Not All Legends Are Dead

In the dark, cavernous room, a figure paced. Still nothing. Nothing! It spotted the five dolls made of human flesh staring blankly at it. With pale hands, it reached out to pick one up. Where are you? Where did you run to? How did all this go so wrong? ...WHERE ARE YOU HIDING!?

* * *

The next day dawned bright and cheerful. Eve got up groggily. She'd gotten used to these hard wooden beds longer struggling to sleep on them. She let out a quiet but long yawn and looked across the room to the other bed. Liana was still soundly sleeping, her dark hair pouring over her blanket.

Eve got out of bed and freshened up. When she was done changing, she looked over at Liana again who still hadn't moved an inch. Eve sat down on the side of her bed and ran a gentle hand through Liana's soft hair.

"Hey." Eve whispered. "Time to wake up."

Liana groaned and turned over, covering herself in her blanket. Eve laughed and pulled off enough so that Liana's head was visible. "Come on, sleeping beauty. Wake up." she said.

Liana got up sleepily, and looked at Eve from under her hair. Suddenly, she grabbed Eve around her neck and pulled her down on the mattress. "You go to sleep too." she muttered, cuddling to Eve.

Eve rolled her eyes a little and smiled. With an effort she untangled herself from Liana's appendages, and sat back up again. "Fine." she whispered. "You sleep a little longer. I'll cover for you today." Saying so, she got up and left the room, leaving Liana to roll back in her blanket.

Outside, Felicia was already making breakfast like she always did. What would we do without her? She peaked in the kitchen. "G'morning." she said.

Felicia looked up and smiled. "Good morning, Evelyn."

"I'll have my breakfast outside." Eve said.

"Why don't you sit with everyone today, for a change?" offered Felicia, goodnaturedly. "You're always trying to be alone nowadays."

"No, it's not that, it's ju-" stammered Eve, but Felicia interrupted. "I know what it is." she said, looking her younger sister in her violet eyes. "But forget that for a second and come here and help me make breakfast." Eve groaned but came into the kitchen and got to work.

As the two were laying out plates, Liana walked in, all freshened up. Eve looked up. "I didn't think you'd wake at all today." she said.

Liana laughed. "I had no intention of waking up. But then you said you'd do my chores and I was just too guilty to sleep after that."

Eve smiled as Liana came over to the table. "It's okay, sometimes; I don't mind covering for you." she said.

Liana gave her a small hug from behind. "You're always so sweet." she said. "Where's Al and Rob, by the way, Fel?"

"I...let them sleep a little." Felicia answered. "When we came home last evening, Robin was extremely tired for some reason. Maybe it was the long walk from the inn? Plus, he...after what he said, he needed a good night's rest."

"And what about Al?" asked Eve, sitting down and pouring herself some porridge.

"Well." said Felicia rubbing the back of her neck. "He was...really tired too." Eve and Liana both narrowed their eyes, a grin spreading across their faces.

"What?" asked Felicia, a little defensively. "He had a lot on his mind."

"And so you decided to take his mind off stuff last night, huh?" said Eve, smiling as she took a spoonful of porridge. Felicia said nothing, but sat down on the table, a little red in the face.

There was silence for a few minutes as the girls ate their breakfast, each in their own line of thought. Outside, the birds chirped away and a gentle wind caressed the trees, softly blowing into the kitchen. After a while, Felicia leaned back in her chair, her plate empty. She looked over at Eve; she had already finished and looked remarkably deep in thought. Felicia nudged Liana and nodded towards Eve. Liana sighed.

"Hey...E." said Liana, tentatively. Eve didn't respond, apparently too engrossed in her thoughts.

"Eve...Evelyn!" said Felicia, snapping her fingers.

"Huh?" said Eve, coming back. "What'd I miss?"

"Eve...I'm worried about you. We're worried about you." said Liana. Eve raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean?" she asked. Felicia let out an exasperated sigh. "You know exactly what we mean. Don't play dumb." Eve said nothing.

"Ever since we heard about that Devil's son story, you've been...too absorbed with it." said Liana, taking Eve's hand across the table. "What's wrong?"

Eve sighed. "It's just that...I don't know it myself...but for some reason I'm attracted to the story."

"Yes. We are too." said Liana.


"Yes." said Felicia. "But there's something more wrong with you than just religious stories. What's wrong, sis? What's really wrong?"

Eve looked at the other two girls. What's the worse that could happen? These two are the two people I trust most in the world anyway. "I just feel like we've been sitting on the sidelines." said Eve. "Ever since we came here, we've...never...done anything. We've always just been a liability to Alex." Her tone rose. "I mean, look at what he had to suffer at the hands of Barrassen just because we were there." Felicia started to say something, but Eve jumped ahead. "And no, before you say anything, I know it was for us that he took those lashes. We've been nothing but...some...precious things that Alex's had the bad luck of protecting."

