Amagi Brilliant Park

Eleonora and her lovers had fun today, especially with their carefree since they don't have to care too much about anything other than being with their beloved Eleonora. If this is a galge, their love meter would be over 9000%, and their happiness bursts out because they feel satisfied. Not only do they enjoy themselves by being around Eleonora, but they also enjoy their fun time playing whatever things they find interesting.

And after they finished having a quick lunch in McDonald's, they intended to go to an amusement park. Rumors have told about the sudden appearance of amusement parks in Shinjuku, and they went back to get themselves to that rumored place. However, some of them have expected playing and having fun too in there, but what they got was disappointment when seeing the rumored area of amusement park they have gone.

Some of the girls from Eleonora's group twitched and had a look on their faces seeing the condition of the amusement park. Rather than a park, it's more akin to a graveyard or abandoned ruins since everything they have seen from the place before them resembles that rather than a place where anything fun should be presented.

"What is this…?"

Shizuku has a strange look on her face seeing this, followed by Eleonora and Shea. They couldn't believe what they saw right now, while the remaining girls were amazed at how different the place was compared to the rumors they heard when crossing the streets after leaving the McDonald. They have to take a bus from a specialized bus station called Amagi Train Station, even if there is called a train station, but the train itself didn't work, and the bus instead takes the job to bring people to their amusement theme park.

The park itself was named Amagi Brilliant Park. Judging from the name alone, people might think it's fun and fabulous also an excellent park filled with many different kinds of attractions or games that might charm many people. Still, reality gave them an unexpected truth that they have to see no matter what.

"Umm, is this amusement park you have said, Eleonora-san?"

"Yes, Shea-san, this is… supposed to be, but from the looks of it, seems different than what we have imagined. This is an amusement park, yet there is no vibe of the usual one like others. I just feel this park… previously the same as another one but failed miserably."

She said that while trying stepped and went inside the park, accompanied by the girls around her as she looked around the area. A few people who entered the amusement park seemed disappointed because it was not gone as they had expected. Eleonora's eyes also notice that the building was old, as if it had been untreated for years.

'Let's see it with my [Observe] about the details….'

Using her [Observe] skill, Eleonora's eyes try to inspect and get detailed information about this place. She is curious why this amusement park was so big, and all turned out to be like this; Eleonora is also interested in why it suddenly appears in the Shinjuku.

Name: Amagi Brilliant Park

Durability: 50.000.000/500.000.000

Estimated price: ¥10.000


Amagi Brilliant Park is a theme park in Japan, built around the conceptual theme of a magical fairyland known as Maple Land. While initially a successful theme park, poor management has recently driven the park to near shut down due to its run-down attractions and low amount of customers.

While on the surface, it is merely a theme park intended for the amusement of its patrons, in reality, Amagi Brilliant Park is an Argel facility built to harvest "fun energy" that keeps the magical inhabitants of Maple Land alive. In addition, many of the park's staff are actual fairies known as "Maplelanders" who live in the human world for various reasons and use the park as their source of income and means to survive.

The park was initially created as a refuge for Princess Latifa to reside within while under the curse. It was intended that the steady supply of Animus produced by the park's guests would be enough to keep the wizard's curse from draining her completely and killing her.

Owner: Latifa Fleuranza

Seeing the information made Eleonora's eyebrow raised, not only at the durability and estimated price of the whole park but also the mention of "fun energy," "Maple Land," "magical, "Maplelanders," "wizard's curse," and "Princess Latifa's curse" too.

Lifting her head up, Eleonora looked at the park and everything offered by the place. Although the condition is too poor, with some renovation or cleaning also repairing, the whole park will be crowded with many guests. They will be famous too, only if it is under the management of a person such as Eleonora.

Eleonora and the group pay the tickets for ¥500 per adult while the children only ¥100, which is relatively cheap according to the young bluenette about it. Some theme parks often charge the guests ¥3000 per ticket for adults while it's ¥800 per ticket for children; sometimes, there are theme parks that do not charge children for tickets but with some specific requirements to be fulfilled.

The young chairman sighed, and that was noticed by her lovers. Being curious about that, Yue asked the lovers of her with her usual tone and a bit worried. She tugged the sleeves of Eleonora's clothes and made the bluenette notice that and blinked.

"Eleonora, what's wrong? You know anything about this place?"

This made her stunned and chuckled while she shook her head and stroked Yue's head and gave the blonde-haired vampire comfortableness that immediately rushed through her body. Eleonora let out a small huff and answered the question.

"…Yeah, kind of. Using my [Observe], I found out some information regarding this theme park, and it's not your normal everyday theme park that you could find in any modern world like mine and Shizuku's world."

