.

Laura, " I don't have time for your nonsense," he pulled away from her and walked away, but Brishen followed.

Noah was looking at them, walking away. When he turned to check on Cordelia, he never saw something like that before.

As he walked in the chamber, which Cordelia was lying in bed, he sat on her bed, stroked her forehead. She is not warm anymore. He put his index finger on her forehead, mirroring his mother.

"Oh mother ! what did you do this" he protested, looked over at Cordelia's innocent face.

Noah, "until when I have to remove whatever you have done," he added.

As a tear was about to drop his eye, Cordelia opened her eyes; there wasn't red anymore. Noah pulled back the tear, pretend he is okay.

Cordelia " I had a nightmare which I burnt the city."

Noah opened his mouth to say something. Laura stormed into the chamber, slapped Cordelia.

Laura, " What did you think you are doing !" she snapped, Cordelia opened her mouth to answer, but Laura slapped her again.

Laura, " You will learn how to control that shit you have, or next time I will kill you to stay alive," she gave her a death glare, made Noah and Cordelia surprised.