The red-haired swordswoman's thought

A humming sound can be heard from someone, and it comes from Netheos, the god who has the job of watching and observing Eleonora's life. He is currently smiling happily and in joy seeing the progress of how Eleonora did in another world or the homeworld of Minowa Gin because that young bluenette was already decided to start the extra and hidden mission he gave to her.

"About the time she started it! Honestly, if she prolonged it too much, her beloved loli vampire lover would be left alone and still in a static state like everyone else in her own world. Although it's good seeing the development of her harem that escalated quickly like that."

He nodded with a satisfied smile. Netheos were proud of Eleonora's achievement in Gin's world since she made the entire chat group members fall in love with her and become her lovers…. However, only Erza still hasn't joined because she still has some problems to be solved in her world. But the red-haired woman actually bears a romantic feeling, too, toward Eleonora.

"Hmm… Erza is still confused like Liese and La Folia. But thinking it again, they would be Eleonora's lovers too so I won't have a problem…. Though, it seems I have to invite some new members to the chat group since I doubt the current ones would frequently use it."

He rubbed his chin and pondered about the future of his chat group. Netheos isn't that stupid since he knew that the current members, except Erza, would want to spend their time meeting with Eleonora directly instead of through the chat group. And knowing Eleonora… that girl will definitely do something like install a stable and safe portable portal or just give her lovers the [Kaleidoscope] skill.

Netheos sweated bullets when thinking about that possibility which would really happen. But he can do nothing regarding that since his boss would be mad if he did something against his task. He would indeed be fired if he did that and has nothing left in his possession. Even if his boss is his best friend, Netheos would know that woman won't slip it a chance since his boss is enthralled by Eleonora.

He sighed tiredly and shook his head as he began to remember something.

'To think the Creator and my boss, my best friend, would fall in love with Eleonora like this. I'm just a low-class God and have little power unless I were permitted to do that. My best friend is like Eleonora's sugar mommy since she was given anything to that futanari girl.'

He rubs his forehead and has his eyes focus again, observing Eleonora's life in a dull mood since he remembered that memory, which upset him. But it's not like he would blame Eleonora since it's not really her fault because that bluenette girl does nothing wrong in here.

"Well, I don't care since she was single for so long and hope Eleonora would quickly ascend to godhood to take my boss away so she can live together with Eleonora, her first and true love."


After her lovers finished cooking the food for todays' breakfast, Eleonora and everyone then began to eat them while having casual talk during it. Of course, it would be noisy since they have someone like Neptune and Sonoko, who has childish-like behavior. The young bluenette and the only futanari chuckle, seeing both Neptune and Sonoko as she wonders what would happen if Nadeshiko was together with those two.

'Sakura-nee would have a lot of headaches if that happened. She is already like that handling one but two or more Nadeshiko would be terrifying for her. She would really need a therapist or some medicine to help with migraine or the likes.'

Eleonora sweatdrop when she thought that since it would probably be true. She continued to eat while Yasaka filled her bowl with rice and thanked the blonde-haired fox youkai. Her blue eyes saw Neptune, Akame, and Ais had the struggle to pick some dishes that were delicious for them by competing with each other.

As Eleonora continued to eat, she displayed a pleased expression on her face.

"This is delicious! Who knows that we can taste the food of another country."

Some chuckled and nodded, but the one who felt proud was Neptune. She puffed her chest filled with pride as she was very proud when Eleonora said that. Although at first glance, she was viewed as someone who has no knack for cooking, it changes when she meets with Eleonora and decides to at least she can cook something for her beloved Eleonora.

"Right?! As the cutest heroine, at least I could cook something like that, Noura, and thanks to everyone's guidance, nepu!"

Chiyuki, Sonoka, Raikou, and Yasaka nodded at Neptune's words. As she noticed that, Eleonora began to understand that those four were the ones who taught Neptune about cooking and made her able to cook something.

"Indeed, Nep-chan is very eager and determined to learn a cook from us, Eleonora dear. She wants to cook her dear lover, after all."

"Yasaka-san's right, Leo-chan. Neptune-san is a quick learner like you and easily catches on to our teaching. She is very talented if I had to simplify it."

