Banging a MILF

A night came to Tortus; thus, Heiligh also changed from afternoon to evening or late night. The business regarding sending back the Hero Party of Amanogawa Kouki, which is unfortunately died because he's being killed by Nagumo Hajime, including Nagumo Hajime already done and they wouldn't come back again to Tortus; since Eleonora already placed some sort of spells so they cannot be summoned back by Ehit or whatever deity or divine being that wanted the help of otherworlder; especially them.

Though the cost of it was borne by Hajime himself since he's the one who requests that to Eleonora. Although the teen otaku actually wants to go back by himself, Eleonora proposes an idea to also send back his classmate, which is agreed by Hajime since there's no other choice. With that, his crush–Shirasaki Kaori–can also be included in it and sent back.

But the cost of that was pretty high; Hajime hesitated and rethought about his decision, but he already decided it, and the one who he dealt with was a devil, a succubus. Someone who surpassed him in everything, a girl he hates–even more than Kouki and Hiyama–because he felt powerless seeing himself being outclassed in every aspect by her; even her former lover, Yue, stolen by her.

But Eleonora didn't want to care about it. At that point, she decided to change herself, and she can't become Mary Sue, who was loved by everyone again since Hajime was the person who broke the structure of Eleonora's Mary Sue. She can't become a perfect girl again since not all people love her.

Eleonora didn't mind it, though. It's not like she's proud, or anything being called Mary Sue or Perfect Girl or Perfect Woman. She is just happy by being herself and mind her own business this time, not always help other people, especially someone like Nagumo Hajime that she deemed annoying and hard to deal with.

And now she a bit relieved that Hajime was gone. She doesn't want to deal with someone like him again; it's tiring for her, although she's used to be a workaholic. But that can be thought of later since she has another problem before returning to her homeworld, which is to defeat or, if possible, kill Ehit, the false god who used Tortus as his chessboard and made the people his chess pieces.

She rubs her chin while sitting on the couch in front of her room, which has a small rectangle table and three sofas, including the one she sat, along with two square tables on the oversized couch with two small night lamps. There's a set of teacups and a small plate of cookies that she made earlier since there's no one in the kitchen, and she can freely do whatever she wants in there.

Taking a piece of the cookie, she bit the part of it and looked at the notepad she made about her next plan. It's concerning Tortus, and she already promised him—Eliheid S. B. Heiligh—about it, so she won't abandon and give up on it. But she also makes sure to make calls to the people in her homeworld to let them know about her current condition and all; she already did it for a while after the day one arrived at Tortus.

"Hmm… no, this one surely going to fail. But how to draw his attention so he can appear? Tracking him through Noint? A little risky but that's seem the only solution beside the Hero Party and Eliheid-sama, also there's no trace of Ehit on Shizuku-san; that's mean Ehit himself didn't consider her as his vessel."

She is muttering as she didn't realize that there's someone who spotted her. That was Luluaria, the mother of Liliana and Lundel, also the wife of Eliheid and the queen of Heiligh. She wears a black-tight nightgown that emphasizes her large breasts and cleavage also her curvy figure with a black collar on her neck and a white ribbon on the middle of her cleavage. The face she has right now is thirsty about something; she licked her lips seeing the person she sees, Eleonora, who currently wears a black off-shoulder and see-through dress with a black collar on her neck and heart-shaped black bra. She felt something warm, Luluaria never felt like this in her whole life, even with her husband, who already been with her for years.

Noticed this, Eleonora then smiled at Luluaria and greeted her.

"Good evening, Luluaria-sama."

Luluaria returns the greeting with a nod and a kind smile.

"Good evening too, Eleonora-sama. Staying up this late?"

"Yes. I just had to take care of some things before going to sleep. What about you, Luluaria-sama?"

Eleonora asked that as Luluaria made a gesture with her hand and point on the couch beside Eleonora as if she says "May I sit there?" and responded with a simple nod as if she says "Of course" to her. The queen of Heiligh then gracefully took the spot beside Eleonora and sat there; she's a bit excited to sit beside someone like the young chairman with long bluish hair and beautiful blue eyes that almost like a sea.

