
"Where the fuck is he?" asked Robin for the tenth time. "It's almost evening."

"You...don' think something happened to him, do you?" asked Eve, uneasily. The four of them were scattered all over the cart, with Robin and Liana sitting on the soft, green grass and Eve and Felicia sitting in the back of the cart. The two horses munched away a little way off, tied down by a thick rope by Robin.

"No." said a voice behind them. "Nothing's happened to him." The four turned around to see Alex walking up to them, smiling at his friends. "How are you?" he asked.

"We're fine, how are you?" asked Robin jumping to his feet. Felicia rushed toward Alex and jumped in his arms as if she hadn't seen him in years. Robin rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, you can be all sugary later." he said, grabbing a hold of her and pulling her off.

Alex grinned at beamed at the four. "Good job, Rob. You looked after them well." he said, sincerely meaning that. Robin grinned. "Well, now that you're here, I don't have to babysit anymore."

Eve was about to retort, but she bit her lip just in time. "Well, what happened Al. You got news?"

Alex sighed. "At least give me something to drink and let me sit down." he implored. Felicia immediately grabbed his arm and pulled him down with her on the grass while Liana fetched some water for him in a mug. "There you go. Now tell us what went down." she said, handing him the water and collapsing beside him.

Alex took a deep, thankful swing of the water and let out a sigh. "Well...I got good news and bad." he said, suddenly becoming somber. "Which do you want first."

"Let's get the bad over with." said Robin.

Alex took an even bigger sigh. He had been dreading this moment, but he knew it had to be done. There was no point in beating about the bush either; he had to let the other four know exactly what the situation was. "It turns out...we're stuck." he said simply.

"What do you mean?"

Alex then proceeded to explain to the other four how even the best mage in Barfoss had no idea of parallel worlds. How he had been helpless to assist them in any way. How he had promised he'd be back after he had taken care of some urgent business and done some more research. But Alex also made it clear that that might as well be an empty promise.

The four looked paralyzed. This was a major blow. Their plan had always been to get a mage to get them back to Earth. But if the supposed best mage in a city couldn't help them, they'd been betting on the wrong chips. All that time waiting for the mage in Lemara had been a waste of time too. They were more screwed then they'd thought.

"So...we're stuck?" asked Liana, finally. "Actually stuck?"

Alex nodded somberly. "I'm afraid so." Robin looked up at him. "What're we gonna do?" he asked, helplessly. Alex shook his head. "I...have no idea, man." There was a few minutes of silence between the group.

"The only thing," said Alex. "the only faint hope we have, is that Triffard said he figured that some of the most talented mages in Decimandria may know more. They may be able to help."

"May." repeated Robin, hollowly. "And that's provided they are willing to see us, we're able to cover their humongous fee, or the fact that we can even find any."

"That's the problem..." said Alex, gloomily.

"Well...maybe it's not so bad." said Eve. "We were brought here for some reason. Maybe we'll figure that out...or something will happen. Maybe suddenly, one day, we'll get transported back. I...I don't think we should lose hope and just give up." Secretly, somewhere, Eve was glad they were still in Decimandria. She truly believed something would happen soon, so she wasn't worried about going home...eventually.

Felicia blinked at her. She understood what Eve was trying to say; where she was coming from. And to her credit...she was right. "She's right." Felicia said. "We have to stop acting like it's the end of the world."

The others looked at the two sister for a second, and nodded, somehow, for some reason, breaking into smiles. "To that effect, the 'good news', is that we're staying here in Barfoss now."


"Long story." said Alex. "But let's just say that not only did I find us a house to live in, I also got myself a job." The other four looked at him in bafflement.

"What do you mean?" asked Robin. Alex laughed and jumped to his feet. "I'll explain on the way. Come on."

* * *

Alex finished his murdered blacksmith story just as the five's cart was came into view of Torrley's old house. In the evening, the solitary house looked rather picturesque. There was an odd charm and a 'homely' feeling to it reaching them even at this distance.

" quite romantic." said Felicia, clutching Alex's hand in her's.

"Yeah, that's a lot better than I expected." said Robin, standing up in the cart to get a better look.

"Well, it did cost almost 3k, so it better be." said Alex, tapping the sack of crowns he'd separated for Zorran as they were coming down here. "Don't talk too much too the Captain. He looks smart and I don't wanna give him any hints. Let's just keep a low profile." The four nodded and the cart turned into the short path off the main road leading up to the house.

