
Haruki woke up smelling the aseptic products and soon guessed he was in an infirmary bed. An alarm went off in the distance and the singer heard several feet running to this room and stopping next to his bed.

The voices calling to him overlapped, but he recognized his friends of confinement.

"Haruki! Haruki, did you wake up?" Takashi and Hinata asked almost at the same time, asking the same question. The singer smiled. And taking advantage of the good feeling of having electric impulses running freely through his body, he replied still with his eyes closed, 

"Yes, I woke up. Wow, what sensor is this? I didn't even move."

"It monitors your breathing Takeda-san. When the patient is conscious, it changes the pace and fires the censor." Dr. Nakamura, the doctor who took care of Jun, made himself noticed.

Haruki opened his eyes to look at them. He was sitting in front of a computer monitoring the equipment connected to the singer's body.