Kaori's parents

With Kaori becoming Eleonora's lovers, the relationship between them significantly increased. The black-haired beauty feels happy when her new crush and someone she thinks true love accepts her confession. Honestly, Kaori felt that her love for Hajime was just born from admiring his selflessness to protect someone in need even though he is weak and can't do anything to return it.

What she felt from Hajime is not genuine love; instead, it is just a feeling of admiration, which slowly turns to be love. Hajime didn't do anything worth receiving Kaori's love since he had done nothing about her, and when the priest is told by her best friend the truth about it was kind of hurt her. Especially Eleonora, who shows the black-haired priest—the truth about Hajime's condition when he was fallen to the Abyss, Kaori was devastated by that since the white-haired young man wants to kill all of his classmates for such a thing.

Just because Hiyama Daisuke did that to him and Nagumo Hajime blames his classmates for that, even someone innocent like Kaori. Hajime was planning to kill them without any mercy, which answers the attitude of that white-haired young man recently, especially his current appearance and the lack of love towards her from the young man.

Also, when Shizuku told her that she was planning to live with Eleonora and stay in her world, Kaori was surprised since the black-haired swordswoman just decided to choose something unbelievable like that. She wants to live far away from her family, just for her lovers.

"Shizuku-chan, you're so brave and also lucky that your family has given you permission about that."

Shizuku chuckles and feels embarrassed when her best friend praises her since she has done nothing special, and Kaori exaggerates it. But, of course, the priest of Hero's party denies that and says it was honest from her heart, which makes the ponytailed swordswoman happy.

Also, when Eleonora tells Kaori that she might not be the only one who gets her attention as a lovers, the black-haired priest immediately nods her head. She says that it's okay for her to have many wives or lovers since Kaori understands that someone so great as Eleonora is not a person who can be satisfied with only one woman. It's normal if women around the young bluenette are attracted to her since she has otherworldly beauty that can make anyone instantly enthralled.

Eleonora feels relieved hearing that. She also told Kaori that she might not be the alpha at managing her harem since Sakura was in charge of that, and Kaori also said the young bluenette was good at choosing someone suited to being the alpha.

"That is good, Eleonora-san. I also believe that Sakura-san is more suited to managing your harem."

Shizuku and Keine nod their heads as they were agreed with Kaori's statement, causing Sakura to smile awkwardly. She never thought that someone like her would be suited for this kind of responsibility because Sakura believes she was never special and just an ordinary woman like everyone else.

And to celebrate Kaori being Eleonora's lovers, Shizuku proposes an idea to let the young bluenette sleep together with her best friend for tonight. Usually, people would be upset and think it's crazy to let her lovers sleep with someone else than her, but it's not weird for them since it can be considered a good chance to get to know each other even more.

Sakura and Keine say that they agreed with it.

"I think it's a good chance for Leo-chan, and that was a perfect idea since things like that are something normal to us. You may not know about this, Shizuku-san, but it is common to us, especially those who are lovers of Leo-chan."

The violet-haired young woman with black-square rimmed glasses nods her head twice. It sounds normal to them since Eleonora's charm always attracts many people, especially women—either taken or not—they were always enthralled by her otherworldly beauty.

"That's right. Leo always does that without trying or is unaware of what she did, but it's not her fault since she was built differently or rather born different. Leo was always a special person, even though she not willingly admit it."

Kaori and Shizuku could agree with Sakura's honest statement. Eleonora only sighs in defeat since she can't do anything about it. She was born like that from the start, and it also brings the young bluenette some good things, which makes anyone jealous of her perfect life. But not all people are jealous or even hate her since she always has good behavior and personality; she also always kind to people who deserve her kindness.

Despite how kind she is, Eleonora surprisingly can't stand a person like Nagumo Hajime. Someone who she helped but constantly grumbled about her, just because she has perfect life than him. Eleonora didn't care about him anymore, and her respect for him was completely gone.

"Then, I might have to break up with Hajime-kun. Honestly, his personality becomes worse each day. He is not like the Hajime-kun whom I knew like before. I know that Hiyama-kun was the one who was causing his suffering, also Kouki-kun or everyone from our class… but still. I don't want to love someone like that."

Kaori says that with a saddened face. Shizuku then gave a pat on her best friend's back, who looked down with a sad expression on her beautiful face. This also upset the black-haired swordswoman since she entrusts Kaori to Hajime back then at Tortus.

"Looks like Nagumo broke his promise to me when it came to Earth."

Shizuku says with an angry tone and looks at her face, making Eleonora think that Hajime was done if both were met again, or worse if the black-haired swordswoman decided to do something terrible to the white-haired young man for making her best friend sad.

To lighten up the mood, Eleonora says something to them.

"Well then, how about we think that later? I am afraid that people waiting for us will be worried if we are late coming home."