"What's made it different, Eleonora-san?"

Lifting her three fingers, Eleonora answered the question from Shea, her rabbitmen lovers, about her curiosity, which can also serve as her other lovers' curiosity.

"It has three factors. First, to gather what they called "fun energy" that keeps the magical inhabitants of the theme park alive. In addition, many of the park's staff are actual fairies known as "Maplelanders" who live in the human world due to various reasons and use the park as their source of income and means to survive."

"What is this "fun energy"? Is it similar to magic or anything else?"

Luluaria asked that curiously as she slightly tilted her head while Eleonora just shrugged as she didn't know anything about that. She then continued what she said.

"Second, it originally served as a refugee for the owner of this theme park since the owner has been under a curse by someone. They still don't know how to undo or remove the curse, so they resort to using this method, and it seems they've been doing it for years."

This got everyone shocked. The word curse made Luluaria and others shocked and somewhat feel bad for the owner of this whole park and has to resort to gathering the energy they need to keep them alive. Although some of them feel sympathy and want to help, they also know that Eleonora's decision is absolute and final, so they would do it according to the final conclusion that Eleonora will take.

"For the last factors, what is that, Eleonora?"

The daughter of Heiligh's Queen and lovers of Eleonora asked that to the young bluenette. Letting out a heavy sigh from her mouth, Eleonora flashed her reassuring smile on her face.

"Three or last, they also have intended to give anyone who was their guests at this theme park some fun. They want to make their guests happy with their services and what they had offered when they decided to pick this place as the destination. Although it would be lying with that they could also gather "fun energy," but they honestly want to make their guests genuinely happy when in here."

"I see. They are genuine to please and make their guests happy when in the park."

Tio says that while her eyes are looking around the park, she is amazed by the genuine that the park staff has by the correct assumption from her long braided blue hair lovers. The dragon princess never doubts that since Eleonora never told her any lies, she trusts her lovers and is absolutely loyal.

But to make it more credible, she created some sheets of paper and copied anything that her [Observe] saw about the Amagi Brilliant Park to the papers, so her lovers would get to know more about that even though they think it's unnecessary.

"Here, the estimated price of the whole park is if being sold is quite cheap, in my opinion."

She handed the papers to her lovers, and they took each of them while reading the contents. They have mixed reactions when seeing the information contained in the sheets of paper they hold. But for sure, they share another similar reaction and feeling deep inside them: they feel sad and want to help the Maplelanders or the people running the amusement park.

"This is quite… horrible."

Luluaria said that with sympathy. She pities them and feels sad.

Eleonora nodded her head twice while her fingers swept some dust of the Fountain Square in lousy condition. Along the way, they have entered the park earlier, specifically when going through the entrance gate; they also witness how dusty and dirty it is. Showing that no one has been taking care of it for a few or several years.

The young bluenette winced seeing it. Anyone could tell how horrible the condition of this park has, and surprisingly, it is still being opened while no one seems to keep its maintenance. No one seems even clean or repairs anything that looks broken or filth in the dust.

She is not someone who helps without giving her benefits since Eleonora sometimes has her business mode activated instantly without her realizing that. But by her management, Eleonora can see how successful and famous this place will be according to her [Sha Naqba Imuru: The Omniscient Omnipotent Star] she got from the owner of that chat group; actually, it as one of the gifts she received from them which can also serve as the reward for her to defeat or completely erase Ehit out of the existence, basically disintegrate him so he won't be able to come back or reincarnated in every corner of worlds.

Using those skills, she can see Amagi Brilliant Park's future if it is managed under her. Although Eleonora doesn't want to be arrogant or seen as one, she cannot help that kind of the truth since the young bluenette also used that skills when viewing the Heiligh Kingdom and Lundel S. B. Heiligh or just Lundel for now since he basically stripped out from the throne and discarded from the Heiligh's family; he just an ordinary boy who has nothing right now and languishing in prison because the previous king ordered that.

Noticing Eleonora's looks, Remia curled her lips into a smile and asked her something obvious.

"Eleonora, you want to save this whole park, including the staff, isn't it?"

Eleonora blinked and was startled but gave the beautiful lady with long green hair and green eyes a simple nod. Seeing this, Shizuku shakes her head. Liliana shows her grin, while Luluaria and Tio smile happily; Yue gives her an approving look. Myuu has her smile widened in happiness, knowing that her adopted mother has the kind thought to help people who are strangers to her.

