Upcoming Date with Vampire

Despite how it's ended in an anti-climax way, Eleonora has already removed the curse that's planted on her father entirely, even going as far as healing him so he will be healthy again and return to his prime. Theodore even became younger than he was supposed to look. He can do more exercise than before or maybe train his body all day without too much rest.

"Elly, can you do the same with your mom too? Make her younger too like me."

"Of course, I can, and I'm planning to do it anyway, so don't worry about it, dad. The secret that I don't want to tell you is also something I want to do. So please be patient about it, okay, dad?"

"Right, right. Don't worry about it. Anyway, other than that, do you have something to talk about? I also want to ask you to retire from Roozlent and focus on your own business. Look, I knew that you love our company and want to manage it, but I think it's great for you to establish your own company from scratch."

This made Eleonora ponder about what her father said. Since she knew that Roozlent is basically the company owned by her family, not her own, she didn't build the company from scratch like what her grandfather or great-grandfather did in the past. They were the ones who made the whole company and developed it to the current Roozlent. It's also thanks to Eleonora, who has magnificent talent on it. She already learned all about business from one of the Seven Prodigies, Sanada Masato, called Devil of the Financial World.

Because of his teaching to Eleonora, the young bluenette can grow to a splendid young woman like now and surpass her own mentor at the boot. If Masato was the devil, then Eleonora is the angel or more akin to goddess since she possesses an otherworldly beauty that makes any gods jealous or charmed by that.

Let's not forget how she can make any girls easily fall in love with her without any charm technique; she doesn't even try to flirt or seek any girls to fall in love with her. Most are without realizing it, which is the same case that happened to the lovers she has from Tortus.

"Well, if you saying that, then I've already found one."

Theodore blinked in surprise as he didn't expect his daughter to do that quickly. Although from what she said, she didn't build that from scratch. Instead, she has already found some company and made it hers with some contract.

"Really? You didn't build it from scratch, right?"

Eleonora just smiled nervously and scratched her head in response to what her father said to her with that kind of expression he currently has. Shockingly, her father could find out about that easily, which is actually simple for him since he is her father and parent.

The spiky-haired adult just sighed heavily and shook his head when seeing his daughter's reaction.

"What kind of business anyway? Also, don't overwork yourself like before. Your mother and I don't want to. If that's happened, then you know what we will do to you. Right?"

Theodore said that with a stern tone and scared his daughter, who was sweating in fear as well pale, and nodded quickly to her father.

"Y-Yeah, I know that, and it's… amusement park. Yeah, an unpopular or poor amusement park which currently in horrible condition because of the poor management of the current manager. She isn't skilled enough but forced herself to do it."

"I see… Are there more details about that amusement park?"

"Well… it's an amusement park that came from another Earth from a different universe. Its original residents or staff are non-human since they were from a magical realm called Maple Land. I heard this park from rumor, and they said the place came a week ago."

"What's the name of that park?"

"It's called Amagi Brilliant Park…."

This makes the adult man rub his chin and ponder.

"Amagi… Amagi Brilliant Park… don't tell me…!"

Eleonora had confusion on her face when her father seemed to realize something from her words and muttered the name of the amusement park that she gave him. Her father has his mind struck with realization and immediately told his daughter about it.

"Elly, that name… it's from a light novel called Amagi Brilliant Park."

The young bluenette has a weird look as her father saying that. It's a "are you kidding me?" face that was flashed on Eleonora, but her father noticed that and tried to convince his daughter that he wasn't kidding around about that.

"Hey, I'm not joking. You can search it up in any online store or even on the internet. If my memory serves it right, I believe it also has an anime adaptation. If what you said truly that the park name is Amagi Brilliant Park, then that means it's possible for fictional characters to suddenly exist in this world."

"Hmm… well, considering that Merlin-sensei and our Pendragon's family history are also from fictional characters, and it's proved true, I think I would believe that until I saw it with my own eyes. Maybe I have to watch more anime to increase my knowledge about things like that."

Eleonora looked at her father, who smacked her back and grinned widely while saying something to her.

"Then, you have to spend your time watching some of them. You know, since you're basically free and if not, you can just use your skills to handle the work-related business. Spend your time carefully with people that are important to you, especially your friends, lovers, and family. Got that?"

Eleonora showed him a small smile as she nodded at him.

"Yes, I know that, dad. You and others already remind me so many times."

"Well, we have to, or you won't listen to it. Oh right, not only that Amagi Brilliant Park but the four guests in our house also from fictional stories."

This made Eleonora has her eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"Hoh? Where are they from, dad? I haven't watched that many anime or novels, so I don't know it from a single glance, unlike you."

