Set off! Adventure to Another World!

November has passed, and it's time for December to shine. Although the cold weather has become colder and it's still there, the people have been waiting for this month because this is the month that snow would come, and on December 25, there is Christmas. An annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ was observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration by billions of people worldwide.

It's also the date when a couple would love to go out with their soulmate. But those who don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend usually spend their time with family and friends or stay alone in their room doing whatever they want, usually taking advantage of the Christmas game events on christmas.

Going out with their couple is also what Eleonora has been doing these past few days. She went out with all of her girlfriends while also resuming her Martial Arts training and starting her magic training under the teaching of Merlin, the Magus of Flowers, the strongest mage everyone knew well enough. Unlike Solomon, who isn't mentioned and not called like that, especially with how monstrous and powerful he is, aside from his magic as he commands 72 big demons, that is considered dangerous. He is the King of Magecraft, which was not well known by the public, only by fellow magecraft practitioners.

Under the teaching and guidance of Merlin, the young descendant of King Arthur managed to finish it within a short time. She has mastered from basic and highest, even at a scale like True Magic, and makes Merlin speechless as his brain tries to process what the heck happened with the disciple that suddenly surpasses him in only several days. It's not even a month, and Eleonora already surpasses Merlin in terms of magic or magecraft.

Let's not forget about her martial arts. She also successfully learned all martial arts styles that exist in the world, on Earth. She became much like Batman or Bruce Wayne, not Bruce Banner. She will not wear a bat costume or turn into a huge green creature, but she will become herself and stay elegant. The time she spends training under Merlin is worth it, although she can always see her father annoyed at Merlin.

'I also learned that mom is omnyouji, which is why I can use shikigami. It's a good chance that mom agreed to teach me about the thing related to omnyoujutsu. Dad also taught me about swordsmanship in his home world, mostly about Pendragon's swordsmanship style.'

Yeah, not only martial arts and magic, but she also honed her swordsmanship and onmyoujutsu under her parents, which they agreed on since they also felt this was important for Eleonora's growth. Also, because Eleonora doesn't need to do her paperwork related to the company in the office, she has a lot of time to do that since she used [Shadow Clone Technique] to make a clone of her to do that task. Of course, the clone agreed and went her way to her office.

But if something really needs her help, she has to take it herself and not rely on the clone. Only if it was a serious matter and when her work wasn't that much since Theodore also gives her a hand and helps her to reduce it.

And finishing the training, Eleonora then huffed and sat down on the floor of the training hall. She is currently in a training hall that was already prepared by her parents, and the place is not that far. She also installed a teleportation device whenever someone wanted to go here and there.

The teleportation device is something that she invests with the help of Ohoshi Ringo, the girlfriend of Mikogami Tsukasa. When both geniuses worked together, it became easier and faster than they would expect. A thing that should take one year to finish is already finished in ten days with an incredible speed that's inhuman. One of that is thanks to the clones that Eleonora made with [Shadow Clone Technique] and the helping of Kumausa, the computer companion of Ringo.

Wiping the sweat from her body with the towel given to her by Kanzaki Keine, one of her girlfriends who came here to see Eleonora's training for this last day before she was about to travel to another world or dimension. Keine also takes this chance to flirt and cuddle with Eleonora.

"Leo-chan, how was your training? I've seen your body improving again. You are always elegant and beautiful despite sweating a lot."

Eleonora laughed awkwardly, hearing that from Keine.

"I don't know, Kei-nee. Maybe because I sweat a lot, it's burning the fat stored in my body? Although I don't have a problem with that. By using magic, I can clean it in an instant."

"Then why you're not using magic to increase your stamina? Won't it convenient if you do that from the beginning?"

Keine said while also wiping Eleonora's body with the spare towel she had already prepared. She really loves Eleonora. Kanzaki Keine is the most miraculous doctor in the world and loves anything about Eleonora. She also admires the beauty of Eleonora, be it her body, looks, or anything. Eleonora is the epitome of perfection in Keine's mind, and she is enthralled by it, not because of her beautiful and elegant face only.

Eleonora scratches her cheek.

"Um… won't it waste the chance to improve my stamina or body if I do that? It will be pointless, and I can't always depend on magic or anything. There may be a time when I can't use those. Back-up, back-up, Kei-nee. I'm doing anything to prevent that happened by preparing some back-ups."

