The Foxes, Hidden Member, and Feeling

After accidentally saving someone, which is now known as Kasumigaoka Utaha, the long bluish-haired young girl who is a member of a dimensional chat group arrived back at the Hottokeya Onsen as she wanted to enjoy the onsen in there. She couldn't miss it, even though she can teleport herself to this place again after seeing it once since that's how her teleportation skill works.

But still, there are some uncertain things about her status after she looks at it, especially about how high her mana or MP is. It's ridiculous, and she doesn't know why someone like her has that much mana. Although she's a genius, she won't know anything if nothing gives her some hint.

She just scratched her head in frustration while she took the towels, small and large ones, and put them in her own wooden bath buckets. Eleonora also brings toiletries since she didn't see them in the onsen bath before. But it fits 1000 yen since it would be weird if they provide any of these, and it might be bad for their business and affect their finance.

She knew that well since Eleonora also owns a company with several divisions.

Also, she is smart enough to hide her 'manly' part with magic or skill, so anyone around her cannot easily see it. Not anyone is okay with it, so she just prepares for the worst possibility ever happening. She must be cautious, especially since she has already seen monsters.

Yes. Monster. It's a goblin. Eleonora already saw them. Not only once, but two. She had seen it twice.

One was when she was about to discover a piece of the truth of the chat group she joined, and two happened when she saved someone. Miraculously, she didn't experience the same feeling as before, where she just stood and did nothing. She can fight back; she can fight and confront them without drowning in fear.

It's an improvement. Eleonora can adapt quickly, even though the young chairman doesn't have skills like [Gamer's Mind] or something like that. But it's not the first time she can quickly adapt to any kind of situation or environment. At the age of ten, she already adapted very well to office works in Roozlent Company and can easily lead them.

It shouldn't be possible to happen logically, but she just did it.

Even when she entered the bath and tried to wash her body, any women there were struck in awe. All of them as a faint blush on their cheeks; their eyes are looking at Eleonora's curves. They are admiring it, their eyes slowly descend from above to bottom; once more, they are fascinated and charmed by how gorgeous she is and aware of that; that's why she sweatdropped when she noticed that.

After washing her body, she walks towards the outdoor bath provided by Hottokeya Onsen. In there, her blue eyes could recognize the people who currently went into the onsen and dipped their bodies on the warm and relaxing bath.

"Ah! Leo-nee-chan! You're late!"

As soon Nadeshiko spotted her sister-in-law, she waved her hands to the said person and followed by her friends, who also noticed Eleonora that currently stepped into the outdoor bath and dip her whole body on the onsen.

Chiaki, who saw her curves and body just amazed. Her jaw dropped, and she looked at herself, then mentally cursed.

'Curse me! How can Pendragon-san, who is basically younger than me, have that smoking hot body?! I'm flat as a cutting board. Goddamn!'

While her glasses friend cursed mentally and cried a bit, Aoi was just stunned. Her cheeks almost look like a tomato, and she has the urge to look away, but she can't. Her eyes just tried to peek at Eleonora's entire body. She was never felt like this. Aoi sure that she's straight, she is pretty sure because the kansai-born girl doesn't consider any of her female friends as a potential love interest, or at least, she hasn't romantically seen them.

But here she is, kept looking at Eleonora's body while starting to fantasize about herself and the young chairman of Roozlent Company. Yet she tried to deny it by shaking her head and keeping away any misleading thought that was about to invade her mind.

'No, no, no. I can't let myself think about that, but… it's hard to ignore it!'

She also curses herself that she can't completely resist the charm that radiated from Eleonora.

A relaxed expression was shown on Eleonora's face when she felt the onsen water. She felt as if any fatigue accumulated inside was gone entirely. The warm bath and beautiful scenery that can be seen from this outdoor bath are pretty soothing.

"Sorry about that, Nadeshiko-chan. But don't worry, now I can definitely enjoy this onsen. Also, I'm surprised that this is only 1000 yen. Oogaki-san, you are really incredible at finding a place like this. I'm impressed."

Being praised like that, Chiaki suddenly felt embarrassed and smiled sheepishly at the praise she got from Eleonora. Nadeshiko nodded with her relaxed expression. She is way too comfortable, and Aoi just put on her usual smile as she felt proud of her friend and the president of the Outdoor Activities Club.

"A-Ahahaha… thank you, Pendragon-san. It's nothing to be praised about."

Chiaki is not so used to being praised so honest by anyone, which makes her feel awkward, but seeing this made Eleonora amused and chuckled. She never thought that someone like Chiaki would act like this.

'It's her moe gap, I think? Well, she's cute enough and would be much cuter if she understood her own charm rather than ignore it… or she might be unaware of that? Hope her friends can help her if that is the case.'

