decision of the queen!

Few days have passed since Brishen was in the dungeon didn't have any clues about Cordelia's or his mother's decision; it was a gloomy day Brishen was sitting on a rock in the dark, damp cell without a clue from the outside.

He regretted what he had done deep in his heart, but his pride did not allow him to accept it. Time was passing slowly; it was moving so slowly that man could not feel it.he was sitting on the rock all the time, planning Noah's death.

He couldn't let him take control of Cordelia and take the kingdom away from his future wife! He shouldn't let someone take his beloved throne away from him! Cordelia belonged to him by faith and blood as he was a true Barren man!who could give her pure royal blood!

He glittered his teeth as he was banging on the was wildly and hard until his fist covered with his own blood. He was sure that his brother could kill the boy if he were alive!

Brishen started to walk up and down in the small cell as he heard a few steppes who were getting closer and louder held his breath, turned onto the iron door, waited for it to get open. A guard got in and dragged him to the queen, threw him on the ground.

Looking around himself, it was the great hall all the nobles gathered there to make a decision; he glared at them with an angry roar.

Brishen " What these hungry animals want!" he snapped sternly, forgetting his position as a prisoner, a guard slapped the back of his head to silence him, Cordelia stood up from her throne proudly, stepped onto him, raise her hand to make him stand up on his feet, then smirked.

Cordelia " We are gathered today to come to a decision about the only animal in this kingdom" she raised an eyebrow and made him bark like a dog using a magic spell under her lips.

Everyone laughed at this as Cordelia smirked mockingly and stopped the magic.

Cordelia " I suppose I need to introduce an heir for my queendom, and you are the only one who is Barren in this castle which has royal blood as well so ...."

She paused to tease him more; Brishen clenched his fists narrowed his eyes, he was with messy hair and dusty clothes; in front of her, he looked like a servant!not a prince!

That made everyone laugh deep inside, and some others feel pity for him, although no one ever liked Brishen at all.

Cordelia continued, " You are going to marry me before Brayton gets here and tell us what we should do with you," she commanded as she held a stern glare on her face.

Brishen couldn't believe that he was getting the throne!he didn't care what will happen next, but whatever happens, it doesn't matter as long as he finally has the throne! The only thing that he cared about all his life!

Cordelia pointed at guards to let them take Brishen out and make him ready for the wedding. Then she let her servants and ladies bath her and change her gown to a white and shiny dress, which was much more beautiful and polished than what Laura was wearing at her wedding!

She must look more pretty than the warrior queen! She thought by herself, "Of course I am more pretty than her!I'm much younger and with soft blonde hair and blue eyes! anyone loved to look like me," she said in the mirror, didn't care what her ladies will think later.

Finally, when she was ready, they took her onto the wedding hall, where the groom was waiting for her cleaner than before but looked tired and in pain cause of a few buries and scars on his face. Cordelia stood in front of him gracefully as she had no feelings but pride on her face.

Brishen, " so will be man and wife?"

Cordelia shook her head that made Brishen surprise " Not exactly, we are the queen and royal blood prisoner who has to give me an heir," she smirked as Brishen gave her a death glare. Finally, after saying the words, they officially got married, and few guards dragged the groom to a royal chamber, which was next to Cordelia's room, and leave him alone.

Arthur disagreed with hi daughter, but anytime he wanted to protest, faced her anger and glare, so he chose to stay silent and see what Cordelia intends to do with her realm now.

As the guards threw Brishen on the bed, Cordelia dismissed them and stepped onto him.

Cordelia, " I'm not your mother to accept son, you will give me a daughter or You will die, well actually if I don't kill you sooner cause of hurting Noah."

Brishen furrowed his brows " How dare you to talk to me like that! I'm a prince!"

Cordelia slapped him hard " I'm your queen. I talk as I wish, and you obey!"

Brishen winced threw her away " Who cares about a stable boy?"

Cordelia stood up, hit him in the wall with the moving of her finger, then pushed him back on the bed; he hissed in pain.

Brishen " You are a beast!" he snapped, sat n the bed to rub his leg.

Cordelia smirked, "Be polite to others, Brishen Barren, or I won't let you live!"

Cordelia hissed in anger, attacked him again beat him with her hands.

Brishen " stop it!" he winced and tried to let himself free! She was the devil himself!her hand is more looked like claws, and her hair turned to yellow snaked moving around her head, trying to bit Brishen. He was screaming in fear; Arthur got in an pulled away from his daughter from the poor prince.

Arthur " Cordelia stop this madness!you are a nice person."

Cordelia nodded, pushed him out with a move of her hand, and ripped off his trousers.

Brishen, " I cant this way!not with violent!"

He was begging for the first time in his life as Cordelia was already riding him as quickly as she can; Brishen had sex before, but this one was a lot arrogant and rough; she had no mercy like she never was an innocent girl before.

As Cordelia was trying to produce an heir, her father was writing a letter to Laura to report Cordelia's changes and ask her for her; she assumed that Noah is needed in the Mainland cause he was the only one who could hide Cordelia's dark side, and he needed him as soon as possible!

When she finished with Brishen, laid beside him peacefully took a deep breath.

Cordelia " I need the heir."

Brishen nodded, " I will give you as many girls as you want! you don't have to make me into it."

Cordelia shrugged, " I'm mad at you for Noah."

Brishen was still managing to breathe. "Noah is alive!"

Cordelia replied sternly, " He is only because Baryton gets in."

Brishen stayed quiet, knew that she was right!he would let the boy die if it wasn't for Brayton's interruption!

Cordelia " I get arrogant when I get mad."

Brishen! and meaner than me!" he confessed, gasping for air.

Cordelia giggled sinisterly, "Then don't try to disobey me."

Brishen didn't reply again.

In the north, Noah was still in the Crowed of the victims; however, he wasn't alone; Caleb made life more comfortable with his innocent behavior and stupid mind; also, they always had things to eat!so he was fine, except those times that guards would get close to him!

He goy panicked if they could realize his smell and drag him to the king! He didn't plan to die !not yet! after few days, he decided to contact Laura again; maybe she could find a way to get him the perfume!

Laura was in the kitchen talking to Milan ( the manager of the harem and the one who was allowed to see the king's wives) when she saw Noah again.

Laura, " Noah! I was waiting for you."

She said, ignoring Milan, who was looking at her in surprise.

Noah nodded " I need it"

Laura nodded. "It's on the Mainland. I will send Brayton to give it to you, but it will take time; try your best to get out of the castle."

Noah, " I cant! Guards are everywhere! I'm tired of hiding my human blood!my body hurts!"

Laura, " stop nagging! listen to me, kill some guard, and drink his blood until I send you the perfume!"

Noah coughed in disgust " I'm not a vampire! he winced"

Laura sighed, " you are a beast!be a bit cruel, and do it! Then you will get more beast blood than you have! it's your only way!"

Noah muttered something under his lips and disappeared. Laura gazed over Milan, who was looking at her with widened eyes.she shrugged.

Laura, " What? it was some magic imagination, you southern wouldn't understand that!" she picked up a tray of food.

Laura, " I give this to the princess."

She walked out of the kitchen as Milan was freezing in his place with widening eyes and dry mouth.


Is that food Poisoned? Or Laura wants to do something else?

Wait for more!