Liana let her head drop. She's right. "I know...I've been feeling like that since a long time." she said, in a low voice.

There was a second when Felicia's expression said she was gonna be defiant and try to rally the other two, but even she fell silent. "Yeah...that's...always been the case. Alex...looking out for us all."

"Even Robin." said Liana. "The only reason he cracked yesterday was 'cause of all the work he'd been doing these past days to cover Barrassen's order and when he finally got to relax, Katherine fought with him. But...he's been...he's gotten so mature too."

Felicia managed a little smile. "I think that's mostly Katherine's credit. She...changed him from a foulmouthed loudmouth, to...someone a little more considerate."

The three girls smiled a little. "That little girl...she's so much more than she looks."

Felicia suddenly burst out laughing. "After horses, cats were the animals Robin loved the most. He just had his ultimate dream fulfilled when he met Katherine."

"Yeah, we're lucky he didn't go for a centaur." laughed Liana.

Eve sighed. "But that brings us back to us. We...haven't done anything. At least back in Lemara, we used to bake and support all five of us financially. Here? Here we do nothing."

"More than that...I...don't feel in control. It's like we're baggage, just being...handled." said Liana

Silence fell over the three. What was their role? Why were they here? "That's why," said Eve. "that's why I'm so interested in the Son of the Devil. I...have to know if there is more to my story than...just sitting at home." What if I set stuff in motion? At least I'd have done something. "I...wanna know what's in store."

"I wanna get powerful." said Liana, suddenly


"Yeah. Powerful so that I...can look after myself. I don't wanna be a pain to Alex for however long we're stuck here." said Liana.

"We might be stuck here forever." said Felicia, gloomily. She didn't mind having to rely on Alex. Even back home that had been the case. She just didn't want him to suffer because of her. She wanted to go home.

"For some reason, I don't mind that. I mean, I do miss Mom and Dad and Zoe, but...Decimandria feels like it's anchored me here." said Eve. "All I want is to...know what lies in store. Not be a passenger anymore...take control."

The three girls almost simultaneously let out a sigh. "Easier said than done." said Felicia. "Maybe we're destined to be commoners stuck here forever. Maybe there is no villain...not here."

"That's why I have to know." said Eve. "That story is the only...sliver of some...something that might relate to us. Maybe some reason...some rhyme as to why we were brought here."

Liana and Felicia both looked at her. They couldn't deny, they felt the same way. All this is most likely stupid...but we have to at least try something. "Fine." said Felicia. "We have to go shopping in Barfoss today, anyway. You go to the library, Eve, and see what you can turn up. We obviously don't wanna tell the boys about this, do we? So, we'll make up some excuse for why you're going alone somewhere."

"They'll buy it easily." smiled Liana.

"It's settled then." said Eve, sounding a bit relieved. Even such little action like this feels good...feels we're not just being useless.

* * *

Alex and Robin got up soon and had their breakfast in awkward silence. Eve noticed that Liana and Felicia looked fidgety, but she didn't care. Finally, she was going to do something. She knew it was most likely a wild goose chase, but she'd have her curiosity satisfied. Enough of just sitting around. I have to try and find out why we were brought here...that Son of the Devil story has been the closest thing to an answer.

"You wanna spar?" asked Alex, suddenly as he got up with his empty porridge bowl. Robin blinked at him a bit taken aback. Then he nodded enthusiastically. "Sure. We've got a score to settle anyways." he grinned.

"I won't go easy on you today, kid." laughed Alex as he put his bowl in the big wooden bucket for washing.

"Yeah, like that'll change the outcome." winked Robin.

Eve smiled. Looks like those two have squashed their idiocy. She sighed, and leaned against the wall as she slid down to the floor. "What am I doing?" she asked herself out loud.

* * *

Alex and Robin sparred the entire morning and soon came back laughing in the house, drenched in sweat. After drinking a few gourds of water, they went and locked themselves in the workshop, hammering away at the metals. When they finally emerged, it was well in the evening.

Eve nudged Felicia. "Come on!'" she hissed. Felicia threw her a look, but acquiesced and went up to Alex. "Are you really tired? Can you drive us to Barfoss?" she asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Barfoss? Why, we need anything?" he asked.

"We're running a bit low on provisions." said Felicia, toying with her fingers behind her back.

"Ah...fine. Guess it can't be helped." said Alex, sighing. Settling down meant nothing but constant work, eh? Felicia grinned, gave him a light kiss on the cheek and went to get ready, giving Eve a knowing grin as she walked past.

Soon, the five were on their way to Barfoss. Even in the evening, Eve had to appreciate the beauty this small town had. The suburbs were lit with this warm, welcoming glow that the city did not have. The voices of children laughing and playing inside the houses could be heard, husbands laughing with their wives, or two families having a meal together. Eve breathed in deep. This is...home...somehow, it's become that without me ever realizing it...