But Nadeshiko disagrees with Chiaki.

"No! It's awesome, Aki-chan! You're so knowledgeable about it. Right, Aoi-chan?!"

"It's right. Nadeshiko-chan's right about that, Aki. As expected from the president of the Outdoor Activities Club."

Coughing up, Chiaki then smirked and put on her usual smug face.

"Hoho, of course! How could our camper club survive in the harsh campsite if I hadn't expanded my horizon and put all of that important knowledge? Imagine if we didn't have the basic knowledge of camping when we were trying to do so!"

"…And she going back to her usual self. Aki, please stop it. Don't be so cocky."

But Chiaki didn't hear it and just laughed smugly with a lot of pride. Aoi just sighed tiredly; although she already knows Aki so well, she still finds it annoying and pissed off whenever that girl is so cocky.

She didn't hate her, though. Chiaki is her best friend, after all.

Seeing Aoi, Eleonora just sweatdropped and began talking to her while Chiaki and Nadeshiko were busy playing with the bathwater. They're childish even though they are high school students, while Aoi is very mature for someone in her age.

"Must be hard, right Inuyama-san?"

Responding to that, Aoi nodded at Eleonora.

"It is, but I don't dislike her. She is more like a little sister to me, and I have already gotten used to it. Also, please call me Aoi, Pendragon-san. We're not stranger anymore anyway, and you're Nadeshiko-chan's sister-in-law too."

She said the last part with a tint of pink in her cheeks.

"Then, you can call me by my name too. Call me Eleonora, Aoi-san."

Eleonora said with a sweet tone while giving the kansai-dialect girl her beautiful smile that made Aoi's face flush like a tomato as Aoi just gave the adult-like girl a slow nod. She became meek and obedient to the young girl instantly.

Eleonora used CHARM!

"Y-Yes, Eleonora… -san."

It's super effective!

Eleonora really needs to watch how she speak next time. She didn't expect her mouth to do that, suddenly said that to the poor girl whose mental barrier is currently broken. She could only think that whatever compliment or sweet words she used to girls or women would be super effective.

While charmed and blushed, Aoi's mind was entirely in a mess, and she couldn't think straight after seeing how attractive and charming Eleonora was from her vision. This is because she had no experience dealing with someone with an adult appearance like Eleonora, even though Inuyama Aoi is supposed to be the older one.

'A-Ah, Eleonora-san really charming. That silky and soft blue hair, her charming and enchanting blue eyes, that sweet and addicting voice of her—all of it really drives me crazy. Is… is it possible that I might end up… liking Eleonora-san? I think it's fine….'

She showed an accepting smile and felt happy when already decided she would accept that rather than deny it any longer. She just decided it on her own, not being forced by anyone or even Eleonora herself.

'Sorry, Nadeshiko-chan. You might have one addition of sister-in-law in the future.'

She thought of that with light blush over her cheeks and glanced at Eleonora's face.


Crying is the only thing that Kunou did. She is crying so loud that she can even make her entire room filled by only that. Her crying sound echoes within the room; she buries that to the pillow she has. Her golden tail isn't brimming with excitement like usual, neither is her fur color.

She didn't believe the news that reached her ears about it. The information about the boy who she has marked as her future mate. The boy isn't here; he ceases in existence. He is gone forever and never will be there for her. It made her fragile little heart broke and her soul cracks a little.

The boy who promised to protect and become her friend is no longer here.

She was already crying for three hours. Her eyes were about to dry for crying about him for three hours straight after hearing the news about his death. She and her mother couldn't attend the funeral since they had been busy with many things after her mother had been kidnapped by Hero Faction and left the stuff in Kyoto became a mess.

Although it's not that bad, Kyoto still has to be managed, and her mother is the leader of Kyoto Youkai. Managing isn't that easy, and it's really hard, even if they're genius or beyond that. It was never easy, especially if something they manage is beyond what they count with their fingers.

With sadness over her face, Kunou mumbled something with her teary eyes.

"Why… why you leave me, Issei? Didn't you already promise me that you would protect me? You are my hero and will always be like that. You broke our promise."

There's a hint of sadness from her when she says that in a low voice. She sobbed and stopped the tears from her eyes for a while. She still cannot believe it; she doesn't want to think that someone so strong as Issei has died just like that. After all, he is her prince and hero. He is the Red Dragon Emperor and someone who beat Hero Faction, so Kunou believes that he isn't that easy to die, but alas… she cannot accept the truth.

And on the other side, her mother is in a devastated state.

