Grand Gruen Volcano... conquered!

After hearing that and scattering as they about to once again in offensive stance, their enemy suddenly give them a launch of attack to them. Seeing this, Tio who noticed that then warn them as fast as she can since she is the only who right now noticed that.

"Everyone, above you!"

Countless flashes poured down as Tio gave her warning. Smaller auroras, only a tenth of the power from before, fell down; even so, they were lights of death which could destroy the body with but a single attack. But the worst thing is, the flashes follows them as soon as the girls regroup themselves, seeing this in another 3 seconds, no, perhaps 1 second... Yue quickly constructed defensive magic in her head.

"You won't getting this!—[Void Tempest]!"

Tio used those few seconds to run over and activate the Intermediate Rank Defensive Magic, [Void Tempest]. It was a Wind Magic which compressed the air, catching the rain of death. The moment it received the blow, the barrier of wind bent; though it would normally drive an attack back, there was no such room here. It was hit by one small aurora after another; in the end, it would only last a few seconds.

However, that was enough.

"—[Heavenly Severing]!"

Yue activated her Barrier Magic. Though she wanted to use [Sever Calamity] as usual, even if her skill with Gravity Magic had increased, she could not use it in such a short a mount of time.

As such, her use of the Advance Rank Barrier Magic, [Heavenly Severing], was appropriate.

A barrier of light shined brilliantly at the tip of her hands, covering the fallen Eleonora and other girls in a hemisphere. Tio's [Void Tempest] finally disappeared, the wind exploding. The torrent of light fell upon the barrier of light, not hindered by the explosion in the least.

The large pressure assaulted the three. Yue's [Heavenly Severing] was weakening.

"Guu, Aaaahh!"

Yue changed its focus to protecting only the area above them instead of from all directions. With the narrowed range, its strength increased.

The surroundings were affected by the rampage of the auroras, extending to where Eleonora and the girls stood. Some of the rock they were on had sunk into the sea of magma.

The small auroras aimed at Hajime, who currently slightly far from the girls, were intense compared to those assaulting Eleonora and the girls who stood a short distance away. The density of this attack was by no means normal.

"Hajime-san! Eleonora-san, is Hajime-san really alright?! He is—"

"Calm down, Shea-san! You'll die if you leave here and he is alright! The protection I've put on him will do its job."

"But Hajime-san is!"

Shea tried to run out past the auroras, but stopped by Eleonora. Tio simply diverted the attacks with her shield of wind while desperately admonishing her. Even though she has crush on Eleonora, it's not denying that she also worried about Hajime since he is her companion and friend; as she no longer has crush on him.

Tio, too, was worried about Hajime, she understood Shea's pain; however, even if Hajime had received significant injuries, she did not go, since they would be defenseless, even with the aid of Holy Water. Let's not forget about Shizuku who tried her best to blocking any attack that was directed towars her group.

Eleonora also had to maintenance Hajime's condition that only cured by [Holy Water] since he don't want any help from Eleonora further more. He is really stubborn man and Eleonora began to dislike that attitude of him.

While grasping Shea by the root of her neck, she desperately held back the lights.

10 seconds, or maybe 1 minute.

The intense storm of auroras continued as if for all eternity.

When it finally ended, white smoke could be seen everywhere.

Yue and Tio took out magic stones while panting to recover their magic.

At that time, a voice, half in amazement, half in admiration, called out as a man descended from the sky.

"... Your abilities cannot be overlooked. It seems waiting here was the correct answer. You are too dangerous, especially that man..."

The girls looked up toward the voice and opened their eyes wide in surprise. Before they were aware of it, a man with red hair and dark skin on the back of a 10 meter long white dragon descended, surrounded by many smaller gray dragons. He had pointed ears beneath his hair; he was a Devil.

"I did not think he would survive a direct attack from my white dragon... Furthermore, his unknown arm is far stronger than reported... and woman. Even fifty dragon attacks could not finish you. Who in the world are you? How many Age of God Magics have you mastered?"