Once inside Barfoss, Alex pulled up in front of Venna's Supplies. This was fast becoming their base whenever inside Barfoss; Alex could park up the cart with no worries in front of his shop, most of their provisions could be brought here, and those that couldn't, the girls would separate and go buy only to meet up back here.

Venna was showing some rich, important customer outside, when he spotted the five. "Ah, Master Wright." he said, warmly, coming down the steps of his grand shop. "Long time." Alex grinned and jumped off the cart to shake Venna's hand.

Venna noticed Eve looking around; Barfoss always looked better to her at night than it ever did in the morning. Lights pouring out of shop windows, houses with their doors shut, a few dark cats walking along walls, the streetlamps burning was...endearing. "Never gets old, does it?" Venna asked.

Eve smiled. "No...somehow it doesn't. The people here, as someone I used to know said, have a glow in their eyes...have hope for a better tomorrow since their today was so great."

Liana nodded. "Whatever Druss might be as a father and as a can't deny he's a good ruler."

Venna burst out laughing. "No, no, Misses. This," he gestured around. "isn't any Drusses' doing. Indeed, if this city had been left in their hands, it would've long rotted away. It's because of what..." Venna trailed off.

"Because of what?" asked Liana. Venna grinned at her. "Nothing." he said, smiling. Then he leaned in a bit closer. "It's not something that should be discussed so freely in the streets, Miss."


"Anyway," said Eve, letting out a big sigh. "I'll be off then. I'll see you guys back here in a hour, right?"

"Wait, where are you goi-" began Alex, but Eve was already off. He turned to Felicia. "Where is she going?" he demanded.

Felicia patted his cheek. "Just some personal stuff for us girls."

"Ah...okay." said Alex, a bit taken aback. No need for me to get involved in all of that.

Eve walked along, cheerfully. She knew where the library was; she'd asked Katherine a few times and had her instructions down to a dot. The streets were well-lit and the warm light from the streetlights played across her shoulder as she walked along. The stone under her feet was hard and solid, making her footsteps sound loud. She liked it; made it sound like she had purpose. She passed a few guards on patrol who all bowed their heads at her as she walked past; those read hair and violet eyes were too rare in these parts.

As she got nearer to the library though, the streets started getting worse. She passed fewer patrols, the shops were getting thriftier and thriftier, and the people were thinning out. Ah, well, too late to turn back now. I think Katherine gave this route because she takes it herself...wants to be alone and unbothered.

Finally, the road opened up to her destination. The library was a wide, three storyed building. It stood oddly with two roads on either side leading diagonally away, the public seeming to ignore it completely. An old man with a cane limped along, a woman, with most of her breasts exposed stood on the side, and a man in a glossy leather overcoat stood leaning against a wall, his face covered by a hat. Eve sighed, and looked at the library again; it's facade was dark and brooding in the evening and it clearly needed some repairs. But the grandness of the building had not been worn off yet. Eve figured it was one of the oldest structures in Barfoss.

Eve grinned. This was it. She set off in a brisk walk after taking in the building a little. As she got closer, she noticed dim lights coming from inside; apparently someone still cared a little. But these lights were different...they weren't cheerful or welcoming. They were just...lonely and desolate. She came up to the big wooden doors, and for a second, thought she needed to use the big knocker. After a second of indecision, she shrugged, and pushed the heavy door inside.

Inside, the building was exactly like she'd imagined it to be judging from the outside. It was dimly lit with a few candles. A wooden chandelier burned above, barely casting any light. A big, messy, round desk stood in the middle of the hall. An old man sat behind it, perusing through scrolls. A few old people sat in the sad carrels among the tall shelves reading dusty tomes. A rickety old ladder lay on the floor to the left, supposedly to be used to reach the books higher up in the shelf. Eve doubted anyone present right now had enough calcium left in their bones to do that anymore.

Taking all this in, she started walking towards the big desk in the middle. No one seemed to notice or care about her presence as she moved without a sound, toward the round table. The man behind the scroll strewn table was short and very old; he had white hair which were neatly combed, and he had some kind of wooden glasses on. His ears were long and stretched and he his nose was crooked. He didn't notice Eve coming up and continued to inspect the scroll in his hand with great interest.

"Er...excuse me." said Eve, a little weakly. "Are you the librarian."

The old man slowly looked up through his bushy eyebrows, unable to believe his ears. He stared at Eve for a second, taking in the young redhead. Then suddenly he remembered his manners and jumped to his feet, smiling.

"Ah, yes, Miss, yes. I am indeed the librarian." he beamed. "Forgive me, but I couldn't believe someone as young and beautiful as you would've walked in through those doors."

