Killer in Barfoss

The soft moonlight quietly bathed the mountain top. There was a clump of trees covering half of the surface of the summit, but the remainder was barren. It was a bright night, and as two figures dressed in black emerged from the clump of trees, it showed one had the elegant build of a female while the other was a man.

"What're we even doing here?" asked the female, looking around. "Told you there was nothing here."

"I wanted to see for myself." said the male.

In silence the two started to look around, scrutinizing the trees and the bare surface where they stood, clearly looking for something. Patches of dark red blood dotted the area. The female knelt down to inspect one and seemed to see much more in it than just dried blood.

"This is such a mess." remarked the female, breaking the silence.

The male didn't respond immediately. He appeared to be focusing on something intently with his eyes closed. "There...there're no animals here. Nor were there any at the time this happened."


"None." answered the male.

"That can't be a coincidence." said the female. "Someone knew you could've seen they jinxed everything away."

"Someone who knew that ability of mine..." said the male, musingly.

"But that means we still don't know who struck first." said the female.

"And that's...the whole problem." said the male.

"Really? Even if we find out who did it, is that all? What if they struck first? Would they even take our word for it?" asked the female, coming over.

"I don't care if they believe us or not. If they did this, I'm gonna slaughter them all." said the male, his voice even colder now.

"Ooh!" said the female, wrapping herself around the male's right arm. "Lemme do it. I haven't seen action in a while. Butchering those dogs one by one...." she let out a little squeal of joy. "It'll be perfect!"

The male didn't respond. "Please." whispered the female, bringing her lips to the male's ears. "If my Lord entrusts me to carry out such an important task, I'd be extremely grateful to him." She ran a sensual finger down his chest. "I'd do anything to show him how grateful I am."

The male turned to her; their faces not even an inch apart from each other. He grinned. "Fine. I'll unleash you on them if we find out they're guilty."

She almost squealed with joy again but stopped herself. She let go of the male's arm and after taking a couple of heavy breaths, she said: "This is a cold night, my Lord. But if you were to give the order, I'd lose all my clothes...nobody'd find us here..."

The male let out a laugh. "Not now." he said, amused. He looked at her hungry face as though admiring her beauty. Letting out another short bark of laughter, he walked away towards the edge. He stood there, staring at the dark horizon, his long black coat blowing gently in the wind.

The female walked up beside him after a few minutes and leaned against his shoulder. "What?" she asked.

"Barfoss." said the male. The female turned to look at the small of cluster of lights far away, visible in the dark. "What about it?" she asked.

"Haven't been there in a while. Maybe I'll drop by." said the male. "They'll forget about me otherwise."

The female laughed. "After what you did, my Lord, nobody is forgetting you in Barfoss for generations."

* * *

All the way in Barfoss, in a dark alley, stood a man leaning against a wall. He wore a black leather trench coat and a hat that covered his face. His eyes were uneasy...impatient. As if waiting for something...waiting for his prey. Would she even show up?

This was the best part about the whole process, thought the man. The rush of just lying in wait for his target was amazing. Well, second best actually. Feeling their warm blood on his hand was the best part.

The man stood there in the dark, his mind impatient but his body completely still. Nobody would know how excited he was feeling if they saw him right now. Not that anyone could; the alley was dark and the man took care to not step in the streetlamp's light from the main street. He was completely invisible to the world right now. Nobody could see or hear him...but he could see them. He was in control now...he ruled the night.

Suddenly, he tensed slightly. There she is! His eyes observed a young, pretty waitress wearing a dark green skirt, a white blouse, and a green neckerchief around her neck, coming out of a tavern. 'The Broken Mug', he read in disgust. The woman cheerfully waved to someone in the building, then started walking towards home. The man knew this because he knew where she lived. But there was no point in desecrating her room right now. No, the deed would have to committed here, in the streets, where everything was raw. That'd send a message.

He stepped out of the alley, taking care to not step in the light, and started following the girl. His feet made no sound at all as he maintained a steady distance between him and his target. He watched her walk with her usual elegance; tall and her light brown hair flowing in the wind. Beautiful. He felt his libido growing and he decreased the distance between them a little.