"Then you should watch it after this or anytime you want. Emilia is from Re: Zero − Starting Life in Another World, La Folia from Strike the Blood, Gin is from Yuki Yuna Is a Hero: The Washio Sumi Chapter, while Lieselotte is from Trinity Seven: The Seven Magicians. Both Emilia and La Folia already knew their origin; that's why that half-elf girl wanted to stay and live in this world rather than going back, while La Folia still thinking about what she would do."

"Hmm… it seems Emilia-san shocked and felt betrayed when finding it out?"

Theodore just nodded to confirm what his daughter said was true. This makes the young bluenette let out a long sigh and rub her forehead with her hand as if she is already expecting that kind of reaction from someone so naïve and innocent, like Emilia.

Because Eleonora already knew that kind of person that half-elf girl just from a single glance despite not aware that they were from fictional stories. After all, she is indeed sharp at noticing, although sometimes she also lets herself not know something, like when she didn't ask anything about her father's condition before going to Tortus.

"That's certainly obvious. From what I've known, Emilia-san is that kind of girl. Too pure for knowing that bitter and harsh truth, I bet she felt betrayed and questioned her own existence when knowing that she was a product of someone's imagination. Isn't that right, dad?"

"Right again. I'm surprised that you knew it well despite meeting with that girl yesterday. As expected from my beautiful daughter."

He grinned cheekily, and Eleonora just smiled at her father.

"That's obvious, and I'll start to renovate or make the amusement park back to its glory; I've planned this to be started after New Year and let the park closed for the moment to do cleaning and everything to make the park can attract the customer or guests."

"I take it that you want to do something again after New Year asides from that?"

He said that while glancing at his daughter.

"Of course, dad. I'll bring some souvenirs, so don't worry too much about it and about grandchild… well, you likely have to wait until I'm married legally under the laws of this country first."

"… That's scary. You read my mind about the grandchild part. But your mom also wants that, you know. Not only me."

Eleonora just laughed and nodded at her father since that's true. Both Theodore and Yuuka want to see their daughter's children married to all of her lovers if possible, and with the laws that were changed, marrying multiple lovers is allowed. They have said it's also an attempt to increase Japanese people since they lacked that part.

"That can wait at least until I turn sixteen, dad. Don't worry about it."


Sounds of guns and bullets can be heard so loud. Several peoples seem to clash in a fight or battle; they seem hostile to each other. One side was a group of people with the same uniform that looked like an exoskeleton with some advanced technology machinery on their back. In contrast, the other side is just two people with different outfits.

The two people are two beautiful young women. The first one wears an outfit made out of crimson and black frills, giving her the appearance of an elegant Gothic Lolita with uneven twin tails. She wears a big crimson net bow on her head to hold her hair. She also wears a red and black collar on her neck.

"Oh my, my… you AST really likes to cause a misunderstanding, isn't that right?"

"Surrender yourself, Nightmare. I don't know what you were planning, but your very existence has to be erased completely from this world."

"That's cute. Right, Esdeath-san?"

The young woman wears a Gothic Lolita dress with uneven twin tails glancing at her partner-in-crime with a smile on her face. The second is a young woman who wore a General's apparel with long sleeves with buttons on the upper arms, a blue scarf on her neck, and high-heeled boots. She had a calm smile imprinted on her face as she nodded.

"That's right. We don't do anything that harms civilians, yet you falsely accuse us of that. What's your proof of that accusation, hm? You all don't have it, right?"

One girl with short silvery-white hair and blue eyes clicked her tongue in frustration since she couldn't refute that statement of her enemies. Then she could hear the voice of her companion, who suddenly came to her side. She is a young woman in her mid-20s. She has long, glossy black hair tied into a ponytail with some bangs left out into three separate parts. She also has a pair of black eyes.

"Origami, don't listen to whatever they said! What they did is just distraction and what we did is for the safety of humanity. But I didn't expect that Nightmare has a companion on her side, and she also quite strong as well dangerous."

The two young women, called Esdeath, chuckles at that baseless statement of their false accusation. They find it quite adorable but don't care too much since talking about it is useless. Both Esdeath and Kurumi knew those girls in combat suits didn't know anything and were just ordered by their superiors under some pretext.

They couldn't help but feel excited to fight them like this.

"If that's what you think, then how about we heat up the bout? Esdeath-san, are you ready?"

"Always has been. I'm quite itching for a fight, and maybe we can share our fight with our friends."

"That will be great. Here you go, [First Bullet: Aleph]!"

