How's Thing Will Go Right Now

The sounds of birds chirping can be heard within the room. A shred of light from morning slipped through the window. It's a brand new day for every person in the world, which is the day where they have to work and school, continue giving their bodies many works and made themselves filled with fatigues after doing such activities.

It's also no exception for a young girl such as Eleonora. She has to wake up and prepare herself for today's work, and she has to come early than anyone in the company as she's the chairman of her own business. She has a lot of work that needs to be organized and thoroughly examined.

As the one who leads the company toward the path of success, it's her responsibility. Although sometimes her secretary suggests Eleonora take some days off, she hasn't need to take any break since she's a bit workaholic and loves to work.

As soon as the young girl awake and yawned, she noticed something different. There's something different about her body, something that shouldn't exist, but; it's appeared and attached to the part of her body. She immediately checks her own body and trembling with shock.

Her expression right now could tell it clearly. She's in shock.

After checking any parts of her body, she realized there was really something different. The differences aren't that big, but… it leaves a massive impact on her. Her expression mixed with confusion, shock, and joy..? She's delighted.

But despite that happiness, she questioned herself.

'How… how I could have that? The research still does not bore any new progress, and it should take a few years to make it successful….'

She decided to forget about it and not think too hard. At least one of her wishes is granted. She can ensure the future generation of Pendragon's family will be guaranteed with many descendants, or the lineage can be continued into further generations. Her family won't be extinct and will disappear without any trace.

At least one of the things that made her worry it's already solved. The problem solved itself in such a mysterious way, and she doesn't know why, but as someone that is a genius, she has a theory that may be the result of this was because she's unlocked her supernatural power.

But that itself still does not make any sense.

'Is it really just that? Just to unlock my supernatural power… and I get such a thing as my reward? It's more effortless than doing research, which can be achieved with the help of anyone in the chat group. So joining the chat group was really giving me any benefits.'

She nods her head as she understands it. The benefits of that weird interdimensional chat group are excellent, and she cannot deny it. Because of that chat group, she now advanced from ordinary to unordinary human as she could wield magic, ki, chakra, and senjutsu with ease. She also thinks it's not that hard, and maybe many people like her.

Although she couldn't believe something like that really existed at first, since it's unnatural, after witnessing the fact in her world, she has no choice but to believe and accept it. The big event that made mankind discover a fantasy that suddenly became real is the one who made her eyes open to the truth. And another thing, another big event that made her in shock, is for her to grow a penis. It's huge, even if it is in a flaccid state. It's ten inches long and made her double facepalm as she is still trying to process her thought about this matter.

Nevertheless, she decided to accept and ignore it. She counts this as a blessing in disguise and is very grateful for it. She just hopes it's not affecting her daily life that bad, or she has to be forced to deal with it if she doesn't want her life ended up in a mess just because of a penis or dick that suddenly grows above her vagina.

She then slaps both her cheeks softly.

"Okay, it's time for a brand new day. Let's just forget about that for a while and focus on another thing."

As she said that, she then got out of her bed and immediately changed to her uniform. It's natural for someone in Japan, especially Japanese, to skip a bath in the morning and directly go to work by fixing their appearance and changing into their uniform. Eleonora picks that kind of habit like fellow Japanese do, as someone that already lives in japan at the age of five.

While already finished fixing her appearance, she then gets out of her room and greets her parents. But her eyes noticed something strange; her father's entire body was covered by strange things to her, a yellow-colored lining that radiate magic, albeit the magic is… weak and slowly disappearing.

There's also something like a black curled ball in the middle of his body, around his heart.

It's made Eleonora raise her eyebrow when she noticed that. She rubs her eyes, trying to make it clear that it was an illusion, but after a few tries, it's clearly not an illusion. It's genuine, her eyes capable of doing this.

'What is that? Dad… has magic, and it's slowly decreased…? As if it will go….'

When Eleonora checked with her 'magic eyes' that already unlocked, and she could quickly use it, her father, who saw her, then gave her a morning greeting with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Elly! A fine morning, ain't it? C'mon, let's eat first."

"Good morning, Ellen. Here, have breakfast before you go to work."

Eleonora nods and sits after her mother tells her to have breakfast before work. It's six in the morning, and it's not that she will be late if she takes a morning meal, but she decided to skip the bath as it will only consume a lot of her time. Both parents know it and allow her to skip bathing since it's a custom in Japan to cut and save it later after doing today's work.

Both of her parents understood and were not too restraining, letting Eleonora do anything since she has the right to gain freedom than be a strict parent; for example, forbid her to do this or that.

