Negotiations with Death

Valek just stood there observing the village. Even at this distance, he could sense the rampant panic among the werewolves; how the entire village was worried about a small group of vampires. It was clear to even the werewolves who had the overwhelming advantage. But Valek wasn't focused on those irrelevant creatures. His attention was focused on the four powerful figures staring back at him from the open gates...and the fifth one too.

"My Lord, " said Sierra. "Forgive my boldness, but I still don't think there is any reason that you yourself had to come down here and deal with these....lowlifes."

Valek turned to look at her and smiled; standing so tall, so protective of him. He grinned. "Your honorifics always have a habit of putting me on way too tall of a throne."

Sierra turned around a bit indignantly. "They're what you deserve, my Lord! Seeing what you are, your role, what you've done for us vampires..." she turned a little red. "What you've done for...for me... You are worthy of that respect."

Valek smiled and nodded. "I appreciate your high regards of me, Sierra. I really do." He sighed. "As for this matter, well, I ignored it once, didn't I? And that resulted in the death of twelve of our numbers. More importantly, it tainted the name of The Order. Those who dare to strike us, will be turned into examples so that none other may even think about it. As such, I've come down here personally."

" Lord...I could've killed them all myself too." said Sierra, a bit upset. Does he...does he doubt me? Does he not believe I'll be able to carry out a massacre without losing myself that time?

Valek read her thoughts pretty easily. He tapped her gently on the shoulder. "I don't doubt your ability to fight, Lady Voidfire. It's just that we're not here to kill...for now. Especially, the...two werewolves here that I'm quite curious about; you know which ones. You are not to harm them unless I say so." Sierra nodded. Valek continued. "For now, I need to know for myself what exactly happened at the Summit...and see this little werewolf pack for myself." Sierra nodded just a split second slower, but enough for Valek to catch it.

"Anyway, down to business." said Valek, turning back to the village. He motioned to the five vampires behind him who appeared to be magically floating sacks filled with bodies, to follow him. With Valek leading the procession, Sierra right behind him, and the five vampires following at a respectful distance, they started walking down the path toward the village.

"What!?" exclaimed Sheraff. "They're...they're just gonna waltz right up to us? What's going on?"

Valentine seemed to have an unnatural air of calmness around him. It could even be said an aura of serenity. He had his eyes closed as he walked toward the village, as if enjoying the gentle breeze that was playing on his face. Each step precise, calm...yet somehow calculated and sinister.

The six vampires were getting closer and closer to the village. Even Sheraff froze for a second, processing what was going on. Theraff, unnaturally fidgety, looked around. He noticed Valentine's unaffected aura. How he seemed perfectly in control, yet not controlling at all. He turned to look at his brother and saw Sheraff similarly mesmerized. His panic increased. He spun around and looked up at the archers, standing ready for orders. That's it!

"Archers!" Theraff shouted. "Nock!"

The archer werewolves immediately nocked their arrows, suddenly snapping out of their reverie.

"No, wai-" began Sheraff as he realized what Theraff was doing.

"Fire!" shouted Theraff deafeningly.

Valentine walked along the long path to the village. His blue robes were blowing in the wind, and he quite liked the smell of the grass around here. Suddenly, the peace was disturbed. From inside the village, the Silverback werewolf shouted the order to shoot the arrows. Valek almost rolled his eyes. Such...irritating...behavior.

A wave of arrows rose from the village walls, and made an arch heading straight at the six vampires. Sierra immediately stepped in front of Valek. His eyes were still closed, and he was focusing on the surrounding environment, enjoying the peace it offered, barely concerned about the oncoming rain of arrows.

Sierra, standing in front of Valentine, waited for the arrows to get a bit closer. As soon as they came nearer, she snapped her fingers. It was as if a huge purple cloud of fire appeared in the sky, engulfing all the arrows. It stood still in the air only for a split-second, then disappeared. No noise, no other flashy flames. The sky was suddenly clear as if nothing had happened. All the arrows had disappeared. They had disintegrated to such a degree, that even their ash didn't fall on the ground; it just blew away in the wind.

"Wh...what!?" stammered Levet. "What...what was that? did...did she?"

Ranfred was looking pale and his knuckles wrapped around his long walking stick were white. "I told you...she's powerful."

"I...if she could disintegrate a volley with a snap of her fingers...what...what is he like?" asked Sheraff hoarsely.

"Like death." answered Ranfred, his voice cracking up.

