I'm in danger!

In the moment of despair and silence, Noah held his breath couldn't still decide what's the best for everyone, especially the kingdom! Caleb pinched his arm made him raise his hand without thinking with a slight wince on his face.

The guard ignored Noah and looked over at everyone in the hall, one by one until he found a young girl with short hair and chubby cheeks. She was trembling in fear biting her nail innocently; as she was looking around herself with wandering eyes, without knowing that she has to raise her arm. It was clear that she was new.

So the guard got closer and grabbed her arm tightly with a slight smirk on his white face.

Guard "You are coming with me."

As everyone was pretending to cheer for the girl happily, walked away from the guard's way. Finally, they left with the poor girl and closed the door, a guard who was standing beside the food table pointed at them to eat, everyone nodded and without thinking gathered around the large wooden table to eat.

Noah leaned over to whisper in Caleb's ear "what is happening here? they are happy? or they are just pretending?"

Caleb shrugged "do act like you are happy, or they will take you out, and will sacrifice you for the king and his snakes."

Noah took a deep breath he needed to find Laura and get contact with her before Osbert noticed him in the crowd and kill him!"

In the south, Laura was getting back to the Harem as she distracted by two men who were whispering behind the wall, she concealed herself behind a wooden door to overhear them. She narrowed her eyes, wondering what they are talking about.

Man 1" I wouldn't think like that! I mean who dares?" he said covering with fear and doubt but still tried his best to show himself a brave man.

Man 2 "We have to do it or..."

Man 1" shhh.....I know!...I know what we have to do!"

Man 1 turned around to see if anyone was there, Laura pulled away herself to hide in the room. Still left the door open so she could hear them.

Man 2" without her, the king will be much easier to control! Everyone knows that she commands the king behind the door!"

Laura frowned bit her lips; it seemed they were talking about the princess; she was the only powerful woman in the southern kingdoms. She decided to come out of the room and face the two of them with a smirk. Two of them looked at each other on fear and gazed over at Laura.

One of them was the cook of the court, and the other one was one of the men who could walk into the Harem by the king's orders, so Laura knows him very well. He wrinkled his nose seductively.

Milan "Laura! What are you doing here? you supposed to eat with the king and his sister?"

Laura nodded at him ignoring the cook." you were talking so well, Mr Milan, I never heard you talk."

Milan cleared his throat tried to distract herself with another subject, but whatever he said Laura asked him more about the content of his conversation with the cook.

During her talks with the two men, she noticed Noah against the wall again, stepped away from two of them and stared at Noah.

Laura "Noah?" she whispered under her lips wondering if it's her imagination or effect of the wine! Noah smiled innocently without moving; Laura noticed his smile. Milan and the king were looking here and there with wandering eyes keen to realise what is happening!

Laura stepped closer, but Noah shook his head at a sign to stay on her place.

Noah "I can't contact you if you move! because you are not a witch, please listen to me."

Laura nodded stood, freezing on the spot she was before.

Milan "Laura, you have to go back to Harem, king's wives can't talk to anyone!"

Laura turned her head to nod at him.

Laura" in a minute, give me a second"

Milan frowned "No, you have to get back right now! if someone notices it will be bad for me!"

Laura sighed looked back at Noah.

Laura "hang on, child, I have to go, contact me in two minutes," she said as the two men were looking at her with widening eyes and mockery expression on their faces.

Ignoring them Laura passes throw the hallway quickly stormed in the Harem walked to the latest corridor to wait for Noah there. Still, at this moment Samir the woman who was responsible for the king's wives got in proudly, she was always proud of herself if anyone didn't know her would assume that she was a queen herself!

Samir gazes over at them one by one until her gaze stopped on Laura with no expression but jealousy and hatred.

Samir "someone needs to see you."

Laura stepped out of corridor raised an eyebrow" me?" she bit her lower lip surprised.

Samir" a man who claims that you are his mother, he says he is with a letter."

Laura nodded stepped over to Samir at this moment Noah appeared beside Samir; Laura bit her lip.

Laura "not now," she said as Noah, but Samir thought she was talking to her furrowed her brows.

Samir "how dare you to talk to me like that?" she snapped angrily.

Laura shook her head" No, I didn't mean that! I wasn't with you!"

Noah was smirking starting at her in silence.

Laura glared at him, but as Noah was enjoying this, he didn't have any plans to leave!

Laura "I said not now! Get out!" she snapped at Noah as he was still smirking, Samir got annoyed, slapped Laura.

Samir "I report this to the princess, now come with me!"

Noah shrugged when Laura glared at him and followed Samir out, all the way onto the king's chamber, Noah was still holding the contact to enjoy this more. However, it was too hard to be in touch with her mind and made him get a horrible headache later; Noah always welcomed risk to have some fun.

As they reached to the king's room, Samir stands in front of Laura to fix her dress and hair then knocked on the door, as they let them in she pointed at Laura to step in.

King was standing in front of a muscly man who didn't look like Laura's sons at all! As she remembered every one of her sons was thin and slender with no manly ribs!

As he turned around to face Laura, his aura made Laura stop breathing for a moment! she could recognise his sharp jawline, way of a kind and aggressive look on his face, his passion lips, she could tell this is the one who she abandoned years ago, he looked like his father! This man couldn't come out of anyone else but Robert.

Laura was staring at him until he stepped closer and stroked Laura's cheek.

Brayton "when you passed away, I thought I wouldn't see you ever again."

Laura smiles for the first time in the south, at least for the first time from her heart.

Noah was beside the king now; he could see what was happening around Laura because he was a wizard.

Noah "hurry up! I'm in danger!" he reminded her in fear as Laura nodded at him and looked over into Brayton's face.

Laura "You look so handsome; you know that?"

Brayton was shy instead of Brishen; he never could be proud of himself; he was a nice gentleman who cared about everyone and still loved his mother although she was mean to him and his nanny.

Brayton "are you happy with your marriage?" Laura didn't know what to reply to that, looked over at the king. Hamo let out a loud chuckle nodding at him.

Hamo" of course she is happy! Who wouldn't be in the south! With warm weather and the clear sky!"

Brayton nodded without looking away from his mother's face.

Brayton "bastards can never have a normal life or a normal family."

Laura hugged him tightly passionately and helplessly.

Brayton "you loved my father?"

Laura nodded "more than anything in my life."

Brayton smiled, got happy about this fact and stroked her hair gently.

Brayton "is he dead?"

Laura nodded her eyes got watery eventually as her voice started to shake.

Laura "twice" she muttered under her lips hopelessly, Brayton kissed her forehead to calm her down as Hamo was sighing in boredom.

Noah raised an eyebrow can't wait for the time that Brayton would give her the letter! And finally!

Brayton stepped back a little to drag the paper out of his hand and laid it on his mother's hand.

Brayton "I'm afraid I have bad news, Brishen has been captured by Cordelia."

Laura widened her eyes in surprise" why? they supposed to get married and become an ally!"

Brayton nodded "he attempted to kill Noah."

Brayton confessed innocently as he was looking at her mother when she was reading the letter; finally, she gave it back to Brayton with a sigh on her face, she already killed one child she can't do it with another! She can't kill her sons one by one to the end!

Laura "did he?" she asked Noah as King and Brayton looked at her, confused.

Noah nodded "he did, and Brayton rescued me" he confessed with an honest tone.

Laura let out a loud sigh; it was hard to decide for her, especially now that his son was alone in a strange dungeon during a bunch of strangers! Exactly like herself.

Laura took a deep breath, looked at them and clenched her fist and said...


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