New Maid, Princess' Reaction, and Today's Chat

A night has descended and replaced the day. Right now, Eleonora has a disturbing look as there is someone she knows currently kneel in front of her. That person is the True Apostle of Ehit, who is ordered to remove or kill Eleonora since she is disturbing the plan of that false god and trying to ruin the "chessboard of life and death" created by him.

Although it's already three days since the last progress of the Heiligh Kingdom rebuilding, which is rose from 90% to 95%, it still leaves her a weird feeling when she took out the woman known as Noint from her [Inventory]. She suddenly calls her "Your Majesty" with a polite tone and gesture.

The young bluenette could see the emotion within that silver-haired woman. She has feelings, and her personality drastically changed from expressionless, monotone, and blunt woman to more emotional and mischievous. Still, she has also shown an incredible level of loyalty towards Eleonora.

She also does anything that Eleonora says as if she wants to please her mistress and Noint views Eleonora as her new god or goddess in this case.

Since Eleonora always complimented her in her mind and not said it out of loud since she thought it was improper to do that.

Instead of her usual combat outfit that she always uses and given by Ehit when she was created by him, she decided to wear maid clothes to please her new mistress. Surprisingly, it looks perfect for her, and Eleonora compliments Noint, which makes the young woman's cheeks blush as she is embarrassed and happy with the praise she gets from her new mistress.

And being her new mistress has some benefits to Eleonora. One of them is that she knows how to deal with Ehit more than before since the information given by the former True Apostle of Ehit is beneficial from what the young chairman gets, and she understands it quickly.

So she immediately runs a lot of simulation on her head, picks one of the best outcomes, and uses that against the false god that threatens the whole Tortus.

"Thank you for that, Noint. I really appreciate your help."

With a genuine and kind smile, the silver-haired maid of Eleonora shakes her head.

"No problem, Your Majesty. It's an honor and my job to be a help to you. Please don't hesitate to order me around with anything you want."

She said it without missing any beat, making Eleonora smile awkwardly and faking her cough while simply nodding at her maid right now. Noint currently wears a black maid dress with a frilled white apron and puffy white sleeves on it. She sometimes lifts her skirt, allowing Eleonora to see the white garter belt that is kind of sexy from Eleonora's impression.

She liked it and won't deny that like some fool.

"Alright then, I'll count on you whenever I need help. Is that okay?"

"Certainly, Your Majesty. You don't need my permission for that, just order me whenever and wherever you want without minding it too much. Even if you order me to kill Ehit, I'd love to do that and accomplish your order. After all, I already swore and made a vow to you—a vow that will last forever and eternity."

Noint said it with a gentle smile and kind tone while having a loving look on her face when she gazes at Eleonora. There's a hint of pink shred on her cheeks when saying that as if she's embarrassed because of what she told herself. She even looks away while both of her palms are on her cheeks.

Eleonora just chuckled in a disappointed manner and was slightly sad about it when she heard it from Noint. Although she knew that the silver-haired woman who right now became her maid was the former enemy trying to kill her, she also couldn't help but be saddened when she heard that.

'Maybe because we are both women…? Though she did it because of the order of Ehit, she is actually a homunculus created by him with an artificial soul. It will take some time for her to changes her soul to be a genuine soul. Although I'm kind of surprised by the sudden change from her personality.'

She shakes her head while sighing and rubs her temple.

'Forget it; I'll find out about that later and focus on it. Noint already gave me all the information she knew about Ehit. Some of it contained useful information since he is not an immortal, so I can easily kill him without hesitation. Noint also is the one who summons that god when I want it; this is a simple yet great plan.'

Eleonora thought of that with a smile on her face while she nodded. She plans to lure Ehit out by using Noint, who can summon him; if she succeeds in doing that, Eleonora will trap Ehit and seal or disable that false god so he won't do anything at the moment he appears in front of her. She has already erased any trace of her left within the silver-haired maid of her, so when Noint is about to summon him, he won't be able to figure out about it easily.

She will stay hidden by concealing herself with her magic and wait for the right opportunity to entrap him. Although she can face him in direct confrontation without doing it secretly like this, it is still worth trying the plan and minimizing the damage and casualty that might happen if she decided to choose direct confrontation with him.

'Hmm… but if I want to expose Ehit's lie, then the best choice may be direct confronting. But entrap him and not kill him in secret so people can witness it by themselves. With that, he will lose any believer and left him with at least less than one percent of his believer.'

She once again thinks about it while rubbing her chin.