Tio narrowed her golden eyes in danger and glared at the man.

She remained cautious hearing his question. He thought Yue's strength came from an Age of Gods Magic she obtained in one of the Great Labyrinths.

"Before asking a question, shouldn't you introduce yourself? Do Devils know no shame?"

Hajime was the one who responded to the devil's question. The man knit his brow; however, before he opened his mouth, everyone called out.



"So you're safe, Master!"

As Eleonora slowly and gently let Hajime landing on their side right now safely, Hajime set his upper body up; he was still heavily damaged and seemed as if he would fall again. Yue promptly supported him and drew close in her worry; Shea and Tio also jumped to them.

Hajime smiled to show everyone he was fine; however, returning to combat would be difficult, he still had a greasy sweat covering his body. Still, Hajime looked from the girls to the sky, a fearless smile on his face.

"... I do not find it necessary to introduce myself to someone who will die soon."

"I completely agree. I only heard information about you guys from the temple, not that I'm interested. By the way, how's your friend's arm?"

Hajime, buying time to recover, ridiculed the man. He had figured the words "report" and "waiting here" indicated the man knew about him beforehand. Hajime immediately thought about the devil who was acting behind the scenes in Ul, whose arm he had blown away. Most likely, the devil before him received information from that person.

The man frowned for a moment and responded with a voice lower than before.

"I've changed my mind. I will carve my name into your flesh and bones. My name is Freid Bagua. I am a faithful apostle of God who grants divine punishment to the pagans."

"Apostle of God... huh. Quite a title you have. I suppose you're allowing yourself to introduce yourself with that title having gained Age of Gods Magic? This magic allows you to control demons...? And even demons who can shoot off those auroras. Or perhaps it's a magic that makes these demons? Quite powerful indeed. If you can establish such a powerful army, I can see why you introduce yourself with that ridiculous title."

"It is as you surmised. As one who gained Age of Gods magic, "That one" spoke to me directly. "You are my apostle." For that, I will bet my entirety to grant the wish of my master. A troublesome existence like you, I must deny with all my effort."

The devil who introduced himself as Freid Bagua was similar to the Pope of the Saint Church, Ishtar.

"But you… why you feels like "That one"? Who are you exactly…? Are you even human?"

Freid said as he pointing his finger at Eleonora. He confused as why he can the presence of "That one" he mentioned and the one who made him an Apostle of God. Hajime who heard that became annoyed as he dislike Eleonora's more, his choice to hate her is right since she has the same presence of the god that devil mentioned.

"…Pendragon. I hate you even more…"

This confuse Eleonora as she tilt her head.

"What… what did I even do, Hajime-san…?"


He said that word in low voice since he don't want she heard it clearly.

He—Freid Bagua—denied Hajime's existence; however, Hajime simply smiled fearlessly. Though his recovery was slow, because he had focused his magic to healing via a derivation skill of [Magic Conversion], [+Healing Capacity Conversion,] he was able to stop his bleeding. Though he could not use his right arm with the bone clearly visible, he could still use his left arm.

"I can still fight!"

Hajime psyched himself as he tried to get up.

"Those are my words. You who obstruct my path are an enemy. And my enemies... I kill!"

Hajime, while shouting, bore with his pain and pulled out Donner. Eleonora who sees it just sighed and knock him out with neck chop since Hajime really want to fight even if his body is in dangerous condition since it's not healed completely; the [Holy Water] isn't that potent.

Though his right arm screamed in pain from his movements, he was still able to fight. In addition, he used [Lightning Clad] with his attacks and pulled out cross bits. As he about to launch his attack at the devil, he screamed in pain loudly and his wounds opened again, making him falling down and the girls except Eleonora has shock expression on their faces.

Hajime's breath became heavy and trying to stand up, but it's useless since his body and limp feel numb. The effect of [Holy Water] that used to heal him slowly disappear as if it was only give temporary effect like painkiller.

"G-Get up…! Guuh… why won't my body…"

"Because you refused my help to heal you completely."

