The Princess is Quite Wild

Another date has ended, and the schedule of that is only left with Liliana. The young bluenette still has one date before completing all of it and going back home, since there's nothing to do in Tortus because the problem is already solved, but Eleonora will leave her clones in charge of being the king and queen also a princess. She will create three clones and let them disguise themselves as Eleonora, Luluaria, and Liliana. The real Eleonora can just monitor it from her home and come if needed to solve some problem that only her who can do it.

After doing multiple dates in a row, Eleonora became used to it since she always had some dates with her lovers back then whenever they had the time to spend together. The young bluenette always wears new clothes whenever she has a date with her lovers, so her date can't get bored or has a wrong impression. She doesn't want to be someone who makes the dating atmosphere worse and always prepares for enough money to buy anything that catches their eyes during the date.

As long as Eleonora holds her urge to spoil someone she loves, then there is no problem. Since that habit is extravagant to some of her lovers, they have to scold her. Although you can't blame her since she has a ton of money pilled inside her bank account that will never run out because it will keep increasing as long as she has income.

Let's not forget that Eleonora recently became the king of Heiligh Kingdom that probably changed the kingdom name to something that suits her since she is not part of Heiligh's family, and she has the authority to do that. That's why she will become even richer by how much gold or money that she has.

'Hm… maybe I should talk about this with the girls. It's better to tell them why I suddenly want to change the kingdom name into something else. Also, maybe I have to abolish the noble system since that would give the nobles a great advantage, and abolishing it would lead the life of everyone becomes better.'

She was thinking of that on her mind while changing her clothes to new ones. But she still has some doubt and hesitates when comes to her plan; that's why she always formed simulation that took her many times and sometimes discussed that with people she wholeheartedly trust, so they could give their own opinion regarding whatever she thought.

This also allowed Eleonora to observe the behavior that came from people around her. She always does this when her company has meetings, and she is pretty skilled at judging someone by herself easily like that because she did it for three years.

It took Eleonora at least ten minutes to change her clothes quickly. She is not using magic for that, but she is just getting used to changing her clothes because of how many dates she had these past days, and that can be useful if she isn't always relying on magic or whatnot.

Though sometimes it didn't stop her from spending a lot of time choosing the clothes, since it's kind of habit that most women would have and that's not strange for any woman who has the good fashion sense to be stumbled on that matter.

After getting her new clothes and already set for her last date, she leaves the room and moves towards the promised meeting spot that she and Liliana agreed on before going to their own rooms. When she takes a step out of the castle and arrives at the front gate, she is kind of surprised that the younger blonde princess of Heiligh is already in here, standing right with her new appearance. Once again, it's modern-style clothes that Eleonora invent in this kingdom. Surprisingly, its production is already in process, so only a select few can have the advanced access to get it early than the ordinary people; Liliana is one of the people who can use that access.

Right now, Liliana wears an aqua dress shirt with a white collared shirt underneath it. She also has a small latter shoulder bag that hanging on her shoulder. The clothes Liliana wears right now really boosted her innocent and pure aura, letting it grow even more than she usually has. She does not wear her formal dress again like before since Liliana is quite tired of wearing royal attire that should only be used for a formal party or event.

With a smile adorning her beautiful face, Liliana patiently waits for her date partner until her eyes meet with Eleonora. The latter came and waved her hand to the young princess, causing her smile to widen more than before since she felt happy as she saw the bluenette girl. Though it didn't stop Liliana from having her cheeks flushed in awe when she was taking a good look at Eleonora's current appearance right now.

She wears a brown jacket of leopard motif with a black shirt underneath and matching tight pants on it while having a purple belt strapped to the pants. Liliana even thinks that Eleonora is actually a reincarnated goddess living as a human since she feels that the beauty radiated by the young bluenette isn't something mortal can have.

She even has a little thought of naughty things when seeing Eleonora's right now. Still, Liliana dismisses that inappropriate thought since she feels it is wrong and can cause her to leave a bad impression on Eleonora.

Liliana doesn't want her beloved person to think it like that.

"Oh. Sorry for making you wait, Liliana."

Eleonora said with a slightly apologetic look and smile, but Liliana shook her head and gave her a kind smile in response to that instead.

"Do not worry, Eleonora. I just come here and have not waited that long."

"Alright then, let's enjoy our date and probably your first date."

She said that by offering her arms to Liliana's that frowned before she pouted, then taking the offers and linking her arms to Eleonora. She is a bit offended by that, and that makes Eleonora giggle, amused seeing it.

"Geez, you don't have to say that out, Eleonora."

"Sorry, sorry. But I can't help but want to say that."

