Everyone want to protect!

Sumi and Sonoko were impressed by the cooperation of Eleonora and her lovers. Even though the young bluenette has many lovers, they aren't against each other or competing about who is the better choice for Eleonora. As an author that wrote a romantic story, Sonoko was gaping like a goldfish at this scene she witnessed. They treated each other with respect and care; no one seemed jealous or anything. As if they are treating it as a regular thing.

A well-built and good harem. It is the best word to describe Eleonora's harem. The two heroes' cheeks heated up in embarrassment seeing most of Eleonora's lovers kiss the young bluenette on the lips without shame or shyness.

'Gin doesn't even mind it… usually, she would be embarrassed and shy, even though she wasn't involved or anything. Just what kind of person is Eleonora-san? She is two years older than us, but her appearance is adult. Not to mention her behavior and personality, she is really an adult at a young age.'

'Mino-san has really changed! She seems like an adult. Although it's just a few days here, it's already at least a month or a few in another world for her. She is also more feminine, and… whenever Eleonora-san and Mino-san's eyes met, they stared at each other with loving eyes!'

With that thought, Sumi and Sonoko turned and stared at each other and nodded, already confirming what they saw on their best friend. Something undeniable for them, but it's a good thing and probably the best for Gin.

'Gin/Mino-san are in love with Eleonora-san.'

Indeed. It's self-evident for the two heroes since Gin shows the proof without her realizing it could be seen by Sumi and Sonoko even though they have no experience in romantic love. Although for the latter, Sonoko is a bit experienced because she wrote a romantic novel, but not in a sense. She was never dating anyone anyway.

But, Sumi and Sonoko felt a bit jealous of Gin. Because they also want Eleonora. Gin found someone who could be the groom or a person who would stay with her forever and be a family. Her dream and wish are partially fulfilled, so that's why despite the jealousy, they are also happy for Gin.

After going inside the house, Eleonora and Gin toured their guests while the souvenirs that Sumi and Sonoko brought were kept inside the fridge by Eri and Chiyuki. The happiness shown on Gin's face was very obvious; she laughed cheerily with her friends during their talk. Eleonora and others were happy seeing that the warm atmosphere set around them.

"And that's why I have learned about magic. Eleonora's training also helped us a lot. I bet that I could one-kill Vertex by myself without breaking a sweat!"

Gin said that with much confidence and grinned smugly with pride. Sonoko's eyes beamed in excitement as she was curious about that, while Sumi just let out a tired sigh and shook her head at the overconfidence shown by her grey-haired friend.

"That was amazing, Mino-san! I also want to join this training you speak of!"

This caused Sumi to blink in shock at what her leader of the heroes said. She couldn't believe what her ears heard from Sonoko, who said that without proper thinking. Although the bow-user is always a bit paranoid, she did that for everyone's safety by calculating and thinking thoroughly.

"Sonocchi?! Are you insane…?"

"But Wasshi, if we did join this, we can put up a better fight with the Vertexes! Mino-san said she trained in a special room with a different time flow! Isn't it amazing? We can get a lot stronger than before quickly, and we don't know how much trust we can put on Taisha…."


The mention of that from Sonoko caused Sumi to adopt a sad expression on her face. What she said wasn't wrong, but it also felt not right either. Yet, she thought it was the best choice to join this training. The black-haired ponytail knew something had happened with Taisha and how much secrecy they held.

The atmosphere suddenly turned sour. Gin and others who witnessed this weren't sure what expression they should wear. Maybe awkward since it seems the correct expression to have. Her grey eyes turn to Eleonora, causing the bluenette to nod in understanding.

Eleonora then coughed and caught the attention of Sumi and Sonoko.

"Sumi-san, Sonoko-san. Please don't worry about it. We can deal with that later, and you can join us in training. For now, how about we enjoy the time with ourselves? We don't have to think so much about a serious thing for a while."

"Yeah, she's right, you two! The whole serious thing could be handled later. Didn't you have another goal today? For having fun! Isn't that right?"

"Gin-san's right. Put aside that and just focus on your today's objective. It's no good if you mix it at the same time. We are also excited about the sleepover. Maybe we can share something and deepen our relationship as friends, better than just acquaintances."

Sonoka said that and earned approval nods from the others, except Sumi and Sonoko. After all, they want to be friends with the dirty-blonde girl and black-haired ponytail girl. The two heroes suffer some unexplained things from the Taisha organization and feel like they are being used by them; that's why Eleonora and her lovers want to save and befriend them.

"Sonoka-nee's right, Sumi-san, Sonoko-san. Don't worry too much. You can count on us. We, except Gin, Ayako, Mao, and Eri, may not be a hero… but we can do things like them. Or even better. Saving someone in trouble isn't only restricted to hero; anyone does."

That word deep imprinted in Sumi and Sonoko's hearts.