They didn't come across a lot of other people. It was late and the route she took to get home was always desolate at this time; the rich fucks were sleeping in their soft duck feather beds by now. He watched her flick her hair absentmindedly...the moonlight catching on it and making it shine for a split second. He flashed back to years ago when he saw his sister flicking her hair the same way...the moonlight catching on it the same way. He was child then, following behind his older sister as she led him back home that night. Smiling, she put a hand on his head and promised him something...he couldn't remember anymore.

But that night had been fateful. He remembered how dark figures had suddenly jumped on his sister as they walked through an alley. How they had dragged him along with her to some small building. He remembered the huge, long-nosed, scarred face as he laughed at his men's 'bounty' for the night. Then how the men had tied up his sister. He remembered seeing that long nosed man...get on top of his sister as she kept screaming. How her screams gradually subsided into sobs as he continue to lay on top of her. He remembered seeing the man burst out laughing with pure mirth when he saw the little boy looking on with horror.

After a few minutes the man had gotten up. He pulled up his trousers and waved to his men to take the girl away. He remembered how his sister had stopped reacting at all now; she wasn't screaming or shouting. He remembered how, when they dragged her by him, she gave him a weak smile...telling him it'll all be okay. How, soon, from the other room he could hear the sound of a wooden table creaking and sliding as if someone was constantly pushing it with regular intervals and his sister's occasional, quiet sobs. The long-nosed man had then come up to him. He told him that it was her fault for looking this pretty. It was all these women's fault for looking this pretty. What happened to her was only what her looks brought upon her. Women deserved this. It was just natural instinct. They shouldn't be allowed to look this pretty. Those who did, should pay the price. Nothing is free in this world.

He never saw his sister again after that night. That long-nosed man took him in. Day after day, week after week, year after year, he drilled into his head the same things he'd told him that fateful night. He also told him that he was his father now and as such taught him a lot of other things too: how to loot, how to kill, how to scare people, how to hide from them. He also taught him what to do to pretty women. He remembered how much the first girl he'd been told to 'take care' of had cried and thrashed about. He remembered how annoyed he'd gotten at her moving about and had to make her go motionless, just like his sister had that night, by hitting her with the heavy vase.

That man and his gang were gone now...but he remained. His father was no longer there to limit his appetite for 'taking care' of women under the pretense 'unwanted attention'. He was free and unleashed now. He'd chosen Barfoss as a town with good dark alleys and a lot of pretty young girls. And this girl, right now, walking ahead looking pretty, needed someone to take care of her. Someone who'd make her pay the price for looking this good. Nothing is free in this world.

She turned into a tiny courtyard of a small, abandoned house like she always did, to jump over the wall and cut short her walk. This was it. But first he had to make her go still. He rushed at her and, hearing the footsteps, she turned around. He saw her eyes widen in terror and all that was heard that night was a stifled scream and a dull thud...

* * *

"You know, if by some miracle we finally do get home, I'll really miss this place." said Liana. It was morning now and the five were sitting in a small, open air cafe in Barfoss for breakfast. Almost a week had gone by since Alex's victory against Arrdem and Alex had healed completely now. Felicia had heard about this cafe from Venna and had convinced everybody to skip breakfast today and instead have a kind of brunch here.

It was a small, cozy little cafe. A few tables were kept outside the small building with a cloth tarp acting as a roof. The five were seated around a small table, and Liana was gazing out into the world around her. People walking about to their morning work; some leading sheep to be sold somewhere, some carrying large leather sacks over their shoulders, a few dwarves carrying barrels of wine, elven children playing catch, a few demi-humans setting up their small little vends

Felicia took in a deep breath, savoring the Decimandrian air. "I know what you mean." she said. "This place is...I dunno..."

"Full of life?" offered Alex. Felicia grinned. "Yes, that's it. In Barfoss alone, there is more life than I've ever seen in Denver." Robin perked up his ears. It was odd hearing that name again. It'd been so long since...ah well, whatever, he thought.