Faking a cough, Luluaria then answers the question that Eleonora has asked her.

"It's just… I cannot sleep, Eleonora-sama. If I'm bothering, I am sorry."

"Oh, no. You're not bothering me at all, Luluaria-sama. In fact, it's relief that I had not spend my entire night alone sitting in here and concerned about this. I may have to borrows some of your opinion regarding this, if possible."

"Is that so? Then I'm gladly to be in your assistance. If you don't mind, what's currently trouble you?"

Eleonora let out a small tired sigh and scratching her right cheek with her finger.

"It's… about the plan related to Ehit, Luluaria-sama. I can't made any mistake since it would affect the whole Tortus, including Heiligh too. Sometimes it's good to add some people advice or suggestion, although not all of them are useful or needed to be included."

"Hmm… what part that you stuck?"

Eleonora points to the notepad of her with her finger.

"This, on how to make Ehit appear. As far as I knew, Ehit would need a vessel and we have to know who's the one going to be his vessel. So if we can knew that, then it would be easy to prepare a fight with him and would avoid any unnecessary parts."

"That's quite troubling indeed if we didn't find any lead about the vessel."

The young chairman nodded at Luluaria and just let out a small sigh. Luluaria, who sees that just giggles at how cute Eleonora right now; the mothers of Liliana and Lundel became more interested in her as she brings herself closer to Eleonora. Feeling this, Eleonora just let it, and she could felt the softness of the queen of Heiligh's large breasts bouncing and squishing on her arms.

She did enjoy the feeling and did not deny that it's incredible. Eleonora isn't dense; she really is not. Still, sometimes she is trying to focus on another thing, like this time she wants to focus on building the plan to defeat Ehit, but it would sometimes take her a hard time to hold it, although Eleonora is not entirely beast or pervert, to begin with; she still can control her desire.

But it would be different if the ones who tempt her are pretty persistent, like Luluaria, who keeps pressing her breasts to Eleonora's arms. It made her hard; she has a boner and has to sigh heavily to drop the notepad and her mind about the plan she is trying to make.

'Darn it… Luluaria-sama makes it so obvious. Looks like I have no choice, she keep pressing it.'

Putting down the notepad, she turned her head towards the beautiful mother with blonde hair and blue eyes. The woman who sees that already knew and suddenly pressing her lips towards Eleonora, which caught the young bluish haired girl by surprise, kissing the young girl who has a lot of girls under her as her harem and captive many because of her charm; Eleonora also kiss her back and the two of them then indulging themselves in passionate and lustful kisses as their tongues began to intertwine.

Their tongues were kissing and licking each other passionately as if they are lovers who basked in a romantical situation. Eleonora could feel her dick rising up, making it more noticeable; the blue eyes of Luluaria noticed it and just smirked as she didn't find it weird; her right arms then went there and touched the shaft of Eleonora's dick, she moving her hand back and forth.

The movement of Luluaria's hand made Eleonora groan; she started to feel it as both enjoying their kisses. The more they kiss, the more lust within their bodies built up, the more also their libido increased, and they want each other bodies. They want to embrace themselves.

Not wanting to be pleasured alone, Eleonora then slid her fingers on Luluaria's nether region and rubbed the clitoris of her pussy slowly as she was trying to make the queen of Heiligh enjoying her fingers. As she was feeling it, Luluaria's body began to shiver like Eleonora in pleasure as she feels that her clitoris being teased. The two then teasing each other while they keep locking their lips and let their tongues wrestling each other.

The movement of Luluaria's hand to Eleonora's dick began to move faster, making Eleonora also moving her fingers at the matching pace and began to slid her fingers inside the wet pussy of the blonde queen of Heiligh. It didn't take a long time to make her like that; the same can be said to Eleonora, who began leaking out pre-cum out of her dick right now because of the skilled and experienced's hands of Luluaria.

Eleonora felt the differences between the inexperienced and experienced woman who was just servicing her dick. Although both of them felt amazing to her, and she couldn't complain, she was just amazed and feels good when Luluaria's hand was stroking her dick with her technique.

