Meet Mr. Beast!

"Look at this, Cupcake!" Jun sounded thrilled, pushing the stones away so he could reach a hidden object. He had found an ark among the stones!

But Haruki was more interested in Jun than in what he had found. 

From a distance, the singer saw the damage he had done on the skin of his half-naked boyfriend. Jun had several bruises from bite marks and scratches, caused by Haruki.

 The singer didn't know if the injuries were hurting, as Jun didn't once complain about his situation. Still, he regretted being so aggressive. 

'I have to take it easy on my Beast-san,' he thought, anticipating what their next time would be.

"Um, it's heavy," Jun muttered as he tried to lift the ark. But it of course wasn't intended for Haruki to listen.

"I'll help you," Haruki replied, finally going to answer the boyfriend's call. Together they removed the exquisite ark stuck between large stones.