Panic at the Love Shack!

Haruki positioned the mirror to make it easier for Miyu to go through.

"...!" She stared at him with a tense face, hesitating out of fear.

He very much doubted it implied any peril, since it was meant for Miyu, so he went first.

It was just like slowly entering a water body. The surface rippled, and light oozed from the ripples. 

Haruki entered the light seeing all the colors of the rainbow and different hues for the first time, all transformed into pulsating dots like tiny little hearts beating quickly. 

Before his eyes Haruki saw the electronic impulses intertwining, the vibrations creating Neona's matter and logic. He could feel his body vibrating at the same frequency of these impulses.

 Haruki felt an active part of this new being. 

The singer saw Miyu's construct, calculating the binary combinations that represented his companion. 

He realized how fragile she was.