Eve smiled and looked around. "No one seems to...appreciate this library, do they?" she asked, actually meaning it. The librarian looked at her disbelievingly again. "Why, Miss, that's exactly how I feel. We get less and less people coming in every day. Those who do are too old and frail like me, barely a few winters left in them. The rafters are falling down, the candles running out...the funding barely sufficient. No one seems to care anymore. Sometimes I wonder...I wonder what will happen to this place when I'm dead." He looked up at Eve and saw her looking at him with...empathy. Or is it interest? He couldn't tell these days. "Ah, forgive me again, Miss." he said, taking a bow. "I'm afraid us old men just need a single reason to lament about how great life was in the days past. I didn't mean to bother you with our sad story."

"No, no." said Eve, quickly. "It's fine."

The old man smiled. He had already taken a liking to her; coming to a library at this age? She had to be an extremely keen knowledge learner. "Pray tell me, Miss," he said, sitting back down on his chair. "what can I help the young lady with?"

Eve shifted a bit uncomfortably. " do you have on...religious beliefs?" she asked. The old librarian grinned. "Miss, we have entire shelves full of religious books. You need only tell me what you're interested in, and I can guide you to fifty different tomes."

"Er...well...what do you have on the god Mormen and his stories?" Eve asked. The librarian put his fingers together, and looked up at the big wooden chandelier. When he spoke, his voice was quieter. "Despite the...stigma...around Mormen, the library does still have extensive books on the subject. What about Mormen strikes your fancy, Miss? His teachings, his stories, his cults?"

Eve sighed. "Maybe it's just better I tell you exactly what I want." The librarian nodded, encouragingly. "That would be for the best, Miss." he said. Eve looked at him; he seemed like a nice guy. He even looked wise and thoughtful. She made up her mind. "I want everything you have on Mormen's son. Or the Son of the Devil or whatever name he goes by."

The librarian suddenly drained of color. "Ah, miss...someone as young and bright as you should not be so keen on such a dark subject." he said, in a low voice.

"Why?" asked Eve.

"There have been stories...stuff that's happened to any who go looking for The Prince, Miss." the old man said, his voice faraway.

"Surely nothing will come off of looking at a few reference books." said Eve, suddenly nervous.

"But it has, Miss. People have...gone missing who got too obsessed with him. People have died odd, horrible deaths...just because they looked at his dark books." said the librarian, clearly scared.

Eve shook her head. I've come this far, I'm not going back without something. "That may be fine, but I still wanna look."

Something about her tone made the librarian come out of his reverie. She was demanding? He sighed. "We do not have many books on the subject, Miss. All there is are some records. Cases of The Prince's doings written down... but I have kept them as far away from reach as possible."

"Where is it?" said Eve, getting impatient.

"The top floor, on the farthest shelf to the left." said the old man, sounding like he was struck with sadness.

"Thank you." said Eve, starting to go.

"Wait!" called the librarian. "Here." He sifted through his mountains of scrolls till he located a small drawer on the desk. He pulled it open and took out a small, black key and held it out for Eve. "I...locked the books in a holy box so that they could not be opened by unsuspecting eyes. But if you're certain...."

Eve took the keys. She was feeling a kind of reckless courage. Too long had she been cooped up, just letting life throw her around. Whatever this box might hold or bring, she was ready to face it. Without another word to the librarian, she took the big staircase in the center of the room and started climbing up to the upper floors.

The second floor had a couple of people reading large books; Eve ignored them and continued up. As soon as she reached the landing between the third and second floor, it was like a bucket of ice had been poured on her. There wasn't really any visible difference between the two floors, but somehow the third floor seemed darker...colder. The little warmth that the two floors had been emanating was completely absent on this floor.

"Must've left a window open." Eve tried to assure herself and took the last set of steps. There was not a soul here; it was eerily quiet. Controlling the sudden fear she felt, she recalled the librarian's words: Farthest shelf to the left? With slow steps she set off.

A few small candles were burning, barely illuminating the floor. The tall shelves cast ghostly shadows almost plunging the area into complete darkness. What is it with this floor? Eve ignored her urge to abandon this chase and run back to the cheerful warmth of Venna's shop, and determindedly took the remaining steps.

Finally! She reached farthest the shelf and looked up at it. It was tall, almost reaching up to the roof...and it seemed darker than the other shelves. Shaking her head, Eve picked up the candle that was burning on the table and walked down the quiet lane. Wooden box...wooden box. Eve couldn't find any as she scanned for any sign of it on the shelf. She glanced at the right shelf just to see if the librarian had been mistaken and through one of the breaks, she thought she saw a shadow move. She didn't realize it at first and kept moving forward but, after a second, it struck her and froze her on the spot.

She stood there, her hand starting to shake a little. Was...was there somebody there? She realized suddenly, how alone she was. No! NO! She took a deep breath and steeled herself. As Val always used to say: You're only afraid of your own imagination.

A new wave of courage washed over her and she continued. Still no sign of the box. Finally, she reached the other end of the wall but with no results; she sighed. All this effort for nothing? Where is it? Eve lifted the candle up a little to be able to see the upper books on the shelf and suddenly spotted it. There! Sitting just about in her reach, there stood a thin wooden box, shoved in a small niche in the rack.