Hearing this, Yue and others shocked again and shout in worried.

"Hajime! You refuse Eleonora's help?! Why…?"

"Y-Yeah, why Hajime-san? You already knew that the [Holy Water] isn't enough… right, Yue-san?"

"Yeah, it's slow… it didn't fully heal Hajime."


"Nagumo-kun… you're still stubborn… can, can you heal him, Eleonora-san?"

Shizuku said that while turn to Eleonora with worried face. Of course Eleonora can, if she was allowed by Hajime then by no time that man will already healed and can do some things; even fight again against the devil. He really slowed down the girls if kept being stubborn.

"I can but he will refuse it."

"Then force heal him. Without Kaori, only you who can heal him and Kaori absolutely don't want to know that Nagumo-kun's dead. Please, do it to save him."

"…Alright. I'll heal him and have him away from us for a moment after that."

"That's fine."

Immediately, Eleonora cast healing spell, [High Heal] on Hajime and it's instantly cure his entire body; it's becomes better as if there's no wound at all. His body was restored to it's perfect state and Hajime didn't find any pain or whatsoever.

But before Hajime could take Donner and Schlag, he was knocked out by Eleonora's neck chop and make him unconscious for the time being since he trying to be reckless and want to facing the devil. Good thing Eleonora quick at doing that, Shizuku who sees that nods her head as she agreed at what Eleonora did to Hajime.

'Sorry Nagumo-kun, but Kaori would crying all over again like she did when you're fall like before. I don't want to tell Kaori that.'

Before engaging a battle with the devils, Eleonora also heal everyone to make sure their condition is top notch when facing them. Yue and other girls feels the heal and their body condition became better than before, but what give Yue a surprise is that Eleonora also give them a little boost to their attack, speed, and defense.

Yue then looked at Eleonora and nodding at her which was responded by Eleonora who smiled at her and give her a nod too. As they are already prepared, Yue activated "Thunder Dragon," Tio shot out her breath, and Shea shot out the explosive slug bullets.

However, several dragons 3 or 4 meters in length quickly approached and formed a dark crimson barrier shaped like an equilateral triangle, warding off Hajime's attacks.

Though he was able to crack the barrier with his full power attack, another barrier formed between them, making it impossible to reach the man. He then noticed a turtle demon on the back of one of the dragon's backs. The barrier may have been a unique magic of the turtle demon.

"Did you think I only brought dragons? My defenses will not be broken so easily. I will show you now, this is another magic I received from the Age of Gods!"

With those words, Freid began to quickly recite an aria. A large cloth was in his hand with a complex magic formation drawn on it. Perhaps it was a new Age of Gods Magic he had received from this very Grand Gruen Volcano. The might of the Age of Gods Magic when chanted was something Yue and the girls, except Eleonora and Shizuku, knew well, so they began their attack in full onslaught; even though Eleonora and Shizuku don't know that well about Age of Gods Magic they at least knew what they will do.

However, even if they surpassed the gray dragons' barrier, their attacks were immediately stopped by the turtle's barrier; their attacks were not reaching Freid at all. Eleonora wanted to leave Yue to defense and approach directly with [Air Trick], a skill that she just came out with, so she could knock the dragons out directly, but as soon as her fists about to touch the dragons; flames came out of its mouth and blocking Eleonora's fists, made her attack failed.

She then think to face it with long-range attack rather than close-range, Eleonora then attack the dragons with [Crimson Javelin]; however, several gray dragons created barriers, and her attack did not reach Freid. The cross bits, as well, did not have the strength to destroy the barriers.

At that time, Freid's incantation was completed.

"—[Pierced World]!"

"Hah! Behind you, Eleonora-san!"

As soon as he called the name of the magic—Freid and the white dragon disappeared. To be accurate, a shining film appeared and he jumped into it.

Eleonora, in accordance to Shea's warning which came as Freid recited the magic name, turned around, her eyes wide in surprise. There... Freid and the White Dragon had appeared. An energetic magic was already compressed in the white dragon's mouth.

