Discussing the next plan

Lunch had ended, and the day almost reached evening when the sky slowly turned orange. Knowing this, Eleonora hurried to the Shinju-kan Elementary School to pick up Sumi and Sonoko as promised and hoped not to be late. However, the young bluenette knows those two will forgive her no matter what. She is really grateful and happy to have lovers who easily forgive her no matter what.

After using [Teleportation] on herself to Shinju-kan Elementary School, Eleonora was surprised by how many female students had admired her through the school gates. Some were even enthralled by her beauty's charm radiated unconsciously by her.

'They even have heart-shaped pupils on eyes… I'm really one heaven of beauty and not being narcissistic since that's a fact and true statement.'

Before she was able to pay attention to the school gate since she was surrounded by many female students from the Shinju-kan, Eleonora's ears heard the voices of two familiar people calling her, making her turn around in the direction of the said voices.

"Nora, you came!"

"Noracchi, sorry for making you wait."

Throwing herself on Eleonora, the young bluenette gets a lovely warm hug from Sonoko, who couldn't wait to do it at home and doesn't particularly care about her surroundings. Sumi could only rub her forehead and sighed while muttering, "Geez… Sonocchi," when seeing the dirty blonde-haired doing that in public. It's not like Sumi wants to hide their relationship or anything, but she just thought Sonoko should consider the time and place showing her affection to Eleonora.

"You can't wait for it, huh? Sonoko."

An impatient nod from Sonoko gave Eleonora the answer she wanted.

"She really does, Noracchi, but it's surprising that Sonocchi well-behaved patiently during school, and oh… what's wrong, everyone? Why you surrounded Noracchi?"

One of the girls that surrounded Eleonora waved her hands panicked when Sumi said that with a curious tone, thinking that the black-haired girl with ponytail accused her of something which actually not.

"I-It's nothing, Washio-san. It's just… we've been curious as to who this woman to both of you?"

"Yeah, it seems Nogi-san, and you were close to her. Are you a close friend or something?"

"Don't tell me… one of you dating her?!"

Sumi's cheeks blushed storm as she looked away in embarrassment and couldn't come up with an answer, while Sonoko was still busy hugging Eleonora and the said person who was embraced, spoke and answered those girls that were bombarded them with questions.

"For the questions, I will answer them at once. Yes, we're dating, but not only Sumi, Sonoko, and I also date each other. Isn't that right, Sonoko?"

"Mhm! Nora and I are dating too, just like Wasshi and her, so we both are her girlfriends!"

All of the girls surrounding Eleonora went in gasps as they were surprised, yet instead of disgusted and disdain, they showed a widened smile and curiosity that was spiked up again. They let out an endearment of squealing instead. They think it's cute and romantic seeing the three of them was in a relationship.

'Wow, they're really squealed like in those anime. I mean, sure, some people back in my world do that, but it still leaves me a surprise. Guess they couldn't resist the charm of beautiful and cute girls dating or being close to each other.'

She thought of it proudly and honesty since that's true. But then they heard a cough come from blushing Sumi, trying to gather their attention to herself and say something while also calming herself down. She was still really embarrassed about it.

"Alright, alright. Noracchi already answered it. Are you satisfied with that? Or there something more to ask?"

"No, no! Thank you, Washio-san, Nogi-san! It's cleared out us."

"Yes, it's really wonderful. I hope it will last long or maybe forever."

"That's right, we pray for your relationship, Washio-san, Nogi-san!"


With that, those girls who surround Eleonora leave them and bid farewell since they've already got their curiosity been cleared. Sumi sighed tiredly and rubbed her forehead when seeing that and looked at Eleonora and smiled at the bluenette.

"Well… that's quite eventful. At least our relationship won't need to be hidden anymore… I guess?"

"Right, but truthfully, we don't have to hide our relationship, isn't it? I know you're new to this whole relationship, but it's a bid sadden me, Sumi."

