You Have Something in Your Hair

Something distracted his attention for a moment, as androids came to serve them. 

After sniffing the aroma of roasted meats and other tasty dishes, the singer stopped talking to grab some food and happily munch it. He was hungry, after all!

 Suddenly, he felt a sharp pinch in his left thigh, like a needle stick.

 "Jiji!" he exclaimed even before looking at the pet, staring back with demanding eyes. His little cat had also sniffed the roasts and wanted his share. 

"Mean, mean kitty! Guys, he pierced my leg with a single little claw. I didn't know cats were so precise." He was learning the kitten secrets fast, but not always in the most pleasant manner.

"Haruki, check how much life you lost!" Jun asked excitedly. During their drive back to the hotel, he had been training Jiji to inflict more damage than Hinata's punches.

"One HP!" Haruki replied after checking. He also got the system reminder about his level two new skill.