Eleonora quickly cast [Hallowed Ground] on herself as a shield as the aurora assaulted her at point blank range.


The [Hallowed Ground] successfully held up against the aurora, making Eleonora sigh in relief for a second. But she panting heavily and wipe the sweats that is in her face right now.


Scream the girls who wanted to help Eleonora and worried about her, but they sighing a relief sight too and continue to deal with another assault from the gray dragons. Seeing the girls was has a bad deal with the several gray dragons, Eleonora about to come to help them but was intercepted by a white dragon that attacked immediately.

Feeling that, Eleonora exhaling and inhaling for a few seconds. A brilliant golden light suddenly emitted at her right hand, something materialized as she said something out of her mouth—it was akind like special word or chant. A magical and simple chant.


A magical sword emerge. It's appear in her right hand. But instead of firing a brilliant beam of destruction like her ancestor, it just… exist. It didn't firing anything. The sword materialized on her hand, her entire outfit changed, it's replaced by an armor; there's a cloak behind her, white-bluish cloak.

In her head, there's a golden crown attached. Her hair turned golden, her entire armor was white-bluish just like her cloak. A smile appears on her lips, confident and gentle to her comrade and friends yet deadly and frightening to her enemies, Freid who watched it became irritated and groan in annoyance as he sense the power increasing, he also thought that the sword she wield is dangerous Artifact but he is ignorant since he want them dead.

Yue, Shea, Tio, and Shizuku who also the witness of this was enthralled. They became more attracted to Eleonora, but at the same time they also knew the king aura coming from Eleonora is definitely became stronger than before.

With Excalibur on her hand, Eleonora swing it playfully, but the swing suddenly causing the magma burst out, an explosive swing came from the sword alone. Freid who witness it became terrified but trying to be brave and act tough. Yue and her friends gaping in shock when seeing the destructive power came from a single playful swing.

"…Freid, was it? Originally I'm not intending to use this since it would be too much and overkill, but this is the perfect time to test its power. I'll use you as my guinea pig. Be grateful you have that chance and witnessing the legendary sword—Excalibur: The Sword of Promised Victory."

"N-No—You can't do that! I am the Apostle of God!"

"Too late. I'll showing off a bit. Executing: The Sword of Promised Victory – Excalibur."

The Excalibur then in front of her face as she hold the handle with her hands, she then lift it up and executing vertical slash downward, Freid who trying to protect himself from that slash only doing something futile, as the slash cannot be blocked; he screamed out of pain the moment it goes through his entire body.

His entire body enveloped in golden light, dispersing into a particle of light. All the dragons that was come from Freid, a few of them disappear—not all of them, the magma also suddenly became quiet for a moment. Everyone right now can breathe in relief as Eleonora's appearance come back normal again, her 'transformation' already ended as she deactivated it.



Eleonora startled when Yue suddenly ran towards her and hugs her, but not only Yue, Shea and Tio also coming to hugs her while Shizuku just send Eleonora small smile and walk slowly to her too while Hajime who is unconscious was floated.

Eleonora then just give a gentle stroke on Yue's head. The blond vampire just smiling as she feels happy get her head stroked by her crush and can't maintain her happiness' face so it made the other girls looked at her with jealously.

"Seems our business in here is—"

Before Eleonora finished her word, a loud sound of something crumbles.

Grand Gruen Volcano experienced a large earthquake. It erupted, jarring even the atmosphere. Even the black blizzard was blown away for a moment. A dark smoke appeared from Grand Gruen Volcano and scorching rocks were shot into the air.

In the history books, Grand Gruen Volcano had never once erupted. In a certain sense, this was a rare historic moment.

After a few moments, the huge black blizzard returned, concealing the oddity. Still, the roar could be heard by the world, and the dark smoke could be seen.

The people of Ankaji saw it, growing more anxious.

The girl and child waiting for their important people were no different.