"That's a good idea. But don't overdo yourself. Is it tomorrow you're going the whole traveling to another dimension?"

Eleonora nodded at Keine.

She told everyone she could trust about this matter since she doesn't like keeping it secret. At least from people which she deemed important. It's not like she is carelessly doing that. Only her girlfriends, their families, her friends, and her family. She believed them, and none of them was the type that betrayed her since they already knew her for a few years. She also created a skill to detect lies or truth, which she called [Bullshit Detector] rather than the plain old name [Truth or Lie].

The young girl felt something on her shoulder, and Keine leaned on her.

"Then I hope you're okay and not hurt. Of course, if you're hurt, I'd like to take care of you since I'm your private doctor. But even if I am a doctor, I don't want to see someone hurt, especially if it's you, Leo. It's hurt me to see you in that condition."

"I know, Kei-nee. With what I've received from everyone, I think it's enough to defend myself from any threat. Even Merlin-sensei also told me I was powerful enough due to how fast my training progressed. Everyone from Seven Prodigies, including you, also teaches me anything useful when I'm in another dimension."

Keine chuckled at that.

"You're really incredible to be able to learn all of that perfectly. I'm not saying it's weird, but it's something. And with magic, ki, and chakra you wield, I'm pretty sure you are the strongest person in this world, Leo-chan. I have no doubt about it."

Eleonora blinked at Keine's word.

"Really? I mean, there's no official ranking of me since I'm not joining 'Awakened Guild' like others' Awakened,' but you seriously believe that? Sure I can go toe-to-toe with Aoi-nee or Shino-nee, but isn't that exaggerating…?"

"You have to be confident. Everyone, including Seven Prodigies and me, is 100% sure that you're the strongest in the world. But if you're going to another dimension, I don't know about that. But I believe in you."

Keine said as she gave Eleonora's lips a kiss and broke it. The blonde-haired doctor smiled at her girlfriend after kissing her on the lips, leaving the young bluish-haired girl shocked and silent until she laughed heartily and nodded.

"Thank you, Kei-nee. I'm not pessimistic, but it's just unbelievable. But with this dimensional trip, I could meet someone stronger than me and compare their strength or power with mine. Maybe I also can be a friend to everyone in that dimension."

The blonde-haired doctor laughed.

"I suppose so. You know… before our world became like this, I'd never believed in fantasy things or such. I'm sure you already know my dark, ugly side. I loathe god for creating a creature like us who is imperfect. I want to kill the god who creates us as a being like that."

Eleonora decided to quiet. Although she already knew and accepted that kind of side from Keine, she still felt pity. Eleonora can't ignore the fact that Keine said. She knew that human is imperfect. There are many flaws in humanity, and people always say that flaws make humans human. What makes them unique.

"But this time, maybe I have the chance to do that. I wanted to know why God created a human as an imperfect being rather than kill him. Or if it is possible, I want to change my race from human to something else."


Keine turned around to Eleonora and smiled.

"Sorry to hear that again, Leo-chan."

But Eleonora shakes her head.

"No problem. I'm here to hear whatever you want to tell me. We are a couple, and we have to help each other. I love you, everything of you. Even if it was bad or good, I loved all that. If you can forgive me, then I also can forgive you. As a couple, we also fill each other mistakes. So, don't worry about that, Kei-nee."

This time, Eleonora's lips touched Keine's, giving her a light and chaste kiss before she broke it. Leaving the stunned Keine as Eleonora smiled warmly at her. Keine then nodded at Eleonora as she was also adorning a beautiful smile on her face.

Keine then took Eleonora's hand and held it with hers. They hold hands together and tighten their grasp as they don't want to leave their hand and separate from each other. Eleonora just chuckled, seeing Keine become spoiled.

"Thank you for that, Leo-chan. Meeting you and becoming your girlfriend is one of the best moments I've ever had. I don't want us to be separated."

Eleonora's head was also leaning on Keine's shoulder. They lean on each other's shoulders.

"Me too, Kei-nee. I want to be together with you, all of you."

"Fufu, you're a naughty girl. Having multiple girlfriends and they love you a lot. I wonder if you will forget about me?"

