Carsen and his adorable beasts....

Now that he came out of the shadows, and clearly, we know that Carsen was the ruler who has hidden behind his nephews and son,  a man who never died and never let anyone rule against his will, sometimes I think he looks like Laura in diverse ways, but she gets angry every time that I mention that, so let's continue our story...

Laura was covered with dust; her hair got messy and turned into dark silver. She lifted her cloak to attack Carsen, but he turned around, grabbed the bottom of the cloak glared into her eyes severely.

"don't think of that little lady " he raised an eyebrow as Laura slapped him hard.

"Say that again, and you will be dead."

she sighed looked away really wasn't in the mood to fight, not today with all of these dramas .she pulled out her cloak walked onto the door.

"let him go; Noah never is a Threat; he is a young man who likes to help the world and doesn't care about the stupid throne which you love."