It's her second time to feel something like this. The man she loves was leaving her, this is not the first time she experienced that, and the proof of that is her status as a widow. Her husband leaves her and causes Yasaka to raise her sweet little Kunou alone without the help of him. Because of that, Kunou doesn't know her father's origin, but she understands and doesn't want to force her mother to tell her. That's why she was never asked about it, even if Kunou is already aware there's something about her father.

Yasaka, the leader of Kyoto Youkai, had no chance to confess her feeling to the young Red Dragon Emperor. She was fully aware of her status as a mother and widow, but it didn't stop her from pursuing her feelings about the brown-haired young man. She also knew some girls were attracted to him and wanted his love, but she's okay with being his mistress and one of his harem members as long as the young man does not forget about her and she can stay by his side forever. Of course, as a woman, she wants to monopolize the young man for herself, but she has to understand that people around her also want to do that.

As her hand rubbed her eyes that had already shed tears, her lips curled in a sad smile. She felt heartbroken since the one she loved so much after her husband has died without her knowing. She's not like Kunou, who consistently denies that fact, but she is still hoping that what her ears heard is not real and just some joke; unfortunately, it's real, and she has no choice but to accept it.

There's a lot of sadness coming from her entire body. She tried to endure it and was tired of shedding more tears from her eyes. She and Kunou are the same, already crying for three hours, but the difference is that Yasaka was just sobbing and not crying so loud as her daughter did. She doesn't want anyone to hear her crying and look at her with sympathy since it would give her a bad image as leader of the Youkai Kyoto.

It's cruel but something that she must do to maintain her position and the situation of Kyoto. She doesn't want to be labeled a weak leader, even if a woman is naturally more fragile than a man, but there's nothing wrong with appearing as a strong and independent woman.

And after crying, she stopped, clapped her cheeks, and shook her head.

"It can't do. Issei-sama would definitely be disappointed if he was here, and I cannot do that. Sure he may be gone and leave us forever, he may not come back, but I mustn't disappoint him. Devil, when they die, don't go to Heaven or Hell anymore; they just disappear and will not come back. They also don't go to Realm of Dead; if they did, then all the devils that already died in Great War would be definitely possible be resurrected, and that will be bad news since the devils from back then it's not the same as now. They were just the beings that really fit the description in books, lore, etc. They're the Root of Evil, the creature that feats into the human soul, a being that always leads humanity to doom by their evil whisper and tricks."

Indeed. Yasaka cannot deny that. Devil is evil beings since their weakness is light or anything related to holy. They are denied and rejected by God. Angel is their mortal enemy and rival; they are destined to fight each other forever. They are the two sides of a coin, one is labeled as bad, yet the other is good, just like how hero and villain works.

With firm resolve that came out just now, she changed her current expression to serious and determined. Although she also smiled sadly when the thought of Issei saving her that time crossed her mind for a second. Despite how young he was, she really fell in love with that young man, but she didn't care since loving someone cannot be stopped by something like that; love is weird and always denies common sense.

"I can't let myself in this condition all the time. Issei-sama must be watching us from somewhere. Even though he is gone, the memories with him aren't gone forever, and I will still cherish it."

She said that with a confident tone in her voice. Her expression became better. There's no hint of sadness anymore on her as if she completely changed into a different person or might be her usual self. But what one thing she said is utter nonsense; she didn't realize it and just said whatever she wanted; there is still a hint of denial in her, even if it's not that much. She just needs to realize that she will be in a bad state sooner or later.


A hidden member or a member that doesn't frequently appear and talk with others in the chat group. There is such a member in the Flowerbed of Lily or the chat group that Eleonora joined. The hidden member can be told the last member, but the one who made the chat group yet has no intent to not add any new potential member.

The hidden member is someone who can be called Honor Student. She is exceptional in academics, physical, and of course, her control over magic power. She could be one of the strongest magicians in history if she trained correctly. She could even surpass her aunt, dubbed as the Demon King of the Far East, if her potential were trained so well.

She might even surpass her brother in that. Unless she chooses not to train herself to be strongest, she can't surpass them if she doesn't want it.

The school she goes to is one of the prominent magic schools. It's categorized as the best school to raise young people to be great magicians. Although some non-magical people attend that magical school and stay in the lower class for so long. The school itself has a system for differentiating students in a specific category; high-class and lower-class.

This is good yet bad at the same time since it would only encourage the high-class student and add more burden to the lower-class. Maybe there's some case that the lower-class would surpass the high-class, but its numbers are not that much, not even past 10% in general. In short, it's a discrimination system rather than equality; the school might know it and continue to use it to seek the best student with huge potential that may be useful to their country.