She says while offering Kaori a handkerchief to wipe her tears. The black-haired priest nods at her new lovers word, followed by Shizuku, Sakura, and Keine, who nods their heads too since they were agreed. Eleonora, who saw this, then smiled happily.

"Great! Then, shall we quickly go home?"

They nodded their heads. Eleonora and Kaori went together while Shizuku, Sakura, and Keine went in the other direction as they were separated after waving their hands to each other. Immediately, Kaori wrapped Eleonora's right arms and clung to her with a big smile of happiness on her face.

Eleonora, who watches that, could only let out a small scoff and let her new lovers do whatever she wants and be selfish for a while. They didn't care if someone who knew the relationship between Hajime and Kaori, who were lovers, saw them.


This makes the black-haired woman with waist-length hair pouts cutely on Eleonora.

"Kaori. Call me Kaori. We are lovers now."

"Sorry about that. But Kaori, are your parents will let us be together? Since each parent is different, I can't guarantee that yours are the same. Sorry for that."

But Kaori shakes her head because she understands the concern from her new lovers. She knew that when Kaori was dating Hajime, her father disagreed about that and hated the white-haired young man because her father was too protective of her. He appears to be hostile on Hajime only.

"It's okay. If that's you, I think my parents would let us be together, unlike Hajime-kun. My father always acts hostile to him, which is strange for me. Because of that, my mother tries her best to calm him down and have a serious discussion about the future plan of us."

"I see… how is it going on? I hope that went well."

Once again, Kaori shakes her head, but she has disappointed looks that anyone can clearly notice this time. Eleonora, who saw that then understands and gives her lovers the response she needs to hear.

"That didn't go well, huh. What's the reason?"

The black-haired priest let out a small sigh.

"It was because of Hajime-kun's answer. He told them he still had no future plan and couldn't give the answers they didn't like, especially for someone like my father. What he said sounds like not taking our relationship not seriously."

Eleonora could clearly see that since Hajime still has the mind of teenagers who want to have fun first. He has the same thinking as any average teenager who is still not ready to take their relationship to the furthest level.

'Even though he seems mature, but turns out he is still the same, huh. The worries of Kaori's parents are understandable, especially her father, who wants to give them their blessings. We've been texting each other so much, and I began to understand what kind of person Hajime-san is before coming to another world.'

And Kaori continues what she says.

"Honestly, not only that. Hajime-kun also looks like he has an immense hatred towards you, Eleonora. I don't know why he did that since you're our benefactor and helped us return to our world. You did nothing wrong, yet whenever your name was mentioned in our conversation, he began to yell at me. Even on one of our dates. It worries me."

Seeing the saddened face of Kaori makes Eleonora wants to comfort her and embrace the black-haired young woman into her arms even more. The young bluenette then brings her lips closer to Kaori's forehead and gives it a light peck, causing a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Don't worry about that. Don't think so much, or it will hurt you. Your parents know what's best for you, although sometimes it's okay for us to decide what is best for ourselves. From what I know, your parents always do their best for you, and I think that's wonderful. They might have the reason for it."

Kaori went quiet and thought through what Eleonora was saying to her. The young bluenette continues.

"I know each family isn't so bright like mine, but I just want you to think again about it. If possible, Kaori, you can have a family talk with them. You convince them to understand you while I also have to do the same thing. Not all parents are bad. Sure there were some of them, but not all of them are like that."

Hearing those words from her lovers, Kaori nodded her head and smiled with confidence.

"Okay! I will try that, Eleonora. What we did was just have to understand each other. Although I would break up with Hajime-kun since I simply cannot understand him anymore. I'm sorry about that. It sounds heartless for me."

"Well, that's kind of heartless, but if you want it, then you shouldn't hold it back. But you're not mad at me, right? Because of me that you have to break up with your longest crush and boyfriend."

"No. It's okay. It was naïve of me to think that Hajime-kun would be the same as before. He certainly changed, and… my feeling towards him also became less each time we were together. What I've felt towards him in the past was only a spark of interest and admiration."

"And what about towards me?"

When being asked like that, Kaori quieted for a moment, then gave her the answer.

"I feel love. Not like when with Hajime-kun. It's genuine love. I feel safe and comfortable with you. I want to be happier with you. I want to spend more of my time with you. I even dreamed of being your wife and having a marriage with you, Eleonora."

Eleonora feels happy seeing the genuine smile of happiness from Kaori. Even more with the honesty from what Kaori said, she was delighted when she heard that. Once again, Eleonora felt like being the happiest woman in the world.

Though she is always happy and does not suffer significant sadness situations.


I Love Onee-sama: "Good evening, everyone. Have you ever heard that the case of fictional beings becomes real? Or somewhere out there that we were actually from fictional stories and created by some people?"