Teased Keine to Eleonora, which startled the girl, and panicked for a while until she saw the chuckle coming from her blonde-haired private doctor, making the young girl sigh tiredly since she realized that Keine was teasing her.

"Kei-nee, that's not nice, you know. Of course, I won't forget about you. If I do that, then I won't be a good girlfriend for you."

"Sorry, Leo-chan. I cannot help but want to tease you. I already knew that you won't forget about me. Even if you're adding a new girl to your harem, I won't be mad since it's you we're talking about. You always attracted many people and made them fall in love with you without realizing it yourself."

"Hey, it's not my fault that I was born this way, you know. It's not like I will pick any girl to be my girlfriend. I'm not doing it like picking a vegetable and not like those scum who were only thinking about lust, just wanting to satisfy their lust and pick any girls to be their slaves. I despise that kind of person."

"Then, what would you do if you met with such a person?"

"I would kick them!"

Keine snickered at the serious declaration from her girlfriend. It's kind of cute for her, and she loved it. They then talked to each other until the day ended and changed to a new brand day. They are flirting and cuddling as much as they want in the meantime, and Keine is really grateful for this chance given to her as she can flirt and cuddle with her beloved girlfriend.


Pudding Lover: "Hey, hey, hey…! A new brand day has arrived, and today we're going to take our first big event! A dimensional trip to the world of @Hajime True Soulmate! Isn't it exciting? Hey, hey, hey! And @Queen of Sweets, How's your training process going? Is it okay, decent, or super?!"

Eleonora just snorted, seeing the comment made by Pudding Lover, and replied to it.

Queen of Sweets: "@Pudding Lover, My training is already complete, and I got a perfect from all my instructors. They are all from Martial Arts, magic, swordsmanship, and omnyoujutsu. I think I'm ready with whatever @Hajime True Soulmate world has in there. I don't know much about the monsters, but I already have the experience fighting goblin and kobolds, so I think it's enough for now."

Pudding Lover: "As always, @Queen of Sweets surprised us with what she got. You're really a cheat character! Ah darn, I forgot you're the protagonist this time, not me. But I'm okay, as I will always be the greatest protagonist and heroine, remember that!"

The Nightmare: "It's a good thing you're finished your training, @Queen of Sweets-san. Is it tough? It's not good to push your limit and take things too seriously. Although, if you already decided to take things seriously, I wouldn't stop you."

Golden Fox of Kyoto: "That's right. Moreover, today is the big day of dimension traveling. Is everyone who is a member of the dimensional traveling already in their position or preparing for it? And please check if anything is okay, whether you want to bring something."

Demon Mommy: "I'm looking forward to the trip, everyone! I hope you all are safe. Also, don't let your guard down, okay? I know that @Hajime True Soulmate-san will guide you, but being cautious is not wrong."

Hajime True Soulmate: "No problem, I know that. You can count on me for their safety, @Demon Mommy. And if the trip succeeds, we can easily use the dimension traveling device to travel between worlds. I know you're not listing any needed materials, but I hope Hajime has some of them. How's that? @Pudding Lover."

Pudding Lover: "No problem! If we can't find any, then we're doomed! But we can get someone who can travel between worlds! Maybe @Queen of Sweets has the ability of that? I hope so."

Queen of Sweets: "Um… maybe if I train hard enough. It's not like it will take a lot of time. But for everyone's sake and because I want to meet everyone, I'd like to learn about that ability! Also, it will give me some benefits if I manage to learn that."

Pudding Lover: "That's good, nepu! It will be more convenient if we have someone who can travel between worlds or dimensions as much as they can. I mean, it will cost less than building a machine to travel between worlds. Or we can build something like a bracelet that allows us to do that as we can. Isn't that neat?!"

Sword Princess: "I like that idea. Maybe after this trip, we can think more about that? Or when in @Hajime True Soulmate world, we can build it there."

Demon Sword Muramasa: "I agree with what @Sword Princess said."

Strongest Ice Queen: "Fufu, that's not bad, a brilliant idea if I want to say. Obviously more convenient than a large machine, we can reduce it to a small size, and of course, we also have to think about security. For example, it was DNA-locked or something, so only we can use it."

Titania The Empress: "Umu. That's a good idea. It would be bad if someone stole and abused it. I don't want something like that to happen."

