In need of a leader

Brishen finally reached to the house which his mother was living in.he burst in as soon as the guards let him and stood in front of the massive wooden gates. Clenched his fists as a hint of stress passed throw his eyes.

As he got into the great hall looking for his mother, he faced few guards who were talking to each other, stepped closer to gain their attention.

Brishen" where is the queen of the court?" he asked softly thought Laura is the queen. The taller guard turned to face him with mockery expression on his face.

Brishen " No one allowed to visit any woman from the harem, also we don't have a queen."

He chuckled loudly as the other guards followed his laughter; one of them tapped on Brishen's back.

Guard " the only woman you could see is Milan" he laughed.

Although Milan wasn't a woman, every man mocks him for being a eunuch.

Brishen glittered his teeth, tightened his fist.

Brishen " my mother isn't a harem woman!she is the legend queen !" he snapped on a warning tone, but that didn't stop the guards from chuckling.

Guard "oh, you are talking about the widow, you cant see her without the king's permission stay there let me talk to him to manage your meeting."

Brishen grabbed the guard's shoulder hit him onto the wall; his movement was too quick that no one found a time to stop him, as he laid pulled out a knife from his belt and laid it against his neck.

Brishen "I won't see anyone else but my mother!" he commanded firmly as he pushed the knife more against the guard's throat.

At this time, Laura was getting out of the princess's chamber to get back to Cordelia when she noticed her son's voice, furrowed her brows and turned to step towards the voice.

Brishen " call my mother like that again, and I will burn your kingdom to the ground!you bastards!" he snapped once again the guard was trying to push him away but he was too strong, other guards took a step back as Beishen threatened to cut their friend's throat if they take one step closer!

"Let him go you stupid brat!"

With Laura's violent voice, Brishen let the guard go turned to face her in surprise.

Brishen " mother!"

Laura with a long violet gown was coming out of a shadow straight towards them as she took proud steps towards them, guards widened their eyes as they have never seen one of the king's wives ever in their lives!

Her silver hair was flying around her shoulders with each footstep.she was staring at Brishen with anger, and no kind expression made him feel embarrassed in front of the stranger guards.

Laura " Do anyone understands that we cant lose our only alliance!" she snapped at him really wanted to slap him as usual, curved her lip instead that made her even more alluring.

Brishen" I want to ask you something" he took a long step toward him as he was glaring at her violet eyes.

Brishen " what my mother did to that bastard?"

He raised an eyebrow forcefully as he raised his arm to grab her arm, guards took his shoulders angrily to pull him back.

Guards " you can't touch her!"

Brishen frowned more "I will do whatever I want to her" he snapped angrily as he gave them a glaring look. He thought about Brayton's words to the south, and it made him so angry that he could kill everyone right away!

Laura was confused, pulled her hand away from his tight grip.

Laura " what are you doing Brishen!let me go, don't you dare to make me angry."

She threatened him, but it didn't calm him down, he was tired of her treatments with men, he can't tolerate her sleeping with all the men except his father anymore!

Brishen " you love him? is he rights? you love my bastard brother?" he snapped once again pushed her against the wall. The guards opened their mouth, it was treason to talk about one of Hamo's wives like that!they will lose their heads for meeting Laura so far, and now with these words, their heads will be on a spike!

Laura didn't since she didn't rub her arm as well, took a deep breath stepped towards his son firmly.

Laura " Shut your mouth Brishen!no one is dirty enough to touch his mother no one but you."

She slapped him as she remembered the night that Brishen tried to rape her and take the throne by her side.

Brishen smirked grabbed her arms again "Stop acting as you care" he pulled her toward himself, forcefully her face is too close that she can feel his breath fanning against her skin.

Laura " He never touched me, I swear" she assured him as she was trying to pull herself away, Brishen could be creepy sometimes.he let her gi raised an eyebrow in mockery.

Brishen " Why did he lie about it?"

Laura shrugged like she doesn't care about this question and it's answered, not now that that crazy man came to the south only to ask this question.

Laura "It's not my concern you are old enough to solve your problems" she raised an eyebrow made Brishen even more furious.

Brishen took a deep breath he hated when his mother mocked him about being a man or mentioning that he is still a child! he grabbed her arm once again this time made her wince dragged her toward himself.

Brishen" if only I hear about it again, you will regret why you get back to life."

he whispered in her ear then let her go "Limbers are coming, we need you in Mainland."

Laura laid her palm on her arm to make its pain decrease, widened her eyes surprisingly as she heard the news.

Laura " Limbers are coming, and you are talking about sex!"

She rolled her eyes " fix it yourself if you are man enough, I think you and Arthur can defend a country without your mother "she said coldly as she was turning to walk away, but Brishen blocked her way and didn't let her move.

Brishen" Its not the time mother!" he snapped

one of the guards sighed " King will kill us all if he notices you are here Laura"the guard demanded as he pointed at her to get back to the harem, she took Brishen's arm to prevent him from invading the man.

At this time Hamo appeared in the hallway, seeing him guards looked down at the ground, Laura smiled at him.

Laura " Hamo! you do remember my son, right?"

Hamo was still mad at her for giving birth to a dead child, seeing her between a bunch of men made him even angrier.

Hamo " what are you doing here out of the harem?" he raised his brow with a stern look on his face, Laura took a step beck didn't answer and looked down, made Brishen surprise.

Brishen " she does as she wishes" he tried to defend his mother although faced the king's anger!

He pointed at guards to seize him and shouted for Milan. Laura was shaking inside but tried hard not to show her fear. Guards dragged Brishen out as Milan got there a few minutes later.

Hamo still ignored her and snapped at Milan" why one of my women are out of the harem!?"Milan looked at him despairingly and helplessly opened his mouth to apologise, but the king shouted angrily and sternly.

Hamo "Take her out of my sight!"

Milan grabbed her arm to lead her away.

Laura " Please let Brishen go! she doesn't know the rules!"

She begged for his son's life, Hamo ignored her again "And tell those guards to be present in my study chamber.

He gave Laura who was still begging him to provide Brishen with mercy a death look turned and walked away.

Laura "Milan, please do something! Brishen didn't mean to offend your traditions!"

Milan shook his head "King is mad; I will talk to him later."

he assured her, but it didn't calm her down at all!"

as Milan was dragging her to Harem Cordelia stepped out of the chamber seeing her grandmother is being pulled by a slender, and a tiny man raised her arm and cast a spell "gom she whispered that spell under her lips, Milan let Laura go and hit to the wall Laura turned to face him with widening eyes immediately noticed who did this glared at Cordelia.

Laura "It's dangerous to use magic, they will burn you," she said with a worried tone, Cordelia shrugged.

Cordelia "let's go and save my husband." she shrugged as she turned to walk away. Laura sighed, helped Milan to stand.

Laura " she never will learn"

she confessed as she got back to the harem.