Pudding Lovers: "I have already aware of that, nepu! All of you seem late to realize that, and don't freak out or anything. It is actually quite normal and nothing serious. Don't sweat it."

The Nightmare: "That was quite random, @I Love Onee-sama-san. But I think worrying about it won't help us either, so I am agreed with Neptune-san. Even if I was actually coming from fictional stories, I doubt that will change anything for me."

Pudding Lovers: "Whoah, Kurumin! Are you sure about that? I mean, what if you were actually designed to be a character with a tragic backstory? Isn't that means someone who created that kinda means? Or heartless?"

The Nightmare: "I'm sure about that, Neptune-san. Crying over it or being mad at them would be the wrong move for me. Nothing good would come out of that."

The Golden Fox of Kyoto: "I also agreed with @The Nightmare-san. That would be no different than now. If we are created by some people on their fictional stories, then it would imply they were akin of god in a sense, which is no different than what I have been experienced."

I Love Onee-sama: "I'm sorry if what I bring as the topic is very random, but I was kind of curious about that since I began to read some of the stories related to that, they have always included multiverse or such thing."

The Florist Succubus: "That was surprising! I don't know that you are reading that kind of story. It has been said that people who wrote a story like that are otaku, right? People say that otaku are gross, disgusting, anti-social, shut-in, etc."

Eleonora True Soulmate: "I think it's only implied to otaku with weird-looking appearance. Or someone who looks suspicious. Some otaku is known to be quite gross at stalking someone they have been admired and causing disruption to people."

Queen of Sweets: "Actually, I think it's good if all of us see it by ourselves. There is an idiom from my world that "seeing is believing," so I think we should witness it ourselves rather than judge based on what we heard."

Eleonora True Soulmate: "Nice, Eleonora. I am agreed with you."

King of Knight: "I think if we were based on fictional stories or things like that would do nothing different. A lot of people or Servant in Chaldea was based on fictional stories. Some may be frightened or shocked, but others just calmly accept that as the part of their existence."

Demon Mommy: "Certainly. Although people who are still frightened and shocked have to get used to that fact for a while, not all willingly accept it that quickly. Some people are different, after all."

Eleonora True Soulmate: "I don't care that much if that happened to me."

Demon Sword Muramasa: "I think… I will hardly accept it. Yeah, I might have to get used to it."

Sword Princess: "Me too. I am with @Demon Sword Muramasa."

The Strongest Ice Queen: "I think that won't do any different to me. People who hardly accept it have their own reasons, one of them maybe because they don't have a good history or something terrible has happened in their life. I can understand that."

Demon Sword Muramasa: "You were surprisingly understanding, @The Strongest Ice Queen."

The Strongest Ice Queen: "Because I am not the same person as before. I have changed and hopefully be a good person, unlike before. It's quite sad that I realized it too late."

The Nightmare: "@Demon Sword Muramasa-san, don't worry. Esdeath-san is kind enough to me or sometimes to people around her. Esdeath-san, please don't be sad again about that. At the very least, you were given a chance to be a better person than before."

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "I am absolutely agreed with @Eleonora True Soulmate and @The Strongest Ice Queen. It means nothing to me since the important one is that story becomes the one who created me and made me alive. Simply said, without those stories, I won't be born like now."

Titania The Fairy Queen: "Indeed. Without those stories, we won't exist and talk with each other like now. Honestly, I do not care about it since I have my friends and family. As long as they were with me, I do not care even if I was born from someone's imagination."

Queen of Sweets: "I think we have our opinions regarding this, and we can't force them. But I think this so-called random topic was good. Because you started this topic, I remember that some of the people who are identified as fictional characters are currently transported to my world."

Pudding Lovers: "Nepu?! Is that true, Noura?! What kind of series are they from?! Tell me please, three thousand please!"

Queen of Sweets: "Fufu. I will save that for later discussion. I have a promise with them, after all."

I Love Onee-sama: "A-Ah… thank you for that, @Queen of Sweets-san. I don't know that will be a helpful or useful topic. This is just a random thought that I want to share with everyone here."

The Golden Fox of Kyoto: "I think that was an interesting discussion. After all, we are not limiting the topic to anything useful or important. Feel free to talk about everything in here. If some don't know about that topic, then it's our job to help them, so they can enjoy it too."

King of Knight: "Certainly. Don't hesitate to throw anything that can be a topic of discussion."

I Love Onee-sama: "Thank you so much, everyone! I will surely remember that."


After Eleonora and Kaori went together to Shirasaki's house or specifically Kaori's house, the young bluenette received a warm welcome from her lovers' family. When Kaori's mother, Shirasaki Kaoruko, asked who the girl beside her daughter was, the black-haired priest of the former Hero's party answered without missing a single beat and did not hesitate.

