
Liana blinked in disbelief. Was it really him? Was it really her brother? It certainly did look like her younger sibling...certainly did look like Valek. But...something was...off.

Valek looked different from when she'd last seen him on Earth. His hair was long and slicked back now, almost reaching his shoulders. He wore a very expensive, dark red, leather overcoat that came down to his ankles. His knee-high boots looked like they belonged on a royalty. He wore no gloves, just a single ring on his middle finger on his left hand. His trousers and shirt were casually black, but looked valuable too. And maybe it was the coat, so bespokely made to fit his figure or maybe it was just Valek, but he looked taller now too.

Valek hadn't given Liana a second look though. He was looking at Barrassen lying on the ground. "Why, you little shit!" screamed Barrassen. "I'll kill you for this! Get him!" he shouted at the two soldiers who were not holding Alex and Robin. Menacingly, they stepped forth, but suddenly, it was as if a giant had stepped into the tent. Easily towering over eight feet, a huge, bulky man came up with heavy footsteps. He was dressed completely in black, replete with a black overcoat. The only color he had on his clothes was a red symbol on his right shoulder, but before any of the five could really make it out, he turned.

Looking at the hulking colossus in front of them, the two soldiers suddenly lost heart. Even the ones holding Alex and Robin loosened their grip, but the two boys were too distracted to notice. Valek, meanwhile, hadn't so much as glanced at the soldiers; they weren't worth his time.

"That's no way to treat a lady." said Valek to Barrassen. Everyone in the tent had eyes on the situation now...everyone looking at the mysterious stranger.

"Shut the fuck up!" screamed Barrassen jumping up. There is a reason why alcohol is called liquid courage, and right now, a lot of it was coursing through his veins. "I'll kill you myself!" He unsheathed is ornate knife, and lunged at Valek.

Valek easily dodged. Barrassen didn't stop, he turned around and started slashing at him again. But Valek kept dodging with ease, his hands behind his back, amused. "You've held a blade before, haven't you?" asked Valek, dodging. "Seems all you've used your sword for though, is to bully peasants. You've never fought a man before, have you?" The young lord let out a roar of frustration. "Stand still, you litt-" began Barrassen, but suddenly, Valek, with one hand, grabbed his wrist. The other, he put behind Barrassen's neck. There was a moment when Barrassen realized he was in a lock, but before he could do much, Valek smashed him, headfirst into the wine barrel standing by the table.

The barrel hadn't been opened yet, but Valek slammed Barrassen's head so hard against the wooden lid, it broke and Barrassen's entire upper body was dipped in the barrel, his feet up in the air. There was a comical moment when a confused Barrassen tried desperately to get out of the situation, but Valek stepped back in. Almost lazily, he kicked the barrel down, and Barrassen fell out along with all the wine.

Spluttering, humiliated, and even more drunk, Barrassen stared up at the unperturbed Valek, who was pulling his coat sleeves, not even bothering to look at him. "You're gonna die!" he screamed, his voice cracking. Alex thought for a moment, Barrassen was gonna burst into tears. But he got up, and rushed out of the tent, screaming for his father. The five soldiers, unsure of what to do, just stood there for a second; then they eyed the silent giant still staring at them, and lost all courage. Shoving Alex and Robin away, all five of them ran out.

With an unnatural serenity, Valek glided over to Liana and offered her his hand. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice soothing.

"Ye-yes. Valek?" muttered Liana, confused out of her mind. He grinned at her, and led her back to Robin, Alex, Eve, and Felicia, who were too shocked to even acknowledge Liana.

"Va...Val?" asked Eve. What is going on? Is it really him? He...he looks like him. He IS him!

"Holy shit! Val?" asked Alex in a low voice. Valek grinned and coolly reached over and grabbed a generous slice of white cake from the nearby table. Suddenly, Alex realized how much worse the situation had gotten. Lord Druss is gonna KILL him for laying a hand on his precious son. "Val, you need to get out of here." said Alex, hurriedly. He raised a hand to silence the other four. "We don't have time. Val, run. Get out of here now!"

"But I haven't finished my cake yet." said Valek comfortably, taking a bite.

"Do you know who that was? Lord Druss is gonna be on a warpath. You need to go now." said Alex, trying his best to keep his voice down.