At first, the brother of the hidden member was sceptical about how she ended up being a member of the mysterious chat group that could connect to another dimension or universe. He is very suspicious of it and does not let her join the conversation for more investigating.

He wants to make sure of the safety of his sister, after all.

But after conducting the investigating and research about it for at least two months, after their enrollment in their school, known as First High School, on April 3rd. The brother then decided to let it go for now since there's not much information or details about that mysterious chat group.

But all of it changed him when his sister told him that the group planned to visit one dimension and make a dimensional trip; he felt that this was the strongest proof or evidence that might lead him to the mystery of that chat group.

Taking a sip of his coffee, he looks at his sister with plain expression.

"Miyuki, how is it going with today?"

Miyuki, who was being called by her dear and beloved brother, raised her head up and stopped what she did with her laptop and nodded at him as she gave him an understanding smile.

"Yes, Onii-sama. Everyone in the group is still lively as usual. They always come up with a new topic to be discussed. It seems whoever created the chat group intentionally hid me so anyone can't interact with me."

"Right. That reason is still unclear as to why the creator of that chat group is doing that. Why only your account is being hidden by them? Also, how is it possible for someone to connect people from a different dimension into one medium? It's unheard of."

"Even with our current magical condition, I think it's impossible. It would at least take us one hundred years to create such magic. But I'm sure Onii-sama will be able to uncover that mystery in a short time!"

Seeing her sister smile and be confident about him, his lips formed a small smile as he gave her a subtle nod.

"Thank you, Miyuki. I don't want to pressure you, and you can enjoy yourself with the people in that chat group. If needed, you may reveal yourself to them. From what you've said to me, it seems they aren't bad people. They seemed close to each other and didn't carry any potential threat to their friends."

Feeling embarrassed, Miyuki turned her head away from him as she caressed her cheeks with her hands. Her brother just tilts his head in confusion to Miyuki and she responds to him while still feeling shy and can't look straight at her brother due to the amount of embarrassment she currently has.

"Y-Yes, Onii-sama."

She said that in a meek tone.

'O-Onii-sama care for me. He is so cool.'

She thought of that with light blush painted on her cheeks. Although she doesn't know that her feeling for her brother might soon change if she joined the chat group conversation. Especially if she knows a certain member of it.


Orario - Loki's Familia base, the Twilight Manor.

Two people go out together and walk side by side. One is Ais Wallenstein and other is Lefiya Viridis. The latter genuinely feel happy to spend her time again with her beloved Ais and favorite person. She really gets the hots for her and definitely always fantasizes about herself with the one known as Sword Princess. She also harbors a solid romantic feeling to her.

"Lefiya, thank you for accompanying me today."

"N-No problem, Ais! I am happy to have you asking for my help!"

Blinked, Ais tilts her head in confusion though it's cute from Lefiya's view, and she shouts 'CUUUUUUUUTEEEEEEEEEEE' mentally since she thought it would give Ais a bad impression of her.


"Yes! Don't worry about it, Ais! You can count on me anytime and ask me anytime too!"

Hearing that made Ais' lips shows Lefiya her genuine smile.

"Thank you, Lefiya."


Lefiya's heart now felt a strong force just looking and hearing it. As if her heart is being stabbed by a strong yet comfortable feeling. She almost lost her consciousness if not for her will to stay conscious. She hardened her resolve and tried not to go unconscious or miss today's chance to spend her time with Ais Wallenstein.

Ais felt happy that Lefiya, her friend, agreed to accompany her for today. She also can't wait to share this with her friends in the chat group. She slowly showed more expression than just plain and boring expression on her face.

Trying to calm her heart, Lefiya nodded at Ais.

"Y-Yes, Ais. I also thank you for today."

Lefiya's heart is dancing with excitement. She felt the happy feeling inside her heart until Ais asked her a question that shocked her.

"Lefiya… are you falling in love with me?"

Ais asks that to the happy Lefiya with her usual expression and tone.

"Yes, yes! I fall in love with—eh…?"

She said that nonchalantly in a happy tone.

Lefiya showed Ais her shocked face. Silence then falls on them, and neither response to each other. Hearing Ais' sudden question made the elf's body freeze, and she realized that what she said to her is really wrong and a big mistake she might have committed.

Her brain stopped working for a while. Trying to register what she actually said to her idol.

Ais' gold eyes looked straight at Lefiya, waiting for the answer that came from her. She is waiting for a response from her friend Lefiya, although she doesn't really know the feeling of love between girls or romantic love between two girls.

But curiosity made the Sword Princess ask that her friend with no hesitation.

While Lefiya herself doesn't know what kind of answer she should give to her beloved idol since it's really sudden and shocking her. She didn't expect Ais to be so bold and ask that question to her.