Once again, Liliana's face frowned, but they began their date and the first date of Heiligh's princess and Eleonora's lovers. Since the blonde princess was never going outside of the castle and busying herself with works, she always had a curious expression painted on her face. She looks so happy about anything that she deemed new, mainly about many things that came from Eleonora's idea to improve the civilization.

There's a hint of glittering on Liliana's eyes right now. Eleonora just let out a small huff seeing that and feels happy that the princess has some fun on this date they have.

Eleonora thought that Liliana would mourn over the death of her father and the imprisoned little brother, but turn out she hated both of them since they never cared about her and her mother that much.

That's why they don't feel any remorse when Eliheid and Lundel become like that. In fact, they are delighted since they can be together with the one Luluaria and Liliana love, and it's Eleonora, so they don't care too much about them too.

'That's quite cold… but it seems reasonable enough since they never cared about each other. Luluaria and Liliana only put masks outside so people won't easily notice the real face they have, but unfortunately, some people are smart enough to notice that, including me.'

She sighed mentally, knowing how some of the family worked in the medieval age and that this world she currently lives in is not the exception despite some differences. The largest population in this kingdom is only up to five hundred thousand, very different from the world she originated from since the civilization isn't that developed further like her homeworld; there is a lot of nature that still present and no pollution that tainted the air.

Enjoying their time without worrying about complicated matters, both Eleonora and Liliana have fun while on the date. The young bluenette also does her best to maintain anything strange from Liliana so she won't feel uncomfortable about this date. Although it's more like she went a bit paranoid about the whole thing about their date, that's something Eleonora won't neglect and make sure anyone she loves can have fun and enjoy anything they want.

'Well… I hope there is nothing really going wrong since, from some anime and manga I've read, there's tend problem that suddenly appears in important time and causing havoc.'

She scratches her cheeks mentally and smiles awkwardly at that. Eleonora didn't realize that she actually became a protagonist on her own, though that didn't matter since even if she isn't aware of it, Eleonora will keep what she does.


There is a young couple who is currently lying down. One on the bottom while the other on the top. Those couples are both girls, so their relationship in a romantic way can be called lesbian, and they have no problem with that since they were in love with each other.

The bottom girl is someone with long flowing blonde hair and blue eyes. She possesses a dazzling figure and somehow makes a few other people jealous and hope they can match her beauty. While the other one on the top is someone with long braided ponytail blue hair that was so long, she also has a pair of blue sharp and gentle-looking eyes that can pierce any woman who has contact with her eyes and makes them enthralled easily.

There is a faint of heavy breathes of them. The blonde girl, which is Liliana S. B. Heiligh, covers her petite breasts shyly as her cheeks have the apparent hint of embarrassment on it. While the blue-haired girl, which is Eleonora Pendragon, put her right hand on Liliana's head and stroked her hair gently.

Both eyes stared at each other; Liliana still had her eyes locked on Eleonora's despite the shyness inside. It can be said that Eleonora has a confident aura around her; she isn't shy like the young blonde princess does, but she is still nervous; albeit it's minor since the girl before acted like that and makes Eleonora has that kind of feeling.

But without saying anything, their lips get closer and closer until they touch each other. They kissed and stayed like that for a while. Tears leak from Liliana's eyes, and it's not sad but happy tears that came from her blue eyes. The young bluenette who can understand someone's emotion can easily figure it out and stay still like that until they break the kiss after five minutes.

Liliana wasn't used to or had never kissed someone, gasping air and trying to recover the lost breath due to their kisses. The first kiss she had was amazing, and she wanted to do it again with Eleonora; she wanted to kiss the girl she loves as many as possible.

'Eleonora's lips… it has incredible flavor. Oh no, I'm thinking an inappropriate thing! But… we would be doing that….'

Her cheeks flushed when thinking that in her mind. Despite how she thinks what they did is inappropriate and considered naughty, she still wants to do it and do something beyond that. Something that makes kissing feels somewhat normal than what they will do later, and Liliana knew about that very well.

She is just shy to admit it, but Liliana isn't tsundere.

As if she knew what the next thing to do, her legs were spread open by herself, which surprised Eleonora a bit because that was kind of unexpected from someone who has innocent and pure looks as Liliana knew about that.


"I-I know, Eleonora. I had already studied myself about this since we… we will do it in the future. Also, since the day you told us that you're vastly different from normal women. I am certain that what I learn is needed."

She said that with a look of determination and made Eleonora chuckle while nodding at that. Liliana frowned, seeing the reaction she got from the young bluenette and pinched Eleonora's hands which does not do that much pain to her, but she has to fake it by yelling in pain.

