Eleonora Harem Grow Even More

While Eleonora had to witness the confessions from Shizuku's classmates, which surprised her despite getting the gist, the young girl accepts their love since she also felt the same feelings and returned them. The young bluenette isn't like any typical harem protagonist who is dense and doesn't appreciate their feelings nor is forced to accept their affections. People would call it bullshit or makes no sense, but love always is like that.

Eleonora loves the girls of Shizuku's class, too, including Hatayama Aiko, the homeroom teacher of Shizuku and Kaori's class. They also agreed to share Eleonora with others and not argue who would win Eleonora's affection like any typical harem. After all, the 13 years old chairman with an adult appearance and mind will always love them moderately.

Eleonora is kind of embarrassed when those girls confess their love to her, but nonetheless, she accepts it and then moves on to the next object for today. She was planning to find any house big enough to have at very least one hundred people in it. If there is none, she has no choice but to find vacant land or a plot of land, so she would build her own house.

Although she needs the bigger one. Or if it's not up to her standard, then she can buy an island. A private island for her own use and her harem. It sounds tempting for vacation use, but it won't do them justice for everyday use.

And after approximately 3 hours of searching for any real estate agent, Eleonora and the group didn't find a single house according to what she wanted. She was slumped down and let a long depressed sigh out of her mouth while her back was being patted by Shizuku and Kaori. They then settled themselves in another café and tried to take a break for a moment.

"Alright, let's take a break. Well, searching for any kind of house according to yours is kind of hard, Leo. There are not many people who have one hundred people living in except in dorm or sort of. Maybe something like a house for emperors or anything will suit you."

Sakura said that while crossing her arms, and Keine agreed with what she said; even the other girls also voiced their agreement with the fact that came from Kagamihara Sakura's lips.

"Y-Yeah, Eleonora-san! Don't be dejected. It's normal since nowadays there are no such people who live with one hundred people or more. I mean, the only choice left for us is maybe buying a plot of land and building our own house."

Aiko's cheeks suddenly red when she said the word 'our own house' and realized what she was saying as she covered her face with hands. Eleonora and others who saw it just chuckled, seeing the adorable reaction of the older woman with a petite figure.

But then Yuka spoke.

"As Aiko-chan said, I think the best choice is to buy a plot of land and build our own house. If we buy land, we can do anything with it if we need renovation, without bothering our neighbour or anything. Of course, with magic you have, we can do some little trick about it, like, for example, expanding the land or creating some spatial space within the house."

The chestnut-colored hair suggested that to Eleonora. Everyone around her was in awe of that idea. Although it's normal and nothing special, according to Yuka herself. What she said was nothing that unique and something that everyone could come up with, but she was nervous seeing the admiration she got from everyone around her. There is also a faint blush on her cheeks, hinting that Yuka is a bit embarrassed by their exaggerated reaction.

Eleonora just chuckled and nodded with that as she agreed with the suggestion from Yuka.

"You're right. Looks like buying a plot of land is the best choice and building our own house. Although it would cost a lot, money isn't my problem. Also, with the future situation that my harem will be increased even more, I think one plot of land won't suffice."

Taeko nodded at this. The wavy brown-haired girl, Sugawara Taeko, knew that with Eleonora's harem increased over time, one plot of land wouldn't be enough to build a house for them.

"Uhm. That's right. With that situation, regular houses and land are already not enough. Since there will be more than one hundred people living with us in the future, sure. Although for now, one hundred is enough number, and we can just expand or add more land to make more rooms or building later."

"I'm agreed with Tae-chan! One hundred is enough for now. Isn't that right, Mao-chan, Aya-chan?"

Sugawara Taeko's best friend, Miyazaki Nana, is a young girl with long light brown hair stylized a lock into a side ponytail. She asked that to the other girls besides her. One is a girl with brown short-neck hair and light-blue eyes, while the other has a light-brown short-hair and exposed forehead and black eyes.

Those two are Yoshino Mao and Tsuji Ayako. Both nodded their heads to Nana's words as they agreed with that since those numbers are enough just for now. Especially Mao, who thought it would be great if they thought about another matter for later.

"You're right, Nana. But I think the other thing would be great if we discussed it later. For now, let's just settle with this. Let's not think too hard and just buys a plot of land that is large enough for at least several building. But not only a house, but another building also necessary."

Ayako nodded her head at Mao's suggestion.

"Uhm, I think it's right. We also should think about areas like the garden, parking area, rest area, and anything else. I-I mean if anyone else has some hobbies or jobs related to that. It would be great if we have our garden or private area around the land we have."

Eleonora agreed and nodded at this. What Ayako has said is correct, and the bluenette doesn't want the land to be occupied by houses, so if they're going to buy a plot of land, it has to be large enough to fit all of it. Maybe half the size of Honshu Island, or a quarter of it.