Eleonora said that with a fake sadness, causing Sumi to get shocked and panic, but then she heard a laugh from Eleonora. Knowing that, Sumi's cheeks swelled as she was pout and frowned because of what her bluenette lover did.


Sumi growled and threw a playful punch on Eleonora before the bluenette replied.

"A-Ahaha… s-sorry about that, Sumi. I'm just joking, don't be mad, okay?"

"Geez, okay. I won't be bad if you patted my head and snuggled with me later."

"That's a fine punishment for me."

Eleonora then patted Sumi's head gently, letting the black-haired girl with a ponytail enjoy the comfortableness she felt from Eleonora's hand. Once again, the young bluenette becomes the center of everyone's attention, and when she realizes this, Eleonora laughs nervously.

"Say, how about I take you back home? I mean, you have to explain everything to your parents, right? If you won't, they would be apprehensive."

"I guess that's true."

Sumi said and looked at the sad Sonoko whimpered and let off the hug from Eleonora.

"Sonocchi, do what Noracchi told you. We can live with her after explaining the whole thing to our family. Understand?"

"…I know, Wasshi, I know. It can't be helped. Nora just waits; we will settle all of this!"

"I will and hope nothing goes wrong since I don't want anything bad happens to both of you."

Eleonora patted Sonoko's head; she could feel her arm wrapped by the dirty blonde-haired girl while Sumi's hand occupied her other arm. Then, Eleonora used [Teleportation] to teleport both Sumi and Sonoko back to their respective's homes.

When they arrive at each house, Eleonora makes a shadow clone of herself so she can also go with one of them, and the clone goes with Sumi while the original is with Sonoko. In each house of them, Sumi and Sonoko explained to their parents that both want to live together with Eleonora, which was surprisingly accepted without any rejection or hesitation since their parents owe a great deal of debt towards Eleonora and know that entrusting their daughters on the young bluenette is a good idea.

In conclusion, Eleonora got permission and blessing from the respective's families' parents. Seeing that made Sumi and Sonoko widen their smiles in happiness. However, they told them not to engage in intimate or sexual relationships until their daughters reached sixteen, which is fine and understandable for the young couples, so they agreed.

And that's why, straight after being told like that, Sumi and Sonoko packed their belongings as they couldn't wait to live together in the same house with Eleonora again, even though Eleonora told them to stay with their families a bit longer. However, Sumi and Sonoko insist they want to be with Eleonora. When the young bluenette looked at their parents to do something, they just smiled at her, giving an obvious answer that made Eleonora chuckle awkwardly with a sweatdrop.

After taking care of that, Eleonora, with Sumi and Sonoko, finally settled everything of it and came home as they could live together from now on. The black-haired girl with a ponytail and the dirty blonde-haired girl hugged the young bluenette futanari's each side of hips with happy faces on them when they have arrived.

"Whew. That takes almost everything. Hopefully, we won't miss the dinner."

"I hope not, Noracchi. It will be bad if we miss dinner with everyone."

"Yeah! Dinner with everyone is always fun and makes the foods more delicious!"

As they talked, Miyuki, who saw Eleonora with Sumi and Sonoko, came and welcomed the three as they were coming home and giving her bluenette lover a welcome back kiss on the lips, which was returned by Eleonora before they stopped.

"We're home, Miyuki."

"Everyone, welcome home. How's the school, Sumi-san, Sonoko-san?"

"It's the same as usual, but with a little… commotion, I think…? Yeah, that."

"Mhm! As always, Nora attracted many people around her, especially girls! Some of them surround her and give her a bunch of questions."

The black-haired heiress of Shiba's family slightly tilted her head in confusion when she heard that since she doesn't know what Sonoko meant even though it's true that her beloved older sister and lover has divine charm within that could instantly and easily enthrall any women in sight.

"What kind of questions do they have to Onee-sama?"

This time, Sumi has a playful laugh and replies to Miyuki.