"Where is Katherine by the way?" asked Eve.

"Yeah, where is she?" asked Liana. "She's with us so much that, now, whenever she's not around, it's like we're missing a group member."

Robin grinned. "She's busy at her mother's tavern...but she said she'd drop by in the afternoon." He threw a sly look at the three girls. "You see, unlike you lot, she has a job."

The girls gasped. "Why you little-" began Eve when, suddenly the hair on the back of her neck stood up. Two red eyes were glaring at her and, for a moment, froze her completely. Then the moment passed and she realized, sheepishly, that it was just two fake rubies from one of the demi-humans' vends.

"Well, you're right, actually." said Felicia, dejectedly. "It gets boring just sitting around."

"Yeah, about that." said Alex. "I was thinking, why don't you three start small? You don't have to do a job job, per se. Do gardening. Grow some vegetables and we won't have to spend so much on food then."

"We thought about that." said Eve. "Just didn't...have the initiative, I guess."

"Well, I have no problems with you three just sitting around either way." said Alex laying down his coffee cup and and yawning. "I'll look after you."

"And that's the problem." murmured Felicia. "You're always taking care of us all."

"What?" asked Alex.

"Nothing, nothing."

"Wait, is that the beggar woman from that day?" asked Robin, pointing to an old woman covered with shawls.

Sure enough, it was her. The same dirty shawls, the same flimsy footwear, the same cup in her hand, and the same headband covering her eyes as she walked along. The five watched her slowly walk up the stone paved road and turn a corner.

"I think her story was all bullshit." said Alex.

Eve looked up. "Why's that?" she asked, almost defensively.

"Firstly, don't tell me you believe all that religious nonsense. And secondly, just look at her right now. She's walking with ease...almost like she can see. I bet those rags are see through and she still has her eyes."

"But we saw the state of her eyes." said Robin, recalling.

"Yeah, that's the thing I can't explain." said Alex, musing. "Maybe clever makeup of sorts or something?"

"Or maybe she really is blind." said Eve, with a sarcastic grin.


"Hey, folks!" called a loud voice. The five turned around to see Captain Zorran coming toward them with his usual two guard escort. His white armor shining in the sun, he always impressed the girls with the way he walked with a purpose.

"Cap'n!" greeted Alex, getting up. "It's been a long time since you've dropped by."

"Indeed it has, Master Alex!" said Zorran, warmly shaking his hand and then Robin's. He smiled at the girls and pulled up a chair from one of the other tables and joined them. The guards stood just outside the tarp with their backs to the group.

"What's been going on, Zorran? I was worried you were sick or something." said Alex, offering him a scone.

"Oh, forget about me for a second." said Zorran, taking the scone. "What've you been up to? Beating the living shi-" he stopped and glanced at the girls. "Beating the living hell out of Arrdem Moof!? Becoming World Champion? What the hell did I miss!?" he said, excitedly.

Alex grinned. "It's just...I dunno...I guess one thing led to another and the jackass ended up betting his title just so he could beatdown on me."

"Yeah, but to his rude awakening, it turned out Alex knew a thing or two about fighting, and knocked him the fuck out." said Robin, laughing.

"It was more than that, from what I hear." said Zorran. "Is it true that just because he teased Miss Corr, you smashed his face through a table?"

Alex just laughed. The Captain looked at him incredulously. "So, it is! One the guards told me you turned his face into red pulp. I didn't believe it, frankly, till I actually saw that big oaf. myself." he said. "Holy shit, remind me to never get on your bad side."

"That sumbitch had it coming though." said Robin.

"Oh, I don't disagree. I've had to deal firsthand with his bullshit back at the Lord's Residence." said Zorran. "But now that he isn't World Champion, we didn't have to humor him anymore. Not that he waited till the news spread, anyway. He was out of Barfoss before the sun had even come up, I hear." The Captain was silent for a few seconds. "There's one problem though..."

"What?" asked Alex.

"Well, two really. Firstly, Lord Druss' son, Master Barrassen, has had his attention drawn to you. He really liked Moof and now that you humiliated him like that, he's on a warpath."