Valek looked at him, amused. Then he sighed. "You just stay put here for me, okay?" Serenely, with the plate of cake still in his hands, he glided out of the tent. His huge companion wordlessly followed.

A few guests, scared of what might occur next, quietly grabbed the children and left. Others couldn't help themselves and just stared; they wanted to see what Lord Druss would do. How he'd punish Valek.

Within minutes, there was a sound of running steps and clanging armor. Lord Druss burst into the tent with Barrassen and a group of soldiers behind him, absolutely livid. "Who was it!?" he screamed. "Which one of you pathetic, shit eating commoners dared to touch my son!? Who!?" The guests just sat silently, not daring to make eye-contact. "If you swines won't speak, I'll have all of you killed! Who was it! Come forward!!" shouted Druss, his windpipe almost bursting.

"It was me." said the cool voice of Valek, stepping back into the tent, the plate of cake now gone. The giant wordlessly followed Valek yet again. Druss spun around to look at the speaker, and it was as if he got shot. He recoiled a little, the color visibly draining from his face. His mouth fell open, and he just stared, absolutely terrified, at Valek.

"There's no need to scream, Jazfern." said Valek. Somehow, the sereneness and amusement had disappeared from his voice. It wasn't loud, yet the displeasure was apparent in the ice-cold tone.

Suddenly, Druss fell on his knees, bowing to Valek. "L...L...Lor...Lord...Lord Valentine!" stammered Druss in disbelief. An audible gasp went over the crowd. Even the five were stunned into absolute shock. He's LORD VALENTINE!?

Druss was not even daring to look up at Valek from the ground. Barrassen, his white clothes stained red, looked more dead than alive now. If that's Lord Valentine...I'm fucked.

Valek didn't say anything, he looked at the groveling figure in front of him, his black eyes blazing with displeasure, but his face expressionless. "Lo...Lord Valentine, I...I didn't know you were in town. You...you should've said something. We...we would've welc-"

"Do I need to make myself accountable to you, Jazfern?" asked Valentine, his voice icy.

"No, no, no!" said Druss, bowing even further, beads of sweat appearing on his face. "I didn't mean no offence, Lord Valentine! None at all! I...I merely wanted to tell you that we'd have received you royally! We would've-"

"That's enough." said Valek. "Get up." Druss got up, but still couldn't look at Valek; terrified, he kept his shoulders rounded, and looked everywhere but in Valek's eyes.

"I dropped by to see how Barfoss was doing...how you were getting along ruling the city." said Valek, taking a step toward Druss. "And what do I see?"

Druss shrank back, his figure almost bending over again. "I see the Lord's son...your son... molesting an innocent woman." said Valek, the cold rage increasing in his voice. "Is this what the future Lord of Barfoss is? A rapist? Is this how he will rule this city?"

"No...no. No. Forgive me, Lord Valentine. Forgive him. It was his birthday...he...he got drunk. He didn't realize what he was doing. I'm begging you, forgive him."

"And then he insulted me." said Valek, simply. Druss looked like someone had stabbed him. "It was a mistake, my Lord. He didn't know who you were. If he did, he wouldn't have dared show his face to you. Forgive him, please. He's just a young, unguided boy, he-"

"And whose fault is that?" asked Valek. Druss fell silent, frightened out of his wits with what might happen next. "Please, my Lord. Forgive his behavior. I'll...I'll personally make sure that it never happens again. I swear to yo-"

"You had eighteen years to make sure, Jazfern." said Valek, disgusted at the groveling man in front of him. But his expression and tone didn't betray anything.

"Forgive him." repeated Druss, weakly.

"No." said Valek, simply. "I will not tolerate this kind of...insolence and savagery. Your son will be punished." It looked like Druss was about to collapse and just die at those words; Barrassen was visibly shaking. He was so white, he looked more like a corpse than a human being.

Valek pretended to ponder for a second, than he wordlessly beckoned over his bodyguard. The huge man came up to Valek, and bowed a little. Valek muttered something to him in such a low voice, Alex had to wonder how did the giant even hear a single word. Valek then turned back to the terrified father-son duo. "Vicktor, will administer the punishment to your son. You are to go with him and witness what he himself...and your ineptitude to raise him...has brought on him."