A smug smile appears on Liliana's face as if telling her that she won.

"My bad, my bad. Thank you for diligently studying about it, and I'll appropriate it by giving what you want."

"Thank-thank you, Eleonora. I want it; please take my virginity."

Kissing her forehead, Eleonora slightly nodded and smiled at the blonde before her, who curled her lips into a smile.

"I will. Then, please prepare yourself."

The blonde princess nodded her head while seeing Eleonora bring her lips closer to her breasts and cupped her right nipples, causing the princess to be startled and let out a small moan from her mouth upon feeling the warmth of Eleonora's lips.

The bluenette's lips began sucking the nipples before her tongue licked around it vigorously and made the princess let out louder moans from her small and beautiful lips, her body fidgeting from the pleasure she felt because of Eleonora. An unknown yet warm feeling filled with ecstasy goes through her whole body as if she is struck by lightning, causing her spine to jolt upward from that.

She didn't hate that, but instead, she craved more of it. She wanted to know more because she was curious. But part of it is that she enjoys it.

While Eleonora's tongue keeps giving pleasure to Liliana's nipples consecutively from one side to another, the blonde princess has her nether region started to get wet and leak some of her fluids because her arousal increased through the foreplay.

Her body is fidgeting, and she unconsciously has her fingers rubbing on her clitoris. Eleonora didn't only focus on the nipples but also caressed Liliana's navel and gave it gentle rubs, which made the princess moans again because the new pleasure was installed within her body. She rubs her navel and stomach gently to make sure Liliana can clearly feel and enjoy it slowly.

She wants Liliana to savor this moment and get addicted to that. It's kind of evil and cunning, but that is necessary since the young bluenette wants her lovers to have the best experience at anything when they are with Eleonora, whether it's love and other things, which includes sex too.

That's why she takes her time to satisfy the sexual desire and needs of Liliana. She has her tongue licking the blonde princess' nipples consecutively and then changed to sucking it so hard that it makes the nipples stiffen because of Eleonora's mouth pressure. At the same time, Liliana fastens her pace fingering her own pussy after satisfying playing with her clitoris.

Her fingers were going as deep as they could and causing the soaked sounds from it while some of her love juices leaked out without her noticing it since Liliana was too absorbed. Although it's not that much, Liliana still leaks some of her love juice just from her fingering, which made her so aroused.

Eleonora, who noticed that, fastened her lips on her lovers a bit and caused the blonde princess to match her fingering. Her moans were louder than before, making it evident that Liliana enjoyed that so much and causing the princess' pussy to squirt her love juice so much because of the intense suck from Eleonora's mouth to her nipples.

Liliana has her cheeks flushed because of the arousal within her body and heavily panting from releasing a huge amount of sexual desire of her in one go like that. But the princess has to return what she feels to her lovers and do the same; she doesn't want to be the one who gets that treatment from Eleonora since she wants to satisfy her lovers too.

While she was trying to stand, Eleonora helped her and gave Liliana a peck on her lips which caused surprise from the blonde princess, she also returned the kisses to Eleonora as they are right now in a different position.

Eleonora is sitting and widening her legs while Liliana crawls and gets her face in front of Eleonora's bulge; it's a huge bulge that stands out, and the princess' in awe and gulps when seeing it.

Without being asked, Liliana takes off the pants that her lover wears and her underwear before she is surprised again by the sudden appears of Eleonora's ten inches dick that is still in a flaccid state. She began to feel nervous but immediately shook her head to get rid of that uncomfortable feeling. She has to focus on satisfying her lovers' sexual desire and sexual drive rather than worrying about that.

Trying to remember from her mother's lesson about the art to satisfy her partner in the bed, Liliana's small and soft hands touch Eleonora's thick shaft, causing the latter girl to wince a bit since it's kind of sensitive.

Seeing that reaction, Liliana went in panic and horror looks to Eleonora, but that thought was dismissed when the young bluenette said something to her.

"It's okay, Liliana. I'm just surprised by it since my… ahem since my dick is a bit sensitive, but that's normal, and you don't have to worry about it."


She asked that with concern on her tone and face. There is also a hint of small doubt on her, but Eleonora ensures the young princess does not worry about her reaction when she has her dick touched like that.

A simple nod and a reassuring smile are enough from Eleonora.

"Yes, you don't have to react like that. But if you don't want to do this, it's okay…."

But she was rejected, with Liliana shaking her head. The blonde princess disagrees with what Eleonora says.

"N-No, it's okay. I am your lover, and it's also what I want. I'm not ignorant enough to not know how babies are made. I knew that babies made by sexual act like this and not brought down by swan, like in the story that was always told to children."