Seeing the ceiling and floor crumbles and create a large sound of earthquake only made Eleonora laugh awkwardly after knowing what currently happened right now on the Grand Gruen Volcano and the place they currently stay.

"... Self destruction, huh. I should've known it."

"? Eleonora...?"


"What's wrong, Eleonora-sama?"


While exposed to the downpour of auroras, Eleonora suddenly muttered something while smiling ear to ear. Yue, Shea, Tio and Shizuku looked at her suspiciously. Eleonora shook her head as they traveled to the central island.

After defeated Fried, the surrounding magma had become more violent, and only the central island had any appreciable amount of space to stand on. Even this would be swallowed within 5 minutes.

Yue had used [Sever Calamity] to swallow the small auroras pouring down from above them, while Shea used Drücken to smash away anything that came close, whether it be magma, stone, or the gray dragons. The number of gray dragons remaining were less than ten now.

While Tio also reduces the number of gray dragons that is only eight now into two with her [Wind Blades] and Shizuku, with her newly sword—Black Blade—cut down the remaining dragons with her sends out multiple streaks of light using [Force Pulse].

The dome of magma surrounding the area at the center of the island was now gone, and a black building could be seen.

There was a floating disk several centimeters above the ground as well. It was likely used to provide a shortcut to the opening above, originally.

The three avoided the magma pillars and gray dragons and entered the building.

On a door there was the patterns seen in the other of the Seven Great Labyrinths.

Hajime leaned against the wall once they entered and closed the door, damming up the magma which had started flowing in at the last moment.

They watched the door for a while to see if it would melt and sighed in relief to see it standing there.

Because the building itself was in such a place, they had expected it would be able to endure, but they could only be completely relieved after seeing it proven.

"We're safe for now... I wonder, does this room stop vibrations as well..."

"Mm... Eleonora, there."

"A magic formation."

Eleonora was surprised not to feel the vibrations upon entering.

While he muttered to himself, Yue pointed to a complicated magic formation. It was the magic formation for the Age of Gods Magic. They all nodded to each other and stepped onto it.

Like in Great Orcus Labyrinth, their minds were traced to see how they managed to get through the Labyrinth. It admitted their success upon reaching the final trial of the magma snakes. The Age of Gods Magic was directly carved into their brain.

"... So this is Space Magic?"

Apparently Grant Gruen Volcano housed Space Magic.

Furthermore, it could interfere with other objects in a surprising manner. As always, the Age of Gods magic was amazing.

"... Instant movement."

"Ah, so this is how the guy showed up behind me so suddenly."

Yue referred to Freid's surprise attack. Shea nodded in agreement.

He had likely used Space Magic to teleport. Though they did not know if he had twisted space or hid his movements in some way, it was still a troublesome attack. Eleonora didn't have the time to use [Observe] on him before, so she don't know about that but turns out what he uses is Space Magic to teleport.

Eleonora just sighing in disappointment since it's only a magic that allows him teleport. But her disappointment gone when she check something this time with [Observe]. The girls and Hajime had now mastered Space Magic.

At the same time, a part of the wall opened as the magic formation shined.

Characters could be read on the wall there.

"I sincerely pray for a future where people have their own free will."

"Naiz Gruen Caliente."

"... Simple. Very simple message."

It was the honest impression Eleonora had from seeing the message. Seeing the surroundings as well as the roof above her head, the room was quite dull. There was no feeling of life like with Orcus's abode. There was only the magic formation.

"... It seems he only prepared safety precautions."

"Naiz-san, other than the magic, left nothing else."

Eleonora nods her head as she agreed about what they said. But then she noticed the crumbling became worse and the earthquake is louder, seeing that Eleonora then warn everyone as she prepared her [Teleportation] to get them out of this dungeon.

"Everyone, hold tightly…! I'll get us out of here—no time to be wasted!"

Startled because of what Eleonora said, they then nods their head quickly in simultaneously as they held each other hands tightly and vanished from the Grand Gruen Volcano. Their adventure in that dungeon full of magma already ended and it's the time to return to Ankaji.