Her father is a handsome man in his early thirties. He has blonde spiky short hair and blue sharp and gentle-looking eyes. While her mother is a beautiful woman in her late twenties, she still looks so young, like she is still in her early twenties. She has short blue hair and light blue eyes; her smile can certainly soothe and warm anyone around her, yet it is also naughty.

Her father is the former chairman who handles Roozlent Company or Eleonora's company. Initially, it's a company built for Eleonora when she was born, and her father manages it for a few years until his daughter wants to inherit and take it over at the age of ten.

Right now, what he does is just stay at home and relax with his wife. He is also a descendant from the Pendragon family, while his wife is just an onmyouji from a particular family and housewife that loves to do chores at home. She loves him, and he loves her, like any married couple out there.

Theodore Pendragon is Eleonora Pendragon's father's name, while her mother is Yotsuba Yuuka; she's Japanese, unlike her Western husband and daughter, who's the mix of that. Her mother is regarded as a genius in onmyoujutsu and one of the strongest onmyouji in her family.

Although she's Japanese, Yuuka uses English so often because of her living with her husband before coming back to Japan. But Eleonora doesn't know about this fact and thinks of them as ordinary people who don't know magic or stuff like that since both parents decided to keep it secret.

But sometimes, Eleonora questioned her father, who came from the Pendragon family.

'Pendragon family might be involved in supernatural events or such.'

It's what she sometimes thinks whenever she notices something suspicious about her own father. Since she doesn't have that many relatives, it declared that the Pendragon family is extinct and not a single survivor remains. Some people began to ignore someone with Pendragon as their family name and think they just wanted to use it because they're a bit chuuni.

"Come on, Ellen. Here is your breakfast."

"Thanks, Mom. I'll eat it."

As Eleonora was about to eat her morning meal, she took the miso soup bowl and drank it for a bit. The warmth from the soup suddenly goes to her body and stomach, which is nice when she admitted that her mother's cooking is really delicious, even though she can also cook and is definitely better than her mom. Still, she can guarantee that her mother's food is indeed delicious and warm.

The warmness isn't only coming from the soup, but the sensation and atmosphere. It really soothes Eleonora's heart and mind before going to work and starting the busy day as it happens every day except Saturday and Sunday.

"Don't rush it, Ellen. Eat it slowly. You always leave for work so early, and it will affect your daily life so bad."

Eleonora smiled awkwardly when she heard her mother's words. She just can't deny it since she's right on the spot. She always came early to her office and spent her time alone until the office hour for her company really started, even earlier than any guards.

"That's right. You're always pushing yourself too hard when it comes to working. You're still young and have a lot of free time. Life is not always a revolving business, and it's not like we're poor either. Instead of poor, we already rich; we already have a luxurious life."

"I know that, Dad. Sorry. It's just… maybe because I'm abnormal, unlike any normal young girl out there who attends school and has fun with their friends. And it's not like I always work since I have girlfriends and some friends who are not the same age as me."

"Well, at least you have friends and girlfriends. Whew… it's still unreal for our daughter to have a same-sex relationship. Right, hun?"

Yuuka chuckled softly and nodded her head. Eleonora, who sees it, is just pouting as she was a bit mad about it, especially when her father makes fun of her, although it's just a light joke to crack up the morning. Her father always did that, although not every morning, just to light up the mood and not make it too tense.

"Yes. We can't expect that our daughter will turn out to be lesbian at such young age. But enough of that, dear. Let's finish your breakfast first and talk later."


With that, both father and daughter continue to eat their breakfast as the mother suggested, accompanied by Eleonora's father's light and dad's joke. The morning breakfast always turned out to be happy and warm.

Although she's still curious about her father, the young chairman thinks it will be best if she has to hold onto it and not ask it right away. She needs to wait for the excellent chance to ask that or maybe even her father, who reveals it himself.

She would be lucky if that's happened.


Eleonora Pendragon is such chick magnet. Which mean a magnet to attract an older woman that, in the end, willingly became her girlfriend. Although she has a younger girl than her to become her girlfriend, her appearance is the same as Eleonora's; she cannot be considered a girl in her early teen. She is just two years younger than Eleonora, and she's living in Tokyo; in fact, she's the neighbor of Eleonora's family, and her house is one block away from the young chairman's house.

Unlike Eleonora, who's not attended any school despite how young she is, she's attended school like any normal kid should've been. The odd thing about that girlfriend of Eleonora is just her appearance looks older, but the mentality is the same as her age, although she's a bit more mature than her friends.