King of Knight: "That's right. We can't let someone hold onto that and use it for evil purposes. Although lying is bad, I think it's necessary to keep it a secret from everyone we can't trust."

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "I'm agreed with that. Then, oh… when are you all ready and leave your current world? I kind of forgot about it. Or we didn't talk about it before?"

The Florist Succubus: "Wait, let me check it for a moment…! Ah, nope. We didn't discuss when the time for that. So, how about deciding now? I mean, it's kind of necessary to worry about that, or the party member would be in a mess if we didn't set the time for it."

Pudding Lover: "Hm… then how about an hour from now, the participants already in the designated location?! Worry not; ordinary people won't be able to see it, and it will be invisible to them. How's that sound? It's good, right?"

Queen of Sweets: "Then, I will wait for it. Please recheck your belongings if you bring anything when we are traveling to another world. I'll also prepare for it and cannot wait to see another world."

Sword Princess: "You can count on me."

The Nightmare: "Fufu, don't worry about it, and I also cannot wait to meet with everyone."

Pudding Lover: "Good! Then, let's meet in an hour! The uploaded picture and video will be available after we stay for an hour in another world we visited. I got the note from my mysterious worshipper! Don't question it and forget about that. Let our minds be busy with the excitement we will get when we visit @Hajime True Soulmate world! Ciao, nepu!"

With what Pudding Lover said, Eleonora closed and shut down the laptop as she prepared for the upcoming dimensional trip.

"Well, I hope it will become interesting and exciting."

She said that with a smile on her face.

"But let me first check the details and results of my training this month. [Status]."

As she said [Status], the sheets giving her the details of herself appear.

Name: Eleonora Pendragon

Title: Super Woman, Mary Sue Incarnation, The Second Arthur Pendragon, The Youngest Genius

HP: 2.500.0000/2.500.000

MP: ∞/∞

KP: 45.000.000/45.000.000

CP: 45.000.000/45.000.000

Gender: Futanari

Bust/Waist/Hip: 90/58/90

Strength: 15000

Vitality: 10000

Resistance: 14000

Agility: 17500

Intelligence: 19000

Charm: MAX

Sense: 12500

Luck: MAX

Currency: ¥34,405,086,600

Passive Skills:

- Quick Learner – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to learn something quickly and quintuple the experience gains.

Effect: 500% Experience

- Photographic Memory – Lv. MAX

Allow the users to recall an image from memory with high precision for a brief period after seeing it only once and without using a mnemonic device.

Effect: +500% Intelligence, +500% MP, +500% KP, +500 CP

- Supreme Leadership – Lv. MAX

The users would have an aura of leadership that made anyone below obey the users and do whatever the users wanted. They won't refuse anything you order and want. Instead, they will be grateful and blessed and brimming with hope when you do it.

Effect: +500% Charm

- Master Programming – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to gain skills and experience in master programming.

Effect: +500% Intelligence

- Golden Luck – Lv. MAX

The users will always be blessed with good luck and loved by the Goddess of Luck and Fortune.

Effect: +1000% Luck

- Martial Arts – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to easily adapt to martial arts and handle it better.

Effect: Double the experiences gains in Martial Arts.

- Hands-on Learning – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to learn easily by practicing it directly.

Effect: +500% Resistance.

- Visual Learning – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to learn easily by seeing it directly at the visual.

Effect: +500% Sense.

- Auditory Learning – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to learn easily by hearing it directly in the audio.

Effect: +500% Sense.

- Literate Learning – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to easy at learning by reading and writing it directly.

Effect: +500% Intelligence, +500 MP.

- Kinesthetic Learning – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to easy at learning by self-taught.

Effect: +500% to all statuses.

- Ultimate Cook – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to cook any dishes and bring out their fullest potential no matter what ingredients they use.

Effect: +500% Charm, +500% chance of success when cooking, Added extra effect to dishes.

- Genius Inventor – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to invent any perfect invention.

Effect: +500% Intelligence.

- Gambling God – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to be skilled in gambling and never lose as users loved by God of Gamble.

Effect: +2000% Luck.

- Writing Prodigy – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to write stories perfectly and never have writer's block. The story will always be well-received by many people.

Effect: +500% Intelligence, +500% Charm.

- Striking Beauty – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to charm any person whenever they're around. Even the Goddess of Sexual Love and Beauty, such as Aphrodite, is charmed by users' charm.