She drew out her breath and told Eleonora this.

"That's why I'm not forcing myself to do this, and I won't do this if I don't want it."

"…Alright. You can do what you want, and I'll not doubt it anymore."

Satisfied and grateful smile adorning Liliana's face when she was heard that from Eleonora.

"Thank you! Then, I'll start it, and sorry if… I'm inexperienced in this."

"Don't worry, you can focus on it."

Nodded while hearing that, Liliana, crawling and having her butt lifted up, began to bring her mouth closer to Eleonora's flaccid ten-inch dick. The moment her tongue sticks out and touches the shaft, she has her pussy instantly squirts and has a dazed look on her face, but she is trying to keep herself composed.

Her tongue then began to move and lick Eleonora's shaft up and down back and forth, causing the one who received such treatment to start to moan. Liliana has her eyes observing her lover's reaction and feels a bit happy seeing that while still doing her best licking the shaft, not only up and down but also coiled around the thick shaft.

After she thought it was enough, her tongue moved from the shaft to the glans and began licking it vigorously. She licks the tip, and the piss hole of Eleonora's dick as if she is thirsty, which lets Eleonora moans become louder than before since the treatment she got is very pleasurable, although Liliana said that she is inexperienced; but somehow has a talent for this.

She doesn't want to be rude or rough, but Eleonora has her hands on Liliana's head and holds onto it. She is pretty skilled despite claiming to be an inexperienced virgin, which is quite a shock for Eleonora, and feels happy since her lovers can also sexually satisfy her.

While Liliana kept servicing the dick of her lovers like that with her tongue, she began to take it inside her mouth and try to shove the entire dick into her mouth. Still, she did it inches by inches because of how huge the size and length of Eleonora's futanari dick has, and that makes the blonde princess' pussy wetter than before.

At the same time, when the blonde princess shoves Eleonora's entire dick inside her mouth, she successfully devours three-quarters of it, and that size already makes her entire mouth full. She even has her eyes teared a bit because of how big the size, but that won't stop her to shoved the dick to her throat and letting the entire dick of Eleonora fully buried inside Liliana's mouth and throat.

Both feel good about it. Liliana feels the deliciousness of the dick that has already gone to fifteen inches and makes her mouth feel tight, while Eleonora feels the tightness of Liliana's mouth and throat. Despite the absurdness of the size, Liliana immediately began to move her head vigorously back and forth with lustful looks on her face. She also feels no pain while she deepthroats Eleonora's dick and feels aroused instead, which can be proven by how drenched her pussy is right now.

Eleonora moans louder than before because of the deepthroat that she gets from Liliana. She didn't expect the blonde princess to do something like this, since she said that Liliana wants gentle treatment, but unfortunately, that's just a façade, and Eleonora was tricked by her.

At first, it goes slow and then Liliana has fastened her head's pace, giving it wild deepthroat and causing Eleonora to moan so loud. Meanwhile, the blonde princess, who keep her mouth occupied with the fifteen inches dick inside her mouth, quickly becomes used and addicted to the taste; she can even feel the thickness and hardness from Eleonora's shaft.

She kept deepthroating Eleonora's dick for several minutes before she could feel the throbbing sensation of the dick that suddenly grew bigger than before. Knowing that Liliana sped up her deepthroats pace and when she felt that Eleonora was about going to climax, her mouth locked the dick inside her before the massive amount of semen released and filled her entire mouth and throat. At the same time, she squirted a lot at that moment.

She felt incredible pleasure from the futanari's dick and happily drank all of the semen inside her mouth that also goes to her throat. Though if she doesn't want it, she can just throw the semen and not swallow all of that; yet she swallows them without spilling any of it. She completely drank all of the semen inside her mouth.

After Eleonora's dick stopped pouring her semen, she pulled it out from Liliana's mouth and was surprised by how her dick became clean, but she suspected that slimy and arousing sensation she felt earlier because Liliana's uses her tongue to clean her dick out.

Liliana, who finished swallowing the remaining semen, then looked at Eleonora with a lustful look. At the same time, she laid herself down and spread her legs and her wet pussy with her fingers, knowing that Eleonora then approached Liliana before nodding at the blonde princess without saying anything to her.

She then placed her hands on Liliana's hips before going up to her legs, holding tightly on them and slowly pushing her hips, and let her fifteen inches dick goes inside the wet pussy of the blonde princess in front of her. Eleonora has a slight problem when pushing her hips, but that's given since Liliana is a virgin and her pussy is always tight. Still, thanks to the foreplay that the young bluenette did to her lovers, it gradually becomes easier as the thick and massive dick finally enters.

