Discovery Of Magic And Meeting

As soon as Eleonora had finished with the game division business for a while, she went back to her own office, the main building of Roozlent Company, which acts as the center of many divisions divided from the company owned. Her work for today is less than yesterday, and honestly, it's not like every day will be a busy day for her since she already took care of most of it before the deadline arrived.

She's a diligent and hard worker; she is also charismatic and has natural leadership. People around her were obviously fascinated and immediately did anything as she said. She didn't brainwash or control them like in any fiction, she just used her talent in that, and of course, the young chairman put the talent she got to good use.

It's not wrong to label her as a Perfect Woman. People who saw her as that always thought it was like she had no weakness, she always perfect in their eyes, and it turned out not to be true. She's not that perfect. Mary Sue, maybe she is, but she's not perfect at all; she's not Miss Perfect.

Eleonora is also at the same level as the Seven Prodigies, which is very well-known worldwide. One of her girlfriends also serves as one of the prodigies, and if she's the same age as them and attends school, she may be included in the Seven Prodigies, or it will become Eight Prodigies the world.

The young chairman has an excellent relationship with all members of Seven Prodigies. They're her best friend, albeit she has no friends of her age. It's pretty sad how she cannot achieve that. Although she has many talents, she also learned anything from the Seven Prodigies, which they happily taught her about their knowledge and made the young girl smile in happiness.

But still… despite having a lot of knowledge revolving around science, biology, etc. She doesn't know a single thing about how she has a penis in the world. Knowing that, she also restrained herself from waking up her thing down there or going bad since she has no problem with it from the morning. Maybe she felt uncomfortable since she had always been a girl from the moment she was born and suddenly had something that shouldn't exist in a girl's body.

'I don't know why… but my assumption is because I awoke my supernatural power. Maybe after unlocking it, I suddenly grew a penis for a moment of duration. But no matter how you think, it's quite ridiculous. Even with magic as the explanation, it still does not make sense.'

She thought of that while not stopping her activity from reviewing any files she got from her employees. It can calm her for a while since she has already dealt with much paperwork since she was ten years old. It's nothing to be worried about, and she constantly thinks it's the regular activity she does every day.

And because of Curacoa's interference today, she looks like she can go back early than usual. Her personal maid isn't that much bother to her; she isn't dead weight and didn't slow her down. Instead of that, she helped her with the paperwork, although it's only a minor problem handled by Curacoa. But Eleonora is really grateful for that because it's lessened her work… only for today.

As much as Eleonora wants to take a day or a few days off, she is quite a workaholic and always makes herself busy with paperwork. She also sometimes supervises any division or guides on doing it correctly. It's not like she is always an office person; she can also be a field person who goes out and sees how her employees work.

It's also one of her job and responsibilities as a leader, as the one who leads the company.


Stretched her arms to the air, Eleonora let out the muscle of her body that's stiff after spending her time doing many works for today. Although it's not that much compared to the usual portion of work she handles today.

The works for today were also done, and she already held a meeting that was assigned today. One of them discusses opening a new branch in Asahigaoka, a small suburb village that doesn't seem to hold any modern culture or technology that much. There's not much entertainment whatsoever in there, and Eleonora intends to make their life easier by opening a new branch of her company there.

Sure, she might not be very welcomed by the villager because it would take the nature charm of their village by opening it. Still, it has to be done, and she didn't intend to mess with that small and lovely village as she had already visited the village a few times before she had the thought for it.

It's maybe a bold move, but she has to do it.

The meeting was over with the result she had already predicted. She will open a new branch at Asahigaoka village, mainly to improve the daily life of people around there. For now, she only opens one, but if the plan is successful, she plans to open it again next year. If not, she has to wait for at least two or three years after the opening day.

She might have to revisit the village, but that's a story for another time.

She then tilts and cracks her head, trying to loosen her stiff muscle aside from stretching her arms. What she really needs right now is an excellent massage to relax her muscle that has already gone through this mountain of work for today. Still, she also has the training lesson after this, and since her work time is over earlier than she thought, she has more time to relax for a while before going straight to meet her instructor.

She doesn't want to come straight to him when her body isn't fit or can endure the training.

As if noticing something, Curacoa's eyes blinked as she stopped what she was doing right now and put down the documents she currently holds. She then gets up and walks closer toward Eleonora's desk, and gets behind her as she places her hands on the young chairman's shoulders.

Realizing it, Eleonora then glanced at her back and saw Curacoa, who gave her a smile.

"Curacoa-nee. What are you doing? Giving me a massage?"

The personal maid of her nods her head in response to that.

"That's right. You look tired and need a nice message, so I don't see anything wrong with that. If I remember it, you have a training lesson after this, aren't you?"

