would you marry me?


In the green meadow, Laura was running; actually, she was scaping from a bung of guy who wanted to catch her, and they didn't seem friendly, she was running with her whole energy as she was trying her best to gasp for air, at that very first time Robert showed up, he fought with those five boys all together and won the sword fight with them,

Laura was watching him in surprised with widen eyes and gave him her particular red tissue that day only for respect and a sign of honour, Robert cast a gentle smile and took her back to the castle and gave him to her father's guards.

Since that day, he was setting as her protector and her guard, and when her father died or killed by Laura at age 9, he was the one promising to stay by her side always to the end.

And now he was here after a long history.

Laura looked down at her feet, ignoring the army and Princess, who was jumping like a child now yelling to say yes exciting, only Brishen was angry.

Robert stroked her cheek; she knew its hard for him to hear no again after what he had done all past years.


she paused once again, Robert gazed into her eyes, like he always used to even when they were in public.

Robert"you don't need heir now and Im the only one who is about your age and its not a devil-like Hamo."

He raised an eyebrow the Princess furrowed her brows annoyed and coughed to gather their attention.he was still her brother and she didn't like anyone talk about him like that.

Laura curved her lips into a line her hand was shaking in his familiar manly hand. A drop of rain poured on her cheek as she smiled, Robert wiped the drop but another of made her cheek wet, eventually it turned into light rain with the soft wind.

Brishen huffed "It's cold to go back to your tent everyone" he commanded, and the army moved back to their tent to get rest. Laura didn't move as Robert leaned in for a kiss; she smiled didn't kiss back.

Robert "you used to hate water."

Laura smirked "not when you are here" she replied without thinking, and her cheek flushed shyly.

Robert took a deep breath" give me an answer."

He said, losing his temper, Laura loved his behaviour when he was tired of something—chuckled girly.

Laura"we have a more important thing to do, we are surrounded with enemies, and I lost my Crown and home, Im a homeless person now trying to get back my property and subjects."

She said calmly although she was nervous deep inside about making him upset, Robert looked down, let go of her hand.

Robert " I never was good enough."

He whimpered as the rain was getting stronger.

Laura "It's not that, Its just, Im not ready, and you know I have still a husband."

Mentioning of Hamo, he furrowed his brows glared into her eyes for the first time in his life that gave her goose bombs but pretended to behave normally.

Robert"I always was by your side, and you constantly said yes to every single man but me, why is that so hard to marry me that you are ditching me even in our second life?"

he growled looked away still kneeling before her, as she held his face between her hands moved it to look at his eyes,

Laura"I don't want you to get hurt."

he confessed as she was ashamed, her heart was pounding fast protesting for this decision at this moment Robert stood up from his feet annoyed

Robert "You use me and throw me away like a garbage each time."

Laura widened her eyes got up from her place to follow him as he was walking away.

Laura "Robert, wait! It's not right! Im just.."

She was yelling, but the wind and sound of the rain make her voice face, and Robert could hear only an unclear murmuring around himself he mounted his horse was about to ride away Laura jumped on a horse followed him fast.

Robert didn't care about her anymore, or he was trying to ignore her for the first time. He wasn't the one who protected her before she gets to be a queen? He didn't support her when his first husband was about to take her queendom? What was he in her life?

He shouted against the wind angrily as he was riding fast, Laura was still following him although she felt a sharp pain in her laps and her knees were in pain cause of the riding against the wind and storm!

Intense fog embrace Robert as he hit against something and fell on a puddle his horse ran away, Robert whimpered something under his lips as he sat on the ground the puddle made him wet and cover with dirt!

"ser? who are you? Im sorry you suddenly appeared"

it was a manly and strange voice he wasn't Laura for sure he winced glared at the figure.

Robert " you don't have eyes?"

He growled as the man got closer and grabbed his arm, helped him to stand on his feet. Laura gets onto them worried got off the horse stepped toward them dared to touch Robert's shoulder, she sighed.

Robert "let me go and get back to your beloved army."

He commanded in a stern voice, Laura giggled.

Laura "I won't" she replies stubbornly Robert gave her a death glare, the man who helped him was Brayton, Laura noticed him as she moved her head to see the rescuer.

Laura "I thought you are already in the north."

She asked angrily and surprisingly, Robert opened his mouth to say something, but Brayton shrugged.

Brayton"actually we missed Cordelia."

He replied under his lips so that Laura didn't hear him clearly and frowned.

Laura "what?"

Robert looked at them, confused." you two know each other?" he asked in confusion and a little bit jealous.

Laura nodded "he is a boy who always accidentally appears and gives everyone heart attack" she raised an eyebrow made Brayton chuckle, soon his smile turned to fear when Laura stepped closer onto him grabbed his shirt and pulled him toward herself.

Laura"now tell me what did you just say, loud and like a man, I have enough girls around me!"

She snapped as she was glaring at him, Brayton nodded.

Brayton"well, someone attacked us and tried to kidnap Cordelia, at first we didn't let him, but the other day they attacked us again there were thousands of them we couldn't do anything, and they left with Cordelia."

Laura took a step back; her body was trembling with anger and fear. Her foot stuck in another puddle she slept and fall on the ground; it usually was a funny situation. Still, currently, no one dared to laugh, Brayton looked down at his feet, and Robert was standing there confused and too annoyed to help her, so Brayton enabled her to stand on her feet.

Brayton"I did my best, I swear."Hee pouted innocently as Laura laid her palm on her forehead, reached out to the horse.

"where is Arthur, tell me he is here" she turned her head to face Brayton as she was sitting on the horse helplessly.

Brayton shook his head depressingly" Cordelia begged him to tag along, he didn't listen and chose to stay and fight like his wife" he sighed stepped onto Laura who was stocking her forehead in despair breathing too quiet to can recognise if she still was living of not.

Robert pulled her down from the horse"do you have a tent around here?"

Brayton nodded and led them to the place which camp was there. He gave them Cordelia's tent as he was about to walk away. Laura called him.

Laura"Brayton" she whimpered as he turned to face him still was full of shame for his lack of ability to take care of his niece.

As still water was pouring from her cloak, she looked at him then at Robert who was trying to tack of her cover and wear a dry cloth one of Cordelia's which was too short for her.thats why he had to pull it throw her head by force.

"he is your father."

With this, Robert stopped wrestling with the dress and let go of it gazed to Brayton in surprised as he was watching them with widen eyes and dry mouth a month ago he heads no father and mother and now father a long time back he was looking at them! It was hard to believe.

Robert furrowed his brows" you told me he died" he protested in shock as Laura shook her head.

"I had to lie; otherwise, you wanted to keep him, and it was dangerous for his life."

Robert clenched his fists angrily, Brayton smirked kneeled in front of his father as he was trying hard not to kill Laura right now for her lie!

Brayton shook his head "its okay I found a great life"he tried to protect her mother but it was late Robert stood up angrily and burst out to the rain Brayton bite his lower lip looked at him in despair as Laura reached out to take his hand.

"He will come back,always does"winked as his son as he took his father;s place to help Laura wearing the dry shirt.


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