Liliana let out a small groan when she felt her pussy slowly narrow because Eleonora's futanari dick was currently inside her, and not all of it was buried inside. She can feel the movement of her lover's slow and gentle as she tries to let Liliana feel less pain when she has the full size of Eleonora's dick.

Her blue eyes then looked at Eleonora while she felt the three-quarter of her lovers' dick already buried. Understanding the look given by Liliana, the young bluenette nodded her head and pushed her hips even more, and let her dick shove deeper inside Liliana's wet pussy.

The young blonde princess was gaping when knowing the entire size of Eleonora's dick was finally buried inside her. Once again, she gave Eleonora permission to start moving her hips and the young chairman, who understood that, then started moving her hips back and forth with a slow and gentle pace while letting her glans look for the weak spots inside the wet pussy of Liliana.

After a while, Eleonora's dick managed to reach her lovers' g-spot and constantly hit it to give Liliana pleasure and cause her to moan again in delight. She tried to suppress the voice from her mouth but failed when her arousal increased even further, and she became sensitive even more.

Liliana keeps squirting each time her weak spot is hit by Eleonora's huge glans, and it even reaches to her cervix, making the young princess extremely aroused because of how good the pleasure she had as if she had it was increased by ten times just from that.

Both Liliana's legs, which were not being held anymore by her lovers, then lock Eleonora's waist, causing her dick to go even deeper than before and straight to her womb. Liliana was also shocked by that since she could fully feel the absurd size of the length and size of the dick, but then trying Eleonora keep moving her hips with the same pace as soon as she felt the legs that locked her slowly loose.

Liliana keeps moaning whenever she feels Eleonora's hips movement, and her dick that keep hitting on the same place that caused the sensitivity of her increased, driving her pussy soaked in her own love juice to keep squirted with the absurd amount.

The bluenette's hips move rapidly and have her dick back and forth from Liliana's soaked pussy that keeps flooding each time Eleonora's dick rubbed her pussy' folds, making it tighter and warmer, giving the blonde princess feels good even more.

They even locked each other lips and bound themselves in kissing while Eleonora still gave her lovers' pussy and womb good pounding with the same pace of her hips movement. The inside of Liliana's really sensitive, and just by the current movement of Eleonora capable to makes the blonde squirted a lot; which is surprising the young bluenette when she sees that. But nonetheless, their whole body gets hornier every second, and their kisses become passionate and lustful. The chaste and pure kisses are replaced by the passionate french kisses; they even use their tongues to entangle each other.

After moving her hips for ten minutes, Eleonora feels a throbbing sensation on her fifteen inches dick, and that's the same with Liliana, who feels the throbbing within her pussy that is louder and faster. They both have their genitals throbbing as they cannot hold the urge to cumming so hard.

Eleonora fastened the speed of her hips movement that caused it to become wild while Liliana's pussy folds sucked the shaft inside her with intense pressure as if she didn't want it to be separated from there. As it got close, both girls then climaxed simultaneously and shot out their white liquids in a huge amount. Eleonora poured her seeds on her lover's womb filled with her semen even as it didn't stop even if the womb was already full while Liliana had her pussy squirts so much like a fountain feeling her lover's semen filled her completely like that.

Both of them then broke their passionate kiss at the moment of that.

Reacting to that, Liliana made a loud howl of cry in ecstasy when she squirts that much from having her pussy and womb filled with the semen of someone she loves. She was then panting heavily and felt her entire muscle on her body feels weak as she could not awake for the moment, but she had a satisfied smile for a reason while staring at Eleonora, who hasn't tired at all.

They then took a break for ten minutes before Liliana spoke to Eleonora.

"Eleonora, please… I want to… go for another round."

She shyly asked that with her cheeks flushed in embarrassment and made Eleonora chuckle in response, but she nodded nonetheless.

"Alright, Liliana, my wife. I will humbly accept your request, and don't worry about your tired body; I'll handle it."

Liliana went quiet for a moment and nodded with a confident look to Eleonora since her lovers were always true to what she said and had never been wrong when they spent their time together. She then gives a peck on Eleonora's lips again before speaking.

"I know that and am happy that you are the one who took my virginity."

"Oh? Have you expected someone else?"

"Nope. I don't think there is someone who suits my standard or at least on par with you."

She answered that without hesitation and quickly, which caused Eleonora to let out a small snort.

"Then, I'll make sure there is no one except me that can satisfy you both carnal and spiritual desire of yours. How about that?"

"I'm pretty sure there is no one capable of doing that."

They went in a laugh as they continued the second round of the sex and enjoyed their time until they have satisfied. Even if it makes Eleonora and Liliana wake up late because of that.