"It's just asking about our relationship, mine, and Sonocchi, to Noracchi and Sonocchi nonchalantly answered them that we're indeed in a relationship. Although I know it seems pointless to hide it from the start."

"Ah, you're right. I think there's no need to hide our lovely relationship with Onee-sama. Rather than hide them, I prefer to announce it, and I'm sure my family will surely agree with that in no time if we went there."

"I just think of the… worst situation, you know. There might be people who disdained same-sex relationships, but I guess it depends on each world's laws and rules. Some worlds might have different laws, customs, rules, culture, and everything than mine."

Miyuki nodded in understanding since her world didn't discriminate about that kind of relationship. Ninety percent of people in Miyuki's world have no hate or discrimination towards same-sex relationships like lesbian and gay. It's one of the perfect worlds for Eleonora, according to Miyuki.

'If we somehow can convince the elders, especially my aunt, Onee-sama and me, can be officially in a relationship, and we can live together happily ever. A future where we, along with everyone here, being part of each other lives and have a big family with our children is something I want.'

A pink hue was on her cheeks when imagining the future she had with Eleonora, her beloved lover and older sister figure. However, Miyuki also has one mischievous mind that she even considered having her female friends and her aunt, Yotsuba Maya, Eleonora's lovers.

'It would be better if I spread the beauty and charm of Leo-nee-sama to others back in my world. Aunt Maya also has been single for a long time, and I think Onee-sama is the perfect match for her. I can't wait when that's happened.'

She thought with a small smile flashed on her lips before snapping back. Miyuki will surely tell Eleonora about this, hoping that her bluenette lover would approve this, even though they have to go to her world first.

But then Miyuki replies to Sumi again.

"That is understandable, Sumi-san, though I think if we want, we can do some changes to make sure same-sex relationship is allowed to our respective's worlds and countries so that we won't have to worry about it anymore in the future."

"You're talking about… revolution? World-scale revolution or just a country?"

"I think world-scale revolution is perfect because I doubt that we will stay forever in Japan. Some of us might want to live outside Japan for a few years, then come back to Japan. Or maybe another world that has nothing in common with a modern world like ours?"

"Ah. Do you mean like in those isekai novels?"

"Precisely. For the moment, only Onee-sama could freely travel to another world, but I think we can learn about that too. Right, Onee-sama?"

Eleonora nodded and confirmed what Miyuki had said about only her at the moment that she could freely travel to another world since the chat members still rely on a device that has some limitations. Not to forget that the members also have help from the chat group owners.

It would be beneficial for them if everyone could learn the ability to travel anywhere, even to another world, like Eleonora. Although Miyuki knows that Eleonora uses magic and it's different from her, she hopes there is a convenient way to replace the energy consumption or cost to activate the spell.

"Miyuki's right. Currently, only I have that in our group, but it's a great idea to have everyone learn the skill. That way, we don't have to use the device anymore, but we won't throw that up since we have to be cautious at the situation when we can't use magic and everything else except technology to travel to another world."

"I see, then about the revolution… is that true? Noracchi, you really want it?"

Sumi asked with a concerned tone and face shown to Eleonora. The young bluenette simply nods at her ponytail-haired girl.

"Yeah, I think. Although I can use magic to manipulate everyone's memories… I don't think that is a wise thing to do. I don't want it; that's why revolution but safely and civilly so any people won't be harmed or view us as terrorist like in some anime."

A deep tired sigh came from Sumi when she heard that definite answer from Eleonora, and it won't change even if she forced her lover about it, even though it sounded dangerous. However, Sumi decided to put her utmost trust and depended on Eleonora.

"Alright then, I won't pressure it anymore… but you have to tell everyone about this later. If not, they would be apprehensive about your safety."

"Don't worry, Wasshi! If it is Nora, then she definitely can do it easily and quickly without being harmed! I will make sure to support it since yuri will conquer the world! Everyone will know the beauty of yuri by no time!"