'Or record it by magic if we somewhat fight in a place far from the kingdom. When we fight, I will record it and broadcast it live where most people gather, something like city hall or anything that fits it. I may have two choices if I want to make Ehit lose more of his believer.'

She deeply thought about it and remembered something that is an important part of this.

'Ah right… he will need a vessel if he wants to descend to the mortal world. I should find someone that fist to be his vessel, and from the information given by Noint, it has to be a body suited for magic. The option here from my group would be me, Noint and Yue… -san.'

Her eyes widened when she realized that and clicked her tongue when she understood it.

'Tch looks like I have to create a barrier or magic to Yue-san so she couldn't be possessed by Ehit. If that god didn't find any suitable vessel and forced himself to use an unsuitable vessel, then my chance of winning against him increased more further.'

She smiled when that thought crossed her mind and decided to confirm something once again to Noint. Although she already did it before, Eleonora wants to reconfirm if the silver-haired maid and the former True Apostle said true.

"Noint, is that true that my abilities and status is far stronger and powerful than Ehit?"

Being asked like that, Noint nodded without hesitation and smiled confidently to her mistress.

"Yes, you without a single doubt powerful than him, Your Majesty. You let me see your status, and the moment I saw that, I have no doubt that you can win over Ehit easily without too much difficulty. Although that he is quite cunning and sly, so in regards to that, I hope you are careful and not dropping your guard. Of course, I'd happily assist if you ever need me, Your Majesty."

"Really? Then that was a relief for me, but as you said, I can't let my guard down or be too cocky; that will let me on my downfall if that happens. And you know when the estimated time he will arrive in here?"

"Estimated time arrived is about two days from now since he needs at least ten days to find any suitable vessel or replace any of it if the current vessel is somewhat cannot be used by him. My suggestion is that you quickly find any solution to prevent that, Your Majesty."

"Hmm… alright, I will cast some barrier that won't allow someone to possesses someone easily. The best candidate would be you and Yue-san, so please allow me to do so to you, Noint."

"As your command, Your Majesty."

Saying that Eleonora then cast a new spell that she created just now. It has some effect that makes someone unable to possess anyone who is applied by this magic easily, even if it is on the level of god or higher level magic. She also intends to use this spell to those who love her and her lovers while in Tortus.

After a few minutes, Eleonora finished casting the newly made spell of her to Noint. The young chairman let out a sigh of relief and clapped her hands with a satisfied smile on her lips right now. Any spell she created by herself until now never disappointed her and always had a 100% of success rate and always worked very well.

"Alright, it's finished. I already apply it to you so you won't be the target of possession of Ehit, and I will do it to my lovers too after this."

"Thank you for that, Your Majesty. I'm honored that you were going so far as to protect me like that."

But Eleonora waves off her hands.

"It's okay, one of the reasons is to prevent the success rate of him from winning, and the other one is that since you're loyal to me, then it's my responsibility to protect you. I don't want anyone loyal or work to me in danger because I didn't do anything to ensure their safety."

Noint smiled dearly and felt happy, yet there was a noticeable blush on her cheeks when Eleonora said that to her. She doesn't know why but that kind of feeling somehow made her happy, and she liked it so much.

"Your Majesty… I'm truly grateful and honored by that."

"Uhum, no problem, and I have a job for you. Can you do it?"

"Please give it to me, and I will finish it without any failure, Your Majesty."

She quickly said that without hesitation in her words and tone, which surprised Eleonora a bit at the enthusiasm that the silver-haired young woman and former Apostle of God showed.

"Ahem, don't be too hasty. What I want is that you protect the people I mentioned since they have no combat ability, to begin with. Although I can do it, this time looks like I have to rely on someone to take that place and leave it to you. How about that?"

"Yes, I will protect those."

"Good, then please protect Remia-san, Myuu-chan, Liliana, and Luluaria. They are important to me, and make sure you also don't go overboard when doing it. I trust your ability to do that, and I know you won't disappoint me."

She said seriously with a sharp gaze on Noint, who nodded at Eleonora.

'Well, I trust her since I planted [Divine Seal of Obedience] on her and rewrote her full memories and anything related to her mind, so no wonder she became so obedient to me. I almost forgot about it.'

She laughs awkwardly in her thought when remembering about that fact when defeated Noint in the battle. Eleonora then, coughing and looked straight at the silver-haired young woman with a smile plastered on her face.

"That's why I'm counting on you, Noint. Is that okay?"

Noint's eyes beamed, and she nodded her head happily to Eleonora.