Eve got on her tiptoes and fumbled around to reach it. Barely able to wrap her fingers around it, she dragged the box out. It didn't make sound as it slid and it was surprisingly light. With the box in one hand, and a candle in the other, Eve looked around for a carrel or a table.There was a small table right there, lining the wall adjacent to the shelf. She gingerly placed the box on it, and sat down on the dusty chair.

Her breath was faster now. This was it...whatever it was. She ran the candlelight along the box; it had a small black lock on the lid, and some kind of intricate design on it, but otherwise appeared to be pretty normal. She brought the candle toward the top and saw there was some writing on it.

Beware he whoever dares opens this box:

This houses a part of evil itself. If you seek it, it will find you, and it will destroy everything you hold dear. There will be no going back once you open this box...Take heed and run, lest the wrath of the Devil rains down upon you. May Haldora watch over us and may Parala keep this evil sealed forever.

A chill went down her spine. What is all this? As Eve scrutinized the box further, she noticed that 'designs' were actually some kind of runes. Sealing runes? She was nervous now...extremely nervous. But somehow she couldn't stop herself. She ran a gentle hand over the lock; still sturdy. Eve inserted the small key inside the lock, and turned it. The lock opened as smoothly as if it'd just been used yesterday. With trembling hands, Eve lifted the light lid up to reveal the contents inside.

The box was lined with some kind of dark red velvet. A couple of books and a few scrolls littered inside. Eve picked up the biggest tome; it was black and had no title or any symbols on it whatsoever. She gingerly opened it and started reading. The book recounted pretty much the same story the blind woman had told them all those weeks ago, but it seemed to revere The Son even more.

Eve closed the book and put it aside on the table. She looked inside and spotted a thick, red, leather book. She slowly lifted it up and opened it. To her disappointment, the book seemed to be written in another language.Some kind of loopy, curvy runes, written extremely neatly. They could've been an intricate design rather than a language. But it was totally alien to her and as she flicked through the pages, the language seemed to get more complicated. With a frustrated sigh, she put this book aside too.

She dived back in the box again and noticed there were just a few scrolls left. She picked the biggest one up, and opened it out on the table. Again she let out a frustrated groan; this scroll was written in another language too. These runes were different from before though. They were boxy and well spaced out. She couldn't make head or tail of it either, so she tossed it to the side. There was a small scroll inside the box, tied up with a gold ribbon. She picked it up and gingerly undid the knot. The parchment felt extremely old and extremely delicate. A scent of old books wafted from it, and for a second Eve let herself enjoy it. Then she spread the scroll out and let out a sigh of relief. English. She leaned in closer to the dim candle and began to read:

Revered Grand Priest,

I write to you to report our progress on the current hunt. I'm afraid the news is not good. not like any of our usual prey. It's unlike anything we've ever faced, Father. We thought we had cornered it in Druccarv castle and launched an offensive. I sent our best Paladins in...none came out alive. All I heard was screams... and if you could hear those shrieks, Father...if you could hear how a man can truly scream...

I can still hear their cries when I sleep.

I keep a brave face as we camp outside the castle, but I'm worried...I see dread in the eyes of the other Paladins...they are terrified, Father. Terrified that this creature may come out of the castle at any hour. For the first time, in over ten years of service, I see fear in the eyes of my brothers...I FEEL fear myself. I pray for Maddos to give me strength, but...I feel like that will not be enough.

All this time we thought were chasing it, but it was always the other way around. IT was leading US...

I have prepared my sword, and I have asked the Great Maddos for strength. I will head into the castle myself with my remaining brothers and I will see this through as my duty demands. I send this raven to you before the attack. If you do not hear from me again in a day, Father, know that I was killed in God's name. I hope you will lay mine and my brothers' spirits to rest if this...smoke...were to consume us.

I urge you to take my letter as a warning, Father. This not of this world. We humans have no hope against it...we CANNOT win...

Pray for me, Father, pray for my brothers...pray for any who cross its path.

Your Loyal Servant,

Knight Paladin Prixef

Eve let out a deep breath and reread the letter. What is all this? What were they chasing? Who were'they'? What scared them so much? The Son? But if they believed he was the Son of the Devil himself, they wouldn't be trying to hunt it down like this...

Maybe there was more to this 'Son' than just religious talk...maybe he was something more....

Eve shook her head and placed the scroll to the side as she looked back into the box. Only a few scrolls remained and a note in an envelope. She picked it up and turned it over in her hands: thick, heavy parchment and some kind of red wax seal that was open. It had a crest of some House or Order on it, but it was too smeared to make out anymore. Eve opened it with careful hands and pulled out the letter inside. The letter began abruptly and Eve suspected that there was another parchment before this which had been lost.

