I am the only thief in the Flawless village!

Ham told him, what to do and Oden kept listening all the time. Ham was good at planning things, he told each and every step properly, not only that but he also told about counterparts and slightly even touched the result. The Plan what was told by Ham was childlike, but the way, he told it, was amazing.

it felt as if a newly born strategist was telling the plan.

Oden was prepared to execute the plan as he was told by the Hammer.

After discussing Oden asked,

Why do you want me to stole fruits, that too normal once, when there is mutated fruits in other shops?

After a silence, of two minutes,

The hammer answered,

"Ravenous greedy pig, look at the shopkeepers, the weakest one is selling the normal fruits.

And also he is a demon"

All the time, Oden was looking at attractive fruits and veggies. He moved his eyes balls and looked at the shopkeepers.