Cordelia is a angel or a beast?

Through the night a snake crawled in Cordelia's chamber spun and spun until turned to skinny women with and messy black hair and white skin, her skin was whiter than yoghurt her eyes and lips we're blacker than night.

She hissed in a threatening manner, stepped closer to her, leaned over to see her better as she nodded in satisfaction. She stroked Cordelia's cheek by her sharp nail caused Cordelia to open her eyes.

She was about to scream in horror when the woman laid her finger on her nose as a sign of silence, looks here and there, sat beside Cordelia.

Dino " I'm your friend, no worries."

Cordelia bit her lower lip shook her head in disapproval," who made you my friend?"

The woman let out a sinister laugh shook her head mockingly.

" Sometimes I think you are chosen wrong! But its Osbert's choice, so let it be" She shrugged leaned over on Cordelia's body whispered in her ear.

"King is happy to see you are all grown up; now you may do your duty for us," the woman said teasingly, Cordelia shut her eyes to not scream from disgust and fear she wished Noah would be here!

The woman was too close to her head that she could read Cordelia's mind, kissed her ear made Cordelia wrinkle her nose.

Cordelia didn't dare to push her away, the woman's breath was fanning on her skin finally dared to ask.

"What duty you are talking about?" She narrowed her eyes to see the woman better in darkness.

"Release the snake inside you, gain your power and claim Osbert's alliance! Now that the bitch queen left, we can live in peace, together."

Cordelia shook her head " I don't want to be a beast! My grandmother says...."

The woman interrupted her seductively " you already have control on your power! Thay want you to feel weak! Thay are the weak ones" she took Cordelia's hand gently kisses her neck and added" be the one you always wanted to be! Show your power! Give Noah to us and rule as an alliance with beasts! This way, you put an end to the war after years."

Cordelia rolled her eyes pulled herself away, but this woman was pinning her on the bed!"

Cordelia " I don't want to be a beast!"

The woman laughed " you burned your city, you kicked your grandmother out, and you were planning to give Noah to us, you are not a normal human you are one of us!take your chance and use your power in good" she says more severe with a stern voice as she got up from her.

Cordelia frowned " you suggest I don't control my dark side?"

The woman nodded in satisfaction as she pointed to the door, a macular man with long black hair way more attractive than anyone she saw in her life, with sharp jawline, green eyes and a proud smile on his. Face, Cordelia looked over at him in confusion.

The woman noticed Cordelia's attraction to the guy raised an eyebrow" anyone would love to taste a little bit of Ethan."

Cordelia who was cursed with his hot shape and muscular abs stepped closer onto him, couldn't take her eyes from him"

The woman nodded at Ethan as he was controlling Cordelia's mind. She whispered in a low tone" claim her sir Ethan give your power to our next pretty queen " she said as Cordelia wrapped her arms around Ethan's neck eagerly, stood up on her toes to reach his face kissed him deeply as Ethan slipped his hand under her skirt with a slight smirk on his face.

Cordelia moaned when he reached her centre, lifted her and threw her on the bed and leaned over her. The woman laughed sinisterly at this and vanished.

The beasts were planning this for too long, and it was going so well before something strange happened, something that no creatures have seen before!

Don't forget that Cordelia has a human side, and goddesses would not let her turn to a whole demon so quickly, an intense blue light filled the chamber before Ethan could claim her.

The light became too intense that no beasts could tolerate the hear of it so Ethan turned to a cloud of smoke and his power on Cordelia's mind moved away!

Our princess rubbed her eyes narrowed them to can see! The light made it way throw Cordelia's body, Pushing evil thoughts away from her mind, And made her dark side to hide in the deepest part of her body.

Cordelia was trembling, light's pressure was too intense and powerful, finally when it's done her job as gods and goddesses commanded, vanished away and left Cordelia alone under the moonlight.

She was panicked from whatever happened tonight ran onto the stables ignoring her guards and made who were following her.

When she got into the stables, Noah was laying on hays as he was closed his eternal peacefully, Cordelia stood above his head. Laid her hands on Noah's both sides started to shake him to wake Noah up!

He groaned caught her arms thought someone is attacking him, widened his eyes in horror, as he saw Cordelia is the one who was doing this pushed her away, she fell on the ground winced and stood up.

Cordelia " you bastard!"

Noah let out a loud yawn " gods sent you to torture me!" rolled his eyes added, " what do you want?"

Cordelia blushed embarrassed, sat beside him " Beasts!they want me!"

Noah sighed, gave her a mocking glance "Not everyone is after you!stop feeling precious."

Cordelia narrowed her eyes bit her lip not to slap him again!

Cordelia " would you shut your mouth and listen?"

Noah raised an eyebrow with a slight smirk on his face let out another yawn.

Noah " You woke me up to tell me to shut my mouth?"

Cordelia sighed, annoyed " they nearly attacked me!thay want to turn me to a whole beast!"

Noah chuckled loudly " gods, Cordelia; you overate you feel guilty for what you have done with Laura !"

Cordelia shook her head in disapproval.

Cordelia " I saw them! Noah, please trust me."

Noah looked at her earnestly leaned over her suddenly her sternly looked turned to mock one and started to chuckle loudly, Cordelia grabbed some hay in her fist and threw on him.

Cordelia "I'm honest! one of them called Ethan!"

Noah was crying out of laughter held her belly as Cordelia looked away pouted annoyed.

Noah " No, beasts want you I assure you."

Cordelia sighed in despair "May I stay with you tonight? I, scared to be in Castel."

Noah smirked looked around himself"You can sleep on the?horses would lick your face sometimes as well" he warned her, Cordelia wrinkled her nose in disgust.

Cordelia " eww! I have to try!" she pouted gazed at him doubtfully.

Noah raised an eyebrow, shrugged carelessly,laid-again as he was yawning.

Noah " its last time which I let you sleep by my side."

Cordelia frowned "you can't make one of those castles?"

Noah shook his head"King Arthur will notice it as he is a wizard and won't let me make anything in his Castle, also here is too obvious !beats will notice my place easily" he shrugged closed his eyes.

Cordelia lay on the hay next to Noah, the hay was hard and yet she felt the firmness of the ground! Cordelia kneeled her legs in her belly, she feels cold and uncomfortable, doesn't dare to protest! Moved closer to Noah and closed her eyes, Noah smiled when he felt Cordelia's arm on his chest as he was trying his best to get back to sleep.


Thank you so much for reading!