"Ah… yeah, that's right."

Curacoa then began to massage Eleonora's shoulders slowly and gently, which made the young girl sigh calmly and relax. Curacoa's message is the best she has ever got, and she won't deny that the maid was really doing her job to comfort her in any way.

"Then, it's all more reason for me to message you. I won't ask your reason to suddenly do martial arts training and such, but I hope you have a good time and enjoy it. Also, I hope it's not something dangerous."

"It's alright. Nothing dangerous with me. But… are you worried because of what news said these days?"

Hearing what Eleonora said, it's made the personal maid of her nod weakly as she flashed a small, sad smile. Seeing this, Eleonora is obviously sad too but trying to not overdo it; she also won't do anything that might worry her personal caretaker since she's a baby about this.

Also, regarding what she said, it's about a fantasy creature that suddenly popped out randomly in each place in the world. There are also some cases that someone died because they were getting attacked by one of those creatures; another claim is also someone awoken to magic power. It said someone holds magical power and is capable of fighting the creature.

The claim came from Japan. It's from a forum called 4chan; someone said he holds a unique and powerful ability to wield magic. The source said it's magic capable of burning something, maybe something like fire magic. An effortless and essential ability yet has the potential to be powerful.

While Eleonora also held magic, she didn't know what power she possessed. What kind of ability that her magic possess. She really wants to know, but it seems her case and that person is different. She has to unlock it herself while that person suddenly can use magic so easily.

"Yes. I'm worried about that, you know. People claim there's someone who possesses any ability like magic. It's hilarious and doesn't make any sense, something that only came out from fairy tales. That's why, Eleonora-sama, please don't do something dangerous and risk yourself."

"…I know, and thank you."

Curacoa smiled as she gave Eleonora a kiss on the lips, which surprised the young girl and responded to the kiss. This is not like her first kiss and her personal maid, also one of her girlfriends, so it's not wrong for her to accept it.

After all, any guy who owns a harem always gets kissed by many girls. So it's not wrong of Eleonora for having a harem and getting kissed by her girlfriends. She's not cheating as all her girlfriends already knew something like this would have happened when they were not around.

It's not Eleonora's fault either. She doesn't want a harem, but it seems fate said otherwise as her girlfriends kept giving her 'Okay' as their answers, and she doesn't want to make them sad while she also loves them, so it's a win-win situation for her.

After a while, they stopped kissing, their lips parted away, and they chuckled together.

"I just hope we are safe from those creatures… or monsters. I don't want to see any of you getting hurt."

"Precisely. I don't want that too, and I believe in you, Ellen. Maybe you can be my knight in shining armor that helps me out and others when we are in danger."

"Of course, I will be like that. I will protect people who are important to me, including you, Curacoa-nee."

Once again, but this time, Eleonora planted a kiss on Curacoa's lips, its soft and gentle kiss. Both kissed each other and melted in their kiss. It's a pure and romantic kiss, filled with love and nothing impure. Both women share mutual feelings of love as they love each other.

And once again, they ended the kissing after a few minutes. It's undoubtedly a long kiss as they are capable of doing that. Both cheeks turn red in embarrassment, but smiles adore their beautiful face. Curacoa merely looked away from Eleonora's gaze since she still felt embarrassed while the chairman scratched her cheeks and laughed awkwardly.

They still haven't gotten used to kissing despite their relationship already forming so long. Both girls still feel shy and embarrassed, like any virgin out there always does when they are still in a pure relationship and not go any further.

Sometimes it's adorable yet annoying to the point you want to punch them right in their faces. Especially for those who kept saying hand holding is lewd and regarded as impure acts, it's like saying that kissing also made someone pregnant.

But Eleonora and her girlfriend already understand that. Although their relationship is still not in the sexual stage, they aware of that and want to take things a bit slow to enjoy knowing each other. They want to know each other well before moving on to the next step.

Eleonora also prepared for the responsibilities, to marry them; she's not afraid of that.

"Alright, it's time to go back. Let's go, Curacoa-nee."

"Yes. Wait a minute, I'll tidy up the documents and place them."

Eleonora nodded and waited a while for her personal maid to tidy up the documents she had already worked on. She already finished, and of course, that makes the young chairman smile in satisfaction as it's splendidly done and without any mistake in the documents.

After tidying up the documents and placing them in the correct order on the desk, both of them then leave the room and building as they want to go home, going back to their home after the tiring day because of work.

She, Eleonora, really needs to take days off and enjoy her current life. She doesn't have to be stressed about anything and needs to take it easy since Eleonora's job is already lessened by her secretary and personal maid.