"The Lord's son on a warpath?" asked Felicia. "But that's...not good."

"No, it isn't." said Zorran. "He maybe young, but he's...quite the handful. He's always known power, so you can guess how his behavior and manners are. I don't think any of you decent folk will be able to stand him for very long. And when he hates someone, he can be quite...barbarous. Plus, you're with three beautiful girls...he'll be very savage about that."

"Yeah, just let him try shit. I'll cut him up from his gut to his throat." said Robin.

"No! That's exactly the point. Don't let him rile you up. Arrdem was nothing, really. He, meanwhile, is the Lord's son. You even try anything with him, and Lord Druss will have you hanged." said Zorran, warningly. "Be very careful when you're dealing with him and be on your guard."

Alex sighed. What was all this about a spoiled little shit getting butthurt he beat his idol up? They couldn't afford to get thrown out of Barfoss but he couldn't let anyone just have their way with him and the girls either. "I'll keep that in mind." he said. "Avoiding all contact with him seems the best approach."

"Yes, that's always the best policy when you're dealing with Barrassen." said the Captain, wearily.

"And what's the second problem?" asked Robin. "You said there were two problems."

"Do you know who endorsed Moof on the night of the Championship fight?" asked Zorran. "Yeah...that's right. I doubt he'll be very pleased with you either. And that, truly, is a person you don't wanna mess with it."

"Ah, we'll deal with him too." said Robin, confidently.

Zorran sighed. Alex looked his friend; he looked tired, sleep deprived, and stretched. "What's with you, Zorran? What's wrong with you? A cut in your pay or something?" he joked.

"It's worse than that." said Zorran. "It's these murders. There was another just last night. That makes it seven in the past two months."

"Really?" asked Alex, amazed. "I didn't know the situation was getting worse." Zorran sighed. "Still no close to tracking him down, eh?" asked Alex.

"No. The only thing we have to go on is a piece of black leather coat that was found just last night. In the other six murders, there was not a scrap...only girls with the side of their heads smashed in by a heavy weapon. Whoever he is, he's getting bolder and more careless. I just fear how many we'll lose before he's finally killed..."

"How do you even know it's a 'he'?" asked Robin. "You might be looking up the wrong tree."

"No, it's definitely a 'he'." said Zorran.

"How can you be so sure?" asked Alex.

"Because" Zorran mumbled, not wanting to talk about it in front of the girls. It clicked to Alex, and he nodded. "Who was it this time, anyway?" he asked, changing the topic.

"Some waitress from The Broken Mug. Nevu." answered Zorran, thankful for the changed subject.

"Nevu!?" said Alex and Robin together.

"You knew her?" asked Zorran, surprised.

"Yeah, she was Walfred's niece! ...she was always so sweet...always smiling. She's the one who always served us when we went there." said Alex, suddenly feeling sad.

"Damn...Nevu...?" said Robin, a bit shaken.

Zorran sighed. "I guess such is life...full of losing people you know."

Alex looked up. "That's...actually pretty accurate. It's truer than I want to admit."

Zorran gave a pained smile. "Well, I've been sitting here too long, Master Wright." he said, getting up. "I fear I have to be on my way now. Thanks for the food. I'll see you later!" Saying so, he walked away, his two guards following him.

"We should be on our way too." said Alex, watching him go.

"Okay." said Liana, sighing. "Let's go."

They all got up and paid the bill to the cafe owner and started their long way back. As they turned around a corner, Eve spotted the old blind woman walking down an alley. Eve turned to Alex. "Al, the next time we're in Barfoss, can we drop by the library?" she asked.

"Why, wassup?" asked Alex.

"I...just wanna look at a few books." she answered, remembering what the old woman had told her about the library having information about the Son of the Devil. Her fascination of him had been growing these past weeks without anyone realizing it, and now she just had to get to the bottom of it. She had to know if he was the one she was destined to be kidnapped and brainwashed by. The old woman's warning about him not liking people digging up his books came to mind, but she ignored it. No way he'd care about some random person reading a book. Right?