Call me Aletia from now on, instead of Yue

As they waited for an hour, Eleonora heard that her tickets' numbers were called, so she and Yue left their seats and went inside the theater room where they belonged. After getting inside and waiting again for a few minutes, the movie was started playing, and they watched it along with the other theater guests.

The movie they watch can be considered to belong to children or actually aimed at children, but it can also be enjoyed by all kinds of people regardless of age. The name of the movie is Kamen Rider: Reiwa The First Generation. It's a Japanese superhero crossover film between Kamen Rider Zero-One and Kamen Rider Zi-O, the first successor to the Heisei Generations Series and the 11th Movie War film. Serving as a tribute to the original Kamen Rider series, Sougo travels to the World of Zero-One to assist Aruto in fixing the damages caused by a Time Jacker. At the same time, Aruto learns of his family's history and his own powers. Kamen Rider Thouser makes a brief appearance before his in-series debut.

Not going to lie; Eleonora kind of liked it. Although Eleonora has an adult appearance and mindset, she still has children in her heart, deep down within her, sometimes realizing that. That's why she is kind of eager to see this movie but trying to control or hold her behavior, so her vampire lovers won't see her shameless side.

But it looks like she won't need to do that since Yue has a sparkle of interest in her eyes. When the movie started, she was fascinated and amazed by the special effects used by them. She almost mistook it as the real thing, although it's not real from Eleonora's view because it's created by technology.

Nonetheless, she felt happy that Yue seemed to enjoy the movie. She thought that it would ruin their date since she chose this kind of movie. But seeing Yue's reaction made her note what type of movie the blonde-haired vampire liked based on the genre and others.

The movie only lasts long for an hour and thirty-eight minutes. The whole room is crowded; it's full and obviously won't accept any guests. Eleonora was surprised that it's not only children but teenagers and adults also seeing the movie because she thought they weren't interested in this kind of movie aimed at children audience.

Many people claim that this movie would be mediocre at the best, but for Eleonora, it's amazing. She always loves an armored warrior like Kamen Rider since they have cool armors or forms, unlike Super Sentai, who always uses spandex or sort of.

'Despite how long the henshin sequence is, it's still an amazing movie and series. I also love the delay in the henshin sequence has on Kamen Rider. I cannot wait for another movie of them, be it single or crossovers. Anyway, Aruto always has terrible jokes like dad's joke. Nothing changed so far about that part. That's kind of his trademark anyway; it won't feel right if he didn't have it.'

Eleonora already watches a few episodes of Aruto's stories called Kamen Rider Zero-One. According to her, it is a good way to start the Reiwa era of Kamen Rider. Keeping it simple yet still brings charm and made any fans like it; that includes Eleonora despite it being her favorite because she liked Kamen Rider Gaim more than this.

Her eyes then glance at Yue, who watched the movie intensely and caused the young bluenette laughed awkwardly in her mind, especially with how the blonde-haired vampire munched the popcorn just like that.

After that, they focused on the movie and didn't avert eyes from the big screen for an hour. Eleonora really enjoyed the shows and felt happy as she noticed that her vampire lovers also felt the same way.

The evidence is obvious from Yue's porcelain's face shows unconsciously. Her lips curled a smile, the happy and genuine one rather than forced like what she always did before meeting with Eleonora. But right now, she freely does that, which makes her even happier when she does that.

Although Eleonora didn't have to ask about it since that's obvious, she had to do it. Just for the sake of it. She also doesn't mind that the blonde-haired vampire holds her hands tightly, as if she doesn't want to let them go.

"So… how's the movie earlier, Yue? What's your thought on it?"

With a smile still visible, Yue nodded slightly before answering.

"Uhm. It's quite an interesting movie for me, and I don't know something amazing like that exists. It can be considered my first time watching in that place, especially with many people who also didn't bear any ill towards me; I am still surprised by that. Your world is really interesting, Eleonora."

Eleonora just chuckled at the answer, although she is quite skeptical about that because she doesn't have the right answer for that question. But she is happy that Yue liked the world she lives in since her world basically gives the blonde-haired vampire new experience every day.

Many things can be considered new by her always showing up. Some of them also can easily catch anyone's interest. Maybe some are designed to look fascinating for some people, including Yue, who is fascinated by the whole thing.

"Thank you, Yue. Alright, it's already lunchtime. How about we going somewhere to eat?"

"That's okay, but where do we eat?"

This makes Eleonora smile knowingly. She winked at Yue and reassured her.

"Don't worry, I know a place. It's nice, has some good food, atmosphere, and pretty cheap."

Yue's mouth agape in awe when she heard that. She becomes interested because of what Eleonora told her while the young bluenette just grinned happily, seeing Yue's reaction right now. After that, the blonde-haired vampire held Eleonora's hands and gripped them tightly.