She just hoped that her stubborn side didn't act up. Sometimes she can be like that, and no one can convince herself to stop; they can merely lessen it and not make it worse. She's a workaholic and didn't have any friends her age, so it's pretty understandable as she is also considered a Perfect Woman.

But deep down, she also hoped that she didn't experience any mental breakdown or anything related to that.


After a nice warm bath she takes, Eleonora goes back to her room and opens her laptop. She is checking the chat group to see if anything is interesting happening in the chat group as her training is already done for today. She didn't have the time to check on it and almost forgot about the existence of the chat group.

"Let's see if anything is interesting or unusual happens… huh, my life is already unusual."

She said that while opening the chat group and reading the chats. It's pretty long lists.

Strongest Ice Queen: "Sorry to disturb or bother all of you, but is there anyone who expert at… what is it called dimensional travel?"

Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Oh my. What happened, @Strongest Ice Queen? Is there something wrong?"

Pudding Lover: "Hey, it's me, the one you find! I'm the best at dimensional stuff!"

Strongest Ice Queen: "@Golden Fox of Kyoto Nothing that's serious. I just… somehow ended up in a weird place. I want someone expert on this matter. @Pudding Lover Right. Is it possible for me to join the plan for a dimensional trip everyone talks about? I definitely need it."

Demon Sword Murasame: "What are you talking about? Aren't you in the Empire?"

Strongest Ice Queen: "@Demon Sword Murasame At first, yes. But right now? Not. I don't recall anything like this around me."

Pudding Lover: "Damnit! In a time like this, picture/video uploading is the one we need! Yet there's nothing like that. Okay-okay, I'll help you! This awesome heroine will definitely solve your problem without a hitch!"

Pudding Lover: "Also @Strongest Ice Queen, regarding the dimensional trip party… sorry, super sorry, but I can't take you since it's already prepared for maximum 4 people that already listed! Just tell me where you ended up, and please survive in that place when the device recharges."

Strongest Ice Queen: "Is that so…? How unfortunate. But where am I ended up, huh… there's a sign with a name carved on it. It seems it's the place's name. "Tengu City"… it's the words that I've seen from the sign."

Pudding Lover: "That's easy! Let me tag the right person for your problem! @The Nightmare Please, buddy! Help @Strongest Ice Queen to solve her problem."

After those two are mentioned by the Pudding Lover, the popped sounds from the chat ring, and those two showed up.

The Nightmare: "Oh… oh my. Are you in Tengu City? Don't worry, @Strongest Ice Queen. I'll surely meet you, and please tell me the exact location of where you are right now. I'll pick you up."

Strongest ice Queen: "Thank you so much, @The Nightmare. I'm currently in front of a large building named "Raizen High School." Many teenagers with the same uniform go in and out of the building area. It's school, huh…."

The Nightmare: "I see. Then wait for a while, don't leave that position. I'll be there in a few minutes."

Strongest Ice Queen: "Thank you, I appreciate it."

Pudding Lover: "Okay! The problem is solved by me, the cutest heroine in the entire multiverse! Isn't that good for you, @Strongest Ice Queen? Next time after our first-dimensional trip over, I'll make sure the device machine is 1000% completed!"

Strongest Ice Queen: "Thanks to you too. It seems I overdone my act in this city and caused some flying people after me. But luckily, I fled from their sight; I escaped and made sure they didn't find me."

Demon Sword Murasame: "What are you actually do in there? Don't cause any trouble for the people in there. What you do in the Empire is already bad."

Strongest Ice Queen: "I know that, but my sense of justice can't be ignored. I uphold justice and punish the wrong. I don't see any problem with that."

Demon Sword Murasame: "… It's quite surprising that you hold a justice since you're a sadistic and insane person as far as I know."

Strongest Ice Queen: "I'm trying to make amends. I want to change and try to be a better person than before."

Golden Fox of Kyoto: "But I'm glad that you're fine, @Strongest Ice Queen. I hope you're okay in there."

Queen of Sweets: "So you're transported into the dimension that @The Nightmare-san currently lives on? I hope you're okay and is it common for something like this to happen? @Pudding Lover."

Pudding Lover: "Um… I have already experienced it a few times, but I'm not sure about anyone other than me. Maybe this is the first case of someone other than me randomly transported to another dimension. Ah, maybe I can talk this to Histy! She always has the knacks for something like this."

Queen of Sweets: "So it is like that… well, I can't do anything about it other than pray for your safety. But I didn't expect this chat group doesn't have any picture/uploading feature. I'm pretty sure it's already there since I have already used it a few times. Is this bug?"