"Yes, I won't disappoint you with that, Your Majesty."

Eleonora chuckled at that.


La Folia Rihavein, the daughter of Lucas Rihavein and Polifonia Rihavein and a princess of the Kingdom of Aldegia, is currently having a shocking truth she discovered on her own about her origin. Like Emilia but without being accompanied by someone like Aoi Risa, she decided to do her own research about herself since she is pretty curious about the world that shares similar traits of her own yet has some differences.

Although her reaction is unlike Emilia, who was devastated and depressed at first, she still cannot believe it. Seeing is believing, and she has no choice but to accept the harsh and bitter truth about what she actually is, and that's revealed when she also set her foot on Akihabara. Still, she did not come simultaneously as Emilia, so they didn't cross with each other or go together.

The pale-skinned young girl is just shocked and trying to calm herself since she thinks it will be no good if she is suddenly devastated after knowing it. She wanted to take it calmly and digest the information she got from looking at the book that has 'Strike the Blood' as the title, and it says volume 03; there are also some illustrations containing herself and her aunt named Kanase Kanon on it.

After feel satisfied and had enough of reading the novel, she let out a relieved sigh.

'Looks like I'm really a fictional character created by someone named Mikumo Gakuto. It seems in the story that I'm fell in love with the protagonist of this story since I think he is a capable man to marry me. But I don't know why I do not find him attractive through this book.'

She thought of that with a saddened smile and closed the book.

'Maybe if I meet him in person, I can understand what part of him makes me love him. But with the way I am right now, it is currently impossible to do that since the whole transfers to another world and dimension. This world shares some similarities with mine, albeit has some differences too, especially this book.'

Her clear sky-blue eyes looked at the book cover before taking out some books to buy. She decided to buy it until the recent volumes, volume 20 of the novel Strike the Blood, and she had the money to buy that.

Well… it's more like La Folia was given a generous amount of money by the Pendragon family, and she has to repay it later when she can do it.

But she cannot spend it carelessly since she was taught to be economical when La Folia buys something, even if she is a princess of a certain kingdom back in her home. She was always shown to be modest and humble, maintaining her image as a royal family member.


She looked around after finished paying for the books she bought and leaving the store. La Folia witnessed some non-human races that blend with society; she looked amazed since it seems peaceful and has no violence or turmoil regarding humans and non-human. While she thinks that back in her home, something like this will need at least a hundred or thousand years to be accepted by both sides.

"…To think it's possible for non-human and human coexist together like this. I knew there might be a small case of turmoil where some were bullied or like that, but it's rather peaceful than I've expected. From what I've gathered, it hasn't been a year or even half year since the whole world changed drastically like this."

She doesn't know why but feels saddened by it.

"Emilia-san might like this world even more. She has been telling me that her world still has some racism issues or being looked down by human since non-human is not well received by society. She has a dream to be the next queen of her country so she could establish equality among the races; she yearns for the same treatment so non-human and human can coexist together peacefully in that world."

La Folia shook her head and put on a confident smile.

"But don't think negatively anymore, La Folia; you also have to think positively and focus on the latter. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise, and I can learn something when still in this world. If I learn anything useful and benefit me, then I must not miss it."

Her smile widened as she pumped her fists, but she felt a bit embarrassed, and a faint blush was visible on her cheeks after that. She was then covering her mouth with a hand and giggled when realizing that kind of childish doing it like that.

"Oh my, looks like I have to restrain myself from doing that."

Luckily there are not many people who noticed it, and she can let out a relieved sigh when she walks her way to the home of the Pendragon family while carrying the things she just bought earlier from the book store in Akihabara. Not only books, but she also bought a few things other than books.

"Hm… what should I do for today? Maybe practicing cooking? I always want to be good at cooking and don't have the time to do that back in my home, so I think this time I will use it wisely."

She was humming to herself happily when saying that. It has been a long time since she had free time since she was always busy with her training related to combat and kingdom, especially doing her duty as the princess of Aldegyr Kingdom.

La Folia will surely treasure this kind of time and enjoying herself in this world while also thinking about the way back to her home at the same time.


After doing today's work, Eleonora told Noint to leave her alone and immediately obey her order. She feels relieved when she can explain about Noint to her lovers in Tortus. However, some of them felt a bit unease, especially Yue, Shea, and Tio, when they knew that the silver-haired maid she just got was the True Apostle of Ehit; they decided to accept her to their group welcoming the young woman.