As the two basked in pleasure and looked at each other with lust, they began to speed up their kissing and their tongues inside their mouths as it made them panting because of the atmosphere that is currently hugging their bodies. Eleonora felt her dick twitched; the same can be said to Luluaria's pussy which became seriously wet; they cannot hold it back anymore as they kept pleasuring each other.

Eleonora, who cannot hold its urge, then releasing her cum, covering Luluaria's hands and some of the white liquid on the blonde woman's face with how much she released. Luluaria's also squirting the moment she felt the cum of Eleonora; both are moaning in pleasure and panting heavily after that. Their lips broke, and their saliva can be seen from their mouths because of Eleonora and Luluaria's passionate and lustful kiss they shared earlier. But none of them hate it; both of them felt unsatisfied and still want more. They want to embrace each other.

Eleonora's blue eyes gazing at Luluaria's wistfully, the blonde woman did the same as they are smiled before the queen broke their silence.

"Eleonora-sama, you're quite unique person… to have thing that only man had."

The young girl with long bluish hair just response with a chuckle and nod at the blonde woman.

"I am and you're not find it strange or disgusting, Luluaria-sama?"

"Why would I? It makes you unique and different than others. It makes me crave you more, I want you to makes me feels good more. Could I trouble you with that?"

"Of course I want it too, Luluaria-sama. But first… let me cast [Invisibility] and [Silence] on us, so we can enjoy our time more without anyone disturbed us."

She said that as she immediately cast [Invisibility] and [Silence] on both of them, making them invisible from others, their voices, sounds, or anything can't be heard except by Eleonora and Luluaria's only. Luluaria, who heard it, just widened her smile and planting a light kiss on Eleonora's lips, with a lot of affection and doing it romantically as if they are a lover.

The blonde older woman then moved from beside Eleonora. She sat on the young girl's lap, wrapping her arms around Eleonora's neck and continuing to lock her lips with Eleonora and kissing her again passionately. Luluaria could felt it, there's some bulge under her butt, and she then rubs her butt with that to tempt Eleonora's dick so it would fully erect.

Knowing this, Eleonora then places her right hand on Luluaria's right boobs and gropes it soft and slow as it makes the older woman moan in delight when feeling that from the girl she loved. Both could feel each other tongues intertwined and connected, licking and sucking inside the mouth as if they were never bored of it while Luluaria's butt still rubs itself to Eleonora's bulge.

'Eleonora-sama's bulge is bigger than my husband… I could felt it poking….'

She thought of that while still grinding her butt on Eleonora's bulge that became bigger than before; she could felt the sensation of the glans poking on her pussy's lips. She is moving her butt faster than before and successfully making her pussy wetter than before as it became drenched and dirtying Eleonora's dress. She also moans between it when her right breasts were being groped gently and softly by Eleonora's hand; she really enjoys the sensation of it, added up with the tongues play they did right now makes it more passionate.

After the passionate make out of their lips that they did for a while, they broke it and panting to grasp an air because they did that for an hour. They kiss passionately for an hour without stopping, not forgetting about the bulge she felt from Eleonora's dick; it became wet, and so is her pussy.

They then looked at each other's eyes, Luluaria's lifted her lower dress and her black-laced panties, strip them, and made the panties fell down, reveals the drenched pussy of the married woman. Eleonora then lifted her lower dress, revealing her also black-laced panties that had a bulge on them, a huge bulge that made the panties couldn't cover all of it. The lustful look of Luluaria became obvious when seeing that; she felt her nether region dripping when seeing it; she cannot hold the passionate desire of her to be pierced by the meat pole that Eleonora had onto her meat hole.

"Eleonora-sama, forgive me but… I cannot hold it anymore. I want it inside me."

Eleonora chuckles and nodded at Luluaria, giving her permission.

"Don't worry, Luluaria-sama. You can… I also want to bury it inside you. I want to feel and connected with you than before. Because, who wouldn't accept someone so beautiful like you, Luluaria-sama?"