"And, a hero is also a human or just a mortal. They weren't the cold-hollowed machine that always follows someone's order. They also needed a rest or broke to maintain themselves. That's why I'm looking forwards to tonight's sleepover."

Eleonora said that with her beautiful and charming smile. Her charisma also helped, making both Sumi and Sonoko convinced for some reason. They nodded and understood that.

"If that is so, then we have nothing to worry about. Right, Sonocchi?"

"Of course, Wasshi! You should trust Eleonora-san without a doubt right away!"

After Sonoko said that, with so much trust in Eleonora, they laughed and caused the dirty-blonde girl to pout because her friends seemed to make fun of her. Though, they did not have that kind of intention as they were just joking with Sonoko.

"Uuuh! Why are you laughing…?"

Gin shed a tear from her laugh; even Sumi tried her best to hold it as she didn't want to show her undignified side. The same goes for Eleonora and others; they tried to keep their laughs. Some of them held their sides, which caused Sonoko to pout and upset even more.

Since no one was giving Sonoko the answer, Eleonora spoke to her.

"Sonoko-san, I am happy that you trust me that much, but you shouldn't say that. You'll end up being used if you trust someone easily without considering it."

Sonoko tilted her head in confusion as the pout on her cheeks vanished.

"Why did you say that, Eleonora-san? Isn't it wrong to trust you? I mean, Mino-san even trusts you, and I know she isn't wrong with trusting someone."

"Let's just say… for insurance. If possible, I don't want you to trust someone blindly without knowing that person. Still, I am glad that I have gained your trust, and that's why I will work hard to be someone worth your trust."

"Of course! I am not wrong to trust you, Eleonora-san. Mino-san, your lovers, and even Wasshi had put their utmost trust on you, so why wouldn't I do the same?"

This caused everyone to smile wholeheartedly at how honest Sonoko said. Eleonora, who could easily recognize lies and truth, knew the young girl with dirty-blonde hair in front of her was telling the truth without being twisted or anything.

She is grateful that someone put that much trust in her. Her blue eyes also caught the series of nods from everyone around her, even from Sumi, that she indicated a tough person to gain trust. Someone like Sumi isn't letting someone too quickly gain her trust, yet Eleonora did that.

A clap's sound was heard and caught their attention, breaking the mood that demanded change. It was Sonoka who smiled at everyone, including Sumi and Sonoko. She did it on purpose since the carnation pink-haired woman noticed the skies turned dark.

"Alright, everyone, it's almost evening, so why not start making dinner? It's my turn this time since Gin-san has already done it with breakfast and Eri-san with lunch."

"Oh, Sonoka-nee's cooking? I can't wait for it."

"Oh, oh…! Is that delicious?! I want to taste it!"

Sonoko's eyes sparkled with excitement, and she got a nod as the response from Sonoka. This makes her even more excited. After all, she loves food and eats them. Those who already had the cooking of Sonoka knew that it was indeed delicious.

"Okay! Let's prepare the dinner then!"

With Gin saying that, everyone nodded and began to prepare for the dinner and baths and change of clothes for their guests who would stay overnight for a sleepover.


"Well, well. To think Eleonora would do something outrageous stunt like that. She went so far as to manipulate the flow of times in Gin's world just for the sake of making Gin enjoy her second life with her family and friends. She wants that girl to grow as a person, although the mentality has changed drastically—no, safe to say that there is remains some of Gin's childishness."

The god that kept watching Eleonora said it while pondering again, rubbing its chin as he wasn't sure about that. He also settled the problem with the three goddesses, albeit temporary, until a permanent solution arose. He can just use Eleonora as the solution, but it's not yet time for them to meet each other.

"I want her to meet them in that world. Yeah, the world where Ais Wallenstein lives in. She has to meet at least one of the goddesses there and ascend to godhood. I mean, Eleonora only needs 30% left or so to ultimately become a goddess. That itself not so hard for her."

He nodded thrice when thinking of that. It's not that hard for Eleonora to fill the remaining 30% of her divinity, but the young bluenette also couldn't carelessly kill gods that did nothing wrong. That would lead to many problems, like in any Chinese martial arts novel, which causes the protagonist to suffer eternally.

He doesn't want his favorite person or mortal to experience something like that. It's already enough for Eleonora to be hated by some male protagonist of harem series or so that has many love interests, which might be stolen by the young bluenette if she did land on that world.

"Thankfully, there is no conflict bullshit in her world like in those manhwas or manhua with a similar theme. Although some of the awakened are stupid and chuunibyou to the max. Heaven, there is even exists retard people."

He shook his head and sighed in exasperation. If he can, then those people could receive a divine punishment from him alone. Sadly, it's the job of other gods—his colleague. His job is to monitor Eleonora alone and help her indirectly; that's why giving her some gifts and the like is what he always does.