Captain Zorran was waiting there with his soldiers, along with a man Alex had not seen last time. He had a fishbowl haircut and was dressed in fine maroon clothes. They all turned to look at the approaching cart and the Captain waved at Alex in the driver's seat.

Alex pulled up the cart a little way off from the squad just to try and keep the other four at a distance from them, but his plan was ruined as Zorran decided to close the distance and came up to the cart himself followed by the scribe.

"Well, well, you took your time, Master Wright." said Zorran, grinning friendlily. "No problems, I assume?"

"None." said Alex jumping out of the cart. Zorran smiled and perused over the people in the cart, expectantly, as if Alex should make the introductions.

A bit regretfully, Alex took the hint. "Oh, sorry, these are my companions. My fellow orphans." The other four got out of the cart; no point in trying to hide now. "Robin, Felicia, Eve, Liana." he said, pointing at each in turn.

"Captain Zorran Nriab of Barfoss. A pleasure." said Zorran, bowing to the ladies. All those annoying parties he is expected to attend do pay dividends when it comes to manners. "And this is Arte, the Steward's scribe." he said, pointing at the young man standing behind him who bowed his head slightly at the introduction. "Let's get this over with, eh?" asked the Captain to Alex, who nodded.

The 'transaction' took a lot less time than what Alex had thought. He handed over the crowns which the scribe counted with uncanny efficiency, then took out a scroll of paper from the small bag he was carrying on his shoulder, a black quill, and some ink in a bottle. He wordlessly handed the paper and quill, now dipped in ink to Alex.

Alex read the very simple statement that said that this house now belonged to Alex Wright. There was blank space provided beside some kind of wax stamp; the Lord of Barfoss's seal which validated the paper. Alex signed his name and the scribe snatched the paper from him, rolled it neatly again, and handed it back.

"There will be another copy of this in his Lordship's records." announced the scribe. "This particular scroll is yours though to carry though." Alex nodded. The scribe bowed a little again. "If that will be all, I must get back. I have lot of work to do."

Zorran nodded and the scribe set off with an escort of a single soldier; this house was way too far from the city to risk someone from his Lordship's administration to go alone, even if it was just a scribe. "Now then, welcome to Barfoss, folk!" said the Captain, joyously. Alex had a feeling that the fact that Zorran had replaced the swordsmith so quickly would be shown in the bonus the Captain would get, and hence, the reason for his joy.

Alex smiled. The sun had started setting and as the light hit the Captain's white full plate armor at a certain angle, it started glinting spectacularly. Even the girls were mesmerized by it. Zorran grinned with satisfaction. "Beautiful, isn't it?" he asked.

"Well, I'm a blacksmith. I can appreciate good craftsmanship." said Robin.

"No, it really does look stunning. You're a lucky man, Captain." said Alex, grinning.

Zorran let out a short laugh. "Ah, this is nothing. It really isn't. You should see the armor the knights in the Capital wear. They put mine, a Captain's armor, to absolute shame."

"Wait, so there are better armors than yours?" asked Eve, astonished.

"Way better. They even have gold capes on theirs." said the Captain, quite happy with how impressed these people were with his armor.

Eve suddenly had a vision of knights in white armor standing in a great hall in the Empress's castle. Their faces covered with the helmet visors, gold qilins shining on their chests; gold cloaks very gently blowing as a beautiful empress walked by. She smiled.

"But the best armor I've ever seen was not the knights' " said Zorran, lost in thought. "No, it was what the Lord Admiral wore in the Battle of the Kivv Isles."

Alex thought it better not to ask what the Battle of the Kivv Isles was so as not to appear too ignorant. He knew Kivv was the archipelago to the south of Decimandria, but he had no idea what the battle had been about. "You were in that battle?" he asked, curiously. Zorran looked down at him and blinked. "Indeed I was, Master Wright." he said, his voice booming.

"And the Lord Admiral in that battle had the best armor you've ever seen, you say?" asked Robin. His curiosity had been aroused. Zorran's armor was the best he'd ever seen in his life. But if a guy who wore this kind of armor everyday had been impressed, it had to have been something absolutely out of this world.

"Yes. The Empress herself put in the order for it to her best armorsmith." nodded Zorran, smiling at Robin. "She even had the most beautiful sword made by the best swordsmith."

"Just for one guy?" asked Liana. "He seems pretty special."