She said that with a gentle voice and without wasting time smashing her lips onto hers. Of course, the beautiful and blonde-haired married woman return the kiss as they once again envelop in the passionate kiss while Luluaria's pussy entrance that already drenched, slowly eat up the whole thing of Eleonora's dick; she could felt the thickness and hardness of the meat pole that Eleonora had, and it makes her feels good.

While kissing and guiding Eleonora's hands towards both of her large perky breasts, Luluaria then slamming down her hips and gobble down the entire dick of Eleonora that made her squirting as her eyes squint; Eleonora moan in pleasure at the moment she felt her whole dick currently inside Luluaria's pussy, her glans even hitting the womb and poking it.

Immediately, Luluaria moved her hips back and forth, allowing Eleonora's dick to go in and out as the bluish-haired girl felt that her shaft was wrapped tightly by how tight and warm the hole she pierced right now.

But she was not wasting this chance as her hands started playing with the queen's breasts while her lips still locked with Luluaria's and their tongues passionately clashing with each other. Their entire bodies reek of sweats as Luluaria's kept moving her hips and felt the dick kept hitting her womb and constantly pierced it, making the married woman goes into a trance as her pussy became slippery due to how wet inside of it.

But due to how the tightness and warmth of the inside of Luluria, the young girl with long bluish hair felt her dick twitched and about to releases again her semen, which probably shoots it inside of Luluaria's pussy and maybe even the married woman womb, but not only Eleonora who felt that; Luluaria also felt the sudden feeling that she needs to squirt, even more, she's about to come.

Realizing that, both couple who drenched in sweats and passionate sex, feels that they won't need to hold back and broke their kiss and looked at each other. They moan in pleasure and delight, even further for Eleonora, who is feeling it from Luluaria, who suddenly speed up the movement of her hips.

"Luluaria-sama…! I'm about to…!"

"Yes, let it out inside! Please fill my married woman pussy and womb with your essence!"

Saying that Eleonora then releases a massive amount of semen inside Luluaria's pussy and even straight down to the womb, filling the hole that previously empties that full of the futanari's girl semen. The moment Luluaria's slamming down her hips, she felt the glans of Eleonora's huge dick pierced straight through it and hitting the g-spot of her.

They stayed connected for 30 minutes straight right that before Eleonora's dick finished shooting out all of her cum, making the queen's pussy and womb complete with her cum, and the happy face of Eleonora's partner is the sign of that. The young chairman just smiled at the married woman and whispering something to her ears.

"Luluaria-sama, how about we go for another round?"

With panting and gasping since she's felt tired, Luluaria replied.

"I… I'd love that, Eleonora-sama… but please, I want to rest for a while."

Eleonora chuckled at that and cast another spell on both of them. Suddenly Luluaria felt her body light as if all of her fatigue removed and her stamina restored; she also felt that her stamina increased than before. She then looked at Eleonora, who smiled at her, and Luluaria just sighed.

"You are wonderful, Eleonora-sama. You just cast some spells to cleanse the fatigue and enhance our stamina, isn't it?"

"Of course, since I knew that you actually still want more. Right Luluaria-sama? Let us enjoy the night since it's still young. How about that, my Queen?"

A tint of red can be seen on Luluaria's cheeks when Eleonora said that to her with a gentle voice and smile. She gasped since she was found out by Eleonora and her cheeks became red in embarrassment; Eleonora just giggles seeing the cute expression that the married woman with blond hair just now.

Eleonora then switched Luluaria's position as it made her see the woman's back and letting her fifteen-inches dick that currently inside the blond-haired woman's pussy be seen, which is also the same with Luluaria's pussy who is exposed.

"Since we basically invisible to everyone and so does our voices or any sounds we make is covered, how about we take it to further level, Luluaria-sama?"

Cue the confusion that appeared on her face when she heard what Eleonora said. But the said girl just gave the married woman a small smile as she began to stand up from the couch that she sat before with her arms lift both Luluaria's thighs as if nothing and made the blonde woman amazed by the strength was shown by Eleonora.