Massacre. Complete massacre. One minute we stood there, victory against those barbaric villagers almost in hand. The next...fear. All we felt was fear. Some...creature...was angry. Terribly angry with us. Men started fleeing from...from nothing. Some collapsed and broke into sobs, some just froze completely. And then I saw him. He...floated over the bodies of men we'd piled up. No weapon in hand, no armor...just his black presence. His hands behind his back he stood hovering over the bodies. It was as if he was looking into our very souls. And then...without moving a hand, massacre. Men started screaming...dying horrible deaths as if cut from a thousand blades. Heads started to roll. Some tried to rush at him, but they were ripped in two before they were within 40 yards of him. There was nothing anyone could do.

And then it looked at me...I saw his face. Two red eyes...two horrible red eyes. The eyes of death itself.

It looked me in the eye, and I'm not ashamed to say...I shat my breeches. It was something...powerful. Something utterly terrifying. It was angry with us that we'd attacked the village and within seconds it had butchered all those responsible without raising a hand.

I don't know why I was the only one spared by it, but I suspect it was to warn you. And warn you I shall...because...this was no human creature. It was not some mage's trick. It...was pure evil. It was death given form...

I haven't been able to sleep since that day. I keep seeing those eyes. I...I see them EVERYWHERE. They keep looking at me...they...just keep looking at me. I...can't take this anymore. I have to be free from this suffering.

Take my word...this is not something you want to is not cannot be killed for it is not alive. as far and as fast as you can. It is coming for you.

I know what I must do...those eyes command me to do it. You will not hear from me again...I have to escape this evil's torment...Goodbye, old friend.

The letter ended and Eve just held it in her hands...staring at the wall in front of her. Her heart was beating faster now. This...creature...whatever it was, seemed horrifying. Whoever faced it, seemed to be petrified by it. Red eyes of death...

Eve put the letter back in the envelope and looked in the box again...her nerves were starting to give out. I...don't wanna do this anymore! All these accounts of the creature...always death, always fear. She felt like she wanted to cry...but she still felt her hand diving in the box again. She knew she couldn't stop herself no matter how badly she wanted to. Only two scrolls remained in the box now; she picked the smaller of the two.

She opened it and saw that most of the writing had faded. And whatever was visible, it looked like it was written in the same language as in the red book. With almost a thankful sigh that she didn't have to read through another account of a bloodbath, she put it aside. One last scroll remained in the box. It was in a kind of cylindrical, wooden, black container with runes all over it. Eve picked up, very gingerly, and popped the lid on the side. She slid the scroll out and and saw that it was tied with a black ribbon. As she was about to pull it open, she noticed it had some writing on it:

If you open this scroll, The Prince will come for you. You have been warned.

Eve ignored the warning and untied the knot. Putting the ribbon aside, she spread open the final scroll:

I write these words resigned to my inevitable inevitable death. For such is the consequence of all those who defy The Prince. If you have something he wants...if you anger him in any can count your remaining hours in one hand.

I was a young man once...a scholar. History and legends held great interest for me. Particularly, the legend of The Prince. He was just a legend...a legend that most colleagues of mine didn't even believe in. I blindly started my quest to unearth its validity. To find if it had some truth to it... Oh, how blind I was...

I could not have ever imagined, that not only was he real...but he would reach out with his dark hand and destroy everything I hold dear, simply for the crime of wanting to know the truth.

Yes, it is a legend as old as time itself...but it is still alive. HE is still alive. Thousands of years have passed, countless ages have come and gone, but his legend persists. The legend of the Prince of Darkness...The Son of the Devil...Demon Lord...some even say he's the Devil himself.

But that is all nonsense. I have studied all there is to know about him. All that has ever been recorded...his different names, his different forms, his different stories. Different religions picked his legend up and they each give him a different name. matter how many years I spent trying to uncover the truth...I failed. I could not find his true self. All I realized was, he is...darkness itself. An evil creature that has roamed these lands long before any of us...long before any Age. A creature that has lived so long that he has countless titles to his name...countless stories about him. That's the most fearsome thing about The Prince...he has no fate to which he is bound. That makes him unpredictable...dangerous...unbeatable...

He thrives off fear. When I started this study...when I said I'd write his foolish legend for the entire world to see...I got hints. Little nudges at first...telling me to stop this endeavor. But I thought nothing of it...I didn't even believe him to be alive...

But then the nudges turned into pushes. Friends around me started dying...mysterious deaths. 'Accidents' those who didn't know The Prince like I did. That spurred me on; I was determined to show the world his existence no matter how many years it took.

But then...then I fell in love...and he took her too. He took my Anna. The only thing I had left to me was our daughter.

One night as I sat working...the nurse putting my daughter to sleep upstairs...I called to the her to have her bring me tea but she didn't respond. I suddenly realized that there was just...silence in the house. Utter silence. I panicked and I ran up to my daughter's room and to her cradle...and I saw it. A small, sharp silver dagger gently placed on my sleeping babies chest. This was the last warning...he showed me how quickly he could've taken even her from me. That's when I knew...I had to stop. The price was too great.