Vicktor wordlessly walked past Valek and grabbed Barrassen by the arm. None of the soldiers dared to step forward. Barrassen didn't even try to resist; he was white as a sheet and Vicktor almost carried him out of the tent and toward the mansion. Druss, almost on the verge of tears, rushed after him with the soldiers behind him.

Valek turned back into the tent and looked at the crowd staring at him. Everyone instantly dropped their gazes, not daring to make eye-contact with him. Valek laughed. "Is this a celebration or a funeral?" He signaled to one of the guards standing outside, and he rushed in, carrying a wooden barrel on his shoulders. The soldier placed it down, and broke open the lid with a little ax. "I bring to you the finest Merriandel wine!" said Valek, dipping a mug into the barrel. "Tonight we dine fine, and drink fast. Tonight we celebrate this city! Raise your glasses high! To Barfoss!" shouted Valek, drinking the entire mug. People cheered after him too. "To Barfoss!" they shouted and drank their mugs. They knew it had always been Lord Valentine ruling the city behind the scenes. And now he had come back bearing one of the finest and most expensive booze. Suddenly, the world seemed cheerful again. There was no need to be afraid of Lord Druss anymore with Lord Valentine here. Valek signaled the band, and it burst into a fresh explosion of music. People started lining up in front of the barrel, and somehow the soldier found himself being forced to serve the half-drunk men.

The party quickly broke out again; people started shouting and cheering, the band dancing and singing again, the men even more drunk. Laughing good naturedly, Valek came back to the Alex, Felicia, Liana, Eve, and Robin. They were all staring at him still, utterly stunned. Not only was their long lost brother back, but somehow he was now the World's Most Powerful Man.

"Val...? Valek?" said Eve weakly, coming up to him.

Valek grinned at her then the rest of the four. He held up a hand to stop Eve from rushing in and hugging him, which somehow he preempted. "We'll talk, but not here." he smiled.

Alex figured Valek didn't want some commoners talking to him like old friends. It stung a little... not because he didn't understand why Valek wanted that, but because Alex was reminded once again, he'd ended up a commoner. "What 'punishment' did you give to Barrassen?" he asked a little bitterly, trying to shift his mind.

"Oh, him?" said Valek. "I ordered Vicktor to cut off his lips."

"Wait, what?" exclaimed Eve, shocked at oddity of the punishment.

"Well, I thought about having one of his hands cut off, but I don't need a disabled Lord. Cutting one of his fingers off was too little." said Valek, matter-of-factly. "Giving him cat-lips means he's not made incompetent...yet, whenever he'll go outside and people will look at him...whenever he'll look in the mirror, he'll be forever reminded of why the punishment was given to him. And, it also ruins his face which he's clearly so proud of." added Valek.

Alex was speechless at the downright...efficiency...of Valek. He was right, it was a flawless punishment. It perfectly signified Barrassen's crimes. It was brutal, yet tame. It was apparent, yet not handicapping. Right on Barrassen's face would be carved his punishment...he'd have no way of hiding it. Everyone everywhere would know why Barrassen looked like this now. People would laugh at him behind his back...yet Barrassen wasn't any less capable of becoming the next Lord. The Lord's son would never again abuse his power. Alex didn't care about Barrassen losing his lips; God knew how many unwilling women he'd put those on. A list which also now included his sister. What he was more alarmed by, was the sheer proficiency Valek had for punishments.

"Don't worry." said Valek, grinning, spotting Alex's worried face. "Vicktor'll use a magical knife. No healer in this town will be able to regrow those lips back."

"Bu..." Liana gulped. Is this the same younger brother who cried to me when he fell? She was shocked along with the rest of the the five. He'd even thought of using an enchanted knife so that these small town mages wouldn't be able to heal Barrassen even if he dared to undo Lord Valentine's punishment.

"Val?" said Eve, almost protesting. Was...it really him?