As she yelled that out, she pointed her gun at Esdeath and used its ability to increase the speed of her companion. Feeling that her own pace had increased, the blue long-haired and blue eyes young woman grinned with excitement.

"I appreciate it. Let's do this."

"Fufu, I'll enjoy this thoroughly."


When still in Tortus, Eleonora had promised her vampire lovers a date, and she had intended to fulfill it today with her. After she solves the problem with her father, she goes to Yue's room despite the blonde-haired vampire sometimes sneaking in her room to sleep together; it's just in case if Eleonora's bedroom is full and occupied by some of her lovers.

Knocking the door slowly, Eleonora stood behind the room door with a signboard that said 'Yue' hanging on it. While waiting for a few seconds, approximately ten seconds, the young bluenette could hear her vampire lovers' familiar voice who answered that.

"Yeah… who is that?"

"Yue, it's me. Can I come in?"

Hearing that name, Yue immediately rushed to open the door and saw Eleonora with a smile attached to her face. She immediately drove herself to her waist and hugged her tightly, making the young girl of Pendragon's family let out a small huff and smile. Her hands stroking Yue's wavy golden blonde hair gently and softly, which the vampire loved, she feels comfortable and wants it to go forever.


"Yes, Yue. I want to talk something with you. Can I come in?"

Yue simply nods at Eleonora without hesitation.

"Mmh. You can. Come on. Let's get inside, but I want to stay like this for a while. Can I?"

Upon Yue's selfish request, Eleonora just nodded and chuckled at the golden blonde vampire, who temporarily turned childish and a bit spoiled if she was around the young bluenette. But she has already learned to be patient and not easily jealous of Eleonora's other lovers who want to do the same thing.

"Yes, yes. You can and don't be shy about that. I rather spoil all of you than not."

Saying that they then enter Yue's room and sit on the bed next to each other as Yue begins to hug Eleonora again as if she doesn't want them to be separated. The golden blonde vampire is in her normal form rather than adult form, which has large breasts and enhanced charm despite still being far behind Eleonora's otherworldly and godly beauty.

After all, she is used to being legal loli but trying to frequently use her adult form. Because, in that form, she has large breasts, unlike her loli appearance, and she can do many things with that body, one of them is it can help her when they had sex later.

While still hugging Eleonora, the blonde vampire looked at the young bluenette with her crimson red eyes and asked straight to the point without beating around the bush.

"So, what is this you want to talk with me, Eleonora? Is this something important?"

Eleonora just nodded at that, making Yue curious even more about that as the young bluenette finally spoke about it.

"Of course, it's important, Yue. Although I know it's kind of late, but… how about we go on a date today? I have promised you that after all, and I intend to fulfill that promise despite the lateness. Is that okay?"

Yue's eyes widened as she was surprised, and she nodded with her beautiful smile as she responded to it.

"Yeah, that's okay. I also want to have a date with you."

Eleonora gives a peck on Yue's cheeks seeing the happy smile on the blonde vampire's face. It's a smile that really warmth and soothes the young bluenette's heart since it's rare. The smile Yue shows is full of affection towards Eleonora.

"Then, how about we change our clothes and meet at the front gate of my house in an hour?"

"Why? Isn't it better if we do it together?"

Yue asked with slight confusion on her head. She didn't hate it but was merely curious why they had to do it separately and act like they were in a different house while they actually lived under the same roof.

"I want to be surprised by your lovely appearance later, Yue."

Yue has her red tint on her cheeks when hearing that lovely words from Eleonora as the young bluenette flirt and compliment really makes her happy, unlike when she still be Hajime's lover. Despite how that young man gave her a compliment, she was never felt like this.

She then holds Eleonora's hands and can feel the warmness within them. Her love towards Eleonora is stronger than she has with Hajime, and it's increased over time, which made her confused as she doesn't know why she felt like this.

"Then I also want to be surprised when seeing your lovely appearance too, Eleonora."

"I'm looking forward to it. I also know that you will get me surprised. Then, let's get changed separately, okay?"

The blonde vampire nods her head as she lets go of Eleonora's hug before she gives the young bluenette a light kiss on her lips which surprises her, but she patted Yue's head before leaving her room and saying, this to her.

"Yeah, at the front gate, right?"

"Yep, the front gate and in an hour. So take your time and choose your outfit thoroughly."

"Okay, I got it. Don't worry; you will love me even more if you see my new appearance."

"No worries, I will always love you no matter what, Yue."

With that last word that came out from her lips, which can be interpreted as flirt and compliment that full of honesty behind the tone, it successfully made Yue's cheeks blushed in an instant. She feels her heart fluttering and beating so fast in happiness as Eleonora waves her hands and leaves her room.