That's what The Prince wants...fear. He didn't want to kill me...he wanted to make an example out of me. My colleagues saw how my study was taxing it turned me into a mere husk of myself...and I saw that they were afraid. Saw that they would never pursue the legend of The Prince

I abandoned that foolishness and dedicated my entire life to my daughter. I raised her well, shielding her from any evil that might befall her.

But I live the last days of my life...I have to complete what I started all those years ago. I have to try and let the world know of The Prince. I do not know his story, I do not know what legends of his are true, I do not know his power...but I have to warn the world. I have to try and tell everyone of the darkness that wanders these lands.

However...I fear this to be a fruitless venture. The Prince sees all...controls all. Even you, dear reader, now that you've read this scroll, are now in grave danger. You cannot run from cannot hide from him. Go home, my unfortunate reader, and hold your loved ones close...for he is coming...he is coming. sorry...that I have burdened you with this knowledge...sorry that I inked this on paper...but I fear that is how his legend lives...I fear that this what he wanted all along...

Eve collapsed back, her breathing fast and heavy. Could there be any truth to what this scroll said? Was there a chance what was written here held real meaning? Eve was afraid, suddenly. Very afraid. Her courage had evaporated and she realized why. It wasn't because of what would happen to her if The Prince was real...but what would happen to Liana, Robin, Alex, and Felicia. What if I suffer the same fate as this author? What if all those who I love die and I'm left alone...? NO!

For some reason, tears started to form in her eyes. She didn't wanna be here anymore...she just wanted to go home. She hastily wiped her eyes. She'd reached a decision. Just as she'd started throwing all the books and scrolls pell-mell back into the box, a soft voice spoke behind her: "Terrifying, isn't it?"

Eve almost jumped out of her skin. The chair fell and she jumped up and turned around, backed up against the table, clutching her heart. Eve frantically searched for the source of sound, and there, standing in the darkness looking at her, was the blind beggar lady who'd first told her about The Son.

"You!" whispered Eve, hoarsely, taking painful breaths.

"You should not be here, Miss." said the old woman, her face pointing at exactly Eve's eyes. Something was different about her here; her voice was smooth, not raspy like before. She wasn't just a beggar here...she was in control.

Eve realized, she was afraid. Afraid of this old woman. "You're...right. You're right." she said, quickly. "I was just leaving."

"Well, now it is too late." said the old woman.

"What...what do you mean?" asked Eve, her throat going dry.

"You've seen've seen everything. You've looked upon the black records of The Prince." said the old woman, taking a step closer toward Eve.

"Yeah? And so what?" asked Eve, suddenly feeling defiant. She had to make her point. I did nothing wrong. "What's wrong with looking up a few old cases?"

"Nothing wrong...except The Prince doesn't like it. And he is those who annoy him." said the old woman, taking another step closer to Eve.

Eve backed up further against the table, almost sitting on it. "You were the one who told me about him." she said. "Why'd you say anything in the first place."

"I told you a legend. I didn't tell you to chase after it and see if it was real." said the woman, stopping her approach. She pondered for a second and it looked like she felt sad suddenly. "I...I should never have told you the story. If I had, Miss, are kind. You don't deserve the punishment that's coming."

Eve looked at her incredulously. Then she swallowed. "Then...then don't punish me." she pleaded. The old woman looked up, shocked. "Oh...I'm not gonna punish you, Miss. I don't do anything except watch over these books. It's the Prince who's coming for you."

"The...The Prince? He'll come?" asked Eve.

"I'm afraid so." said the old woman.

Eve looked at her for a few seconds, unable to say anything. The old woman kept staring at Eve through her head band, her expression greatly saddened. "How can you see?" asked Eve, her curiosity getting the better of her.

The old woman tilted her head to the side a little, as if confused. "I don't see, Miss."

"You clearly see something. You walk in the streets, avoiding all the passersby as if you can see them coming. You're looking at me right now." said Eve.

"That..." said the old woman, perking up. Was she...proud? "That, Miss, is a gift from the Dark Lord."

"Wha-? The Prince?" asked Eve.

"Yes. When he...took my eyes for having dared to look upon him...he wasn't completely merciless. He gave me the gift of smell. I can smell the people I talk to, I can tell them apart simply from their scent. I can smell people coming up the road, so I step aside. I can see through my nose."


"And that wasn't all. Since that night, I haven't fallen ill a single time. No matter how sick all the other beggar folk around me get, I never catch it. Never."

"All for the price of two eyes." said Eve, a little sarcastically. She was horrified how this woman felt like she'd been blessed.