"Well, he is the World's Most Powerful Man." said Zorran matter-of-factly. He was silent for a few minutes. "I didn't believe it when I first heard it, you know? I didn't believe all that stuff of the World's Most Dangerous Man. I thought it was just tall tales. But then...then I saw him fighting. And it was...spectacular. He just...cut through hundreds of men with ease. First one jumping off the ship, he had slaughtered tens of enemies before the second soldier had even disembarked. Swinging his sword with such mastery...such precision. He was killing those hardy, southern sumbitches like it was nothing. He took an entire battalion of them, head on, and came out the other end without a scratch."

Everyone was silent, riveted by Zorran reliving his experience; his expression one of wonder and awe. "It was...cold. It's true that a warrior must not feel for his enemy if he is to be effective in combat, but the Lord Admiral? He didn't show any emotion. Not anger, not sorrow, not excitement. Nothing. It was as if cutting down these people was nothing to him. And it truly was nothing to him. No one, and I mean no one on that battlefield came close to his level. He drowned the streets in blood that day without flinching."

"Sounds...horrible." said Eve.

"Well, war is horrible, young lady." said Zorran. "What matters is who comes out on top. As for the Lord Admiral, he was already at the top. His feats were so inhuman, every single Tezeroffian soldier that day on the battlefield was thanking every god they could think of that he was with them rather than against them. He knocked down the fort doors with a single spell when three battle mages couldn't. Even his sword, which he dubbed 'The Dawnbreaker', after he'd conquered everyone, became legend. There's no one in the Empire who won't sell his own mother for that sword now." Zorran paused for a second. "Only the World's Most Dangerous Man can make legend of a sword in a single day."

Alex stared at the Captain's face. Battle scarred and hardy, it looked like it had seen more than its fair share of fights and bloodshed. If a man such as this had been impressed so much, that merely retelling the story, made his eyes go out of focus and his voice sound like some devotee's, then the World's Most Powerful Man maybe truly was someone extraordinary.

"The armor and the sword, The Dawnbreaker, what happened to them after the battle?" asked Robin. Zorran came out of his reverie. "Honestly...I dunno. Empress Adlea made it for him. Whether he gave it back to her to keep in a treasury or took it with him, I have no idea. It was way too expensive to just put it somewhere on display that's for sure. You could buy half a town with it."

"And the Empress gave him such expensive items?" wondered Robin.

"Yeah, seems the Empress quite likes him." said Felicia, grinning.

Zorran suddenly looked at her like she'd made the funniest joke he'd ever heard. Bursting into laughter, he gestured to the soldiers to get up and follow him and waved at the five. "So long, folk. I've taken enough of your time. I'll see y'all later!"

"What was all that about?" asked Liana as they waved the company goodbye.

"I dunno." said Alex. "But I have a feeling, Zorran felt like he'd said too much about the World's Most Dangerous Man..."

The five went inside the house and the girls soon set to work on making it a home. They found some old mattresses and sheets in cupboards which they decided to use. Torrley, being a dwarf, had horded quite a bit of food in his larder and so Liana set about making something to eat. Robin and Alex decided to explore the building after they'd put the horses in the bullpen in the front of the house.

As night fell, all five of them gathered around the dinner table. It felt like it has been a long time since they had all sat down properly to eat, and the memories of what happened last time were suddenly in stark focus again. But every one of them was tactful enough to not let it show and they all laughed and joked, toasting their good luck.

* * *

After that, life started to slow down again. Alex got a contract for fifteen swords the very next day, and as promised, he only charged for fourteen. The Captain personally came down to 'inspect' the new swordsmith's work and Alex and him were soon kicking back some beers while Robin toiled away on the blades. It soon became a normal thing for Captain Zorran to be found at Master Wright's shop. The two got along really well and enjoyed each other's company. And when Zorran found that Alex also knew how to swing swords, both of them stated sparring each other on almost a daily basis. Robin joined in too and the Captain was immensely impressed by both of them.

Once the order was completed, Liana, Eve, and Felicia convinced Alex to take them inside the city. Alex enjoyed watching the shock on their faces as they saw the many elves, dwarves, and demi-humans that walked the streets of Barfoss. It was something out of a fairy tale for them; watching these alien creatures living their lives among humans as if it was something perfectly normal.

"Well, that's that." said Alex, coming out of the city garrison. He had gone inside to hand the swords over and collect payment while the other four waited outside. "See? I told you it was a good idea to not bring the cart into the city."

