Shizuku's family Blessing

Both Eleonora and Koichi were surprised to hear what Shuuzou said with a smile on his face. He casually says that because he wants to know how far the differences of their strength are, despite Shuuzou being intimidated by the aura that her granddaughter's lover has and leaked out as if she already knew the situation. He still wants to have a good fight with someone capable of doing that to him.

"T-Tou-san…! What are you talking about?! Why you—"

"—Quiet, Koichi."

A sharp glare from Shuuzou successfully silenced Koichi. He cannot disobey his father, but that doesn't mean he can't suggest anything else. To him, his father's question earlier to Eleonora is absurd since both of them already knew what kind of aura was unleashed earlier by the young bluenette.

"B-But Tou-san, why are you doing this? Isn't it better that you're not doing it? I mean, we already knew it…."

"I just want to see it by myself. Not like I doubt her, but… sometimes it's better to experience it yourself. Is that okay, Eleonora-kun? I hope you accept my selfish request since this is important for Shizuku's well-being. You can consider it as a test despite it's actually not."

Eleonora chuckled and nodded at Shuuzou, giving him the answer and response that Shuuzou wanted.

"It's okay, Shuuzou-san. I don't mind it at all. I am also curious about my own strength, but seeing this is a dojo… should we do it with sword or hand-to-hand? I've been heard from Shizuku that Yaegashi dojo is specialized and prominent in their swordsmanship."

A confident smile without missing the beat adorning Eleonora's beautiful face. Shuuzou, who saw that, then grinned as his whole body perked up with excitement. He then laughed out loud and gave the response back to Eleonora.

"Very well. Then, shall we prepare for that, Eleonora-kun?"

"As you wish, Shuuzou-san."

Seeing both of them agree with each other about doing mock combat, the father of Shizuku just let out a heavy sigh as he couldn't stop them and decided to comply with whatever they did. He decided to be the referee of their match and witness their clashes.

'Tou-san really making an unnecessary match. Clearly, we are not match or weaker than Eleonora-kun, yet he still wants to fight her. Seems like his battle junkie habit is still not worn out even if he already that old.'

Koichi shook his head and reminded the fighters before they started. They were already keeping their distance towards each other as far as possible, which surprised the black-haired middle-aged man, and then he cleared his throat while looking at both of them.

"Alright, please hear me out. This is mock combat, so please don't harm each other. There are two types of winning conditions: either the opponent surrender or cannot continue fighting. No time limit or out-ring, and it's a sword fight."

Shuuzou rubbed his beard when hearing that from his son.

"Hmm… sword fight, huh. That's acceptable. How about that, Eleonora-kun?"

Eleonora agreed with Shuuzou and flashed a smile on her face. She is not scared or anything. Rather, she is so calm and composed, which makes the eighty-year-old man surprised a bit about that.

"That's fine, Shuuzou-san. I may be inexperienced in swordsmanship since I have only started training for two months, but please do not hold back on me. I also want to see how capable I am and at what level is my limit reached."

"Good answer."

While saying that, Koichi then hands them wooden swords to be used and go in their battle stance. They weren't using kendo safety gears because what they did isn't kendo, and both didn't actually need them. Both Shuuzou and Eleonora use their own battle stances, which belong to their families. However, they were focused on the same specialization, agility, and strength, leaving themselves defenseless as they had to quickly dodge every attack launched at them.

As they got the wooden swords, they stared at each other with intense glares, without saying anything to their respected opponents and seeing that—Koichi lifts his right hand, then shouts at them.


With that word, Shuuzou goes first and takes advantage as he rushes to Eleonora and swings his wooden sword, trying to hit the stomach of the young bluenette. Knowing that Eleonora blocked it with her fast response, she took two steps back to regain her composure. After success in blocking the sudden attack from Shuuzou, it's time for her to repay him; she then swung her wooden sword at the weak spot of Shuuzou quickly and made sure her opponent could not catch up with that.

Seeing that, Shuuzou was about to react and blocked it, but unfortunately, he was too late and got pushed by the heavy blow that Eleonora targeted. His body gets pushed and causing him to shout in pain.