He can just help her directly since that's the law, and he has to obey it. Harsh punishment will be sent to him if he doesn't follow the law and rules properly.

"Good grief, I hope the other gods could handle it properly since I can't do it."

His hand ruffled his hair in frustration when remembering that.


Pudding Lover: "Hey, hey! I have news from the chat group owner I got! It's about Noura and Yuwe's absence from the chat group."

Sword Princess: "Really? Then what we are waiting for, tell us about it, Nep-nep."

Demon Sword Murasame: "I am curious about it. Hopefully, nothing dangerous harms them in any way."

The Nightmare: "I am sure they were fine. Eleonora-san is more powerful than all of us combined, but it is also not wrong to worry about their well-being. Let's not forget that Yue-san is also strong on her own. They are capable of protecting themselves or each other."

Demon Mommy: "Oh my… really? That will be reassuring, but if she didn't, then I would be the one who protected her. No child of mine shall be harmed in any way. I rather slay a thousand enemies and become a demon just for the sake of my child's safety."

The Golden Fox of Kyoto: "That is… a bit extreme, @Demon Mommy, but I have understood your feeling. If it happens to Kunou, I will not hesitate to wage war for her safety alone. She is my treasure, and I will protect her forever."

Pudding Lover: "That is also extreme, nepu! But enough of that, from the chat group owner told me, Noura and Yuwe couldn't join or reply to our conversation for the time being because Noura is now in another world and currently manipulating the flow of time. So a second in her world is a year in that another world, nepu."

Titania The Fairy Queen: "Oh…? Why would @Queen of Sweets-san do that? But it is surprisingly a wonderful feat to affect the whole world just like that…. No human could do something like that, normally."

The Florist Succubus: "I think it's because @Queen of Sweets-san has physically become non-human? I mean, she is a genius and talented enough from what I've known from the video she took and shared with the group. She even mastered the non-human spell that @Eleonora True Soulmate shared!"

King of Knight: "That's indeed an outstanding achievement, but it made me worried because she seemed ceased aside her humanity to achieve that. As someone who harbors romantic feelings towards her, it pains me…. but I hope she is happy with that."

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "So am I, but I think @Queen of Sweets are happy with it. From what we know so far about her, she does anything freely without being restricted by anyone that much. Maybe it's her own decision to cease her humanity."

I Love Onee-sama: "I hope she isn't power-hungry or anything. Ah, I don't want to think bad about her, but it is just… happened in my head. O-Of course, I know that @Queen of Sweets-san isn't the type that craves for power and is greedy of that!"

The Strongest Ice Queen: "I have a good feeling that @Queen of Sweets isn't someone like me. From Kurumi's impression and assessment, I know she is a good person and not some power-hungry. Maybe she seeks non-human power to protect those precious to her, which caused her to become one. But that caused the curiosity within me to intrigued, makes me impatiently meet with her in the future."

The Nightmare: "That sounds about right. Eleonora-san has many lovers; she might need more power to protect them from her potential enemies. But I think we also need to help her since we are her friends. Friends are supposed to help each other when in dire, right?"

Sword Princess: "I wholeheartedly agree. Not only lovers, but Eleonora also has precious family and friends asides from us to protect. How about we protect them too?"

Demon Sword Murasame: "Smart idea. I vote this."

The Strongest Ice Queen: "Hmm… that sounds idea, and how are we supposed to do that? Since our time flow in the chat group seems temporarily linked to another world she was visiting, assuming she would spend a year there, we should have so much time for that."

I Love Onee-sama: "I don't think… I can wait patiently for that. Maybe we can shorten the time by asking for the help of our chat group owner? Or warn @Queen of Sweets-san through the owner? Anyone has any other ideas? Please do share them if you have."

The Florist Succubus: "Hmm… nghhh…! Ah, maybe we should also alter or freeze our world's time flow? But I doubt anyone here could use that except for @Queen of Sweets-san? I mean… it's probably hard to learn and master, right?"

The Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Indeed. It's hard to master and would probably need years of practice to fully master it. @Queen of Sweets-san is probably a unique case since she looks talented and genius in doing that without proper guidance."

Pudding Lover: "Noura is obviously overpowered, nepu! If we gave her many training books or similar things like that, she, without a doubt, would master all of it within such a short time. I mean, Noura can manipulate time as she wants, so something like that would be a piece of cake for her, nepu!"

King of Knight: "Certainly. She was really a remarkable person with such amazing feats. But if I had to choose between altering or freezing our world's time flow with the help of the chat group owner, then I pick the latter. Everyone could do a vote for that."

Demon Mommy: "I prefer to freeze it."

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "Maybe altering is enough."

Strongest Ice Queen: "Stopping the time is a good idea."

I Love Onee-sama: "Uhm… I think altering the time flow is good."

Sword Princess: "Altering."

Demon Sword Murasame: "+1."