Robin looked around at the figures walking by and the narrow roads. True, it would've been a real pain to maneuver that big wooden cart in this place. "Well, but now we've gotta walk all the way back."

"Ah, I'll never get tired of roaming these streets. They're so...full of wonder." said Alex, looking around at the buildings surrounding them like a child at a zoo.

"You're right. Barfoss is..." said Felicia.

"Fairytale-ish?" offered Liana.

"That's it!"

"Except this city's got sewers flowing, beggars sitting around, soldiers bullying people and so on." said Robin.

"Well, that's just how reality really is. Come on." said Alex, as he started walking ahead.

"Let's take a detour. I wanna see more of the city." said Eve, walking up beside Alex.

The five of them then proceeded to wander the streets aimlessly. They saw big shops with grand doors and nobles coming in and out of them. There were street vendors shouting their fruits to passersby, cheap shops selling second hand goods, tailors offering to stitch you any type of clothing you desired. Robin got really excited when he saw a two storyed house with flowers lining its balcony and a group of voluptuous women dressed in white standing around purring pleasantries at the passing men. As he stood there gaping, the women noticed him and started cooing to him. He was about to take a step forward when he got a sharp punch on the back from Felicia; he didn't notice. Alex, laughing, grabbed his arm and dragged him away from the beauties.

As they got further away from the brothel, Felicia went up to Robin. "Excited little teenager, aren't we?" she asked.

"I just saw the biggest perk of being stuck in Decimandria." said Robin, smiling widely. "You can bet your ass I'm excited."

"Except their prices are princely." said Alex, grinning.

"How do you know?" asked Felicia, suddenly turning on him.

" told me." said Alex, rubbing the back of his head.

Felicia narrowed her eyes. "Really?" she asked suspiciously.

"Come on, sis, do you really think Al would ever do that to you?" asked Eve from behind, a bit exasperated.

"Thanks, Eve, at least someone's got faith." said Alex, winking at her. He turned to Felicia. "Do you really trust me that little?" he asked, feigning being hurt. Felicia gave in and let out a short laugh. "Fine, I'm sorry." she said. "Just keep Robin away from that place, will you? He's too young."

"Oh, I will. You need money in that place and Robin's got jack-all." said Alex with a grin at Robin.

"Huh, and to think I'd thought you'd hook a brother up." said Robin, huffily. The group burst out laughing and Alex slapped Robin's back, taking him under his arm. "You're still underage, bro." he said. "And-" he suddenly stopped as he saw the figure in front of him.

Standing in dark blue clothes and staring at a nest of pigeons on the roof of a building with her tail swaying slightly stood a girl with cat ears. The five were in a back alley now and there were pretty much no other people around. The girl didn't seem to notice at first that five people had stopped dead at the sight of her, but after a few moments she slowly turned her head. Giving each a cursory glance, she was about to turn and leave when Alex spoke: "You're the girl from before, aren't you?"

She turned around to look at him. It was odd; she didn't think she'd ever see him again. She was glad she had though. "I'm sorry." she said. Her voice had a soft purr to it but it was unnaturally monotonous and sounded emotionless. "I didn't say anything the last time we met. It's just that I don't like talking to strangers."

"You know her?" asked Felicia.

"Well, kinda." said Alex, explaining how he had first seen this girl. The girl, walking with her usual cat-like gait, came up to them. "What is your name?" she asked Alex, her dark blue cat eyes studying him curiously.

"Alex Wright." said Alex. "I'm the new swordsmith. And this is Felicia, Eve, Liana, and Robin." The girl stared at the three girls in turn; beautiful things. Then she met Robin's gaze; he was staring at her with his mouth slightly open. What was his problem?

The two kept eye contact for a few seconds until Liana stamped on Robin's foot snapping him out. "Ouch!" He glared at Liana, then turned to the girl. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare. It's just that...I love animals. Especially cats."

"You think I'm an animal?" asked the girl, her head tilting sideways like a cat's.

"No! That came out wrong!" exclaimed Robin. "It's're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

The girl suddenly paused. The entire world had stopped for her. This was the first time in her entire life anyone had called her beautiful. What was happening? Why had he called her that? Somewhere, somehow, her heart started beating a bit faster and she felt her cheeks going slightly red. She broke eye contact; suddenly Robin's eyes were too penetrating for her. The road looked a way more comfortable sight to stare at.