Effect: +2500% Charm

- Golden Rule – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to always bask in wealth and never go poor.

Effect: +10000% Currency

- Mana Affinity

Allows the user to become more sensitive to mana and handle it better.

- Mana Regeneration – Lv. MAX

An ability was given to those of special heritage, allowing faster MP recovery.

Effect: 100% increased MP regeneration.

- All Elemental Affinity

Allows the users to use all kinds of magic.

- Chakra Affinity

Allows the user to become more sensitive to chakra and handle it better.

- Chakra Regeneration – Lv. 50/100

An ability was given to those of special heritage that allows faster recovery of CP.

Effect: 100% increased CP regeneration.

- Ki Affinity

Allows the user to become more sensitive to ki and handle it better.

- Ki Regeneration – Lv. 80/100

An ability was given to those of special heritage that allows faster recovery of KP.

Effect: 100% increased KP regeneration.

- Swordsmanship – Pendragon-style: Version Theodore – Lv. 50/100

A swordsmanship that relies on speed and countering, it also has a beautiful and elegant style, yet each strike contains heavy pressure that can shake its opponent and deal a heavy blow to the opponent's body.

- Martial Arts – Pendragon-style: Version Eleonora – Lv. 10/100

A martial art that was created by combining the ones its users learned.

Active Skills:

- Inventory – Lv. MAX

A spatial storage with a limitless size that can store anything except living beings.

- Observe – Lv. MAX

A skill to peek at someone/something's status.

- Teleport – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to move or teleport to a certain distance or a place that has been seen/visited.

MP cost is various. Depending on how far the distance is.

- Creation Magic – Lv. MAX

A skill that allows the users to create any magic.

MP cost is various. Depending on what rank/level the magic created.

- Fireball – Lv. MAX

A basic spell of fire that allows the users to create a ball of fire.

100 MP cost

- Crimson Javelin – Lv. 50/100

A flame that would turn into a spiraled shaped spear and can pierce through its target.

500 MP cost

- Azure Blaze – Lv. 50/100

A supreme rank magic that could summon a sphere of blue-white flames 6 to 7 meters in diameter that would make everything melt in its surrounding.

1000 MP cost

- Glacial Sleet – Lv. 50/100

A spell that creates needles of ice to attack the enemy.

1200 MP cost

- Crystal Coffin – Lv. 50/100

A spell that freezes the targeted person.

1800 MP cost

- Frost Prison – Lv. 50/100

A supreme rank magic that would freeze its surrounding in 50-meter dimension, anything in the affected area, will be unable to resist.

2500 MP cost

- Tempest Slash – Lv. 50/100

An intermediate-level wind spell.

800 MP cost

- Updraft – Lv. MAX

A basic wind spell that can lift an object, especially a person, and able to make them fly.

100 MP cost

- Force Lasher – Lv. 50/100

A spell that unleashes spiraling whirlwinds created from the force of a vacuum.

900 MP cost

- Wind Wall – Lv. MAX

A spell that creates a wind of walls and can be used to blow objects away.

1100 MP cost

- Wind Blades – Lv. 50/100

A spell that creates a barrage of sharp wind blades to cut the enemy.

700 MP cost

- Storm Gust – Lv. 50/100

A spell that creates a powerful whirlwind.

1500 MP cost

- Air Cannon – Lv. 50/100

An advance-rank spell that could create a sphere of 1 to 2 meters in diameter contained numerous vacuum wind blades that would attack the target.

2300 MP cost

- Thunder Hammer – Lv. 50/100

A spell that summons a dark cloud and then shoots lightning.

3000 MP cost

- Thunderlord's Judgement – Lv. 50/100

It creates six lighting spheres that encircle an enemy and then connect to each other to a ring of lighting, forming a larger sphere at the center of the ring, which electrifies the enemy while preventing them from escaping.

4500 MP cost

- Waterball – Lv. MAX

A basic spell of water that allows the users to create a ball of water.

100 MP cost

- Liquid Rampart – Lv. 50/100

A water spell that creates a barrier of water.

450 MP cost

- Rupture – Lv. 50/100

An intermediate-level spell that gathers water from the atmosphere compresses it and then shoots it out as a high-speed cleaver/slicer. It is possible to reduce the mana consumption of the Spell by using an available water source rather than gathering water from the atmosphere.