"Such unforgivable behavior!" said Sierra. "Firing at Lord Valentine? With such meaningless, petty sticks? The impudence!" Almost shaking with anger, she looked at the werewolves with pure hate, her eyes glowed bright purple. And then there was a sudden boom. An invisible shockwave emanated from Sierra and hit the settlement straight ahead.

It was like a tsunami hit the village. The roofs flew off houses, the trees shook and some even fell. The doors banged open, the tools left lying around flew off. Horse carts overturned, animals, in pure petrifcation, keeled over and fell, unconscious. Pots fell and shattered. Sheraff braced himself and was hit with the overwhelming amount of bloodlust. The pure feeling of anger, hatred, and slaughter that the vampire had suddenly shot at them was unbearable. With all his effort he fixed his feet on the ground and reminded himself he was the alpha...he could not fall. He didn't know what the other three were facing, but he had to stand...for their sake too...

Then it disappeared. Just as suddenly as the bloodlust shockwave had hit, it evaporated just as quickly. Sheraff looked around in horror and saw that half the werewolves had fallen on their knees too, their expressions of pure fear. The children who'd been peaking from houses had completely collapsed. Levet had fallen on his knees, but Ranfred was helping him up. His older brother, though looking concerned even more, didn't appear to have been affected much.

"Heh, they're even more pathetic than I thought." sneered Sierra. "I bet with a full powered shockwave, I can kill off the entire pack from right here." Saying so, she started to to concentrate on her bloodlust when she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Easy, Voidfire." said Valek. "We're not here to kill them. We're just here to talk."

Sierra's bloodlust had evaporated but her heart was beating even faster than before. ", lord." she stammered, shifting on her feet slightly. For the first time since she'd come here, she betrayed her demeanor of utter power. But no one besides Valek could catch that.

"Seems like he stopped her from going any further." said Theraff.

"And they're still coming." said Levet, staring at the approaching figures.

"What do they want?" wondered Sheraff out loud from the umpteenth time.

Renfrad leaned on his walking stick a bit more. "It seems they're just here to talk."

Sheraff looked at the old werewolf standing next to him and stared for a second. "I...that kinda-" He stopped as he saw the entourage stop. One vampire left the group and came right up to their front gates, just a few inches from the village territory. Some werewolves snarled at him, some transformed right there bursting from their clothes. But none moved an inch following the Alpha's lead.

"Werewolves of the Woodland Walkers pack!" announced the vampire. "Lord Valentine has come to talk to you in peace. Immediately send forth your representatives. Do not tarry, for wasting time is severely displeasing to my Lord." Saying so, he turned around and left to join his group.

A cool breeze blew. Sheraff just stared at the Master Vampire standing so close to his territory. His unnatural calm, his easiness, his aura of being mildly amused all hit him even more at this range. How is he so calm about this? he that powerful that we don't even register as any sort of meaningful threat to him? Does he view us as some...pets throwing a fit?

"Come on, little brother." said Theraff grinning, snapping Sheraff out of his existential crisis. "Let's go see this Vampire-Lord."

Sheraff sighed. "'re right. He came all this way, it's only right that I receive him as the Alpha."

"And I'm coming along to protect my Alpha in case he tries something." grinned Theraff.

Sheraff nodded. I knew it. Even Theraff thinks I'm weak.

The two brothers briskly set off on the main road, heading straight at Valentine. The werewolf pack shifted uncomfortably as they watched them walk off, but none rushed after him. Theraff and Sheraff quickly covered the few hundred meters that lay in between the village gates and the vampire group. With each step Sheraff felt he was locking his own coffin. The female vampire dressed in purple stood slightly in front of Lord Valentine to his left, staring both of the werewolves down with her piercing gaze. Lord Valentine himself seemed to be enjoying the quite countryside and stood with his eyes closed, still, somehow exuding an even more threatening aura than the Elder Vampire.

Finally, Theraff and Sheraff closed the distance, and stopped a few, respectful, feet away from the vampire group. The Order members stood as stoic as ever. Impeccably dressed, perfectly expressionless so that their thoughts were impossible to read, a fixed eye on the two visitors, somehow warning them that if they so much as twitched suspiciously, they'd be cut cleanly in half. The female vampire looked at them with disgust, but cleverly masked it so wasn't a full display.

Sierra took a step forward. "Werewolves, you are in the presence of Lord Valentine, Lord Commander of The Order, Master of Vampires, the Prince of Darkness, Ruler of the Night, and King of Shadows."