Without giving her opponent a chance or break, Eleonora launched another attack to Shuuzou while defenseless because of her first blow. She then swung her wooden sword again and gave the old man another heavy blow, but this time she went to the opposite's side of his weakness and again let him be beaten without giving him the chance to counter her attack.

It was more like a one-sided battle. Eleonora really doesn't give him a chance as she moves at a speed that even someone like Shuuzou and Koichi cannot predict or see. The eighty-year-old man cannot see through her movement; he can't see any opening or chance to land a blow on Eleonora.

Eleonora, who had already successfully landed two blows on Shuuzou, noticed something. Her opponent cannot do anything with her attack, which gives the young bluenette another chance that she won't absolutely miss it.

With her quick response and thinking, she gripped the sword's handle tightly and landed another blow to Shuuzou. She tried her best to minimize the damage she dealt with Shuuzou's old body since if Eleonora used all of her strength, she was afraid that Shizuku's grandfather could not handle the sheer force of her attack.

"Sorry, Shuuzou-san, but this will end the match."

Hearing that, Shuuzou also gripped his sword tightly and tried to dodge the next attack. Still, alas… he is too late again and felt the sheer heavy force of the swinging that Eleonora landed on his body, causing his body to fall on the tatami's floors and the tip of Eleonora's wooden sword at his neck.

"Seems like I won. Is this enough, Shuuzou-san?"

Eleonora asked him, and Shuuzou, stunned, laughed and nodded at his opponent and granddaughter's lover. He doesn't even stand a chance to land another attack with his wooden sword because of how insane Eleonora's speed displayed earlier.

"Looks like it. That's really great and perfect if I have to say."

Shuuzou chuckles while he is being helped to stand up by Eleonora, who reaches out her hand to the grandfather of Shizuku. He then shakes Eleonora's hands with respect and gratitude; the same also can be seen from the expression he shows to the young bluenette.

"You're definitely a genius prodigy, Eleonora-kun. Isn't that right, Koichi?"

Koichi nodded in agreement with his father. He can't deny what his father said since it was true. They are the instructors of their dojo and can be considered veteran swordsmen as well experienced; they are also considered one of the strongest in Japan among ordinary humans.

"That's right. I won't doubt it. Eleonora-kun has a lot of potentials and a bright future if she keeps polishing her swordsmanship. Maybe she can become the strongest swordswoman in the whole world within a short time."

The compliment directed towards Eleonora made the young girl giggle and slightly bowed her head with polite manners at Shizuku's father and grandfather because she was received a warm welcome rather than cold. The young bluenette was glad that things weren't going serious, and Shizuku's family didn't hate her; more likely, they showed interest towards her despite the shocking news they got from Eleonora herself.

"Thank you very much for that, Shuuzou-san, Koichi-san. I still have a long way to go so I can protect Shizuku with all my might and cannot let anything harm her, as long as I am still standing beside her."

Shuuzou laughed wholeheartedly while Koichi nodded with an approving smile, hearing that serious answer came from Eleonora.

"We relieved then if you are taking that seriously. I am good at judging someone, so I know that you won't bring any disappointment to us."

"That's right, Eleonora-kun. Please make her happy, she want to be a normal girl and bride after all. It's our fault for forcing her to learn our Yaegashi-style despite her unwillingness. Fortunately, Tou-san allowed Shizuku to at least make an exception after he was being scolded harshly by Shizuku's best friend."

Shuuzou's cheeks went red as he flushed in embarrassment when Koichi mentioned that with laughs.

"Hey Koichi, don't mention that to Eleonora-kun. She doesn't have to know anything unrelated to Shizuku. It is unnecessary."

"Ahahaha, sorry about that Tou-san and —oh, it seems she has finished."

When Koichi mentioned his daughter, a slightly lively voice called out to Eleonora, who was seeing off the back of the figures of the people of the Yaegashi dojo with a complicated expression. When she turned toward the voice, she could see the figure of Shizuku dressed in a gorgeous kimono smiling at her from the porch of the main building.

