Half and half, no full pay

From the moment Vertexes and whatnot disappeared, and people didn't have to wage war against them anymore, many destroyed and abandoned lands were reclaimed by them. Because of that, many new buildings were built, and not only that, the citizens also made a statue of a new god they prayed to and worshipped that replaced Shinju.

The last part is something that made Eleonora surprised, but she didn't hate it and could see the benefits from that. Although it was a statue referred to her, they still don't know the goddess's actual name and only its appearance that shockingly almost resembles Eleonora. That made Eleonora use [Illusion] on herself so people outside of her harem and her acquaintances won't be able to recognize her easily.

The young bluenette could only sigh in relief when she and Akame passed that. The black-haired female assassin chuckled when she saw that and only smiled at Eleonora with a knowing smile. Eleonora recognizes the smile and only laughs nervously when Akame knows that.

"I didn't know that you were worshipped, Eleonora."

"Me neither, but I don't think it's a bad thing and would rather do what they want. I may still demi-god, but when I became full-fledged one, then I can do further to hear the prays they sent."

"I think you will do a good job and make them happy. Bringing hope that will lead to happiness is something many people would want to do. Just like what I did with Night Raid in the past, bring justice to the evil reign, even if our hands were dirtied with our victim's blood."

Akame said that with a downcast and remembered what she did with her friends in the past. Many drops of blood were spilled for justice and to make the Empire a better place. They know the excuse for justice and their action is wrong, but they don't have any choice at that time.

Even if they did it for justice, that does not excuse them for killing many to achieve their noble goal. It's a horrible yet realistic method since Akame and the Night Raid know how terrible the Empire's condition was back then.

Eleonora saw this and didn't want to make her date feel sad during the date, so she put her hand on Akame's hair and stroked it gently.

"It's not your fault, Akame. You don't have to be sad, and if you want to redo it, I will let you do it."


The gentle stroke on her hair is making Akame's expression soften. A small smile was visible on her lips, causing her to feel the happiness within her heart. Even though she didn't tell her bluenette lover, Eleonora already knows some of it after analyzing it. The young bluenette didn't use any of her skills on Akame but only based on her own analysis.

"Something terrible seems to happen to you in the past. Maybe I don't experience that directly, but I know and understand. I always tried that with everyone that important to me. My family, friends, and lovers—for their sake, I will do that."

Akame understands what was Eleonora said.

"I see… a gourmet doesn't have to be a chef to know the foods very well. I understand your implication, and I am thankful you understand it, Eleonora. I won't call you arrogant or anything like that, so don't worry about it."

"Really? Thanks, Akame. Anyway, how about we continue our date? Let's have fun during it."

"You're right. Let's have fun on our date, Eleonora. I want to see many things and make happy memories with you."

Eleonora nodded with a smile as she felt the soft hand of Akame on her hand as they were holding hands together. Both then continue the date and have fun all day. Eleonora also sometimes checked Akame's emotions to maintain their mood so it won't turn bad. She's glad that Akame is currently happy during it.

They went from various places like any standard date, but Akame wanted to see any animals, so they went to the zoo. The curiosity within Akame is never-ending, and Eleonora was glad that she could see this side of her black-haired assassin lover since it's refreshing.

Seeing Akame playing with the cute animals is quite a lovely sight for Eleonora. Because the young bluenette knows the type of girl like Akame is someone who rarely shows genuine emotion, such as the beautiful smile that her black-haired assassin lover shows right now.

'Because her smile is worth a ton for me.'

Eleonora nodded inwardly and smiled at that. She then could hear Akame call and tell her to join the fun with the animals, playing or taking care of them by herself. Since the young bluenette didn't see any harm in doing that, she had no problem and accepted the offers.

"Aren't they cute, Eleonora?"

Akame asked while giving some food to the deer that she fed. Eleonora agreed with Akame and did the same. Not only deer, but they did the same with other animals, but Eleonora and Akame also enjoyed the date.

"Yeah, they are cute. It's nice seeing many different kinds of animals like this."

"It's relaxing for me. Maybe next time we should adopt some?"

"Hm… that's not a bad idea, but we should talk about that with everyone. Maybe not only us who want it."

"That's right."

Both Eleonora and Akame take the time at the zoo for two hours on their date. And after they are done with that, they go to other places for the date. If there is any way to see the affection meter or sort, Akame's affection and mood for today would be almost reached 100%.

The next destination they chose was the aquarium because Akame wanted to see any type of fish there. Although Eleonora also could see the slight drool on Akame's lips when they arrived at the place, as if the red-eyed girl wanted to catch some fish and eat them.