"I dared look upon him, Miss. I should not have done that. What he did was fair. But then...he also made me his watcher. I...know...that I'm meant to stay in Barfoss. I know that I'm to watch over these records." said the old woman.

"You're-" Eve stopped herself. She's crazy!

The old woman shuffled a step closer to her and Eve back up a little more. "I...think I'm gonna leave now." said Eve. "You're the watcher, right? Put all these records back!" Saying so, Eve suddenly side-stepped the old woman and broke off in a run. She jumped down the steps two at a time, almost tripping, not waiting to hear if the old woman would chase her. When she reached the ground floor, she ran past the old librarian dropping the small key at his desk. The old man shot up, seeing the running figure, but then he spotted the key and let out a deep, sad sigh. "It's too late now, child..." he whispered after her disappearing figure.

Eve burst outside and looked around frantically. No one. She took a deep breath and tried to steady herself. Being outside made her feel safer, but this neighborhood didn't make it easy. She wanted to get back to the part of town which still had lit streetlamps. She straightened up and set off in a quick walk towards Venna's shop. Not gonna draw any attention to myself.

With each step a little of her fear started dissipating. She started breathing normally again. That had to be all nonsense. It HAD to be. The walk back seemed to stretch endlessly in front of her. Venna's shop still seemed miles ahead.

Eve started looking around to get her mind off things and spotted a few rundown shops all closed up now. There was a big shop under an abandoned apartment type building which seemed like it had been grand during its hey-days. Eve looked at it as she passed, and suddenly, from the side of her vision, she saw a black coat following her. A chill ran up her spine. Who's that? How long had he been behind her? She didn't dare stop so she kept walking. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Maybe he's just taking the same route. Eve quickened her pace a little and she thought she heard the man behind her in the black leather coat do the same. Eve's stomach dropped. Surely not THIS soon! Surely he couldn't have come for her this quickly!

Eve broke into a little run and this time there was no mistaking it: the man behind her started running too. Eve panicked. Her nerves were already torn and this was too much. She broke into her full speed and ran down the empty road, the wind whistling in her ears. Still, the man kept pace. Just as she was about to scream for help on the barren road, strong hands grasped her. She shrieked, but before she could get much sound out , there was a hand over her mouth. Eve struggled, but the man was stronger than her. He held her in a vice-like grip, and suddenly pushed her into a dark alley.

He held onto her as he dragged her to the very end of it, and then slammed her against wall. Fear throbbing through her veins, she looked at her assailant. He was wearing a glossy, black leather coat. His face was almost completely hidden under his hat's shadow; only thin lips and an unshaven stubble were visible. The man was smiling gleefully, reveling in Eve's panic.

Grabbing Eve's throat, he held her against the wall with one hand. With the other, he tried to rip off her dress's top, but only partially succeeded, revealing her underwear inside. Eve screamed, and he roughly blocked her mouth again. Reaching into his coat, he pulled out a dark object. As Eve instinctively looked at it, she realized it was bludgeon...and it was covered with...dried blood?! Eve's eyes widened with terror as she saw him raise the bludgeon to hit her and then suddenly she felt...fear? Fear more than she'd felt right at the brink of death. This was was absolutely horrifying. It was as if her heart had been pierced by an ice-cold shard and then it was being twisted around. The man felt it too. His hand still in the air, he looked around, confused...terrified.

Suddenly, smoke started engulfing the attacker's feet. Thick, dark smoke. He let out a scream and started kicking to get the smoke off him, but it started rising up. He started to scream even more and started panicking, flailing around to get the smoke to stop but it just kept rising up till his entire body was covered. As soon as it was, he started shrieking. It was as if he was in complete agony. But now, his screams were muffled...somehow suppressed behind the smoke.

As Eve watched, absolutely frozen with fear, she suddenly saw it. The smoke almost taking the shape of a head...some demonic head. And two eyes...bright, blazing red eyes. They turned to her and fixed her with their gaze. If it had been something human, she might've screamed. She might've tried to run. But this...this wasn't human. When it looked at her, Eve knew nothing was of any use. With its single gaze, it robbed her of any hope. She stood there, awaiting her fate, frozen with fear.

Eve felt like she could die of fear itself right at this moment. But, suddenly, it disappeared for a second. Suddenly, it was if the eyes had seen something in her...somehow she was familiar? Somehow the eyes were...confused? But the moment passed and the fear returned tenfold.

The smoke raised a hand and thick black vapor started engulfing her too. She didn't feel any pain though...just a rush. As if she was falling through the air. She suddenly realized, she was being pushed away; the scene with the man in the black coat, now floating in the air, getting further away. She heard him scream a death cry, and she saw the red eyes turn toward him. Yet still the smoke kept pushing her back until she was engulfed in light.

With a sudden stopping motion she was suddenly brought to a halt and the smoke dissolved around her. Just as Eve's mind registered streetlamps and safety, her spirit gave out, her legs failed her, and she collapsed on the road, unconscious.