850 MP cost

- Water Castle – Lv. 50/100

A spell that creates surging water that can make a wall.

900 MP cost

- Tidal Wave – Lv. 50/100

A high-ranked water element magic that can create a huge wave to crush the enemies. For an ordinary magic user, though it was called a huge wave, it would only be a tsunami around ten to twenty meters squarely.

2500 MP cost

- Hallowed Ground – Lv. 50/100

A spell that creates an impenetrable barrier that can't be broken by normal means but does have some limitations. It separates a particular area from other areas, not people from people, so enemies within the AOE would not be pushed away. It also consumes a lot of mana and can only be used for a minute if the user isn't skilled.

8000 MP cost

- Divine Shackles – Lv. 50/100

A spell that sends out a light magic chain to restrain enemies. "Holy light of judgment, bring retribution upon the wicked and crush those restrained by justice."

7500 MP cost

- Shadow Clone Technique – Lv. 55/100

This technique allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves. The user's chakra is evenly divided between themselves and their clones: creating one clone will give it half the user's chakra, creating two clones will give each a third of the user's chakra, and so on. Depending on how much chakra the user has and how many clones they make, this rapid depletion of their reserves can be dangerous.

300 CP cost per clone

- Shikigami Summoning – Lv. 56/100

A technique that allows the users to summon a shikigami. The users can also summon multiple shikigami according to how many ki they have.

800 KP cost per shikigami

- Ki Barrier – Lv. 65/100

A technique to create a barrier of ki to repel any youkai or dark attribute creatures. It also can be used as a trap.

500 KP cost per barrier

- Heaven's Feel: Cup of Heaven – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to manipulate the souls, such as through soul materialization.

5.000.000 MP cost

- Magic Blue – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to manipulate the time, such as time travel, accelerate body growth, accelerate speed, etc.

6.500.000 MP cost

- Enhancement – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to enhance anything, be it physical, magic, status, etc.

100 MP cost

- Concealment – Lv. MAX

Allows the users to conceal anything, be it physical, magic, status, etc.

100 MP cost

Eleonora simply whistled, seeing the improvement she had made during her training. It went up a lot for the ones who aren't maxed yet. She didn't use the idea of manipulating the time by making one faster and another slower; for example, if she spent an hour outside, it will be like a day inside her room. Because if she did that, her progress would be tremendous since it cut a lot of time, but she didn't want to use it yet.

"Well, that's decent, at least for now. I think it's enough to defend myself from whatever threat I would get in another world. Time to dress me up."

She said as she dismissed the [Status] window and opened her wardrobe as she was about to change her clothes to the new ones. It's important for her to change her clothes. She may attract many people again because of her charm when wearing different clothes and always wearing something that points to her elegance, despite it being clothes that should be worn by a male.

"Hm… maybe this one? Nah, how about this?"

She said in confusion as she wondered what kind of clothes she would wear for today or the next few days. It's important for a girl or woman to constantly change their clothes since it would make their appearance always clean and lovely, loved by many. Most girls would do that to attract boys, but Eleonora is different since she's lesbian and her target for that is the person who has the same sex with her.

Women, especially the cute and beautiful ones, always are the source of most people to calm themselves and reduce their stress.

"Ah! This one is perfect, and if I apply fire magic to my body to warm myself, I wouldn't worry when going outside. Although I don't know about the weather and season of another world, I have to be on guard if the weather and season are the same in this world."

She said, took the clothes she chose, and hummed happily while undressing herself.


Eleonora is already prepared and about to set off to the designated location to travel. Many people surrounded Eleonora and looked at her with smiles as they were about to see her off. It's the Seven Prodigies, her girlfriends, and her parents.

Surprisingly, all her girlfriends willingly leave whatever they have just to see her off since she's about to go to another world. Although at first Eleonora is against them abandoning their works or such just for that.

"Well, we simply want to see you off. Isn't it normal, Leo?"

Sakura said that, followed by the nods of all people in there. Then Sonoka, the only chef in Eleonora's harem, gave the bluish-haired young girl a loving hug as she stroked Eleonora's hair gently and softly.

"That's right, Leo-chan. Sakura-san is right. There's nothing wrong with us doing this. Although I am against this a bit, nothing can stop you from enjoying this."