'I want to raise some fish and animals later in our home. I want to eat them with everyone.'

The young bluenette just chuckled as she was amused seeing the cute and funny reaction from Akame, and she knew what kind of thing that Akame was currently thinking with that face. Because Eleonora knows Akame is such a glutton along with Artoria since the two always ate a large portion of foods in their home and everyone in charge of cook has to prepare many of them.

But, things like that is nothing matter to Eleonora and her lovers, as they do not mind cooking some foods in large portions just for Akame and Artoria. Instead of complaining, they wanted to get used to this since they knew Eleonora would have more members for her harem in the future.

Although Eleonora gave them a suggestion that she would hire some maids or butlers, they rejected the idea, and some of her lovers would have nothing to do and felt useless if they did that. One of them even offers an opinion that gets a big straight rejection from Eleonora, which is to make some of her lovers be maids and her mistress.

Of course, that would make Eleonora reject it since they love all her lovers and don't want them to be treated like that. She wants to give them equal love, position, and anything. That's why it concluded they did not need maids when they became a family, unlike in Eleonora's parents' home.

"What do you think about this, Akame?"

Eleonora asked as she referred to the aquarium and got a nod from Akame, who understood it.

"It's excellent, Eleonora. I have never seen something like this back home. I know that there are sea, river, ocean, and similar things, but this may be the first time I see this attraction."

"Maybe the people in your world thought something like this is hard to achieve? Or maybe it is difficult to transport fresh and alive fish? In the medieval era, I heard that transportation and distance is one of the big problems."

Akame nodded in agreement with the fact that Eleonora was said. The young bluenette didn't say it wrong since things like that are quite a problem in her world, unlike here where everything is convenient. She also learned and was amazed about the modern era in Yasaka's world when she stayed there.

"I think so, but there is also the case where nobles control everything and commoner won't have the chance to make a name unless it was approved by the nobles. Strength and intelligence are needed in my world since it's a place where the weak would achieve nothing and the strong will have a good or decent life."

"So… there are many people who can read and are smart enough?"

"It is. Although I said that commoners won't have the chance to make a name, I don't mean it's impossible, but it's achievable if they worked so hard. Although the number of commoners to achieve that achievement isn't that much."

"That's understandable, and you're planning to return home sometimes?"

Eleonora said with curiosity as she looked straight at one of the water tanks filled with some fish in the aquarium. She glanced and saw the nod confirmation from Akame, followed by a downcast expression on her face. Akame tightened the grip of her hand on Eleonora's.

"Yeah… there are still some of my friends who live there and my sister with her boyfriend. I don't want to forget them forever since they were precious to me, and I still have some responsibility there that I couldn't abandon yet."

"Then, I will help you with your responsibility together with everyone. You and I are lovers, so it's normal to depend on each other and help when needed. We are also friends. All of us are your friends and ready to help you."

"…Even Esdeath?"

Eleonora nodded and replied to Akame.

"Even Esdeath. I guess that you and Esdeath have had some bad relationships in the past, but it seems that you two established some normal relationship. I don't know the full story, but I hope one of you can share it with me when ready for doing that, and I will be a good listener."

She said that with her beautiful smile, causing Akame's cheeks to turn pink, and nodded with the same smile as Eleonora. The black-haired former assassin of Night Raid is really grateful and glad that Eleonora is an understanding person as she didn't rush or force her to talk about it.

But Akame also knows that it is wrong if she hides that from Eleonora. She felt a bit conflicted and wondered how she should handle this matter. She knows that Eleonora is kind and won't mind it if she doesn't tell her bluenette lover about her past, but that still bothers her.

'Maybe I should talk about it to Eleonora at the end of our date for today?'

She thought of it before nodding as Akame already understood what she should do regarding this.

'Okay, I will tell her at the end of today's date. For now, I want to enjoy this with Eleonora. This is my first date, and I want to cherish it forever. I don't want to forget this moment.'

Akame closed her eyes and smiled at the thought before opening them and lifting her head up to Eleonora.

"Thank you, Eleonora. You're a great person, and so is everyone in the chat group, but you're special, especially to me."

"Really? Thank you, Akame. You are also special to me and don't hesitate if you need my help or everyone. I sometimes want to solve everything myself, but my other lovers scolded me as I don't depend on them."

"It seems you began to learn that, Eleonora."

Akame smiled at Eleonora, who blinked at the black-haired former assassin before nodding and smiling widely.

"Yeah, I know that. Alright, how about we move to the next place?"

"Sure, please lead the way, Eleonora."

"Of course, Akame."