She has no choice but to buy land, but not small; instead, it's something big. But a plot of land that fits all of that is a private island; she doesn't want that. Access to a city or town would be difficult if she chose that, but another option may be underground or things like that.

'What Ayako was said is correct. Although the chance of getting a plot of land that is currently empty is kind of low, that's the best option we have. Considering our situation, the family members will grow larger than now in the future.'

The young bluenette sighed again and felt a slight headache from thinking of this. The young bluenette got a gentle stroke on the back by the homeroom teacher of Shizuku's class, the loli teacher Hatayama Aiko, who was often mistaken as a child due to her petite childlike figure, who has a kind smile and worried face to the young bluenette.

"Eleonora-san, don't overthink about it! We can find the solution together since we will live together in the future! This is not your problem alone. Right, everyone?"

Aiko said that while turning back to everyone who nodded their heads as they were agreed with that. The loli teacher then looked at Eleonora again, assuring the young bluenette that what she said was true and no lies within it by gripping both her petite hands and serious face.

Eleonora quieted for a bit before chuckling and patted Aiko's head gently, causing the loli teacher to blush in embarrassment. Still, she does not reject that and enjoys the sensation from her bluenette's lover. The dark brown-haired teacher felt that she got a reward from Eleonora and felt great for her.

She even smiled and purred at the gentle pat of Eleonora's hands. The young bluenette just let out a small huff and smiled at everyone in turn.

"Sorry about that, everyone. But what Ayako was said is correct. We need to own a plot of land, not just any land. The size must be large enough to fit areas like the garden, parking area, rest area, and anything else."

"Hmm… then again, is there any free or empty land that has the size of that in Japan? And since Japan itself is quite small compared to other countries, it's hard nowadays to find something like that. Unless our government was doing reclamation."

Nakamura Eri, the former necromancer who hid her evil personality that was rewritten by Eleonora to be good, said that to everyone. But what she said caused them to be quiet; the atmosphere suddenly changed and made the former simp of Amanogawa Kouki and yandere to him panicked.

She has a slight panic due to her response after saying that.

"I-I'm sorry if there is something wrong in my words!"

What she got from it was the chuckles of everyone around her. Shizuku waved her hands to Eri and gave her the answer from the confused short black-haired girl with a bob haircut.

"Nothing wrong since it's basically true, Eri. It is pretty hard to find any unoccupied land in Japan. Moreover, it's a country island, and the size is relatively small compared to other countries. But reclamation is indeed the option to solve that."

Kaori nodded at Shizuku's statement. The black-haired ponytail swordswoman then continued.

"Then again, maybe we can find unoccupied land in Japan of Eleonora's world if we couldn't find one in our Japan. Isn't that right?"

Shizuku sent Eleonora a smile and knowing look, which was goes noticed by the young bluenette, and nodded at it. Everyone except Eleonora, Shizuku, Kaori, Sakura, and Keine was confused by the ponytailed swordswoman's words of it.

"Yaegashi-san, what do you mean about that?"

"First, just call me Shizuku and don't be so formal. Second, it is like what I was said. We can just go to the Japan of Eleonora's world and find one plot of land with that kind of size. Maybe we can just buy some nice and big house that half the size of what we want in here."

Shizuku said that while showing her two fingers on Yuka.

"But another world… again. Is that even possible with our current situation?"

Despite the doubting tone from Yuka's question, she is also curious about traveling to another world without much difficulty like that. Since, according to what Shizuku said just now, she made the idea that traveling to another world can be done so easily.

Although she didn't forget that Eleonora was the one who sent them back to their home. But… it still shocked her and her classmate.

"100% possible. You don't think Eleonora is coming from the same world as us, right? She is indeed from Japan, but different from our Japan. In there, her world is slightly advanced and undergo some drastic changes."

"Um, yeah. My world right now has something like magic, monsters, dungeon, etc. Much likes from those popular manhwas, like Solo Leveling, for example. Other races were trying their best to co-exist with humans and form a mutual relationship that benefits each other."

"That's right. Anyway, we should find a lovely large house first in here. A house with 10 rooms with a big garden. Each room can be used for at least two people. As much as we want to sleep together with Leo, accommodating our own rooms is also important."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement with Sakura's idea. As much as they want to cuddle and sleep together with Eleonora in the same room, they also have to give the young bluenette a sense of privacy and their own rooms if they want to sleep in their own room.

Sakura nodded and smiled seeing this. Eleonora also smiled.

"Good. Then, we should find the real estate agent again. Maybe this time, we could find a house that is at least decent for us to live together."

They were nodded and began to find again another real estate agent that would satisfy the requirements they wanted for the house they would be using in the future with Eleonora.