Eleonora then asked her.

"How's that? Of course, after we finish our lunch, we will do other things. Having more fun than this."

The reaction she got was Yue's bobbing her head quickly and agreeing to Eleonora's idea about the plan for today's date. The young bluenette just hopes this date won't turn into something hideous or horrible than it will be counted as a terrible date for her; she doesn't want that since it might make Yue dissatisfied and displeased.

'Well, I hope nothing goes wrong, and don't jinx it, Eleonora. Sometimes words can be true, even if it is just a mere thought and not said aloud.'

She shook her head mentally regarding that. Although she hasn't encountered something that appeared because of what she said, it's not wrong to be cautious about that. She just wants to have a normal date with her lovers and save the trouble for later if possible.

If not, Eleonora would be pissed because something or someone ruined her date.

"Mmm. I want to eat something new. Let's go, Eleonora."

"That's what I thought. Of course, if you want to eat a lot, I won't stop you."

Yue was pouting cutely hearing that.

"I don't want to get fat. It's bad."

She said that with a dislike tone in her voice while looking down. Somewhat Eleonora could see a slight worry hinted on Yue's face right now.

'I don't want Eleonora to see me like that and don't like me anymore….'

Yue thought of that with worry. Eleonora, who saw that then, just let out a small huff and smile that she already noticed what kind of thought her blonde-haired vampire had on her mind. She then spoke to her with a reassuring tone.

"Don't worry. Even if you're fat or anything, I'll still be going to love you, Yue. Believe in me who believes in you."

She says that with a widened smile and makes Yue, who sees that feel relieved. She nodded understandingly and flashed a small smile on her lips to respond to Eleonora's words, especially the last sentence that made Yue happy when she imprinted that on her mind.

"Mmm. Thank you, Eleonora. I believe you, and so do I. You're not a person who lies to people easily unless it's someone who is your opponent."

That left Eleonora speechless and instantly became sweatdrops while she laughed awkwardly. Mainly because what Yue said sounds like the young bluenette is just someone who prioritizes herself and does not care about others. She is not like that, though, but she can be someone like that when needed, yet the situation she overcame didn't demand her to act like that.

But Eleonora can only care about herself and the precious people to her. It's normal, and people always had that kind of thought deep inside their own hearts.

"You got that right. Although you may have to mind your wording a bit after this, Yue."

"Mmm…? Ah, sorry about that. I will be careful next time."

Eleonora chuckles at Yue, who apologized and shook her head as she understood it. Even though Yue didn't display the emotion clearly, Eleonora could see that the blonde-haired vampire regretted what she said, making the young bluenette happy, yet she felt it was unnecessary.

"It's okay. As long as you understand and don't feel sad, Yue. I'm not mad at you or anything. Just a little reminder for the future."

"Uhm. Thanks, and I understand. Then after our date, I will practice learning manners and anything that might make me more dignified. Although I was a princess, after hundred years sealed in Abyss, it's gradually made me forget about some manners and etiquette."

This made Eleonora raise her eyebrows in interest. She didn't know that Yue was a noble, and on top of that, she was a princess. But Eleonora can only guess because Yue's race is a vampire, and they are the kind of race that is always connected to noble or something like that.

'I see… that means she also a genuine princess despite being a former. I am a little curious about her whole background, though. But I think that will need time for me to know about her whole story and maybe find out how she became like this.'

She just shrugged mentally.

"Really? That's wonderful, and I don't know that you're a princess, Yue."

"Well, former princess, actually. It's nothing impressed unlike you who became an actual king, Eleonora. I'm just an ordinary person right now."

But Eleonora disagrees a bit with Yue's statement.

"Not at all. It's impressive, and you will be a princess again or maybe a queen in Heiligh. Of course, after I'm done, replace the current system with a new system that allows the kingdom to have polygamy, so all of my wives will be queens. How is that?"

Yue was stunned and went silent for a second before giggling about Eleonora's plan for the Heiligh Kingdom on Tortus. According to her, it's weird, but it suits and fits someone like Eleonora, destined to have multiple wives.

"It's really amazing, Eleonora. As far as I knew, only nobles could do polygamy and have a harem. You want to establish a different kind of polygamy system, aren't you?"

Eleonora nodded with a smile on Yue, who quickly caught her meaning without being told directly about that. The young bluenette wants to treat all of her wives or lovers equally, after all. So this is one of the ideas she thought about in her head.

"Exactly. It will be not limited to nobles or royalty, but everyone will have the right to have a harem in certain conditions. If that condition or requirement is fulfilled, they will be granted the right to have a polygamy relationship. And it's not only limited to one gender but both or any gender that exists."

Yue nodded with a smile hearing that.