"She will, Sonoko-san! I know that Leo-nee-sama will be able to make everyone understand the beauty of yuri through the whole world! They would also admire and understand the greatness of Onee-sama."

Eleonora and Sumi are the ones who sweatdropped; seeing the two of them seems like they have the same mindset about something. Sumi placed a hand on her forehead and sighed, shook her head in exasperation sigh while Eleonora let out a cough so both Sonoko and Miyuki would pay attention to her, and snapped them back.

"Alright, you two, that can be discussed later, for now… how about we have a bath? I bet Sumi and Sonoko were exhausted from school and want a warm bath to soothe their bodies from fatigues that built up within them."

"Oh, that's right. Wasshi, Nora, let's go to the bathroom! Ah, Yuki, you also could join us too."

"I'd love to, Sonoko-san."

"Yosh, come on!"

With that, the four of them walked to the bathroom and not only those four who took a bath, but everyone also wanted to join. Luckily, the bath isn't cramped since it was renovated by Eleonora, so the size can at least contain a hundred people at maximum, and it will still be upgraded later. It also has a shift-roof so it can be opened and closed whenever they want, one of the reasons is to enjoy anything in the sky offered.


When bath time and dinner have ended, Eleonora gathers everyone to the living room to discuss something. Confusion and curiosity mixed on their faces of what happened and why, but they were doing it anyway, so no one bothered to ask before all of them successfully gathered.

And now, all of them, including Eleonora, was already in the living room while sitting with chairs provided more by Eleonora. Seeing that, the young bluenette looked at each person before nodding and taking a deep breath.

"Sorry for gathering everyone here. I just want to discuss something."

Eleonora said as she went to Gendou Ikari's mode with both palms supporting her chin. Sadly, she doesn't wear glasses, but that doesn't matter as everyone finally perked up and paid their attention to Eleonora.

One of them, Gin, raised her hand and asked Eleonora.

"Eleonora, what is this about? Is what you have about tell us are important?"

"It is, Gin… though I don't think it's related to everyone from the chat group, so I don't think you must help me, Neptune and everyone. This is something, if historically, related to people of this world."

The mood and atmosphere suddenly became tense before Momo interjected.

"Well, maybe it does not really matter to us, but we are quite curious, and if it is something within our power, I think we can help you, Leo-kun."

"Momo's right, Eleonora. If it is something that can be dealt with by us together, then I think it's not something we can ignore and moreover, this seems important to you. Care to share the details of it with us?"

Eleonora went quiet for a moment before taking a deep breath and nodded, then answered Esdeath's question.

"It's about… the past heroes of this world. I want to save them by using the time travel ability that I have."

They suddenly jolted in surprise when they heard that from Eleonora, especially Gin, Sumi, and Sonoko since it's about the heroes before them or their ancestors. This caused various reactions from everyone, especially those who think of changing or rewriting their pasts with this ability. Those people are Akame, Erza, and Ais, while the others seem not interested.

Akame wants to back to the past to save her comrades and friends, Erza wants to back when she could save her friends in the Tower of Heaven, and Ais wants to back to the past where her parents are still alive and prevent the worse thing happened to them.

There are also three more people interested in it: Artoria, Esdeath, and Kurumi, but they decided to discard the option and don't want to rewrite the pasts even if they can. Artoria knows that her wish for Holy Grail is foolish, so she doesn't want it if that means she was separated from Eleonora, and Esdeath was content with this, and her first love with Tatsumi is something of a lesson to her. While Kurumi was satisfied with it, original or herself of many timelines, they love Eleonora and want to stay like this forever.

'If I had those, could I save my friends…'

Akame thought with a saddened face, though she's not the only one who shares that kind of thought since Erza and Ais also have that look on their own faces. All three wants are the same; they want to save the beloved people around them so much if they had that ability.

Eleonora notices the reactions from Akame, Erza, and Ais as she expected them. But she then continues what she was said.