While Eleonora changed her clothes, she left her room and passed by Lieselotte Sherlock, who wears a black tank top and black shorts that barely reach the quarter of her thighs. The black tank top she wears shows her cleavage and emphasizes her sexy curve as she holds the ice cream cup and the wooden spoon in both hands. It seems she just from the kitchen and opened the refrigerator; she also seems to adapt and think of Eleonora's house as hers too; trying to make herself feel at her home.

Their eyes then meet with each other. The cheeks of Liese suddenly went red seeing Eleonora's current appearance. She wears a black see-through shirt and a black tank top under it while also wearing purple jeans. She doesn't know why but the twin tail girl finds Eleonora even more attractive, and her mind suddenly has a flash of unexpected imagination.

'She is really… gorgeous. That goddess-like curve is so enchanting. Her smile is also cheating; what she did can basically capture anyone's heart easily. Lilith-sensei even cannot be compared to her. She screams sexy, gorgeous, and elegant at the same time.'

Liese might not realize it, but at this moment, she already bends from being straight to lesbian. Despite her heart beating up so fast in excitement, she didn't know it. The blonde-haired young woman tied up in twin tails wanted Eleonora to add her into the young bluenette's harem; her desire completely changed.

Although it still didn't change her wish to go back to her world, because she missed her little sister and maybe some of her friends, she began to feel attracted to Eleonora. She began to develop some crush on her.

Her feeling towards Kasuga Arata is completely being swept away because of this. She then heard the polite greeting from Eleonora.

"Good morning, Liese-san. Ice cream at this season?"

'Oh damn, her voice is really enchanting. I feel like it made me want to hear it more.'

That was inside her mind, but on the outside, she simply nodded at Eleonora, trying to hide her obvious blushes. Eleonora simply sent her signature smile to Acedia of Trinity Seven and the former of Demon Lord Candidate or Magic King Candidate before her Magic King Element vanished when fighting Arata back then.

"I see… then, I'll be leaving for a while, and please don't get sick. It will make me sad and worried; after all, you are important to me."

Her blushes become redder than before after hearing Eleonora saying that with sincerity in her tone and the smile she flashed on her face. It's the first time she ever felt like this since she always showed her confident, seductive and playful side to people around her, even to someone like Kasuga Arata, who claimed to love him.

But around people like Eleonora, she rendered to any ordinary girl who doesn't know many things about love or is still new to that thing. That's given since she doesn't know anything about love or romantic stuff but still acts like she knows that.

Her feeling of love right now switched from Kasuga Arata to Eleonora Pendragon.


Shiba Miyuki right now currently busying herself in her room. After asking her beloved big brother about it, she already ordered a computer, which he was happy to accept since Tatsuya isn't that heartless to his little sister. It's not something he cannot afford since his job provides him with a huge salary due to the dangerous threat that might happen to him.

The younger sibling of Shiba's family opened one of the folders named 'Onee-sama.' She clicked, and the folder revealed several pictures featuring one person. The black-haired young woman felt that her cheeks suddenly went hot, and it had a tint of red on them.

Her eyes focused on the pictures; there's a hint of sparkling on them. She beamed happily, her whole body overflowing with happiness as she admired the pictures she looked at right now. This has never happened to her; not even her beloved big brother can cause her to be like this.

"Eleonora-onee-sama… you're beautiful and elegant as ever."

Yeah, this has become her daily habit. She did it three times a day; before going to school, after school at home around 18.30 AM, and last when the time hits midnight. It's strange and weird as Shiba Miyuki is a well-mannered lady in her school.

Of course, she didn't let her brother know about this and always did it secretly. But since her brother is a sharp person, he immediately noticed and went quiet about that since it's not like he has the right to stop whatever his sister does.

He just hoped that Miyuki didn't do anything that crossed the line.

Miyuki's new habit has a great effect on her. Although all she has is just the pictures of Eleonora Pendragon, who can make any woman, even if they are straight, lesbian and love her without even trying. The effect on Miyuki is that her feeling of love towards Eleonora increased in a small amount each time she looked at the pictures. Another is that she constantly feels happy and lucky than before.

"No, don't think about that, Miyuki! You have Onii-sama!"

She shook her head in denial as she tried to reject that kind of thought that crossed her mind. Although she didn't consider it wrong or weird, her mind was always confused about which ones were more important to her.

"But… Onee-sama is also precious… she is the perfect example of my ideal older sister."

Miyuki said that in a low voice and began admiring Eleonora again through the pictures. She said older sister, but she also harbors a certain feeling that makes her throbbing in love and happiness. She slowly turned from straight to lesbian without her realizing it.