"I agree with that. Hope that will be established soon."

"That's right."

After that, they then went to a certain café to have lunch. Fortunately, it's a nice place with good goods, drinks, and atmosphere, making Yue happy. She is also happier when the food is beyond what she has expected and makes the foods in Tortus taste bitter or inferior since the foods she tasted here are more flavorful, diverse, and have much variety.

"Eleonora, the food in here is so tasty! Not only that, but the drinks also taste wonderful."

Eleonora just chuckled as she elegantly ate the foods that she was ordered. Watching Yue, who eats with a beamed expression and is surprised by what she finds, is quite adorable and a feast to her eyes. The foods she eats taste better, and even though it's not at the same level as her cook at home, this is not something that cannot be eaten.

'The taste is good but maybe not close to what I've always eaten in my home. There's no use to worry over anything like that, and it's not bad to eat foods like this. At least the drinks are good, though. The price is also reasonable for people with little money, unlike me.'

Unlike Eleonora, who has Chinese fried rice and orange juice, the blonde-haired vampire has foods more than one or, more specifically, three foods and one drink. She was ordered a teriyaki rice bowl and yakisoba while having strawberry juice as the drink.

Although it made Eleonora a bit sweatdrops, she didn't stop her and let Yue do whatever she wanted. At least the amount of foods Yue ordered isn't that extravagant compared to people who consume many foods, usually people with a huge appetite.

As the blonde-haired vampire said something, Eleonora stopped eating for a moment and then replied Yue.

"Yue, don't talk while eating. Finish your foods first and talk after that."

Yue response that with an understanding nod and continued to enjoy her food. She didn't rush herself to finish all of that and tried to carefully finish it not in barbaric style or similar, since she doesn't want to let someone badmouth Eleonora because of what she did.

The young bluenette just slightly shakes her head and continues to finish her food and drink. A worried face slightly flashed on her face when she saw Yue, and then she looked around. Thankfully, the people around them seem not to diss them or anything; instead, they were enthralled by the two beauties like Eleonora and Yue.

While Yue has the charm that makes people charmed easily, Eleonora is on a different level since she can instantly capture anyone's heart and make them fall in love. She can easily change their feelings even further without trying to do it.

Eleonora has to get used to this and not feel guilty because it's not exactly her problem to begin with.


A sigh came from Hotaru. She looked down for a moment as she somehow thought about something related to Eleonora, who is her lover. Although she knew that the young bluenette would gladly help her, this was something that she needed to solve on her own… if possible.

The problem she has right now about marriage and… sex. Despite how young she is, and people would be shocked about how someone like her knows about that, Hotaru already knew things like that. She has already researched it first through the internet, and Eleonora gave her a smartphone for using it herself and as her gift when on her birthday last year. Thanks to that, Hotaru gains some forbidden knowledge that should be learned when she's around eighteen, yet she knows it before reaching that age.

'What I have to do… I can't consult this with my parents. But I want to talk about this. Should I consult Sakura-san and others? They are a lot older than me, so they should know this better than me. I am the youngest among them after all, and if I talk about this with Leo… no, maybe I should discuss this with others.'

She shook her head and then nodded with a determined look on her face, which was noticed by her classmate saw that with sweatdrops on their faces, mainly Natsumi and Komari, while Renge just tilted her head in confusion.

Hotaru then realized what she did and sweatdrop too. She then smiles awkwardly at them before Natsumi, who was always curious about something to the black-haired young girl and the tallest among them, spoke to her and flashed a grin on her lips. She always has a bad habit of sticking to people's business.

"Hey Hotaru, what's wrong with you? Want to talk about something?"

"Ah! No, no! It's nothing, Natsumi-senpai. It's just a trivial thing."

Not convinced, Natsumi then pressed Hotaru more to make the black-haired girl talk about it.

"Hoo..? Really? But why I do smell something fishy, hmm?"

This made Hotaru startled and went panic for a moment. Despite the fact that Komari thinks her little sister has a bad habit of interfering with someone's business, she is also quite curious about what Hotaru currently has on her mind; that's why she did not stop Natsumi for the sake of her curiosity and somehow made her betrayed her junior.

"Really! It's nothing, Natsumi-senpai. More likely… it's involved my family. So I'm sorry, I can't talk about this with all of you."

She said that while clapping her hands as a sorry gesture. Seeing that, the three of them, especially Natsumi, then sighed because she felt a bit guilty and scratched her head as she nodded understandingly to her junior.

"Alright, alright. I won't press it anymore. Sorry about that, Hotaru. I'm just merely curious as to why you suddenly act like that."

"No, no. It's alright, but thank you for worrying about me, Natsumi-senpai, Komari-senpai, and Renge-chan."

"We are sorry, Hotaru! It's Natsumi's fault!"