Valek threw her his dazzling grin and her heart fluttered for a second. "This is...a busy and sensitive time for me right now." he said. "We can talk later. I'll come find you." Eve looked a dejected, but Valek didn't seem to notice. "All of you, relax now. Champion, relax." Valek said. Alex recoiled a little. He knew? Is he angry that I beat his fighter? Valek continued: "Nobody will dare to touch a hair on your head now that you're under my protection. Have something to eat. Drink something." Valek turned around to look at who was staring at him, and he spotted the Raithe twins. They instantly broke into giggles when he glanced at them and Valek smiled a little. "As for me, I think I'm gonna call it a night." he said, turning back to the five. "You folk enjoy yourselves. I'll...go to bed." Saying so, he gave them one last grin, then walked over the Raithe twins. They visibly shook a little with excitement when he came up to them, and grinning, he started a conversation with them. As the five stared in disbelief, within seconds, Valek started walking away...with a Raithe twin on each arm. In spite of himself, Alex sniggered as he watched the threesome go. Yeah, that's Valek alright.

"I heard Barrassen had been trying to get with at least one of those two ladies for years." said a voice behind the five. "And all Lord Valentine had to do was just smile to get both at the same time."

Alex turned around and spotted Venna standing behind them, holding a glass of ale. "Yeah, that's usually the case with him." said Alex, practically grinning.

Venna look surprised. "You know him?"

Alex almost kicked himself but quickly tried to recover. "No, no. What I meant was it looks like that's always the case with him."

Venna laughed. "If you only knew the stories that go about of him and the ladies." Felicia spotted Eve's almost hurt and irritated face, and jumped to her rescue. "I don't think we want to, Master Avringer." she said, pointedly. It suddenly clicked to Venna how amiss he was being by even bringing up stuff like this in front of other ladies. "I beg your pardon, Miss." he said, with a small bow. "Please, allow me to make it up over dinner."

"No, Venna. I think..." Alex sighed. "I think we'll head home now. I'm sure you saw what happened. I want Liana and the other two gir-"

"I'm fine, Alex." said Liana, quickly. She didn't want any preferential treatment given to her like she was some sort of hero. She just wanted to put the incident behind her. She felt disgusted, but she didn't wanna show it to anyone. For some reason, if she let herself think about it, tears would start to form in her eyes. "Let's have dinner." said Liana, cheerfully.

Alex suddenly noticed how hungry he was. The kitchen was releasing a fresh supply of food at Lord Valentine's command and seeing all those hot dishes go past him, just made his stomach grumble more. He looked at Liana; she looked fine. She's...she's such a strong girl. He sighed. "Fine, but let's make it quick."

Venna pointed the five to a miraculously empty table. As they went to sit down, Venna went to fetch food. He was back within minutes holding a large tray of mutton and beans in one hand and one of a steaming hot turkey with cream in the other. Robin meanwhile had procured some empty plates, and the six sat down for a good meal.

"Lord Valentine's seems to have taken quite the liking to you." said Venna, as he poured a generous amount of cream gravy over his turkey.

"You think so?" asked Robin, biting into mutton.

"Mind you, it was stupid of Barrassen to attack Lord Valentine; it was apparent who he was from the moment he stepped into the tent." said Venna, grabbing a piece of bread.

"How so?" asked Alex, curiously.

"Didn't you see the red symbol on his giant bodyguard's shoulder? It was the symbol of The Order. Barrassen shouldn't have dared to look him in the eye. Any Order member is dangerous."

"Well, whatever." said Robin, munching on beans. "I'm just glad that Val-...Lord Valentine was here to save Liana."

Venna looked at Robin, curiously. "Beware, Master Corr, Lord Valentine is not your friend." Alex almost choked on some turkey, forcefully swallowed and then asked: "What do you mean?"

"He's not called the Overlord of Death for no reason. Lord Valentine may look nice and composed and friendly." said Venna, lowering his voice. "But he's unpredictable. One minute you're pals, the next he's having your intestines ripped out because you insulted him somehow. You can't ever be sure of a man like him. That's not to say he's crazy...quite the contrary. But one thing he does not stand for, is the people who do not give him his due respect. This is especially known to Barfossian citizens."

Alex pondered for a second. Valek was never really a prideful one. He didn't give a shit what people said about him back home; he would not validate them by getting offended over their 'insults'. Did...Decimandria change him that much? Is he even Valek? Or is this just another hyperbolic statement about him? "So, what exactly did happen with Barfoss and Vale-...Valentine?" asked Alex, as nonchalantly as he could.

Venna looked around conspiratorially. "You people are really out of the loop with everything, huh?" he asked, his voice down to a whisper. "But I don't blame you for not knowing this; there are few who dare speak of it in Barfoss."