Pudding Lover: "Or maybe the Author doesn't want any of us to see each other appearance until we meet! I bet that's what she thinks! Quite cunning Author, aren't you? To do something like to us, to torture me not being able to do video streaming!"

Eleonora just sweatdrops when seeing the Pudding Lover's reply. She's quite a character that was always talking about something like that. Her opinion regarding the Pudding Lover is that she's a weird and funny person, but she is also a good person.

But what did Strongest Ice Queen just experienced right now is bothering her. She somehow randomly transported to another dimension. If something like that could happen, she must be cautious or extra cautious when involving dimensional travel.

She shakes her head as she tries to forget it for a while.

"Alright, I already tried anything with my magic, ki, and chakra. All of it can boost my body and gain me tremendous power. It's proved when I was doing spar with the instructor before, and that's quite shocking since physically, women are below men, but I can have the same strength as them."

Although, sadly, she has to be boosted with supernatural power to make her physical at the same level as her martial arts instructor. Besides boosting, she also learns anything through many fictional books she finds on the internet to learn about her abilities since it's the fastest way to adapt to them.

She was pretty amazed by many fictions that showed her a lot of references to work up with her abilities. It will give her a lot of benefits. For magic, she has a lot of references in many sources since many fictional works use magic as the basis of their abilities, while ki is mainly used by Chinese novels. There aren't many about chakras, and only… a few she might have to say.

One of them is a manga called Naruto. It uses chakra as the primary power source of their abilities. It's ninja manga, yet they mainly didn't act like what ninja should be. She also did not forget to learn anything she gained from the chat group, primarily the ones provided by Hajime True Soulmate; her list of magic spells. Something that would be useful for her later; she has a feeling it's really worth learning since knowledge is also power.

"Although today I only learn some basic of it, I will surely learn a lot of it next time when I have free time. I'm quite lucky to use fictional works as a reference. It sounds stupid and weird, but something like that can be beneficial, and I don't regret it. Maybe I have to expand and widen my horizon towards fictional works."

She nods her head while thinking of that. Then her eyes noticed the clock in her room, which made her blink in surprise for a bit.

"Oh. Is it already this late? Then I should sleep. Today's works are enjoyable and relaxing thanks to Curacoa-nee."

She said as she turned off the laptop and headed to her bed; she clapped her hands and made the light turn off. But she forgot about the lamp beside her bed and then she turned it off too. Today she's delighted and enjoys this day, unlike others.

'Hope I can have a nice dream.'

With that, she then immediately fell asleep. A really hardworking girl, she is.


Tengu City – Kurumi's Apartment

There are two people inside the small apartment. One is drinking tea while the other is munching at some snack. The one drinking the tea wears white shirts and black denim shorts. She has a black jacket beside her. She has long and light blue hair and blue eyes, she's beautiful and tall, almost the same height as Eleonora.

She then placed the cup down and stopped drinking for a bit.

"Thank you so much, Tokisaki-san. I have no idea how I did it if it is not for your help. This place… this dimension seems strange and new to meet."

The one addressed as Tokisaki then stopped munching and flashed a small smile.

"It's no problem, Esdeath-san, and please call me Kurumi. We're not stranger to each other as we're members of the same chat group. It's just a mere coincidence that we run to each other and also surprising that you would be randomly transported from your home dimension to here."

Esdeath let out a tired sigh as she nodded.

"It's quite scary if you think about it. Originally, I already died by the hand of Demon Sword Murasame, and yet somehow, I'm alive again. There's no Teigu that has the power to revive the dead. I also believe it's our first meeting and finally seeing the face of my chat group friend."

Kurumi chuckled at that. Seeing that Esdeath only mentions the nickname of Demon Sword Murasame, although, from Kurumi's perspective, both of them knew each other, it seems she at least respected and tried to hide it rather than reveal the name of the owner of that nickname.

Kurumi then speaks.

"The world—or rather the universe is working strangely and mysteriously, Esdeath-san. We, humans, didn't know how that's works. Even many researchers still have a long way to go solve that. But enough of that heavy topic, I'm also surprised to see what kind of person is my chat group friend since I believe that my first time seeing one of you is when we make the dimensional trip."

This time Esdeath chuckled hearing it.

"Honestly, at first, I thought it was just some group of people screwing up, but it turns out it's real. I couldn't believe it. Sorry for having that kind of thought."

"No problem. It's normal for you to think it like that. Even Queen of Sweets, the new member of our group, didn't believe it at first. That's why she didn't speak for a few weeks until something maybe happened to her and decided to believe everything inside the chat group."

Esdeath nods her head in understanding. She knew that felt, and it's not like everyone in the chat group would believe it at first glance; some maybe believe it, but not everyone, not all of them. That's why it's a normal reaction for them to like that.