Titania The Fairy Queen: "If I had to choose, I pick freezing the time flow."

The Golden Fox of Kyoto: "To prevent some unwanted circumstance, freezing it is preferably."

The Florist Succubus: "I also pick freezing it!"

Pudding Lover: "Well, pudding is the best if we freeze it a bit in the fridge, so I chose freezing the time flow!"

The Nightmare: "And lastly, for me who can manipulate time, but no to the extends such as Eleonora-san, I choose to freeze it too."

King of Knight: "Umu. The results are eight to freeze and four to alter, so I think we settle with freezing the time flow. Since we choose to freeze the time flow, no one should complain. How about that?"

Demon Mommy: "It's a fair result from our fair vote, so I have no problem accepting it. Isn't it, everyone?"

The Florist Succubus: "Oh yeah, I also a-okay with it! It's not a bad idea to freeze it. I am excited to experience the time flow around me to freeze while I can move like always."

Sword Princess: "I love the fair result. Fairness is good."

Demon Sword Murasame: "It's a democracy; everything is fair and has the right to choose, also they have no right to complain of the outcome. Could this be what they have called unanimous vote?"

Titania The Fairy Queen: "Fairness is justice, and so is equality. Everyone made a choice, so I hope no one complained about it. We can't redo it. Doing so would be unfair and pointless."

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "Looks like no debate against each other for the choice, so I think it's good. We can proceed to the next step for that plan."

I Love Onee-sama: "it's good that everyone can settle it peacefully. I also can't wait for the time our plan of this commence. Also, I think freezing it is a good decision, as to not worry about the time we spend when we temporarily left our home."

The Strongest Ice Queen: "It's an excellent choice. But neither choice was terrible; they were good. I am also happy with the result we've obtained from this vote."

The Golden Fox of Kyoto: "I thought that our dimensional trip was to visit @Sword Princess, but it seems the plan can always change depending on the situation. Though I hope with choosing to freeze the time flow, we also still have the time to visit @Sword Princess world."

The Nightmare: "I think there is no significant change regarding that. We are only doing this because of our desire to help Eleonora-san, and most of us also want to meet her, isn't that right?"

Pudding Lover: "Of course we are! I already miss Noura even though it's not that long since the last time we met. So, it's my time to ask the chat group owner for that. It's a bit nerve-wracking for me, nepu!"

King of Knight: "Please do request it politely, @Pudding Lover. We don't want everything to go into a mess if you were doing it incorrectly. We are eager to meet @Queen of Sweets but have to be patient for a bit since we request the help of this chat group owner."

Pudding Lover: "Got it, nepu! I will accomplish this without causing a mess; just wait for it while sipping an iced tea in a lawn chair!"


A yawn came from his mouth, and then his ears heard a 'ping' sound. With curiosity, he then checked, and it was coming from the chat group he had created. His eyebrows raised in confusion, seeing that Neptune, the residence of Hyperdimension in Gamindustri, requested something from him.

"Seriously…? They want me to freeze the time flow of their own world so they can visit Eleonora?"

As a god or lower-class god, he can actually grant her request, but this is quite unbelievable. Their real reason is to find Eleonora and want to be together by her side and tell the young bluenette that they would protect the people that Eleonora cared about.

He let out a tired sigh and shook his head when he read the request. Something like this is like a joke, but he understands the desire of those women or girls currently in love with Eleonora. They want to stay by their beloved's side.

"But still… is this what they called 'the power of love,' that everyone has been talking about? Anime and the likes also often used that kind of trope. It was constantly being used especially in shoujo and mahou shoujo genre."

He reread the request just to make sure of it. A thumb on his chin, pondering whether he grants it or not since this is a bit difficult for him. He already broke some rules and might get another harsh punishment, but he didn't regret it a single bit.

"Mhm… decision, decision. What should I do about this? I have already broken so many rules of Heaven; some of the gods also warned me several times. My senior also tried to warn me about it. Should I listen to them?"

He mumbled and tapped the table when deciding what he should do about Neptune's request. Although he knew that he could not be directly involved in the mortal world, this still caused him to re-think it. This made him to felt a headache and decide on one thing.

"Screw it, I don't care anymore. I could blackmail some of the gods as the fail-safe so I won't get punished severely. It will be cruel for me to not grant their honest and pure request since it's related to Eleonora."

Frustrated, he then decided to gran their request to meet Eleonora. Freezing their worlds' time flow is a relatively easy feat for him, despite being a lower-class god in Heaven, because he has already prepared for this, and just by using a special device, he can just push that device's button.

"Alright, I don't care anymore about the consequence of my action. Hopefully, I can avoid the punishment. Please help me with this, senpai! I beg you, Oh Great God of Heaven!"

Saying that, his finger then pushed a button on the device right next to him as he prayed to his senior and also the Great God of Heaven while already knowing the consequence.