"Is that bad? I mean, it's not only because I want to save them. Seeing the whole park and judging from the dust, this place was already running for at least 29 years long. It might bring me some profits too, which basically looks like I am kind of using them for my own selfish desire."

But the reaction she got from Remia was quite the opposite; she shook her head and held Eleonora's right hand with hers. She also got a light peck on her cheeks which caused her to blush slightly because of the sudden act she did to the young bluenette.

"It's okay, and knowing you, Eleonora, we are sure that nothing bad was crossed your thought. Actually, what you're thinking is quite reasonable since people always strife for profit, and with how many harems you will have in the future, you are correct to have that kind of thought. But what we want from you is that you promise us that not push yourself to the limit. You don't have to work very hard and always remember to spend your time on another thing."

"…Did my parents tell you that?"

"Fufufu, of course, they have. Don't be upset with them. What they did is just make sure you stay healthy both in body and mind. Also, let's not forget that Luluaria-san and I are parents too, so it's normal to worry about their child's well-being."

"You're right, and I will be parents too in the future. Thanks for that, and I will be sure to not put my body on a burden too much. Ah no, Myuu-chan is my daughter too, so I already became her parent, right?"

"Oh my, if you think it like that, it sounds right."

Remia was surprised when realizing that. In a sense, Eleonora already became a parent, which is to Myuu. She already claimed the young dagon girl's mother as one of Eleonora's lovers despite both of them still not marrying each other.

"Also, I want to have children with all of you too, especially Sakura-nee, who seems eager to be the first one who bears my child."

Dust of pink was visible on Sakura's cheeks when she heard that from Eleonora. She was kind of embarrassed by that mention as if she were impatient but what Eleonora said is not wrong, since a violet-haired woman with dark blue eyes really wants to have the children of Eleonora; she is also responsible as the Alpha of the young bluenette's harem.

Letting out a fake cough and crossing her arms, Sakura then spoke in response to that.

"Well, you're not wrong, but not only me who would have that kind of thought. I bet everyone here also has that in their minds, but they are not brave enough to say it since they are either embarrassed or anything else. I mean,… my age is already closer to someone who should get married and have a child, you know?"

All girls except Eleonora, Sakura, and Remia with Myuu, who hear from the dark blue-eyed woman with black square-rimmed glasses, suddenly flushed in embarrassment. Their cheeks went red, and cannot refute that, so they went silent.

This made Eleonora let out small laughter. She finds it amusing, but her laugh is not mocking, so they don't feel insulted or ridiculed by the young chairman about it. They all genuinely want to bear Eleonora's child, but some are too shy to admit it aloud; maybe they will say that when alone with Eleonora.

But some of them are bold to admit it. One example is the private doctor of Eleonora, who was called the world's top doctor despite still being in high school; she beats any skilled or famous doctor around the world.

"I will admit that getting pregnant with Leo-chan is the most thing I want other than saving anyone's lives. I am also looking forwards to when all of us have our bellies becomes big with Leo-chan's child. I will promise myself to be a good mother for my child in the future too. Ah, since I am a doctor, then whoever wants to have a check-up with their health, feel free to come and ask me—don't worry, I won't charge any of you a single yen since we are close and lovers of Leo-chan."

Said the only doctor amongst the group without missing a beat and not embarrassed. Instead, she feels that she needs to say that, and judging from her tone, she is definitely happy when telling them about that. Maybe because that was what she truly felt regarding children and pregnancy that related to Eleonora.

She smiled happily when saying that. Few girls still have blushes on their cheeks while others were returned normal; some of them are Ichijou Hotaru, Kikuchi Sonoka, Kuwayama Chiyuki, Shea Haulia, and Yaegashi Shizuku. Their cheeks remain red from the embarrassment of the thing on their minds and because of the bold declaration from Kanzaki Keine.

Despite already having sex, Shizuku is still embarrassed by that bold declaration from the blonde doctor. She acts like a virgin despite already having her cherry popped by Eleonora. The same can be said with Shea; she also shares the same reaction with Shizuku because she is not used to that and tries her best to be bold for the sake of Eleonora.

"Alright, alright. Not all people are bold enough to say that out loud, especially in public. Some people prefer to say that when they are alone with their beloved. But I'm happy that you are saying that."

The young bluenette flashed a small smile of gratitude and happiness. Hearing that, Hotaru as the youngest person in the group, then boldly said something to Eleonora with her cheeks blushing furiously because she was about to say something inappropriate according to herself.

"L-Leo! I also want to have your child…!"

She was saying that with a pretty loud voice too.

They went silent for a moment before letting out small laughs, making the neat collarbone-length black-haired young girl pouting cutely. Eleonora just patted and stroked her head, causing Hotaru to be mellow, and smiled blissfully when she got that.