Eleonora then started walking towards the hallway and made her dick shoved back and forth again inside Luluaria's pussy each time they take a walk. Although they knew that there will be no one who watches or heard anything from them, Luluaria decided to shut Eleonora's lips with her own, and they indulging again in a passionate kiss as the sounds of dripping from her wet pussy can be heard.

For 30 minutes straight, they walk, they have arrived at the garden outside of the palace. The breezing wind of night blow and invading the bodies of two couples currently having sex and didn't care if they did that outside since it's safe for them. But instead of cold, they still felt the warmth coming from their bodies, and it feels nice to them.

Once again, Eleonora poured the ridiculous amount of semen inside Luluaria's pussy and womb, planting it all and made sure it's reached the edge of the womb. Instead of disgusted and frustrated, Luluaria's felt the joys coming from it and hope that she can be fertilized and bear the child of Eleonora; she wants to be impregnated by her and become her wife or wives in this case.

Arrived at the garden that has a table and the chairs on it, Eleonora then positioned Luluaria. Hence, she bends over the table and again shoves her entire dick in one thrust and makes the married woman who already has two children is moaning loudly. Her moan can even be heard by anyone inside, yet because of Eleonora's spell, they can't. Luluaria moaning in pleasure as if she's a slut every time Eleonora's dick going back and forth inside her pussy and her glans kisses her womb.

Both hands of Eleonora then grabs the large breasts of Luluaria's and playing with her nipples. She pinches and tugging the pink inverted nipples that already popped out, letting the mother milk came out of her nipples as Eleonora keeps pounding and moves her hips against Luluaria's plump and thick thighs.

Both Eleonora and Luluaria making out in the garden while they are naked; they enjoying what they did and didn't care about anything other than what they currently do. Even if they were caught by someone, especially Luluaria since she's royalty and the queen of Heiligh Kingdom, she doesn't care about it and just wants to be with Eleonora at this point.

As Eleonora kept give Luluaria's pussy good pounding and moving her hips slowly and roughly for a few minutes since when she was doing that to her older woman's lover, she loves it when she's rough and didn't complain; of course, that made her cannot control her desire to plant her seeds, and once again Eleonora releases her good amount of semen inside the blonde-haired woman's pussy and makes it spill out from her pussy and womb since it cannot contain any more cum.

Reacting to that, Luluaria's pussy also squirting an incredible amount of love juices that spraying out of her pussy like a sprinkle that gushed out. After a few minutes, Eleonora then takes her dick out of the woman's pussy and letting the semen mixed with Luluaria's love juice spilled out.

Eleonora's dick right now is covered in the mix of her own semen and the love juice of Luluaria. She then sat on the chair and her body for short, even though she's not that tired thanks to [Enhanced Stamina] and [Remove Fatigue] she casts on herself and Luluaria.

She then made her finger to Luluaria as if saying "come here" and pointing it at her dick. Luluaria, who saw that nods her head and getting herself closer to the young girl, right in front of the futanari's girl dick that still stood and won't get limp after doing two rounds. The married woman felt it was amazing that someone like Eleonora didn't get limp and tired even after having sex two rounds with her, even if she uses [Enhanced Stamina] and [Remove Fatigue]; since both spells aren't like [Unlimited Stamina] and [No Fatigue].

Crouching down as Eleonora's dick in front of her face, Luluaria then flashed a seductive smile before give the young chairman a look. Eleonora smiles in response to that and nods her head towards Luluaria, who beamed and felt happy seeing the response she got from her new lover.

"Please do it, Luluaria-sama. After this, we will continue our activity. You don't mind it, do you?"

"Of course not, Eleonora-sama. I'd gladly to continue our nightly activity from now."

With that said, the married woman then brought her lips closer towards the glans of Eleonora and made it touched, leaving the groaning Eleonora as she felt more pleasure, afterward she felt the slimy and erotic tongue of that woman who started give the glans and her shaft a licking; her tongue licking every part of her dick without missed anything. Eleonora started moans loudly whenever she felt the sensation. The blonde woman happily takes any semen mixed with her love juices covering Eleonora's dick in her mouth since it made her more aroused and her sensitivity increased.

