Nothing to See Here

"Is it for me, Cupcake?" Jun pointed at Haruki's erection with a sardonic smile and nodded. "And I almost believed you were straight." But he avoided Haruki's hard cock, throwing his head back and laughing. "Phew!"

Haruki huffed in outrage.

"Sasaki Jun, stop it now," Haruki ordered, writhing in the bonds.

"This is unacceptable! I love Miyu!"

But who was Haruki really scolding?

Jun closed his eyes and pulled in the air ostensibly,

"One, two, three..." 

"You need to breathe through your belly. Your breathing is shallow." Haruki decided to share his knowledge, if Jun really needed to calm down.

But Jun didn't stay to hear his advice. The baker left the room again, but Haruki kept tied.

"What a grumpy guy!" Haruki spoke aloud, so Jun could hear outside the room. "I need to get out of here! Miyu must be crazy looking for me."

 The singer had already wasted a lot of time, so he concentrated on freeing himself.