"Eleonora, sorry if it took too long."

She waved her hand at Eleonora, and the response she got was the young bluenette shaking her head while approaching her. Shizuku's expression burst brighter the closer she got. Looking from up close, it seemed that she was wearing a cosmetic, even if just for a bit. It appeared that she was dressing up a little because her mother told her to do that. She happily took it though, Shizuku wanted to impress her lover even more.

Shizuku, who was lovable as usual in the small things, has her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Eleonora then looks at her lover and gives her an honest compliment after seeing Shizuku's current appearance.

"As expected, Shizuku is more suited to Japanese clothes. Though it doesn't look like a pure yukata…."

"Y-Yes. I received this as a sample of a prototype that Tio designed a few days before leaving. It seems that this is a combination of the Dragonoid race's clothing with Japanese clothes."

"I see, she has a weird habit, but she has good sense. It's like it was order-made for Shizuku. Besides, the sakura color also suits you."

"…thank you."

Shizuku looked shy while she quietly touched her lips. She couldn't hide her happiness from Eleonora noticing and praising her. The person there wasn't the usual gallant knightly Shizuku, but a normal girl in love that could be found anywhere.

Shuuzou, Koichi, and Kirino, who watched them in lovey-dovey like this, couldn't hide their happiness and smiles seeing their Shizuku behaving like a normal girl and deeply within their hearts thanked the young bluenette to allows Shizuku to be a girl.

Clearing her throat, Shizuku then released a small cough as she realized that her parents and grandfather were currently in the same room and watching them. She also noticed traces of the dojo used as a fight and made Shizuku stare at Shuuzou and Koichi with a frown.

"Ojii-chan, Otou-san! What are you both doing just now? And why do Ojii-chan and Eleonora have wooden swords on your hands? Did both of you fight or anything?"

Shuuzou and Koichi were shocked and went in panic when Shizuku yelled at them like that, especially with the expression she wore on her face. She is upset and thinks they did something ridiculous to Eleonora since she knew their habit; they were too overprotective.

But she then feels a hand on her shoulders and turns around to see Eleonora, who did that. She just smiled with sympathy at Shuuzou and Koichi, then glanced at Shizuku while shaking her head.

"Shizuku, don't do that. It's nothing that you should be worried about. We just have a mock battle, and I accept it because of curiosity. Your grandfather did not do any harm to me."

"Really…? Tell me if they did, since I am not the same Shizuku like before because the current me could beat them easily."

Eleonora just laughed awkwardly at that bold statement of Shizuku, who said it without hesitation. Even her family was surprised but didn't dare to say anything since they were scared for some reason. As an instructor, both Shuuzou and Koichi were aware of the drastic changes of Shizuku just now because her aura was stronger than the last time they saw her.

"Hey, easy-easy. There is nothing wrong with their behavior since they are worried about you. Most families would do that, and I can understand that as well. Your grandfather was worried whether I have the strength to protect you or not, so we did that."

Shizuku pondered about that and looked at her family. She could see Shuuzou and Koichi's sheepish smiles while Kirino just giggles. The ponytail swordswoman then let out a heavy sigh and said something to her family, especially her grandfather and father.

"If that's true, then I forgive you, Ojii-chan, Otou-san."

They beamed when they were forgiven by Shizuku because Eleonora succeeds in calming down her lover's temper and is capable of making her forgive them despite it's their fault or specifically Shuuzou's fault. After all, he carelessly challenged Eleonora in a mock battle of swords earlier.

But then Shizuku didn't finish her words as she continued to speak.

"But… don't do anything like that again. Geez, I am not a kid anymore and already adult…."

Her cheeks flushed when saying the last sentence, and her mother didn't know anything about that, shocked by the new discovery, while her grandfather and father didn't share the same reaction as Kirino. Shizuku is still a bit shy when remembering her first time with Eleonora. It's not something she can easily forget; she needs more time to get used to that.

"My, my… so you two already did that…?"