The two brothers just stood stunned for a second. Sheraff was the first to recover. "Er...yes...and I am-"

"He is Sheraff Longfang, the Alpha of the Woodland Walkers....and...and vanquisher of the Sand Claws." interrupted Theraff.

Sierra's eyes sneered at the two werewolves, but she didn't utter a word. She turned to Valentine. "My Lord, Sheraff Longfang, the Alpha of the village is here to see you."

Valentine opened his eyes and the two brothers recoiled a little at his glowing red pupils. Valentine had been quietly evaluating the two werewolves standing in front of him with his eyes closed, listening to their heart beats, their mana, the way their blood flowed in their veins. He noticed them go taut a little as they spotted his eyes. Weaker than I thought...

Valek stepped forward. "Sheraff Longfang, it's a pleasure to meet you." he said, with a courteous nod. His tone was friendly, familiar even. The one you'd find guests use in fancy parties. But there was also a slight difference...there was somehow ice cold intimidation filling them.

"L..." Sheraff stepped forward a little too. "Lord Valentine, it's good to see you too. I've heard a lot of tales about you."

Valentine grinned politely, yet his eyes remained locked as if x-raying Sheraff. "I assure you, take most of it as hyperbole."

Sheraff politely smiled and nodded. " are here, m...Lord Valentine?" he asked in a low voice.

"Indeed." said Valentine.

Sheraff shifted a bit uncomfortably. "I...I apologize for our rudeness before. You see, we thought you were a threat, and the archers fired without much thought. I sincerely beg for your forgiveness." Theraff looked at his brother incredulously, but he ignored him.

"It's completely fine, Longfang, there is no need for an apology." said Valentine good naturedly. "A soldier panicking and acting on his accord is no unheard of incident." Sheraff perked up very slightly. Valentine went out in the same good natured tone. "It just shows the skill and command the general has...the better it is, the obedient the soldiers."

Theraff almost smiled in disgusted awe. Heh...this guy's good. Sheraff had bowed visibly at Valentine's words. In complete politeness, he'd insulted his brother. Theraff knew Sheraff was always insecure about his role and ability as the Alpha...and this struck right at heart.

" apologize." repeated Sheraff in a low voice.

Valentine waved a friendly hand. "Oh, don't let it bother you, Alpha. Those arrows wouldn't have harmed us anyway. It was your people we were protecting."


Valentine snapped his fingers, and the four vampires who had been carrying the large black sacks, untied them and rolled out their contents. To Sheraff and Theraff's absolute shock, out rolled some bodies...bodies which they recognized.

The scouting pack!

"They attacked us as we came by to your village." said Valentine, his tone still friendly, but the ice factor increased. "I'm afraid we had to get...insistent...with them."

Sheraff looked on in shock. They bodies just lulled around, cold as a winter's morning. "Did you...are they dead?" he asked.

"No, no." said Valentine. "Just paralyzed."

"I...I had no idea they...they attacked. I specifically gave them the order not to..." Sheraff looked up at Valentine to see him smiling at him, seeing right through him. Another failure as a general.

"I...apologize again, Lord Valentine." said Sheraff, hating himself. "We have been incredibly rude to our guests."

Valentine smiled. "If a wolf backs a stag into a corner, it will usually kick back. I understand your actions completely."

"We're the wolves around here." said Theraff coldly.

Valentine turned to him and grinned. "Indeed, that is what you are."

Theraff clenched his fists. Again with his polite insults.

"Anyway." said Valentine, somehow most of his banquet courtesy disappearing in a second. "I assume you know why I'm here."

"Y...yes." said Sheraff. "The Summit of Led Or-"

"Let's not discuss this out here like some wild animals, Longfang." said Valentine. "I came all the way to your village, aren't you going to invite me in?" He asked in a tone of polite command.

Sheraff recoiled in shock. He wants to step right into a wolf's mouth? "Er...of- of course, my Lord. Please, this way."

Sheraff turned around and started to lead the way. A bit dubiously, Theraff followed. Valentine raised his hand to stop the five vampires from following him. With just Sierra as his escort, he started off after Sheraff, somehow making him look like his bodyguard now.

"You sure you know what you're doing?" whispered Theraff as he walked beside his brother. " 'cause he sure does." Smart move stopping his escorting vampires back there...with our pack members. Without saying anything, he's keeping them hostage. Sheraff won't let anybody touch a hair on his head as long as the scouting pack's in the hands of those bloodsuckers...not sure anybody would be able to touch his hair even if they did try though...

