Oden stepped inside the cave, there was no one around the cave.

As he took a few steps, Oden could not believe his eyes, the place didn't look like a cave at all. There was a circular plain inside the cave, it was big enough for a stadium. He could see the sky at the top with the star twinkling. The area was covered with grass, tress at the border of the circular area. The atmosphere was better than the village, the wind was calm, the temperature was a little cold, but it was enjoyable. Each every factor collaborated together creating a comfortable place for habitat. Even Oden didn't felt like leaving the place.

In the centre there was a big tree, it was touching the sky. There a lake beside the tree.

There few animals and birds present there, they weren't mutated and looked like earth animals

At the bottom of the tree, a man was sitting on the roots of the tree. The creator of the flawless village was sitting right in front.