'I'm relieved that they decided to get along with each other. Luckily there was no bloodbath or anything that happened when Noint was introduced. It's really nice to see my lovers getting along instead of despising each other. Alright, it looks like I have some free time to check the chat group I haven't checked since I've been busy.'

With that, she then takes out the laptop and booting it up. Even if she can use her phone since it can be used on that too, she is more used to doing it with her laptop rather than phone. She whistles when seeing the number of notifications and how deep the chat history is.

Pudding Lover: "Yahoo! You know I got some good news that will make us smiled happily!"

Eleonora True Soulmate: "What is that? Spill it, and don't beat around the bush. Eleonora and I have been busy these past days and don't have the time to check out the chat group."

The young bluenette blinked when she saw that her lover's nickname popped up in the chat group. She just smiled slightly seeing it and didn't expect the blonde-haired vampire to be still up and not asleep around this hour.

'Seems Yue-san is still messing with her phone in her room right now. Unlike me, who is still in my office, I'm surprised that this luxurious and beautiful room is mine now. Let's not forget the nameplate on the table that I told them to make; it reminds me of my office on Roozlent again.'

She then decided to look again at the chat group.

The Nightmare: "Ara, then we are the same, Yue-san. I, Neptune-san, and Ais-san have been busy dealing with the dimensional traveling machine, and luckily we already completed it. The help that we get from everyone on Gamindustri and the big brother of @I Love Onee-sama is also helping us a lot."

I Love Onee-sama: "Please don't worry about it. Onii-sama was also happy that he can help someone who needs his knowledge about it and troubled a bit but, he enjoyed it and will definitely help us again."

Sword Princess: "@I Love Onee-sama Your brother are the best but Eleonora still the one who greatest among it."

Demon Mommy: "Oh my, that means we can go to each world easily if it is completed? Has it safe or already been tested?"

Pudding Lover: "For the test, we will do it in three days from now, and I will going to Yuwe's world for that! Since I want to make Noura visit Planeptune and have fun with her, nepu! I want to shows her amazing things in my landmass!"

The Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Ah, I think I also know the other reason you choose @Eleonora True Soulmate-san's world. Maybe it's because that is the current world you have been visited and practically the first world that the members of this chat group visited too."

King of Knight: "I see, the familiarity then… it's a good choice, and with @Queen of Sweets being here, I think we can be relieved since she's dependable and caring enough. I know that we are still not meet with each other yet, but I can feel it."

Titania The Fairy Queen: "I share the same opinion with @King of Knight about it. Also, how does everyone progress in learning each other abilities and techniques? Has there any trouble occurred while doing it?"

The Florist Succubus: "It's going smooth without major trouble. I was currently practicing how to unlock the magic, and luckily I had the talent to wield it! I was super excited when I found out about that and practically jumped out of my bedroom happily without realizing it. Ehehe…"

I Love Onee-sama: "How about the martial arts I uploaded? Has anyone already practice that too? I hope it's useful for you."

Demon Sword Muramasa: "I also had to send some method to practice hand-to-hand combatant and martial arts with a kick. They are from my former comrade and best friends when I'm still in a band of assassins."

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "I found it quite useful for the book about ki. I learned a lot about it and felt intrigued when I began practicing it. Especially the first attempt and when using it for a bit."

The Florist Succubus: "The Kokonoe-style martial arts was really helpful for me, @I Love Onee-sama! Thanks a lot, and I began practicing with my sisters when I asked them to have a friendly spar with me. Now I don't have to worry about always relying on my plants when fighting someone!"

Pudding Lover: "I don't need that since with my Plot Armor, then I became undefeatable! Thanks to the author who always gave me that awesome 4th wall-breaking superpower to overcome any crisis! And also because I am the cutest heroine ever!"

Eleonora True Soulmate: "You always spout nonsense and talk weird."

Seeing this made Eleonora chuckle, and she decided to join the conversation to lit the atmosphere more.

Queen of Sweets: "Hello everyone, how are you doing these days? And Neptune-san, I'm sure you are cute and always be in my eyes. I am also intrigued to learn more about everyone shared techniques and cannot wait when we use the bracelet-version of the dimension traveling machine. For that, thank you for your hard work, Neptune-san, Kurumi-san, and Ais-san."

Eleonora typing that after reading the chat history of the chat group. She doesn't want to make a fool of herself and just begins it with something good. Online or not, it is important to watch what she would say to someone. Manner is important, after all.

While Eleonora began to join today's chat with that friendly chat, the entire group turned their attention towards the young bluenette and greeted her warmly, especially Yue, Neptune, Kurumi, and Ais.