"I...think so." answered Sheraff a bit doubtfully.

"You think so?"

Sheraff breathed deeply and shook his head. "I know so. But I need you to be cool, okay?"

Theraff snorted. "I'm the one who's been cool this entire time. It's you-"

"When we get down to talk, I need you to be cool and not insult him, you get that?" interrupted Sheraff. His tone was the same he took when ordering the pack as Alpha. A tone Theraff rarely had directed at him...but when it was, he knew his brother was serious.

"I'll try." said Theraff. He inspected at the approaching village. The villagers were looking on in horror as the Alpha himself was bringing in the vampires. Levet looked halfway between livid and scared. "But I'm thinking it's them you'll have to convince."

Valentine walked casually behind the two werewolf brothers. Sierra walked in front, still radiating with that sense of bloodlust. Valek grinned inwardly. It's better she's angry. When she starts killing for pleasure, it's much worse.

The four finally entered the village. Levet and Ranfred wordlessly joined Sheraff and Theraff in leading Valentine, but no other villager dared to move or question the Alpha. Some snarled, some growled, some even barked. But Valentine, he remained unaffected. With his eyes closed and almost a smile playing on his face, he walked past the huge, drooling wolves as if they weren't even worth a notice.

His unnaturally calm aura in the presence of a settlement full of werewolves uneased the four leading up front. He wordlessly followed his female companion, looking like he was walking for pleasure in a park. Sierra looked at villagers with an expression that was a cross between a sneer and a challenge to attack.

"This way, please." said Sheraff, motioning to his house. "It is the best place we can provide hospitality for you, Lord Valentine."

Lord Valentine gave a nod of acknowledgement as Sheraff climbed the few steps leading to the front door. "Please forgive the mess, m'Lord, but we weren't expecting guests." said Sheraff, holding the door open for him. Theraff walked up and stood to the other side, while Levet and Ranfred walked in and waited on Valentine from inside.

Come on, refuse. Refuse! No way you're just gonna waltz inside a house filled with four full grown werewolves, are you? Theraff watched Sierra elegantly take the steps and Valentine follow suit. They're crazy! They're actually going in...they're crazy! Sierra walked passed him without a look, but he had his eyes set on Valentine. With the same air of easiness on his face, he followed Sierra through the door. As Valentine passed by he looked into Theraff's eyes for a second. And that's when he felt it; utter and blinding fear. It was as if death had just stared into his eyes. A feeling of hope being completely sapped out of him. The sensation of absolute terror. The red pupils etched into his vision.

It lasted only for a moment though, and it disappeared as Valentine walked into the house. Theraff's heart was beating faster, his palms suddenly felt wet, and his feet felt like they'd just give up any second. Wha...wha...what was that? He just looked at me...and...what is this feeling? With willpower alone, he slowed his heartbeat down and steadied himself. Just a random burst. He looked up at his brother and noticed that in the second it'd taken him to adjust back to normal, his little brother had heard his heartbeat increase. Theraff decided to act ignorant and motioned him with his head to go inside.

Without a word, Sheraff followed Valentine and entered the house. He turned into his hall and saw Valentine was already seating himself on the rough armchair which he usually occupied. Sierra was dutifully standing behind. The Master Vampire was sitting on the chair like it was throne...and somehow Sheraff suddenly felt like he was the guest in his own house. Suppressing the feeling, Sheraff walked in and sat down on the sofa bench. Ranfred sat beside him, while Levet and Theraff both chose to remain standing. Theraff chose to stand behind a wooden rocking chair of his nephew while Levet stood leaning against the small fireplace.

There was an awkward silence for a few moments between the werewolves as Valentine observed all of them; appearing to x-ray their souls with his shining red eyes. Theraff shook off the feeling. He was hating himself for feeling nervous around Valentine. "I'm sure you're used to way more fancier stuff, Lord, aren't you? This must feel odd."

Valentine grinned. "On the contrary, Wolf, I've been in much, much worse places than this."

Theraff raised his eyebrows.

"Don't let appearances fool you, Silverback. I prefer to do my own exploring...and my own killing." said Valentine, his red eyes glinting but a small grin on his lips.

