Queen abandoned us?

Delora was getting closer and closer to Mainland, her army kept burning every small village or town she came to, looting their money, Delora was unparalleled in war, she stood on her horse, as she kills a group of his enemies by spinning her spear over her

why the queen didn't send anyone to the rescue? There was no army to defend their cities and their children? What happened to the great army which Laura had? They felt that their powerful queen had abandoned them,

Their sons fell to the ground in front of their eyes from the horses and were torn to pieces by the sword. They saw with their own eyes as the savage men were raping their daughters and wives, while they could do nothing but shed tears. Tears turned to blood, flowed from the looks of brothers and fathers, despair made its way from a city to another, there was a rumour that the reign of the Barren dynasty was over...

In the other side of the world, Laura was deciding about something that she knew everyone would hate her for this she always was the first in anything in the history, the first woman who fought in the war, the first queen who put an end to the battle of the hundred years conflicts with south, the first queen who could think of a way to let soulsuckers stay on their side of the globe, but this time she didn't want to be the first one to ruin women rule in the north united kingdoms and ruin house Barren royal blood forever.

Cordelia pouted held her breath not to burn the fat king wanted to cry or scream so far if her mother was there; none of these would happen, and she blamed Laura for her mother's absence.

Cordelia " Grandmother, no" she commanded with a shaky voice. However, Laura ignored her, Hamo took few steps toward Laura half menacingly, Laura took a step back in return, Hamo wasn't asking he was commanding she didn't have any choice but say yes.

Cordelia clenched her fists in anger, "No" she demanded firmly, but it was like nobody could hear her at that moment, Cordelia curved her lip into a line furrowed her brows.

Laura took a deep breath, trying to avoid Hamo's eyes. Hamo stared into her eyes without blinking, raised his arm to hold her chin and moved it forcefully onto himself. Her violet eyes were darkened, Hamo was even worst that her last husband, who was a demon!

Laura "it's my home. I can't give it to you."

She confessed, in return, Hamo gave her a hard slap on the face, she didn't move her face kept her eye contact with the brutal man.

Her cheek was red now, and her breath was getting faster in fear and anger, Cordelia wanted to kill the king so far, but she knew it would start another war and the obvious;y couldn't afford the third war.

Laura sighed in disgust looked away once again, but Hamo didn't tolerate more. He just Grabbed her Cloak and threw her on the ground.

Hamo " you are giving me the Mainland in return I will rescue your subjects why is that so harsh? you didn't give me any sons, remember!"

Cordelia ran onto Laura wrapped her arms around her neck gave her a warm squeeze as she was glaring at Hamo, Laura didn't have any choice, so she nodded in despair and hatred.

Laura " rescue my subjects."

She demanded as she looked down at her torn cloak.

Cordelia shrieked "No!you cant do that! Im, the queen!"

Laura didn't wipe her tears, let them slip from her chin onto her black cloak shook her head.

Laura " you are not anymore, what do you expect of an abandoned queen and an older harem woman."

She whispered in a low tone faced the king's mockery laughter, clenched her fists, Cordelia laid her forehead on her shoulder cried softly, she let herself act like a 20-year-old girl for the first time in the single year of her rule, her mother would be disappointed in the weak daughter she had, but she left Cordelia since the day she got born, so she didn't have the right to judge the little princess.

Who could teach her anything when no Barren women were live? Her father didn't know anything about a queen's duty. He left Cordelia on her own. Laura held her golden head stocking back of her head; they were sitting on the ground, depressed in their tears and sorrow.

Hamo was laughing in mockery and checking the map of the North now he was king od the south and the north it was time to win the Limbers, and Vague then invades the demon side of the world, nothing could stop him to become the king of the world!

Hamo finally left the chamber to order his army to get ready. They were riding onto the Mainland tomorrow morning as the sun reaches to its peak, Laura pulled herself together she couldn't abandon her people.

Cordelia "where are you going?"

She asked, confused as she was wiping tears from her cheeks. Laura took a deep breath.

Laura "He isn't our alliance anymore, come we are leaving for the north where we have still a friend."

Cordelia furrowed her brows didn't believe what she just heard but stood on her feet, obeying her grandmother.

Laura "take Brishen here with you; make him disappear with my cloak."

She looked down at her black cloak, which was torn a bit, but it could still work.

Cordelia " You said only you could wear this, remember?"

Laura sighed held her shoulders stared into her eyes." its the only way that we could bring him out of the dungeon."

She demanded, tried to convince her, Cordelia felt its stupid to put his life in risk when they had few people to fight beside them!and a little army of magicians wich her father made once.

Laura shook her head but still was agree with her granddaughter; she let out a helpless sigh as she wore her clock.

Laura " fly to the North warn your father tell him to ride onto the north to Noah and Brayton, hurry up Cordelia!stop acting like you always have been stupid!"

Cordelia got offended, but before she gets to say anything, her grandmother grabbed her gown tagged her onto the window opened it wildly lifted her on the edge of the window.

Now was the time which she could show she could rescue her family, it was the time she always wished it came.and here it was her turn to save Barren family with her magical dagger and her flight ability which she learned from Noah long time ago.

She smiled without thinking for a moment she felt that she missed Noah, her faithful friend who helped her through hard stuff since the first until now, she was in these thoughts when her grandmother pushed her out of the window angrily as she was in a hurry and Cordelia was looking at the sky and smiling!

As Cordelia was felling from the window screaming and surprise and shrieking for help, suddenly she remembered she could fly!so straightened her arms and held her head steady as she started to fly! She swore that she would do the same to Laura later!she couldn't get away with that!

Laura was laughing at Cordelia, watching her fly away, as she turned and walked out of the room onto the Princess's chamber, Samir was standing there talking to few mads, and as usual, was angry at everything, Laura bowed unwillingly as she gave her an innocent smile.

Laura " I need to see the princess."

She relieved as Samir was surprised by her polite treatment. She never saw Laura so polite, nodded and pointed at her as a sign of allowance to get to the chamber.as she walked into the chamber.saw the Princess. The latter was seated above the huge room drinking tea and talking to some few women that Laura assumed they were a bunch of nobles of the south.

Laura bowed as Princess gazed over at her, she pointed at her as a sign of allowance to sit, although Laura chose to stand and refused to sit.she took a deep breath and cast a polite smile on her face.

Princess " what do you want Laura?'

Laura took a few steps towards her hesitantly, wasn't sure if she should do this or not, gazed over at the other ladies and the princess.

"Shal I talk to you in privet?"

She demanded gloriously and reached out to take her hand; her strong aura didn't let Princess refuse she stood up immediately took Laura's hand as she was looking at her confused.

Laura "for a moment, forget that what a proud princess you are and listen to me."

Princess furrowed her brows raised her arm to slap her as Laura grabbed her arm in the air firmly and gave it squeeze.raised an eyebrow mockery.

Princess tried to pull out her arm hated to be in this situation, stopped struggling.

Laura " Would you listen or I chose another way to make you listen?" she asked harshly as she was grasping her arm harshly in her grip.

With this princess nodded in silence Laura stared in her eyes as she stroked her sharp jawline as she cast a smile on her face, Princess took a step back slightly frightened of her.


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