The good thing is that Eleonora can hold her urge to not shoot her semen quickly to her; she doesn't want herself to be quick shot if possible. Even if she uses spells to enhanced her stamina, she reminded herself to hold back and not let herself rely too much on magic and so on.

She wipes out anything that covering Eleonora's fifteen-inches dick that was fully erected. She even squirted a little when the sensation of that semen and love juices that mixed together goes through her throat. She felt the surging power through her body the moment she gulped down Eleonora's cum, as if something changed and increased within her body.

It even made her squirted a few times and made her have a blissful expression painted over her face right now.

'Aaah… it's really delicious. Eleonora-sama's semen really delicious! It's magnificent and rich of mana. As if I drank the drink of God–Goddess to be exact–since she was a perfect example of perfect being. I want to be together with her.'

There's a lovestruck look on her face while her pupil became heart-shaped. Each time she chews and gulping down the semen, more power goes through her body. Her body slowly became better, and she became younger than she was supposed to. As if she's back to her more youthful days, where she became a teenager once again but with the actual age of her.

After a while, she's finished her job at cleaning Eleonora's dick entirely and made it looks so perfect. Luluaria was never bored to make her lips, mouth, and tongue to Eleonora's dick. She would gladly serve her anytime and anywhere, but she also has to know what Eleonora wants since the long bluish-haired young girl is her new lover–someone who she decided to give her love–her true love.

Licking her lips, Luluaria then adorned her sensual smile and looked straight at Eleonora.

"Fufu. Eleonora-sama, I already finished wiping out any of your semen and my love juices. It's already clean and I did it without missing any single part."

She said it with an admirable and happy tone from her voice. There's only honesty and sincerity coming out of it. That made Eleonora smiled happily and nodded her head at the beautiful woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was then patting her lap and gesturing Luluaria to sat on it, which was responded happily by the woman.

Their position right now facing each other. Their large breasts pressed against each other, and Eleonora said something to the married woman before her.

"Luluaria-sama, ready for another round?"

"Yes, Eleonora-sama. Of course I'm ready since I can't wait for it."

Then they sealed it by kissing each other's lips and broke their kiss for a second as Eleonora said something to the married woman with a reassuring smile as she was brushing Luluaria's hair and cheeks that made the woman's cheeks dusted in pink shred.

"Then, we most likely have to wake at noon or so since it won't be short."

The mother of Liliana and Lundel just nods her head and holds Eleonora's hands while she looks at her with a loving smile and could felt the softness and gentleness of the young girl's hand when she is doing that to her hair and cheeks.

It made the older woman fall in love with Eleonora even more. She even also felt warm when she hold Eleonora's hand. Her husband never made her felt like this in her entire life; it's really soothing her, and she feels like she became 14 years younger.

"I'm fine with it, Eleonora-sama. As long as if it with you, I don't really care how many times was passed. Fufu, since you managed to steal my heart and all. You made me feel young again."

She giggled and said it in a playful tone, only surprising her when she felt the sudden bite of Eleonora at her neck, leaving the beautiful neck of Luluaria's being marked by Eleonora's love bite.

"You're not old, Luluaria-sama. You're still young and always beautiful no matter what. Look, even your skin became smoother and so is your youth is back. If you want to spend the time with me, then I'm gladly to grant it."

"Quite charmer you are, Eleonora-sama. I'm delighted to hear that from you."

The married woman giggles again, and so is Eleonora. She right now placed both of her hands onto Luluaria's hips, seeing that Luluaria knew and wrapped her arms on Eleonora's neck as they adjusted their current position since they were about to have sex again for another round.

They kissed each other lips for a while before broke it and smiled while Eleonora was saying something to her.

"Thank you for that, Luluaria-sama. Then, shall we continue another round?"

With a seductive laugh and look, the older woman nods her head to Eleonora and responds to it.

"Yes, please use my body to satisfy your desire and lust. I want to feel you once again too, Eleonora-sama."

"Me too, I want to feel you once again."

With that, they then continue to have another round of sex until the sunrise or maybe until it's going down again.