"Exploring? You mean poking your-"

"I don't think I've introduced these people, have I?" interrupted Sheraff, his eyes shining bright green for a second, silencing his brother. "This is Levet Wardrow, this is Ranfred Luff, and this is my older brother, Theraff Longfang the Silverback. He was the reserve party at the foot of Led Orien"

"Yes, I know them." said Valentine easily.

" do?" asked Ranfred.

Valentine turned to him and grinned sending chills down Ranfred's spine. "Don't tell me you've forgotten our meeting, Luff." said Valentine as if referring to some get-together.

"No...I..." stammered Ranfred.

"As for the others," said Valentine, shifting his gaze. "well, to put it simply, I know everything about every werewolf who was involved in any way with the Summit." He said it so casually, but with a haunting amount of conviction in his voice. As if all their darkest, blackest secrets were known to him. All four werewolves in the room shifted uncomfortably. What did he know? Theraff clenched his fists against the backboard of the rocking chair, digging his nails through the wood. Spying!?

"Spying on us? That wasn't very nice of you." said Levet, speaking for the first time.

Valentine suddenly shifted his gaze toward Levet, paralyzing him in fear. "Let me clear one thing up," said Valentine leaning back against the chair. "We're not friends." The geniality from his tone had suddenly evaporated to be replaced with an iciness that cut like fire. "My kind was killed while meeting with your pack. The only reason I haven't unleashed my forces on this village, the only reason this village is still standing, is because of my mercy. Something happened at that Peace Summit. Your pack's fate rests upon the fact that if or if not you all had a hand in the slaughter of The Order members."

"We didn't kill them." said Sheraff quietly. "I...we...wanted that that peace. There's no way we'd throw it all away and endanger the pack like this."

"Then who killed them?" asked Valentine, turning to Sheraff.

"I..." Sheraff fell silent.

"How do we know you didn't kill them? How do we know you didn't kill your own kind and are blaming us?" asked Theraff, a little loudly. Valentine turned to him and he felt his heart stop as it got pierced by a icicle.

"You've felt it, Silverback. Do you seriously believe I need all that elaborate set up just as an excuse to slaughter this pack?" asked Valentine the intimidation in his voice thick enough to cut. "I could send one vampire down here and he'd be enough to run this village red with blood. However, if the Woodland Walkers didn't like the peace terms, they ruined the Summit to stop any talks, killing their own kind to appear innocent."

"We didn't kill anyone." said Sheraff a little indignantly. Valentine turned back to Sheraff and he felt the similar pang of fear. But this time he didn't look down; defiantly, he stared back into the blood red eyes.

For a second both of them stared each other off, then Valentine almost grinned. Somehow, Sheraff's defiance had impressed him.

"If you say you weren't involved in the killings, if you say you wanted the peace I offered you," said Valentine, "then join me."

It took Sheraff a second. "Huh...what?"

"The slaughter of the Summit was carried out by someone who didn't want us to join forces. If you weren't involved in that, prove it." said Valentine. "Accept the peace and thwart the plans of whoever killed all those people at the summit."

Sheraff stared dumbfounded at the face sitting across him. There was almost a sneer playing across it, and Sheraff wondered if Valentine was enjoying this. Enjoying holding the entire village hostage without saying a word about it.

Sheraff let out a deep breath. "No." he said, fixing his eyes into Valentine's. Valentine raised his eyebrows. "No." Sheraff repeated. "You say your kind was killed at Orien? Well, my family...was killed at that summit too. I cannot join forces with someone who may have had a hand in it. I can't look past the slaughter of my brethren no more than you can. I will not join you till you can prove you weren't involved."

Sierra stepped forward. "Watch your mouth, dog, before I rip it apart."

"You're welcome to try." said Theraff stepping forward too.

"Enough." Valentine didn't raise his voice, but somehow the command seemed to echo. Sierra immediately stepped back to her original place, her head bowed. Valentine turned to Sheraff. "And is that your final choice?" he asked.

"Yes." answered Sheraff determindedly.

Valentine almost grinned. "Very well." he said. "I can't say I didn't expect this. In fact, I'd have been disappointed in you if you'd agreed to my proposal."

Sheraff's almost opened his mouth in disbelief. Just a fucking test!?

"However," said Valentine, and his red eyes glowed sharper. "I will find who killed my vampires at the Summit. And when I do...death will be a mercy that will not be given to them easily."

Everyone in the room froze. His voice had gone slightly gravelly, but the threat was sharper than a knife. It truly made all four of them fear Valentine and his power.