But enough about that. Unlike any typical day, today, Eleonora didn't come to her usual building and office. Instead, she went to a different location. Still, she informs her secretary to warn her employees about prioritizing their safety and avoiding anything that seems dangerous to them since the current condition.

"Okay, please inform all employees—I mean all of them—to watch out whenever they are going out, especially in the night. Due to the current condition that occurred, we must look out around us carefully. There's maybe a situation that might endanger them."

[Yes, ma'am. I understand. I'll inform everyone.]

Eleonora nodded at the video call in front of her right now. Right now, she has a video call inside the limousine that will take her to her destination before arriving there as the video call ends. Usually, she would already be in her own office, but there's something new about the place she went to, as she received an email about it in the morning after breakfast.

That's why she has to go to another place.

'It seems important and would be bad if I'm not showing up to check on it.'

She thinks of that while looking out of the window of the limousine. Inside the limousine, anything she wants is already in here and prepared by her servants. Something like internet, snacks, foods, drinks, etc. All of that has already been designed, and she won't be bored when inside the limousine. It is necessary to prepare all of it to satisfy her anyway.

Although she was coming to another office or division, there's something a bit different about her. She has someone who accompanied her. A long brownish-haired woman who wears a black suit with glasses covers her silver eyes. Her appearance radiance mature aura and somewhat reliable big sister.

The brownish woman just smiles sweetly, which makes Eleonora let out a sigh. The woman sitting in front of her is someone who really cares about the young girl. Since she's the one who has taken care of Eleonora Pendragon since she's born, her mother also sometimes takes care of her.

Coughing, Eleonora then speaks up, gaining the woman's attention.

"Curacoa-nee, why are you coming with me?"

"Hm… I can't?"

She said that while tilting her head in an expecting face. She already knew the answer but pretended to doesn't know about it, which is seen through by Eleonora and made the young girl sigh in tired as she shook her head.

Eleonora can't win; she has to accept it yet plans to make it a bit better for her own.

"Okay. You can come but as my assistant. I'll introduce you as my assistant once we arrive. Is that okay, Curacoa-nee?"

Curacoa nodded in joy as she was happy about that, but she sent a playful smile to Eleonora.

"Of course. I'll be your private assistant. Hufufu~"

"…Curacoa-nee. Please, stop it. I'm uncomfortable with it."

She chuckled lightly as she heard Eleonora's complaint.

"Fufu. Sorry for that but I can't resist it. You're too adorable after all."

Curacoa said as she winked at Eleonora with the playful tone she always used. Although Eleonora herself a bit annoyed, she didn't think it seriously and was not that bothered by it that much. Because she always knew that this beautiful woman named Curacoa loves her so much like she's her girlfriend, and another thing is she's the private maid of Eleonora.


Roozlent Company – Games Division

"Miss, we've arrived."

Hearing that from the driver, Eleonora and Curacoa then get out from the limousine. They have already arrived at the location. It's a building with RL as the logo embedded at the top. This is the place mentioned in Eleonora's mail this morning, which is why she decided to come.

But games…? Although Eleonora didn't play games that much, she still had to supervise and manage everything within her company, even if it was a game. Since the one who founded it was her father, he loves games so much and sometimes offers himself to be the tester just for the sake of curiosity.

Curiosity is sometimes scary.

As soon as they left the limousine and were about to enter the building, someone stopped them. A man with a guard-like uniform stopped Eleonora and Curacoa by their hands, which confused them with his act.

He then looks at them with a cold-looking gaze and questions them.

"Excuse me, who are you and what's your business in here?"

"Excuse me? I can't enter?"

"Yes. Only the authorized and some special guest be allowed to enter."

Eleonora, who heard that, could only facepalm as Curacoa giggled at this situation that rarely happens. Even the one who owns that company isn't allowed to enter the building, which surprised the young chairman.

But as if she had been saved, someone came and interfered with it. A man wore a white shirt with a necktie underneath and a long, white lab coat on the top. He had metallic eyes and short hair with a respectful smile across her lips as he bowed his head a bit to Eleonora.

"Good morning, chairman. I'm truly sorry to trouble you to come here. I know that you might have a busy day."

But Eleonora just waved her hands to the man with a small smile.

"Think nothing of it. I'm just happy that there's something happened in there."

"Thank you… and what's going on here, chairman?"

When the man Eleonora greets ask that, the guard sweating a bullet as his face shows that he's done something terrible and big mistake. He just realized the mistake he made to Eleonora, someone he doesn't know, and trying to shoo her from her own company.