Both young couple, Shizuku and Eleonora, nod their heads at Kirino, who is still shocked and surprised to find that out. She then turned to her husband and father-in-law, they giving her nods too as they already knew that.

"But how… if you did same-sex relationship and that, then you still…."

"Eleonora is… special, Okaa-san. She has both male and female."

A pink hue was visible on Kirino's cheeks when hearing that from her daughter. A sudden surprise that she just discovered might take her some time to digest on her mind. But after a few seconds, she was already calm and letting out a small sigh.

"I see… then; I have no problem with that and hope can see grandbaby sooner."

This made Shizuku's cheeks go red in embarrassment. She is really embarrassed because the topic isn't what she was expected while Eleonora just calmly hears that. The young bluenette had already expected that kind of topic would be picked, so she wasn't surprised at all.

"O-Okaa-san! That's too soon! At least wait until I'm graduated…."

"Oh my, is that so? Forgive me then, Shizuku dear, but Okaa-san cannot help having that thought. Isn't that right, Otou-san, Dear?"

Shuuzou rubbed his beard and nodded with agreement while Koichi just laughed awkwardly since he didn't know what response he should give to his wife, since he knew that his daughter wanted to take time a bit slow and not rush anything.

"Yes, I know, but you shouldn't rush it, Kirino. After all, Shizuku has the freedom to enjoy her life. But if she wants it without being forced or pressured, then we can agree too."

Shizuku bobbed her head as she agreed with her grandfather.

"Mhm, you're right. Then we shouldn't be hurried and let Shizuku choose wisely. But I'm positive even if Shizuku ended up pregnant and had a baby earlier before of what we have expected, she won't mind it at all, right?"

"Yes, Okaa-san. I don't mind it that much, but I want to enjoy my life with Eleonora. Put that aside and talk about something else. Moreover, we promised to be married in three years. We have to wait that long."

This made her family confused about why they needed to wait for three years to marry. But, filled with curiosity, Koichi then asked his daughter.

"Shizuku, why do you have to wait for three years? I mean… you may need only two and a half years to finish your high school."

Shizuku's red eyes throw a glance at Eleonora, and the young bluenette understands as she nods at her, giving her permission. The young swordswoman then let out a small sigh before giving them the answer.

"Because Eleonora is still young. She is still 13 years old, Otou-san."

This made them very surprised as they looked at Eleonora, who just smiled with disbelief looks on their faces. But Shizuku gives them a look to confirm that, making them bewildered since they think Eleonora is around Shizuku's age or a bit older, but she is younger than Shizuku herself.

Shizuku then wrapped her arms to Eleonora's and smiled happily as if she didn't care about her family's reaction.

"But I love her so much that I want to marry her. I don't care if she's younger or older than me, even if she has the same gender or the fact that she has multiple lovers—I love her and that won't change. I love Eleonora, and she loves me too."

Silence befalls them when Shizuku says that, and a few seconds after processing that new information, they went in shock again since it's something unbelievable they heard from their ears. They were trembles, even Kirino, who was always calm, suddenly fainted because of the sudden realization. The impact of those words dealt a great blow on her heart, causing her to faint like that.

Koichi, who saw that, then went to his wife and shook her head in the hope of waking her up.

"Honey, hey! Wake up!"

"H-How could she has an adult appearance… when she is 13 years old…? Shizuku, are you sure that you aren't lying to us?"

Her grandfather asked the real question while Shizuku only gave him confirming nod. Shuuzou, who sees that just let out a heavy sigh and shook his head while rubbing his forehead because it added a new kind of stress and confusion to him.

"This is an amazing discovery we just know… you really knew how to give us a shock, Shizuku. Just how many surprises will we get? I cannot help to imagine it. Even your mother fainted because she cannot hold the surprises she got from you alone, Shizuku."

"I am really sorry, Ojii-chan, but I didn't intend to give you any shocking reveals or anything that might harm you. I just want to tell you about this since you're asking for it."