Robin felt himself blushing too as he realized what he'd just said to the girl. "" he said, a bit sheepishly. The girl snapped up. "Don't be sorry!" she exclaimed. "I said nothing wrong." she added, falling silent. Again, she had to break eye contact with him. Robin let out a short, nervous laugh. This wasn't the time to screw this up! Do something! He took a step toward the girl. She felt her heart beating faster as she sensed Robin coming closer. What was he going to do?

"Robin. Robin Corr." he said, extending his hand to the girl with a grin. She looked up at him; his eyes were keen and danced with energy, his smile flashy, his expression holding her in genuine regard. Somehow, humans weren't the filthy degenerates she'd always thought they were anymore.

"Katherine." she said, gently reaching his hand. "But you can call me Kat if like cats so much." Her voice was detached...almost unemotional as she said that. Or if it had any emotion, it was too low for anyone to pick up.

"No, didn-" said Robin tripping over his own words.

"It's nice to meet you, Katherine." said Eve, quickly stepping in. " are you?"

Katherine let go of Robin's hand and looked Eve curiously. Again she noticed how this girl's eyes held no hate or fear of her. Who were these people? "I'm...good." she answered simply.

"Robin here, was just thinking of taking us to lunch. You're welcome to join us." said Alex, putting a hand on Robin's shoulder. Katherine looked at him, then at each individual in the group. Why was she so trusting of them suddenly? Somehow, she was quite liking the idea of having company for a meal. Why?

"Come on, Katherine." said Liana joining in, when she saw the girl's hesitancy. "We're new in town, so you'd be doing us a favor by showing us around."

Robin was amazed. He'd never thought his friends were such good wingmen. Was it because of Katherine or was it simply because of their actions, but suddenly, he felt a rush of emotion for all of his friends. "Damn, they do care." he thought, grinning inwardly.

"Yeah, come on. It'll be fun. I saw a place a few streets down called 'Goose Wings' or something. We can go there." said Robin. Katherine looked up at him and met his eyes: hopeful and...trustworthy?

"That place is expensive...and they don't like my kind there." she said tonelessly.

"Oh." said Robin, looking crestfallen.

"But, I know of another place. A better place. We'll go there." said Katherine. Robin's face lit up with such a genuine smile that despite her self, she found herself smiling a little at him.

The six set off towards their new destination with Katherine in the lead. She walked a bit farther ahead from the group, while the rest of the five were grouped together behind her. "What're you doing here?" hissed Liana at Robin.

"What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

Eve facepalmed and Felicia stepped in. "Go talk to her, for God's sake!" she whispered.

"I just met her!"

"So get to know her better then!" said Alex, shoving Robin ahead.

Robin stumbled ahead, almost tripped, and before he knew it he was beside Katherine. "Oh...hey." he said, turning to look at her as they walked. He was amazed by her. Those cat ears of hers twitched a bit...exactly like a cat's would. Her tail, now swaying a bit more than before, and her gait elegant and precise like a cat's.

She turned to find Robin staring at her in curiosity. "Have you never met a demi-human before?" she asked. Robin slightly winced at being caught staring, but he soldiered on. "No...I...come from a far off land. We didn't have you people there." he said.

"Which land?"

"A far off one."

Silence for a few seconds between the two. Katherine was odd; she didn't show much emotion in her voice and her expression was pretty much the same no matter what. But somehow, Robin felt that she felt something. He just had to pick up on it. "Did you like it there?" she asked. "In your homeland?"

"I used to think so." said Robin, going deep in thought. ", after seeing how much life there is Decimandria...the buildings, the races...your kind...I don't."

Maybe this guy wasn't as straightforward as she'd thought before, Katherine wondered...maybe he had secrets of his own... Her curiosity was aroused now; not many foreigners with secrets were this good looking. And, indeed, none had ever called her 'beautiful'.

She kept repeating his words in her mind. "Where is this tavern, anyway?" asked Robin, bringing her out of her thoughts.

"In the outskirts." she answered, her tone as emotionless as ever.

A few minutes later, after having left the city, the six were standing in front of a small wooden building. It had the image of a cauldron and a spoon, and the name 'The Cat's Cradle' on its wooden sign. The building was humble, but it looked fair enough for the five to have a respectable meal in. Alex was feeling a little glad that this lunch won't be so damaging on his pocket now.

They took a second to stand and take the building in, then took the steps up and trooped inside. Katherine walked in like she owned the place. "Mom!" she called. "Mom, I bought home some customers." As the five spun on her in shock, another woman with cat ears peaked from underneath the counter.