"Do you dare?" asked Robin.

Venna's expression showed he was strugging internally; Alex figured that he had so much information in his mind, but he'd never really shared it with anyone. The five were the first people he'd talked to about these things and it had got him addicted. He's gonna spill. Venna sighed. "Fine, I'll tell you."

The five nodded encouragingly, each subconsciously taking a big bite of their food. Venna smiled to himself. Nothing like a riveted audience. "Before, many years ago, Barfoss was ruled by Lord Jazfern's older brother, Lord Barrathen." he started. "You think Barrassen is bad? Barrathen was him tenfold. He was cruel, vile, impulsive, and barbarous. He always used to carry two knives on his back, cutting down people simply out of fancy or because he didn't like how they looked. His favorite thing was to cut off ears of commoners. His son, Gorn, who was older than Lord Valentine, was no different either. Barrassen used to adore his uncle and spent more time on his lap than on his own father's."

"I'm assuming Barrathen didn't meet a good end." said Robin.

Venna laughed sarcastically. "No, he did not. You see, when Barrathen was the ruler, Lord Valentine came to Barfoss; apparently he wanted to buy the huge mansion outside of town. When Barrathen heard about this, he invited Lord Valentine over for dinner. This was many years ago, when Lord Valentine's reign was young; nobody really knew anything about him except that a young boy now ruled The Order." Venna took in a deep breath. "Well, Lord Valentine, graciously accepted the invitation to dinner. But...the banquet was a sham. Barrathen just used the feast as an excuse to get Lord Valentine over to his mansion. There, at the banquet, Barrathen proceeded to insult Lord Valentine. And, surrounded by his trusted entourage of guards, his son, and his nephew, by Parala, did he insult him. Barrathen called Lord Valentine every name under the sun, laughed at him at how young he was, asked him how many old priests had fondled him before he'd been put in charge of The Order, insulted his mother and laughed at how she could be The Order's cow, pumping out children from different fathers just to find a suitable one, laughed at how-"

"I think we get the point." said Eve.

"Huh? Oh...yeah...er...sorry." said Venna, a little sheepishly. "Anyway, the insults were a lot more vile. Barrathen kept drinking and he kept insulting Lord Valentine. Now, Lord Valentine, kept his composure, from what I hear. He let Barrathen scream all the insults he wanted...he let him laugh. But little did Barrathen know, the moment he'd run out of insults, would be the moment Lord Valentine would unleash his wrath on him."

"He ran out of insults, didn't he?" asked Liana.

"Yes, he did. Apparently, when Barrathen finally stopped, prodding Lord Valentine for a response, he quietly got up, wiped his hands with napkin, then proceeded to kill every single guard in the room with his bare hands. The servants, who were there that day, say he moved with inhuman efficiency. Even if the guards hadn't been half-drunk, they'd never have stood a chance. Lord Valentine's personal escort of a few Order members dealt with the few other guards that came along. Soon, Barrathen lay cowering, terrified at...Lord Valentine's efficiency to kill people. But...Lord Valentine didn't give him death. Instead, he pulled the two knives that Barrathen always carried on his back, and then proceeded to-"

Venna stopped, a little unsure of proceeding. Robin let out an exasperated sigh. "Come on, speak up, man."

Venna raised his eyebrows, but gave in. "Lord Valentine proceeded to carve out Barrathen's eyes. He...perfectly...cut them out. Then, somehow, he brought the entire mansion to heel...conquered it with his small group of bodyguards. With Barrathen still alive and screaming, Lord Valentine stuffed the two eyes he'd carved out...Barrathen's own two eyes...inside his mouth. He made his guards strip him naked, and then, told them to parade him throughout the city. Gorn, Barrathen's son, who'd been laughing along with his father? Lord Valentine impaled him on a stake in front of the mansion doors. I heard nobody dared to take him down for fourteen days. Barrathen's wife? Nobody knows what exactly happened to her. Some say he threw her to his guards, others say he killed her too. All that's certain, is that she wasn't heard from again after that night. As for Barrathen, after his parade through the city was over, both his hands were broken and he was thrown out of the city, blind and naked, his own eyeballs inside his mouth. Nobody knows what horrible end he met and how many days of torture it took for him to finally die. Lord Valentine then 'named' Jazfern as the new Lord. Jazfern, the second son who had no hope of ever getting the title of Lord and who'd seen the ruthless nature of Lord Valentine, instantly bowed his head. Lord Valentine left soon after, but he'd made his mark. From that day, Valentine established himself not as a suzerain lord, but as the true lord while Jazfern was put here as a toy." Venna sighed deeply and started the tent's canopy. "For years to come, the tales of what sadistic end the sadistic Lord of Barfoss met were whispered in dark alleys and taverns."