"But… the time travel method I have and choose is one of many. If I use it, then another timeline or parallel one, to be exact, so the current ones won't be affected. So changing the past doesn't change the future. If you travel to the past, that past becomes your future, and your former present becomes the past, which can't be changed by your new future."

She said, quoting Bruce Banner during Avengers Endgame and from the chat group owner told her. Only Miyuki gasped and understood Eleonora's words' third and last parts. She decided to keep it shut for now.

Curious more about this, Kurumi then asked.

"But if that's true… then that would be a fantastic discovery, Nora-kun. Normally, time travel can only rewrite the past, and the future would be changed, so it will also make it a mess, but if we use this method… then everything would be fine."

"Yeah. Hypothetically, if someone from the future does something in the past, it will completely replace the current with a new one. It is something like this. Old past = new future and old future = new past. It completely removes the old ones, for the better words. Removed and replaced by the new ones. So… if any of you are interested and have something important regarding it, then I would love to help you. But know this, the old ones will be considered another timeline and not just one."

This got everyone to have a second thought, but most are smiling and have already decided about this. Kurumi was the first to speak of it.

"I don't think I want to do that, Nora-kun, if that's mean I have created another timeline or reality by just doing that."

"Indeed. It may be tempting since you said it's one of many ways of time travel, but I… I think not changing the past. Since If I do that, I doubt that I will meet you again. Britain may be perished and not like in the past, but I cannot stay in there for too long and have to move forward."

"I also think the same. I have decided and not intended of breaking it."

Everyone except Akame, Erza, and Ais nodded in agreement as the three mentioned was shocked when they heard that and realized something because of what Kurumi, Artoria, and Esdeath had said. What they have said is true and would be pointless since it's not rewriting history; however, if using another method, the effect may be severe, and who knows what happens if someone used another way since the one Eleonora proposed can be considered the safest.

Glancing at Akame, Erza, and Ais, Eleonora simply smiled and then nodded gratefully.

"Thank you for that, everyone. Gin, Sumi, Sonoko… is that okay with you? Especially you, Sonoko, one of the heroes comes from your family, isn't it?"

At the mention of her name by Eleonora, Sonoko nodded and gave a thumbs-up of approval to her beloved bluenette.

"It is okay, Nora! There might be some confusing thing, but we can just think about it later, and since if you do that, another timeline or reality created, then I have no problem with it. More importantly, you can even make them fall in love with you!"

Most of everyone here spurted out and coughed. In contrast, others were shocked when Sonoko said that with enthusiasm and glittering on her eyes, which was got an approval look from Neptune that seemed to share the same opinion with Sonoko.

"You really understand that nepu! I agree that Noura should spread her charm and make any women fall in love with her! We shouldn't waste any opportunity that we have like those dense harem protagonists in anime and manga!"

"Sometimes it's unbearable if someone takes a long time to notice one feeling, I kind of hate it."

Ais nodded and agreed with Neptune. If possible, she doesn't want to love someone like that; that's why the blonde-haired swordswoman loves Eleonora so much and doesn't want to get separated from her. Though what she said will deal greatly emotional damage to the certain white-haired young man with big breasted loli goddess.

"Ahem, then if anyone has no objection for this, I think it's settled. Although I'm planning to deal with this without involving anyone from the chat group, it seems impossible, huh…."

"Of course, Nora-kun. I don't think that anyone won't help you. Right, everyone?"

From what Kurumi has said, that got a nod from everyone, even Erza. They don't mind it at all and are happy to help Eleonora since she's an important person for them, including for Erza even though she's not Eleonora's lover yet.

A claps sound can be heard from Miyuki that got everyone attention.

"Then, since it's over, how about we going to sleep? It's already late and would be bad if Sumi-san and Sonoko-san woke up late for their school tomorrow."

"Even though I hate school, but since I promised Nora, then I have no choice…."

That got a round of laughter from everyone when Sonoko replied to Miyuki with a lazy tone and attitude. She can't help it since the dirty blonde-haired girl was already promised her beloved lover of this matter.