"And," continued Valentine. "if I find that anyone from this pack had been involved with the killing...I will slaughter every man, woman, and child here, and burn this village to the ground. Nothing but a bloodstained char will remain of it when I'm done with it."

Sheraff involuntarily swallowed. He realized Valentine was not making idle threats. If Valentine was angry, truly angry, he realized nothing could stop him from unleashing one's worst nightmares on them.

"So, I give you this chance." said Valentine, seemingly staring into the eyes of all four werewolves at once. "If anyone in this room was involved with the massacre, come out now. If you do, you have my word I will spare the village and its people." Nobody moved. "But...if I find out later, that you had been involved, I promise you, the torture that I will unleash on you will be worse than any hell."

All four werewolves stood frozen. Except for the increased heart-rate, none seemed to want to say anything. Valentine stared at each one, his gaze uncomfortably piercing them.

Sheraff looked up. "Like I said, Lord Valentine...none here are involved with the what happened at Led Orien. I'd trust these four with my life...more than that, I'd trust them with the pack. None would endanger the pack like this by incurring your wrath."

The air of bloodlust around Valentine quelled a bit. Valentine observed Sheraff's determined and defiant expression for a moment, then he leaned back against the chair. "I'll take your word for it, Alpha." he said. Sheraff inwardly sighed in relief. "But only because you say that knowing what I'd do to you if you're lying to me. If you're lying, I'll make you kill your own child with your own hands...and then your wife. Then I'd massacre every one of the villagers before your very eyes. And just as you realize what you've done and when you scream in anguish, that's when I'll split your skull open."

The voice was quiet now and low, but the tone was more threatening than any Valentine had taken before. Sheraff and just stared into Valentine's eyes, completely hypnotized. What scared Sheraff more was how matter-of-factly Valentine had said it. Almost a systematic approach to if he'd done it a thousand times before. Sheraff gripped the armrest of his sofa more tightly, splintering the wood with his nails.

"You're awfully full of yourself for a guest, aren't you?" threatened Theraff, his eyes glowing green. Valentine had touched on a sensitive topic; his nephew. Theraff loved his brother's son like his own child, and he'd always been overprotective of him. And now, a vampire sitting in his own village, threatening the apple of his eye angered him like nothing else. But underneath it all, even he had to admit, there was fear. Fear, because he knew Valentine would really do it.

"You're full of shit, Valentine." continued Theraff. "Peace Summit? I saw your 'terms' for peace. It wasn't 'peace', it was subservience! And then, after killing my kin, you have the nerve to sit in my brother's house and threaten his family." Theraff snarled, baring his werewolf teeth. "Give me a reason why I shouldn't rip you to shreds this instant, vampire."

Valentine looked at him almost lazily. He then turned his eyes toward Sierra who nodded slightly and stepped forward. "My Lord doesn't appreciate your constant rudeness, Silverback." she announced.

"Yeah?" challenged Theraff. "So, I'm guessing he won't like my foot up his ass either, huh?"

Sierra did a sudden motion as if she was pulling something towards her, and there was the sound of a hundred bones breaking at once. Theraff's howl died in his throat as Sierra telekinetically cracked almost every bone in his body. Like custard, Theraff crashed onto the floor with a loud thud, to all appearances, dead.

It took the other three werewolves a second to realize what had happened. Sheraff jumped to his feet, Levet and Ranfred almost rushed forward towards Theraff.

"You fucki-" began Levet, about to rush Valentine.

"He's alive." said Valentine, almost lazily. "It will take him some time to recover from the shattered bones though."

"Sh...shattered bones." repeated Ranfred.

"One hundred at thirty four to be precise." said Valentine, casting a lazy eye at the collapsed body on the floor. "He's weak for a silverback."

"Hu...hundred and...and" stammered Levet.

"He's a werewolf, he'll be fine." smiled Valentine. He stood up and his eyes glowed again. "But now you see what I'm capable of. If this pack bothers me again, I will come down here myself and rip apart every werewolf here. There won't be any bodies left to bury when I unleash my hell on it."

All three werewolves felt that same fear shoot through their bodies. Instincts just telling them to run as far and as fast away as they could from Valentine.

The Master Vampire let the threat hang in the air for a bit, then turned around. "I'll be seeing you, Woodland Walkers." said Valentine. "Pray it is not death I rain down upon you, but prosperity." With that, Valentine walked out of the door and Sierra, almost smiling, followed.