Shuuzou waves his hand to his granddaughter as it's not her fault, to begin with. He also knew that his granddaughter would pose no harm to them and what she did really hasn't changed at all; she always has the ways to surprise her family—even to his grandfather.

The eighty years old instructor sighed once again. He let out another heavy one from himself, then he glanced at his son, who succeeded in waking his fainted wife up. Shuuzou closed his eyes before opening up as he wore a different expression.

"Don't think so much about it, Shizuku. If you have any other secrets, please tell us so we won't be surprised again. But of course, Ojii-chan isn't going to force you. If you don't want, then you can just ignore or avoid it."

Shizuku gives her grandfather a nod. She understood what he meant, and that made Shuuzou smile in satisfaction. He then glanced at his daughter-in-law, who had just woken up from fainting because she could not handle that much information that was revealed so suddenly. But with the help of her husband, she seems to get better and calm her mind about it.

"U-Uhm… why did I become like this…? Dear, what happened to me earlier…?"

"Honey, you just fainted because of the sudden reveals of shocking information. It's alright now; you can do the interrogation on them later. For now, just rest and take it easy."

Still half-awake, Kirino nodded weakly at her husband while holding her head as her husband carried her to her room to get her rest properly. She always has been like this, which worries everyone, though… sometimes it's not her fault.

But before those husband and wife leave, Kirino, who looks fully awake, tells Eleonora something before she forgets about that.

"Oh, Nora-chan. I almost forgot. Your two friends with you earlier are currently in the guest room they have waiting for you. You can go there after this."

"I see… thank you very much, Kirino-san."

But Kirino just waved her hands off to Eleonora and made a smile on her face.

"It's no problem, but please, next time, call me Okaa-san, okay?"

Eleonora laughed softly while nodding at Kirino and Shizuku has her cheeks went pink because of what her mother said. Both the husband and wife leave the room, leaving only Eleonora, Shizuku, and Shuuzou alone.

Then, seeing the young couple, Shuuzou sighed and spoke.

"Eleonora-kun, see your friends or rather your lovers with Shizuku. Have you planned to stay here for a few days, though? Also, what's your plan for next? Surely you have something you hide, but I won't force that since we from Yaegashi put our utmost trust on you."

He says that while having his hand on Eleonora's shoulders. Shuuzou said that with a trusted smile to the young bluenette and understood her. Shizuku saw them just smiling happily and seeing everything go smoothly without major problems.

"Yes, Shuuzou-san! Please leave it to me, and I won't disappoint Yaegashi's family. I planned to stay here for at least a week or a month for the longer and then go back to my home after. I don't want to stay for too long. I'm truly apologies about that."

Shuuzou laughed in satisfaction hearing that answer since he could trust Eleonora with all his might and life.

"Is that so? Then don't worry about it. I know that's normal and… Shizuku, you want to go with Eleonora-kun and live together with her, aren't you? You both have our full support, don't think too much about it."

Shizuku beamed happily when hearing that. She cannot believe what she hears from her grandfather, who is always strict and stern yet has a kind heart. He cares about his granddaughter and her lovers; he is not as heartless as he was changed because of Shizuku's class mass disappearance and her classmate.

"Thank you, Ojii-chan!"

"Yes, yes. Now, go somewhere and have fun. You have also made your lovers wait too long, Eleonora-kun. I'm sure they have been waiting for you too long because of my fault."

"Yes, Shuuzou-san. Thank you very much."

Shuuzou waves his hands off to Eleonora.

"It's okay, and call me Ojii-chan too, please. You are basically becoming part of Yaegashi's right now and Shizuku, visit your friends and tell them about your arrival. They must be worried too much, especially that little girl."

"Yes, Ojii-chan! Eleonora, come on—let's go, and I'll introduce all of my classmates."

"Alright. Then, excuse us, Ojii-san."

Shizuku said that to her grandfather and excused herself. Shuuzou nodded at Eleonora, who was dragged by the excited Shizuku with a beaming face as she could not wait to reunite with her classmates and friends who had been through the same situation as her when kidnapped by Ehit.