She told her mother that Eleonora was her lover, which shocked her since the woman only knew that Kaori's boyfriend or lovers were Nagumo Hajime and not someone named Eleonora Pendragon. Also, she is the same gender as Kaori, which added more confusion as Kaoruko questioned her daughter's sexuality. She then asks Kaori again to confirm what she hears is not wrong, but then the black-haired beauty nonchalantly says that Eleonora is indeed her lovers or the new one.

After a long talk, which is around an hour and a half, Kaoruko has already accepted that her daughter intended to break up with Hajime, her boyfriend, and becomes Eleonora's lover. She loves Eleonora and is happier with her. Seeing that, Kaoruko began to understand since she could sense or feel that Eleonora was the right choice for her daughter.

The young bluenette even proved to Kaoruko what she could, surprising Kaori's mother that she is vastly better than Nagumo Hajime. Even Shirasaki Tomoichi, the doting and overprotective father of Kaori, instantly accepts Eleonora as his daughter's lover and tells her to call him father-in-law since the man prefers Eleonora rather than Hajime.

Although Eleonora does not brag about her achievements or feats, she convinces Kaori's parents by telling them anything about her. She told them that she was serious about marrying their daughter when she was sixteen.

Kaori even told her parents that Eleonora was her true love. She even said that her love towards Hajime was nothing but admiration rather than a romantic feeling. Both Kaori's parents nod in agreement, especially Tomoichi, who doesn't like the young man at the start.

And then, after introducing Eleonora to her parents, Kaori told them that her lovers would stay in her room for tonight. They gave them permission without hesitation since they thought it would provide them with an excellent chance to deepen their relationship.

"Eleonora-kun, since you would stay over tonight, let's have dinner with us. Not only Kaori, but I also want to know more about my daughter-in-law, isn't it? It's good that my angel Kaori found someone who was perfect for her."

He says that with tears of happiness from his eyes. His wife and daughter sweatdrop seeing Tomoichi like that, including Eleonora, who saw the interesting behavior of her father-in-law. Though, Eleonora didn't deny the offer from her father-in-law about having dinner with them.

She wants to know about them too, so Eleonora nods her head to Tomoichi.

"If you were not bothered, then I happily accept it, Otou-san."

That's right. Both Tomoichi and Kaoruko told Eleonora to call them Otou-san and Okaa-san, which made Kaori blush in embarrassment and happiness at the same time. They fully acknowledged Eleonora as her lover and gave her their blessings and support if they were saying that.

Tomoichi waved off his hand to Eleonora nonchalantly and smiled.

"I am not bothered at all. That was better than that brat. Don't you think, honey?"

He turned to his wife, who nodded at him. She was agreed with her husband since Kaori's parents have no problem with that.

"Although I am not like my husband, who dislikes Hajime-kun, we are not bothered at all."

"There. Come on, let's eat, or it will get cold."

They then began to eat their dinner when Tomoichi was saying that. The dinner was pretty warm, and Eleonora liked that. Sometimes the young couple even flirts with Kaori's parents around them. Like Kaori feed Eleonora, which Kaori's parents find adorable what the young couple does.

Eleonora also did not forget to talk with Tomoichi and Kaoruko. Discuss anything that came on their minds. Although some of them are about Eleonora. The young bluenette may realize this too late, but she was amazed that Kaori's parents are okay with a lesbian relationship between her and Kaori.

They talked about when they were married, their current plan, and anything. Eleonora gives them satisfying answers, unlike Hajime, who is still unclear about his future plan. Because Eleonora was already thinking of that, she had enough money to raise her family. She is also currently the owner of the re-opened amusement park that quickly became a success within such a short time.

'I'm not someone who goes to a fight or battle without decent preparation, after all. Having a family will require a lot of money and time. Love was not enough to cover that. Let's not forget that my lovers would also be increased through time. It is definitely not an easy task.'

Eleonora nodded inwardly. She was not naïve or stupid like those who only relied on the love and believed that their love would overcome any hardship. She also told Kaori's parents about her business, which surprised them again, and they believe Eleonora is definitely the perfect person for their daughter.

"You are still young yet have a bright future and career. You really full of surprises, Eleonora-kun."

Eleonora chuckles and politely nods at that mention from Tomoichi. She then hears the similar from Kaoruko.

"That's right. But it still surprises me that you were four years younger than our Kaori. But you have an adult-like appearance with an adult mindset."

"Otou-san, my homeroom teacher Aiko-sensei also kind of like Eleonora. She has a young girl appearance although she is 25 years old. I think it's normal for Eleonora to be like that."

"Oh! That's right. I have forgotten about her."

They then chuckle and continue their dinner. After dinner and having a bath, Tomoichi, and Kaoruko say good night with mischievous smiles on their faces, causing Kaori's cheeks to be entirely red like a tomato because she feels embarrassed when noticed.

Eleonora only smiles with sweatdrops seeing that expression from Tomoichi and Kaoruko.