Yellow jacket again!

Oden thought about killing him from behind, but he didn't want to kill anyone.

The invisible guy had seen, how he killed the roobull. If Oden didn't kill the spy, the news that he owns the flawless village can spread. There would be many people who would be behind Oden for the sword.

Oden forgot the fact that he was the only one (apart from the founder of the flawless village) to know the flawless village has a dimension weapon.

Even if someone sees it, they cannot recognize that 'it's a dimension weapon' unless someone touches and feels the connection to the flawless village.

Oden was already having a nightmare of memory. He wanted to finish this off. He took out his golden sword to finish him off. He took out his golden sword again to slay the invisible man this time. But he stooped when he sensed two persons ahead of them.