"Hey, I'm just curious and as if you're not too, Nee-chan."

"But what you did is rude, Nattsun."

"Wha—Renchon! You too?!"

Hotaru, just giggles, saw their interaction and then spoke to them about it since she felt a bit sad if they didn't know what bothered her while they cared enough about her; although she won't reveal all of the details, the only small piece of it.


Eleonora and Yue's date is already over today. They had fun during that time, although Yue enjoys it the most since she is always excited about her surroundings. The young bluenette feels glad that the blonde-haired vampire is feeling like that, and with the sun almost set as the day is about to change to evening, they then decide to stop their fun and date.

On this date, they also talk anything about themselves to understand each other. Yue was completely shocked that Eleonora was actually from noble and royalty background despite from another dimension. She just spared the details about her family come from a fictional series, so Yue only knew all the facts about Eleonora and was happy when she knew that. Their relationship also has increased even further because of it.

"That's really fun, Eleonora. I hope that we have a date again like that."

A smile was no longer rare on Yue's face, or at least this time she wanted to be called with her real name, which is Aletia, because she told Eleonora to call her that and of course, the young bluenette agreed with that, but she still needs to get used call her with her real name.

"I also want to date you again, Aletia. We can have that as much as we want. Even if we already become parents later."

"Mmm. I don't want it stopped, and… thank you for accepting my selfish request, Eleonora."

Eleonora shakes her head to that.

She didn't feel bothered about Aletia's request to call her by her real name. Although the blonde-haired vampire said that she will discard that name when she meets with Hajime, she wants to be called by her real name when falling in love with Eleonora; she doesn't want to be called with a name given by her ex.

"That's nothing. Rather than your new name, the old one is beautiful and suits you. I don't know what's the meaning behinds that, but I surely felt that name is perfect for you."

A hint of pink dust was seen on Aletia's cheeks when she heard the honest compliment from her lovers. She smiled and nodded slightly while holding Eleonora's hand more tightly since she feels happy about that. Only hearing that compliment made the blonde-haired vampire happier, and her love for Eleonora increased once more.

"Yeah. At first, I discarded that name because of the horrible experience I'd felt back then. I beg Hajime to give me a new name, and after breaking up with him and falling in love with you, I decided to use my real name."


But she shook her head at Eleonora before saying anything since Aletia knew what the young bluenette was about to say with that kind of expression. She lifted her head and looked straight at Eleonora with her most genuine smile without any trace of sadness within it. Instead, it shows a genuinely happy smile.

"No. I already realize that. My love for Hajime isn't real; it just came from desperation because of how many years I have been sealed in that dungeon. It's not real love, and the moment I meet you, that was the real and first love of mine."

Hearing that made Eleonora feel a bit at ease.

"…I see. I'm quite surprised about that."

Aletia showed her smug face when she heard that from Eleonora.

"Huhum. Then now you know how much love I feel for you. Even I don't let Hajime call by my real name. I don't feel bad about using that name anymore. My real name may indeed bring me some bad memories, but after you defeat Ehit and take me to face the truth about my uncle from his memories…."

Indeed. After Eleonora defeats Alva, possessing Aletia's uncle's body, she peeks at the memories. She finds out the truth about her, and that's why Eleonora decides to share Aletia's uncle's memories with her. Thanks to Eleonora being cautious, she uses [Observe] first before eliminating him with [Erasure].

Aletia, who found out about that saddened because her uncle actually cared about her. He truly loved his niece and prayed that someone would find her and protect her. At first, it was Hajime, but since Aletia's love towards him is not genuine, it is most likely directed to Eleonora. The young bluenette might steal the blonde-haired vampire from Hajime, but it's actually not her concern, and she can just brush it off.

Aletia then continues her talk. She wasn't forced to tell Eleonora all of this; there is only honesty. The blonde-haired vampire is happier to inform her current and eternal bluenette lover of this. Not even Nagumo Hajime was told of this by her.

"That's why Eleonora, I'll be loyal and love you. Even though you are loved by many girls, I will definitely still love you no matter what. It seems we are also destined to be with each other, maybe because I was a princess and soon-to-be queen and you're also a princess who is the true ancestor from your royal family; let's not forget that you become a real king. We definitely made for each other."

"That's definitely holding a lot of meaning, and if you say it like that, then we are no doubt destined to be together as lovers. Even though I always had a doubt about destiny, looking back at my own destiny so far… I'm convinced about it."

She said that while scratching her cheeks and making Aletia giggle.

"Mmm. Me too, I could feel that. I also believe now that destiny and fate exist. Meeting you is such a bliss for me, Eleonora."

"Me too, Aletia. I'm also happy to meet you."

They smile at each other before sealing lips in a loving kiss.