There was a stunned silence among the five. Just because...because he'd insulted him, Valek had done...all that? "But...but wouldn't the Emperor have held him accountable? Wasn't this-" began Robin.

"Cold-blooded? Yes, it was. And it was highly punishable that a Lord do this to another without 'officially' conquering the city...and even assign another Lord which is only the monarch's right. But you see, at that time, all the Lords of Decimandria held unnatural power. Emperor Savleck's authority had faded a lot. And Barfoss was a small town in the middle of nowhere; nobody'd even hear what happened here. Lord Valentine could easily bully this town according to his whims, and even the Emperor, if he'd ever hear about it, wouldn't have dared to annoy the Lord Commander of The Order over such a small matter."

"Well...shit." said Robin, forgetting to take a bite. Valek...Valentine...whatever he goes by now...he's one vicious bastard. Venna nodded. "Shit indeed. But, I only say this to you as a warning. I don't want you to lower your guard around him. He's merciless and he's efficient...if there ever was one person in the entire world you don't wanna be on the wrong side of, it's Lord Valentine. If you displease him, you'd be lucky if you made it through the day alive."

"But..." began, Eve, but Alex pressed her hand under the table, quietening her.

"The world's a dangerous place, Miss. Full of dark stories and even darker people. They may look easygoing, but everyone's got a tale." said Venna, getting up. "I should be getting home now. You folks do keep my warning in mind...avoid him at all costs." The five nodded, and Venna went his way after his usual courteous bow.

Eve sighed, and collapsed on the seat. "What the hell...? Val's back? Out of nowhere, he comes back? All these tales we'd been hearing about Lord Valentine since we got here...it was Val!? Our Val? He's suddenly this...this...ruthless Overlord that people can't dare speak his name? Fought in wars? Slaughtered armies? What...what happened to him?"

Alex said nothing but took a bite of turkey. "Are we sure he even is Valek Arkwright?" he asked quietly.

"What do you mean? Of course he's Valek." said Liana. Alex raised his eyebrows. "Really? Because, as far as I can remember, he never admitted to being Valek. Never acknowledged it. All he said is that we'd talk later. Who knows, maybe he wants me killed because I 'insulted' him by beating his champion in some tavern brawl."

Robin stared at Alex. "You...have a point. He never said he was Valek."

"And the biggest thing," said Alex. "is that he's supposedly been here for years." There was moment when the other four actually digested this fact. "How has he been here for years, when it's barely been six months for us?" There was silence again...uncomfortable silence. The thought that maybe a doppelganger that looked exactly like their brother was a dangerous, brutal lord in Decimandria was unsettling. "Venna's right." continued Alex. "Till we're sure, we have to keep ourselves wary of Lord Valentine."

* * *

No word came from Valek the next day. Putting it aside to him being busy, the five decided to just let things simmer down...let them return to normal. So, except from a longer than usual bedtime and Alex telling Zorran everything that'd happened that night, they didn't change much about their schedule. Alex and Robin got back to smithing in the workshop, while Liana, Eve, and Felicia, started working their garden.

As the afternoon sun started to set, casting a golden glow over everything, Katherine came rushing up the drive to the five's house. Robin was inside the hall fixing a broken cabinet that Felicia had forced him to do. Suddenly, Katherine burst in. Robin looked up and spotted her standing there, in the hallway, just staring at him. "Hey, Kat." he greeted walking up to her. Without a word, Katherine grabbed him and broke down in tears on his shoulder.

"H-hey." said Robin, a little taken back. Then it clicked to him. He gently patted her head and ruffled her cat ears. "It's...it's okay. I'm fine now. We all are." he whispered. Katherine broke off from his shoulder and looked at Robin. "I..." she sobbed a little. "I heard from Zorran. He...told me about the assassins." Thinking about it, suddenly sent a cold shiver of dread down her spine and she broke down in a fresh sea of tears.