As they finished with the date around the aquarium, Eleonora and Akame went to the next one. The young couple holds hands together with a happy mood within themselves, especially Akame, since Eleonora succeeds in making the black-haired girl happier than before. Because of Eleonora's words, Akame finally decided what she would do regarding her conflicted feelings.

And their next destination is a gardening store. It's quite an unusual place for a date, but Eleonora has no problem with it since she could see a happy expression from Akame. The black-haired girl showed an evident enthusiasm even though she still kept up her deadpan face.

It's a really adorable sight for Eleonora. Akame's curiosity is really shone brightly; her eyes sparkled with interest whenever she noticed some plants that caught her interest. She definitely shows seriousness and dedication toward her own hobby.

"Oh, there are so many seeds. Vegetables, flowers, fruits, etc."

"And not only seeds, but they also have some fertilizer and many things for gardening. Such as shovel, pot, ornamental plants, and many more."

"You're right, but we have most of the necessary tools, so I don't think we would buy it."

"Then, why wouldn't we buy other seeds we don't have? I know I can just create it out of nothing with my power, but I don't think you'd like it, Akame."

Indeed. With Eleonora's powers, she can just get anything she wants without any problem. Eleonora Pendragon is a powerful existence with a lot of room for growth in the vast multiverse that she will explore since it is still not enough with her current strength

And the girl herself doesn't know the limitation of her own powers, too, since there are no being or people that she meets on par with her strength or equal. She needs someone that could withstand her power and not be trounced easily, or Eleonora would gain low self-esteem and doubt herself, thinking she is weak and leading her to depression.

"That's true. One of many reasons is that I won't have a sense of accomplishment by doing it, but it's also that I don't want to burden you. Eleonora, you're not our slave, toy, doll, or anything that always gives us anything."

"Well, it's because of my habit to spoil anyone I cared about, including you, Akame."

This got a soft faint blush on Akame's cheeks, but the black-haired girl tried to compose herself and continued to speak.

"I know, but that is one bad habit, Eleonora. Please control it a bit, okay?"

"I… I will, but so is your habit of eating many foods."

Akame was shocked when she heard that. Then it became panic, and nervousness was invading her even if she tried to show her usual expression. However, Eleonora noticed a slight trembling of panic from Akame's body and how the black-haired girl was almost in tears from her eyes.

"B-But… I have to eat that many foods, Eleonora."

She said with stuttering, a pleading look slowly visible on her face. Eleonora only snorted in amusement, seeing this kind of reaction from Akame but decided to tease her black-haired assassin's lover further.

"I know, but if you were trying to tell me to tone my habit down, I could ask the same with you. I don't want us to be burdened by cooking that many foods only for our little glutton, even though I think others have no problem doing it. Only you and Artoria are the ones who are gluttons and have lots of appetite for foods."

This caused Akame to look away, trying not to have her eyes meet with Eleonora while twirling her fingers. She decided to ignore what Eleonora had said but knew that Akame had no choice but to listen to it. That's why Akame tried distracting it by looking at some empty pots and various types of fertilizers in front of her.

Seeing the apparent behavior from Akame, Eleonora then raised her voice a bit higher as she called her lover.

"Akame, please don't ignore me. I don't mean to forbid you from having such a hobby. Like you said earlier, we should tone down what we did. Not only did you warn me, but everyone else. That's why I will try not to easily spoil someone like before, and I will learn to hold back."

"I… I understand, but please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not… really. I was only scolding you and didn't mean to get mad. We both need to learn about holding back at something. As long as you do that, we won't frequently get scolded by everyone. Do you understand it, Akame?"

Akame meekly nodded at Eleonora's words and made the latter smile in satisfaction. She then grabbed and held her black-haired assassin lover's hand again, causing Akame to blush but flash a smile to understand why Eleonora did it. Both linked their arms tightly and lovingly as if they didn't want to get separated.

"Uhm, I know that, and I will keep that in my mind so I won't forget it."

"Well, if you did forget about it, then don't worry… I will be there to remind you. People say that I am good at remembering something even if it is something that I saw only once."

"Does that mean… photographic memory? An ability that lets you recall a past scene in detail with great accuracy?"

"That's right, photographic memory. Something that makes most people jealous as they want to have that ability too. This ability is amazing, and I quite like it."

"Mhm. I agree with you. Most people would be jealous, including me. I want to have a photographic memory, so I won't have to forget what happened in the past."

"We can figure out how to make you gain that kind of ability later. So, for now… how about we enjoy our date further?"