"Oh. Nothing, it's just this guard said I can't go inside as I'm not authorized. It's quite weird, since when I'm not authorized over this company?"

Eleonora said that while tilting her head and faking her confusion, she messed with the guard, and the man who wore the lab coat just sent a glare to the guard, which made him go shivers and speak.

"Next time, don't make the same mistake."

The guard nods his head quickly as he is scared, while the lab coat man then welcomes Eleonora and Curacoa to the building, and he leads them to his office for further business. Eleonora already introduced Curacoa as her private assistant to the lab coat man; that's why he welcomed her too and decided it was okay for her to follow them.

The man is responsible for anything in this game division. He's entrusted to make an awesome game from his idea and originally scouted after graduating from the university by Roozlent Company and Eleonora herself, who asked him.

Of course, he's grateful and realizes that by accepting it, he one step forward to make his dream come true, to build something that has already been his goal. It's a big goal that no one ever thought of, and maybe only he thought of that.

The man introduces himself as Kayaba Akihiko. He manages Roozlent Company – Game Division, but only related to a game. Although he's not that engrossed in games, his skills are needed to make a fantastic game. So far, the goal of the game division is to create a Full Dive game—VRMMORPG—to become real.

There are already a lot of games made by Roozlent, except VRMMORPG or Visual Reality, since it's tough to make and only the half-baked VR games are published around the world. That's why Eleonora continued this project and decided to make it real, to fully realize it.

'Maybe I should play some games… to broaden my horizon about that subject.'

As soon as she ended the thought, Kayaba asked her.

"What's your opinion regarding it, chairman?"

"Regarding the game itself, from what you told me in the mail, it will be finished in 2022. Is that correct?"

"Yes, it is."

"Then about the device. Surely it would be something that definitely supports the game, right? Since it will be Full Dive VR, I expect that the specification of the device surely is high."

"About that, you don't have to worry, chairman. We are already in the process of making the device. Surely it would be advanced other than any VR device. With our resources, I believe it's the fastest speed we could manage."

Eleonora just waves her hand.

"No problem, you don't have to rush yourself. I also expect the interval time of the releases isn't too close. Let's just say we release the device three or four-month before the game release. After that, we release the close beta version and release the open beta a month after that."

"I'll keep that in my mind, chairman."

"Good. Is there anything else?"

But Kayaba just shook his head to respond to that.

"It's only that for now, but I will surely inform you of any important update about our VR game development. We believe the new game will be released next year in mid-August about other than VR. A year or two after that, we might release the mobile version."

Eleonora nods her head quickly as she understands what Kayaba said and is satisfied with the game division's current development. It's developing without minor or significant trouble, which made her happier since she doesn't have to be bothered by that.

She then glanced over Curacoa, who noticed that and gave her a wink.

"No problem, miss chairman. I already write it down."

There's a slightly playful tone from her tone, which can be noticed only by Eleonora, while Kayaba is confused about it. Although he's curious, he also knows that asking someone in a higher position than him about that will be rude.

He's not that stupid to ask bluntly and unaware of the mood and situation. He is someone that tries his best to choose the words he says carefully.

"Alright. Thank you for showing us the current development about it, Kayaba-kun. I appreciate it."

"Yes! Thank you very much."

"Likewise, and I expect anything new to the development. Hope it will make me satisfied."

"We will not disappoint you."

Kayaba gives Eleonora polite and respectful bows to the young chairman.

She nodded and left with Curacoa as soon as the business in this division was done for now. It took her almost two hours to see all of it in the game division, and she was delighted with the expected result.

As they leave the building, Curacoa gives her a slight grin.

"You're so cool just now, Eleonora-sama. I'm amazed by that."

"Please stop it, Curacoa-nee. What you only did is just messing with me. You always did that. I don't know why."

"Haven't I already said that? Anyway, I'd like to accompany you for today."

"Fine, fine. As long as you're not bothering me when I work."

"Thank you, Eleonora-sama. As your personal maid, I Curacoa, who also always taking care of you since you're born—pleased with that and wish not bothering you."

Eleonora slightly blushed when she heard what Curacoa said.

"… It's a bit embarrassing when you said it that way, Curacoa-nee."

"Oh my. Aren't you from royalty? A noble. So it's not that weird, and you must accept it as a normal thing."

"I know that, but it's a long ago, so I think it's unnecessary. We're not living in the middle ages anymore, and I doubt people would even remember my lineage."

"Worry not, soon the world will recognize the Pendragon family again."

The young chairman just scratched her cheeks and looked away.

"I hope it's not something that brings me into trouble. It's already bizarre with the current news."