Robin, tactfully, didn't say anything for a few moments letting her get it all out of her system. Then he gently pulled back her head. Her eyes, filled with tears, her face so...innocent...he couldn't help but smile. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." he whispered. Katherine opened her mouth to speak, but Robin kissed her. Her eyes widened for a second, but feeling his hand run up her back while the other one pulled her closer, feeling his lips on hers, she forgot all her worry. With a sudden passion that alarmed even Robin, she kissed him back, tears starting to fall again.

Robin slowly parted. He knew why this had been such a shock to her; Katherine had never had anybody that she'd really loved except her mother. The five were the first people she'd ever bonded with...and, suddenly, all five were almost taken away from her. "I'm fine." said Robin, looking deep into her dark blue eyes. "We're all fine." He ran a hand through her long hair, knowing that it soothed her, and he watched her close her eyes...in relief or in pleasure, he could only guess.

"Yes, we'all fine, Katherine." said Liana's soft voice from behind. The three girls had come to see what was going on, and they'd found Robin and Katherine locked in close embrace. Katherine gently pushed herself away form Robin and went up the three. For a second, she just stared at Liana, then suddenly, she jumped into her arms, hugging her close. Liana smiled and put her arms around her neck while Eve and Felicia also joined in.

Looking at the four girls together like this, Robin couldn't help but smile. "Don't get any weird ideas." said Felicia, spotting Robin staring at them. "Takes one to know one." winked Robin. In truth, he wasn't getting any lustrous thoughts...he was just proud of his two- no, three sisters. They'd taken Katherine in without question...treated her well and with affection. He'd heard from Katherine's mother, Kartha, how much of a loner Katherine had been...how everyone throughout her life had always rejected and vilified her...why she never trusted anyone. But these three had broken through her shell...they'd not given up on her even when she was difficult. Heh, how lucky am I to be surrounded by such wonderful women?

"We're okay, Katherine. You don't have to worry so much about us." said Liana, petting her head. Katherine took her hand. "Call me Kat." she said. Liana was stunned for a second. Up to this point, the only person allowed to address her with 'Kat' had been Robin. She even disliked her own mother calling her 'Kat.' Liana smiled. It's her...odd...way of showing how much she loves us. Liana smiled and gave her a light hug. "Okay." she whispered. Katherine returned the smile. "Now." said Liana, cheerfully. "How about we go make some dinner?"

"Yes, we'll make Kat's favorite grilled fish." said Eve, wiping away a tear. "Come on!" Without another look at Robin, Katherine went away with the three girls hand in hand. Robin stared after them open-mouthed for a second, then he grinned and went back to work.

* * *

The days started to pass with no further word from Valek. Except for that night, they didn't even get to see him again. All the five heard, was that Lord Valentine had left Barfoss on some important business. Alex and Robin resigned themselves to the possibility that Lord Valentine really was just Valek's doppelganger; after all, how could Valek have ever come to Decimandria years before they had? Even that night of the birthday party now, somehow, seemed unreal to them. It couldn't have been him. Liana, Eve, and Felicia though, were still holding out hope. They were convinced it'd been Valek that night who had saved Liana. Eve had started sitting outside for long hours again...but it wasn't because she was deep in thought...she was just waiting for the day she'd see Valek coming up the drive.

Things, like always, started settling down again. The only difference was that the Barfossian citizens now treated the five with newfound respect and awe. The people who were on good terms with Lord Valentine were more valuable than gold in Barfoss. Alex had especially turned into a celebrity; not only was he a renowed swordsmith, the best in Barfoss, he was also the World Champion...and now that Lord Valentine hadn't killed him, it must mean that he liked Alex. As soon as he'd enter the city, people would offer to buy him drinks, old men would greet him with a nod of their heads, women would smile at him opening a button of their top much to Felicia's annoyance. So, now, he'd have her sticking to his arm like a koala as she threw each passing woman a venomous glare.

Robin had also gotten a little famous. The first thing he did with his celebrity status was to get a discount on a gift for Katherine. Felicia, Eve, and Liana, whenever they were recognized, were presented with flowers and smiles from the most good-looking men in town. Of course, all three of them liked the attention and Felicia couldn't see the irritation in Alex's eyes as she was presented with an entire bouquet of roses by a tall man with flowing hair.