Agreeing with what Eleonora has said, Akame then resumes what she did. After spending their date in the gardening store, they left the place with the satisfaction face of Akame that was so obvious. They bought many gardening things that Akame likes and put them in Eleonora [Inventory] magic so they won't have to be burdened with carrying them because of the weight.

"We actually bought so many things from here."

"Uhm, many new seeds, gardening tools we don't have, and fertilizer to stock it up."

"It is, but technically we can do that with my ability."

Akame frowned and stared at Eleonora, causing the young bluenette to be shocked as she felt the threatening glare from her black-haired assassin. Eleonora sweatdropped and was confused as she asked Akame.

"W-What's wrong…?"

"Did you hear what I've said before? You're not our errand boy that would do anything."

"Ghh… I-I know, sorry about that. Guess… it's hard for me to let it off quickly."

Eleonora scratched her cheeks, feeling a bit guilty and nervously laughing when she was being stared at like that by Akame with that expression on her face. As Akame sees her bluenette lover behaving like that, she smiles and kisses Eleonora's cheeks softly, causing the latter to be surprised at the sudden act.

Eleonora turned around to see Akame's cheeks resemble the color of a ripped tomato after doing that kiss. As she finally calmed down, Akame said something to Eleonora and answered the confusion on the young bluenette's face.

"I know that, and I hope we both can succeed in doing it. That's why, on this date, you won't be allowed to spoil me with everything. We could pay half and half or in turn. So, which ones do you want?"

As Eleonora heard that from Akame, she chuckled and replied to her question.

"I think we should pay half and half, but are you sure you have the money?"

Akame nodded, reassuring Eleonora to worry so she won't have to overthink it because the black-haired assassin has already prepared for things like this in advance. She already collected many valuable things, mainly jewels, to exchange them for money. She even collects them in Yasaka's homeworld and exchanges the money she got from the Nine-Tailed Fox of Kyoto for gems; she buys many of them to do the same thing in any world she would travel with her friends later.

It is a hassle since she has to do it many times because Akame doesn't have a convenient ability like [Gamer] or [System] that could easily convert her money to any currency. But that's not a problem for Eleonora since she has a similar ability, and if not, the young bluenette could just create any money out of nothing.

"I have them, so don't worry, Eleonora. It is inconvenient for me since I have to exchange some jewels or valuable things for the currency I want."

"You have to do it a complex way, huh. But anyway, let's just focus on today. Okay, Akame?"

"Yeah, that's right. This is my first date, and I want to cherish it."

After saying that, Eleonora and Akame make their way to the next place for their date. The young couple smiled while casually chatting as they walked to the next place for their dating spot. A place where they could have fun, relax, and eat simultaneously.

Although it might be filled with so many people. But at the very least, their date would become memorable, especially for Akame, since this is her first date ever and something she will remember forever.

And after walking, which took them not that long, they arrived at the next and maybe the last dating spot for today. It was a sea, a beach, where people wore a swimsuit and wanted to have fun there. The perfect dating spot since many couples frequently visits it.

Eleonora and Akame have agreed to choose this place, and after changing to their own swimsuits, they leave the dressing rooms together, holding hands as any couple does. But, of course, they became the center of attention and drew many people's eyes to look at them. Many people stared at them, especially Eleonora.

They looked at the swimsuit that Eleonora wore. She wears a purple high-leg bikini with a fishnet shirt covered it. Her neck has a purple choker, purple circle-shaped pendant, and matching micro denim shorts. The young bluenette had already covered her futanari dick with illusion magic, so people won't be shocked when they noticed it.

She had to do that since her dick size isn't something that could be easily covered by her micro shorts. Eleonora still hasn't confidence about showing it, so she has to go through this trouble and hide it from everyone around her except her family and her lovers.

"The beach is filled with many people… well, it's no surprise since this is a public beach."

"I don't mind it, Eleonora. It will be boring if only us that are on the beach."

Akame said as she wore a black front-tied bikini on the top and a side-tied one on the bottom. Like Eleonora, she also attracts much attention, even though the scale is not that crazy like her bluenette lover, since the people around them treated Eleonora as the most beautiful woman in the world.

Eleonora nodded and agreed with Akame.

"True, true. At least we can have fun together, right? Doesn't matter even if it is filled with this many people, at least… it wasn't crowded and made us hard to walk."

"Mhm. I will hate it if that happens, and we will be forced to do it on a private beach if there is no other choice."

"That's right. Although I have no problem buying a private beach exclusive for us."

"We can talk about that later. Come on, Eleonora."

Akame said that to Eleonora, who nodded and began playing through the beach and enjoying their date until it was over for today.