"Thanks, Hotarun. But you don't need to say it that loud. Still, I am happy that you are also thinking it like that."

Reacting to that, the entire cheeks of Hotaru suddenly turned red because of the embarrassment that rose within her body. She even lightly punches Eleonora in a joking manner since she is upset; even her pouting face is cute, according to the young bluenette. The young chairman only let out small laughter from her mouth, seeing the adorable reaction from Hotaru.

"Well, let's stop it for now and find the owner of this amusement park. If possible, I want them to sell this to me, but if they don't want it, then becoming a business partner is also good, but it will be under my name unless they can solve the problem they had alone."

"I doubt it, Leo-chan. From the looks of it and the information you got, things weren't simple for them, and the current owner cannot handle it alone. If she did, then this place will not be in this condition."

"I agree with Chiyuki-san, Leo-chan. This amusement park is very massive and vast; there are also not many employees around here. I don't know why they didn't show up around even though they opened the park, consider the horrible condition of it."

The duo young woman who has the aura of older sisters speak up about what's on their minds. Sakura let out a tired sigh and shook her head while trying to say something out of her mouth to Eleonora, who seemed to have started to go into deep thought.

"Leo, don't overthink about it. I knew you're usually run up some simulation inside your head, but if we want to be sure of that, then what we should do is just ask directly to the one who owns this amusement park."

The violet-haired young woman with black square rimmed glasses said that with a small smile. Keine and Hotaru nod their heads, agreeing that because what she said is not wrong at all. Eleonora just let out a small huff and smiled slightly at that.

"You're right, Sakura-nee. Just thinking and doing nothing in here won't sate my curiosity. But… how do we know about the staff members of this amusement park? Since we have never seen anyone with a special uniform of this park, it's kind of hard."

Eleonora scratched the back of her head, then she felt someone tugging her sleeves; she then looked down and saw Yue, who did that to her again while her finger pointed at a certain distance. Seeing that made Eleonora blink and look in the direction.

Her blue eyes could notice a group of people consisting of four girls. Four beautiful young girls and somehow Eleonora think one of them with short silver-white hair and emerald green eyes is the most stand-out, unlike the rest. From her perspective, she is the type of girl that similar to Nadeshiko and smiles a lot.

'I can see the resemblance. But well, seeing those four girls walking around with that kind of outfit, I'm sure they are the staff members of this amusement park. I hope so, though.'

She rubs her chin and nods her head after deciding what she should do. Eleonora gives Yue's head a pat and stroke it slowly, making the blonde-haired vampire princess smile in return. She rarely smiles, but because of Eleonora, Yue often did that without realizing it herself.

"Well, there she is. I think they are the people we should approach and ask about this amusement park. Good job figuring it out, Yue."

"Mhn. You must give me a lot of praise and cuddling when we were alone."

Eleonora just laughed hearing that as she a bit sweatdrop seeing the smug expression imprinted on the blonde-haired vampire that already evolved to a new kind of vampire because of Eleonora; though the young bluenette didn't know about that and it can be counted as an accident, Yue still happy because she can have an adult body she always dreamed out.

"Alright, let's go and greet them, but don't be too excessive, or they will be afraid of us."

"That's kind of obvious, Eleonora-sama."

"You're right, Tio, but I think we should warn Shea about that."

"Wha—why me, Yue-san?! I don't do anything! Eleonora-san…!"

"Okay, okay, don't bully her, you two. Shea-san will actually cry if you keep doing that to her."

To comfort her, Eleonora stroked Shea's head and calmed her down. She did not sob anymore after being reassured, and Shea cried because she was bullied by Yue and Tio—although the dragon princess did it indirectly—but nonetheless, she still can be counted too.

The other girls nod their heads at that. They are understanding and won't do anything that brings any disadvantages to them, especially to Eleonora. They will keep it to a minimum and talk if necessary; all of them have to learn to observe the situation and calmly think it through before speaking up their minds.

As they did that, the group of those four girls kept getting closer with each step and didn't realize that they and Eleonora's group were about passing by each other since it seemed they were busy talking about their own group. This made the approach of Eleonora became easier; one of those reasons is because they seem friendly enough, especially the short silver-white-haired young girl who wears a blue shirt containing inner white frills and a short skirt. Packed with blue wristband and necklace. With her flat navy shoes.

Cleared her through and filled with confidence, Eleonora took a step with her friendly and charming smile towards them. A good impression will allow her to gain their good points and will make the talk easier later.

"Excuse me, may I borrow your time for a moment?"