But none of this went on too publicly...the commoners still feared the Druss' wrath. Barrassen hadn't been seen outside since the night of his birthday. After spending his entire life abusing his power and torturing and killing helpless people, karma had hit him like a freight train. Servants that somehow only talked to Venna, said he now had trouble talking and eating. He stayed locked up in his room, the curtains drawn and all his mirrors smashed. Those servants who'd seen him, said he looked horrific now...no lips, his teeth bared...he looked monstrous. Lord Druss would spend hours with his son, trying to console him somehow. Neither of the five cared; he deserves it!

"Don't forget, you're welcome to drop by anytime, Master Corr." said the man, waving. It was evening in Barfoss as Robin attended to a customer in the blacksmith shop. A lot of times, Robin even forgot that the house had come with an shop where people could buy and sell weaponry because of how little it was used. Most customers preferred to just place an order and then pay the charges for delivery. But this man had come on a whim to buy a shield for his child.

"I'll keep that in mind." said Robin, smiling at the man. "You take care now...and safe travels!" The man nodded and left the shop, a shiny shield wrapped in brown paper in his arms.

Alex came out from the door, wiping his hands on a piece of cloth. "Oh, he left?" he asked Robin. "What'd he want?"

"Nothing too fancy. Just a shield for his ten year old daughter." said Robin, going over to lock the door.

"For his daughter?" asked Alex, amazed.

Robin laughed. "Yeah, apparently, his daughter wants to be a knight when she grows up. Her mother disapproves, but her Dad wants her to do what she wants."

"So, he buys her a shield?" said Alex, laughing too.

"Yeah, well, he doesn't want her swinging blades just yet." said Robin. "By the way, he invited us to dinner when we go to the city again."

"Yeah...add him to the list." said Alex, wearily. "I feel bad having to refuse pretty much every single offer for dinner, drinks, girls, or -"

"Wait, people have offered to pay for your girls?" hissed Robin, in a low voice.

Alex blinked at him. "None have offered you?"

"Not a single fucking one." said Robin, bitterly.

"That's because you're too young. Not that it's much use to us non-single folk anyway." said Alex longingly.

"Yeah...you're righ-" began Robin, when Felicia suddenly poked her head into the shop. "Aah!" screamed Robin a startled.

"What is Alex right about?" asked Felicia, stepping into the shop when she saw that it was barren of customers.

"Oh...er....he was just..." started Alex.

"We just had a customer who was buying a shield for his daughter who wants to be a knight. I was skeptical, but Alex told me it's a good thing that her father's so supportive."

"Yes!" said Alex, gratefully. "That's exactly what I was right about...I mean, what Robin was saying I was...am...right about."

Felicia narrowed her eyes a little and scrutinized the two boys who were suddenly very intent on aligning the display weapons on the walls. She sighed. Boys. "Anyway, dinner's ready. Come on."

"What'd you make?" asked Robin, following his sister down the corridor.

"Creamy vegetable stew." said Felicia proudly.

"I'm assuming the vegetables came from you three's garden." said Alex. Felicia flashed him with an even prouder smile.

When the got to the dining room, Liana and Eve were just laying down the dishes on the table. The smell of cream and vegetables wafting in the air was heavenly, and both Alex and Robin suddenly felt ravenous. There was a big cauldron on the fire, merrily boiling away.

"We made a lot of stew, so don't hold back." said Liana with a smile at Robin as he sat down, hungrily.

"Don't worry." he said with a wide grin. "I won't."

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door. Alex, who was about sit down, groaned. "I swear, if it's another customer, I'll drive him away!"

"No, you won't." said Felicia. "Invite him to dinner instead; I'm sure it must be one of your fans."

"Yeah, who else makes the long journey from the city all the way over here?" said Eve, sitting down.

Alex rolled his eyes and left the room. He walked through his living room, now significantly more adorned with personal touches from the girls, and went over the main door. Without thinking, and rather foolishly, he swung open the doors without asking who it was.

Alex's jaw dropped when he saw the figure standing in front. Dressed in immaculate, dark blue robes, stood Lord Valentine.