"Thank you, Sakura-nee, Sonoka-nee. And Hotarun, please don't cry like that. I will be okay and not do something dangerous… maybe dimension traveling is categorized dangerous since it's something we aren't familiar with, but I guarantee it will be safe."

Eleonora said that as she broke the hug from Sonoka and let Hotaru hug her this time. Hotaru just nodded obediently despite sobbing and not wanting to let Eleonora go to dangerous places in unfamiliar places such as dimension traveling.

"I know. That's why Leo… please don't do anything rash."

"I promise you, I won't."

Hotaru nods again and lets go of the hug. Next, then, is Chiyuki's turn. She took Eleonora in her embrace and stroked her long hair with much love and care, as Eleonora could feel the sensation of Chiyuki's soft and big breasts squishing her head. She also feels that when being hugged by Sonoka.

"We will miss you for a few days, but we understand that what you are going to do is have fun, and we won't forbid you."

Eleonora smiled at the kind and considerate words from Chiyuki. The gentle stroke from her also calmed the young girl and melted her heart as it became warm.

"Yeah, thanks, Chiyu-nee. Sorry to make you worried."

"Fufu, no problem. It's alright since you're a big girl, but it didn't excuse me not to pamper you."

Chiyuki laughed softly as she said that. Sakura just sighed and facepalmed while Sonoka laughed awkwardly with Hotaru.

"Typical Chiyuki-san… you always want to baby Leo, you know."

"Oh my, sorry for that, but it can't be helped, Sakura-san."

Chiyuki said that in realization as she let out a hug from Eleonora and smiled in response to that. After Chiyuki's turn, it's Curacoa who, this time, gives Eleonora a warm and loving hug, the maid who always takes care of her since she was born and weirdly became one of her girlfriends and harem member.

"Eleonora-sama, don't forget to eat and take care of your body when in another world, okay? Master and mistress would hate it when you neglect your health, and it's reassuring seeing that you decided to not takes a lot of work and overwork yourself."

Eleonora just chuckled at the maid's scolding and nodded her head in response to that. Curacoa then let off the hug and changed with Keine, which was her turn to give her beloved girlfriend a farewell hug, although she would return not so long.

"Hear what Curacoa-san said, Leo-chan? It would help if you didn't neglect your health, or it would sadden your parents and me. Even Tsukasa-kun and others would be sad, you know. Isn't that right, everyone?"

Keine said that while turning her head to her friends, they nodded their heads with smiles on their faces.

"That's right! Hell, if you're sick or sort, then I won't have a friend to talk about the economy, you know."

"Masato-kun's right, Noracchi! Ninjas are also constantly taking care of their health! We couldn't infiltrate or collect any information if we're sick."

"As warriors, we must keep our body healthy and clean. There's no need to push yourself that hard."

"Aoi's right, Eleonora. It's one of the duties of a leader to keep themselves healthy. If the leader is down, the people who follow them will be in a mess. We can't let that."

"U-Umh! Tsukasa-kun's right; listen to them, Leo-chan. Don't be like me, who a-always neglected my health and became too absorbed in investing! B-But it's good that Kumausa always reminds me about that."

"Of course-kuma! Ringo's health is important, and we must keep it in check."

"Guuuh…! H-Honestly, I don't want to say this, but I cannot wait when you can see through the magic I've performed. But always keep it secret, okay? I want to hone my skills so you won't be able to see-through through it easily."

Eleonora felt the smile she has right now widened in happiness. She then could feel her shoulder being touched by someone, which is her parents' hands that touched both of her shoulders. They smiled at her.

"They are right, Elly. Make yourself proud and do whatever you want, while don't forget to check your health. I hope that you find something you are interested in another world. Something that makes you excited and fun. You should enjoy your youth when you still have that."

Her mother nodded at her husband's words.

"Indeed. We will always support you with whatever you want, and call us when you arrive in that world. You can use telepathy, right? Send us a message so we can know your condition when you reach another world."

Eleonora nodded at her mother.

"Okay! Then, I'll be off!"

She said that as the portal that was letting her go to another world had already opened. It was a portal generated from the url she had already clicked from her phone earlier, and she didn't know how a portal could be generated from a mere url like that, but she didn't care about that right now. All she could think of was the new adventure she would have experienced in another world.