Theodore Pendragon was currently having a good day, even though he became the current chairman of Roozlent Company. He never felt better, especially since his family curse was lifted or removed by his own daughter without breaking any sweat. Though, he thinks that her daughter should do it earlier. But it wasn't his daughter's fault since both Theodore and Yuuka are at fault here because they weren't told Eleonora about his own condition earlier.

It's also thanks to Eleonora that Theodore has gotten a few years younger. His body became younger than before, and his appearance too. His strength returned to its prime and peak; Theodore never felt any better before. He thought that nothing could stop him except his own daughter, who became several times more powerful than him. He is still in disbelief that Eleonora, who is still 13 years old, can surpass him and become the strongest in this world in such a short amount of time.

Stretching his arms and loosening up his tired shoulders, Theodore tried to relax after the long day of work for today. He tried to get used again to this kind of work after a long time not doing it, but the father of Eleonora was still amazed at how his daughter handled this by herself.

Theodore cracked his neck and let out a long sigh.

"Seriously, Elly… how you can do this many works is still beyond me. You decide to shoulders all of this is amazing. Not to mention she still strives for perfection or makes minor mistakes. Isn't that right, Belfast?"

He said that while his eyes glanced at his assistant and one of the maids that serves his family. The said maid just nodded and merely put a slight smile on her lips. Belfast is a young woman in her early twenties with long silver hair that reaches her hips and blue eyes while wearing the maid uniform that was the standard uniform of a maid in Pendragon's household.

"Indeed, Theodore-sama. Eleonora-sama is a simply wonderful person that will, without a doubt, brings the Pendragon's household in its glory. Despite the claims that she is an ordinary, Eleonora-sama is not ordinary at all."

Theodore just simply laughed at that and nodded, agreeing with Belfast. He always shook his head at the stubbornness of Eleonora to claim that she was just ordinary like everyone else. At the same time, she is absolutely nothing ordinary at all from anyone's perspective.

"You're right, but I hope she will change that kind of thinking about herself. I don't know if it can be categorized as low self-esteem, but she did indeed think of herself as nothing special. I bet any ordinary people will rage quit and curse on themselves. Or worse yet, they will be depressed because of Elly's perspective."

Belfast merely nods at her master's word since it's true. She was not seeing any lie on that because the daughter of Theodore sometimes refers to herself as no one special despite Eleonora's words being the exact opposite of what actually happens.

Theodore then continued while taking a cup of coffee that was already being poured by Belfast. It's one of the best coffee and his favorite. It's not the kind of coffee sold in any store, but rather just the original blend, and the seeds themselves are the new type.

"That's why I hope she would learn anything with this dimension traveling trip she has with her new friends. Both I and Yuuka already taught her everything she needs, also sometimes experiencing it by herself is a good thing."

"I'm sure she will, Theodore-sama. You don't have to worry, since Eleonora-sama is always eager to learn anything new, and from what I've known from Curacoa-san, she is trying to change herself to be a better person."

Theodore blinked, and a smirk was evident in his mouth.

"Huh, so she aware of that. Elly may be called perfect in any sense, but she still that perfection is nothing that good. I mean, she is too kind and sometimes blames herself when it's not her fault. I just hope she is not developing into someone bad."

He already knows that Eleonora is too kind and can easily forgive someone. Theodore also knew that Eleonora sometimes blamed herself when nothing was her fault. Because Eleonora was trying to be a perfect person who has no flaw or at the very least flawless, and in her opinion, she has to be kind and forgive someone so easily.

That's why she was be called Perfect Woman and Mary Sue. Her trip from Tortus made her realize that Eleonora has to be someone who doesn't easily forgive someone since her encounter with someone like Nagumo Hajime. Since she stole his harem or lovers and claimed it as hers.

Theodore put down the cup and then turned his head to Belfast and said something.

"Anyway, when you want to confess your love to my daughter, Belfast? Curacoa already did that; I'm just curious since you're showing the sign of it, and Elly knows that but doesn't want to force you to admit it. She's waiting for that, you know."

Due to Theodore's sudden question, Belfast lets out a sudden cough since she is kind of surprised and trying to compose herself while her cheeks remain slightly red. She then cleared her throat and gave him the response.

"Please, Theodore-sama. Now is not the right time to ask that."

"Nah, it's the right time since I decide that. I knew some of your friends showed the sign of love but were shy to confess their feeling to Elly. And that's why I also want to hear your answer. How's that?"

Belfast just shook her head and sighed tiredly at Theodore's childish behavior right now, smirking at her because he was waiting for the answer from the silver-haired maid currently accompanying him.


Nighttime had come, and the sky was replaced by a dark color. Eleonora and her group have already found a house that, at least according to what they want for now. Despite not completely fulfilling their requirements, this one will be enough.