"Sometimes, you don't have to judge a book by its cover, and Neptune-san is one of the perfect examples of that. She is also willing to learn about the household work, not only cooking."

"Maybe because her love for Leo-chan is too strong that she decided to be a good wife by learning all of that. But I think it's not only applied to Neptune-san. Everyone also felt the same, right?"

Chiyuki said that with a teasing smile while glancing at others who nodded, and a few of them had blushes on their cheeks since that felt a bit embarrassing. Eleonora only sweatdrops at the blunt fact stated by Chiyuki and sees her other lovers' obvious reactions.

"Chiyuki-nee, please don't tease them like that."

Chiyuki blinked and was surprised before covering her mouth and replying to Eleonora with a beautiful smile.

"Oh my, I apologize for that. But what I've said has no bad meaning, Leo-chan. After all, you've already figured it out by yourself at this moment, right?"

"If you say it like that, that's right… but anyway, it's rare for you to tease someone, Chiyuki-nee."

Sonoka, Yasaka, and others followed that as they were nodding and causing Chiyuki blinked again with a surprised face before slightly tilting her head and a finger on her cheeks as she replied to Eleonora's words.

"Is that surprising for me, Leo-chan?"

"If I had to be honest, yeah… but that's not bad and just a surprising discovery for me. Everyone here was also surprised, and not only me, you know."

"Noura's right, you know. You, Nouka, Yasa, and Rai were the most mature among us and rarely did that. What's the catch for you doing that, anyway?"

"I agreed with Nep-nep. Has something interesting happened to you, Chiyu?"

"Oh, it's nothing to worry about. It's just that I am happy that Leo-chan has many women that love her so much, and sooner or later, we will be a big family too."

Everyone's heart suddenly felt warm; even Erza, who isn't officially Eleonora's lover yet, felt like them when Chiyuki said that. The red-haired young girl and Mage of Fairy Tail's heart were affected too by Chiyuki's words and slowly began to imagine her new life with Eleonora as the young bluenette's wife.

'Living a life like that… maybe wasn't that bad.'

Erza smiled warmly with closed eyes as she thought about living a life with Eleonora and bearing her child along with Eleonora's harem. Every day would be a blissful day for her since Erza Scarlet always has dreamed of normal and happy life since her childhood. Although her life with Fairy Tail wasn't bad, she also dreamed of something like that.

The red-haired mage nodded inwardly at the image that she imagined. She knew that her feeling toward Eleonora was slowly growing, but she had to restrain them for a while until her problem was solved when she returned to her homeworld.

'After settling my problem with Jellal, maybe I will confess my feeling to Eleonora-san…. But it kind of hurt for me to endure this, even though I know, it's only for a while or if not… it will be too long.'

Erza lightly shook her head, dismissing that slightly negative thought. She just hopes it won't be too long, or her love towards Eleonora will accumulate, making her unable to hold it anymore like before. Her love for Eleonora is not bad, but her heart and soul won't be at peace if she doesn't settle the current problem.

Her eyes looked at everyone, and her face softened.

'Living with everyone here is really not bad. Even though it could be noisy since so many people are here, it is also a good thing since it would be lively and won't be boring.'

While Erza was thinking of that, she felt someone poking her right palm and made the red-haired young woman blink and find who did that, which turned out to be Eleonora, who wears her beautiful smile. Of course, as Erza harbors romantic feelings for Eleonora, the former has a faint blush on her cheeks when seeing that.

Because that damn smile could instantly make anyone blush and charmed. Erza is no exception for that, but it's not like the red-haired armor mage hated that since she liked it and confirmed her feelings further for Eleonora.

But to respond to that, Erza then asked Eleonora.

"E-Eleonora-san, did you need something from me?"

"Nothing sort of. I just noticed that you seem to be thinking of something serious with your expressions. Please warn me not to ask about it if it is something personal, and I apologize for my impudence."

"No, no. It's just… something normal, yeah. It is hard for me to choose between which one I should keep or throw since both are important, but one became more important than the other."