A house big enough with 10 rooms, with a big garden on top of it. Ten rooms are only for bedrooms, while the house still has other rooms, so it can be said the house has more than ten rooms. Eleonora paid the agents handsomely, without missing a beat since the price was so cheap from the young bluenette's sense of money while it might be costly for others.

"Alright, when will we move in? I mean, if anyone wants to live together quickly, then I am happy to do that."

Eleonora was saying that while looking at everyone. They stared at each other, then smiled on their lips while nodding their heads. But Sakura was the one who spoke first before anyone did.

"I have already decided that a long time ago, Leo. My parents already agreed, yet Nadeshiko is reluctant since she has no one to hike her to somewhere far enough. Basically, only Nadeshiko, but I think she will understand if you were the one who told her."

Since their parents have already given Eleonora permission, Keine, Shizuku, and Kaori nod their heads. The other girls still haven't told their parents or families about this, so they might need more time, as long as it is not too long.

Eleonora smiled and looked at Aiko's group. She understands the look on their faces and nods; even though they were smiling, they also worried that their families didn't allow them to live together with Eleonora.

She will have to talk with their families after this or maybe tomorrow. Maybe convince them enough to live separately from their own families and create a new family with Eleonora. It is another objective she has on this world before coming home.

Though, Eleonora won't pressure or force them to agree with her.

'Good. My business in here is almost done. Next will be Aiko's families and others.'

As she was thinking of that, the young bluenette then turned to Sakura, spoke to the violet-haired woman, and gave her the answer.

"Yeah, maybe after this is done. Don't worry about it."

"If you said that, then I have no worries left. Seriously, that girl needs to be independent. But then again, she becomes like that because my parents, along with you, spoil her so much."

Sakura sighed tiredly and shook her head.

The young bluenette scratched her cheeks and laughed nervously. Eleonora really did that. She is kind of guilty to Sakura, who always has to discipline and scold Nadeshiko because Eleonora spoiled the pink-haired girl too much.

"Indeed. Leo-chan's habit is good and bad. It's a double-edged sword. That's why you must balance it and not spoil someone too much. Okay, Leo-chan?"

Even Keine has agreed to Sakura's statement. The other girls who watched it just giggled in amusement, seeing the young bluenette were scolded by her lovers like that.

"Sorry about that. I promise to be more strict towards Nadeshiko-chan! And I also promise to not spoil someone too much!"

The young bluenette said that while bowing and clapping her hands to Sakura and Keine in an apology manner. Both Sakura and Keine, who see that, just chuckle and smile at Eleonora since they see their lovers' seriousness.

"Alright, alright. I knew that you wouldn't stop spoiling someone, but at least be stricter than before. At least have some limit at spoiling someone. You would definitely do that to our child in the future anyway."

"That's right. At least don't go overboard with it, Leo-chan."

Eleonora nodded.

"I know. Alright, how about we go home for now? I'm sorry to say this, but you all won't be able to live with me for the next few or several days. Is that okay, Yuka, Aiko, Suzu, Eri, Ayako, Mao, Nana, and Taeko?"

Eleonora says that with a regretful expression on her face towards the girls she was mentioned. They were nodded as they understood what their lovers meant. It's normal since they still haven't gotten permission from their families.

"We know that, and don't worry. We can convince our families to let us live together later."

Aiko and Suzu nodded at Yuka.

"She's right, Eleonora-san! I'm sure my families and others will understand if we explain it carefully."

"Umh! Like what Ai-chan-sensei said."

Eri, Ayako, and Taeko nodded shyly at that.

"Please don't worry and think of it by yourself, Eleonora-san. We can think of it together. It's not your problem alone anyway."

"Yes, what Eri-san said is true."

"Y-Yeah. I'm also agreed with them."

Nana nodded cheerfully while Mao slightly nodded.

"We can just think of the solution together! So don't worry too much about it."

"Yeah, it's useless to think of it alone. After all, we are lovers, so we did it together."

Eleonora has a warm smile on her face when hearing that. She also felt something wrap her right arm and looked at it. Kaori did that as she looked at Eleonora with a loving smile and Shizuku, who nodded.

The young bluenette also felt something on her shoulders. It was Sakura and Keine's hands.

"Don't worry about it too much, Leo. We still have plenty of time; there is no need to rush it."

"Sakura-san's is correct, Leo-chan. Since we finished with finding a house, we can carefully think of another thing."

"I agree with that, Eleonora. Enjoy our time a bit more before we live together at our new house."

"Kaori's right. I mean, I just come back and want to be nostalgic with everything around me. There is a lot of things we must do before going to your world."

The young bluenette went silent and stunned by everyone's words and nodded at them as she understood that.

"…Good grief. You all were so kind, and I felt like being blessed by that. Thanks anyway."