Erza said with a nervous smile and shook her head as she tried her best not to reveal the obviousness of what she said. The red-haired woman doesn't want to make the young bluenette worry about her like that.

Because Eleonora is already kind enough to promise to help her in the future, also Erza knows that the bluenette won't break that promise they made.

Yet, Eleonora understood what the red-haired mage of Fairy Tail was trying to say since the bluenette had already discussed that kind of topic with Erza herself before. A few also noticed this but decided to be quiet as they didn't want to impose.

'It is about her feelings for me and her childhood friend, huh…? While I don't want her to feel sad, I also don't want to force Erza-san to choose me over her childhood friend since her problem is not solved yet.'

'Oh my, Erza-san loves Leo-chan so much like us but tries her best not to show it. Has something happened?'

'It will be rude if I suddenly asked that, but she is being so obvious to the people that sharp or sensitive about her feeling toward Leo-chan.'

'Mhm. By Nora-kun's expression, she already knows the reason behind Erza-san's nervousness. As expected of Nora-kun. It seems both Erza-san and her already talked regarding that matter. Although I don't know what that is… I can only guess it relates to Erza-san's feelings toward Nora-kun.'

'Eleonora dear did it again, and I am proud of that. I hope Erza-san is not restraining her feeling for Eleonora dear that much, or it will end badly for her.'

'I hope Leo dear could help Erza-san with something she struggles off, but… it seems about her feelings to Leo dear. Anyone could notice that easily since Erza-san is failed at hiding it. Since we are friends and on the same side, I hope I could help her with the problem she has somehow.'

'Hmm… Erza-san is totally obvious of her feelings towards Leo-kun and bad at hiding it.'

'Well, it's no surprise that any girl or woman would fall in love with Noracchi since she is really… gorgeous, gentlemanly, and cool, which almost makes anyone couldn't help to be charmed by her. She looks like a goddess too.'

'It's no surprise to fall in love with Eleonora since she is amazing, and I won't doubt that Eleonora will somehow make us 'alive' with something so Raikou, Artoria, and myself would not be a Servant again. After all, I want to live with her not as a Servant but as a woman.'

'Erza-san is really struggling with her feelings towards Leo-nee-sama. I felt the same before, so I could understand and share the same sympathy with her.'

That's what the sensitive and sharp people think when they see the obviousness of Erza's expression that she failed to hide from them. They don't dare to make the first move since that will feel like they forced the red-haired mage to talk about it.

But Eleonora only nodded and smiled knowingly when Erza told her that.

"I see… if you ever need help, don't hesitate to talk about it with everyone here. Of course, if you don't feel like it, that's okay since it will bring us no good if we force you."

"What Nora-kun said is true, Erza-san. After all, friends are there to help each other."

Neptune, Ais, Akame, Sonoko, and Gin instantly nodded as the Planeptune CPU responded.

"That's right, nepu! Since the power of friendship always magically solves anything, even if it sometimes makes you question how that works! One of the most powerful solutions for anything."

"But I think the power of yuri is also considered one of the powerful solutions, Nepchi!"

"Ah, there are also that. Yuri is also powerful and shall conquer the entire multiverse, nepu!"

"Leo-nee-sama is right, Erza-san! You don't have to be hesitant when asking for our help."

"You should ask the help of friends since you have them unless you're alone and do not have any."

"That's true. However, it can be a blessing or curse depends what kind of friends you have. Sometimes, people who we considered friends would either backstab or betray us. That's why we have to be careful who we befriend are."

"That isn't a positive outlook but work for sure, I guess."

Erza only smiled, seeing her friends cared so much about her like that. Seeing Erza's face, Eleonora noticed and faked a cough to gather everyone's attention as she said something to them.

"Alright, everyone, let's just finish our breakfast first and continue it later. We still have our training later, so fill our belly before that. Just not overeat it so we won't have to puke out our breakfast because of the intenseness."

"Fufu, of course, Nora-kun. Right, everyone?"

They nodded at Kurumi's words, and the lively morning for their breakfast continued. After that, the day continues like usual, and nothing weird happens since Eleonora ensures anything like that by constantly checking the dimension barrier protecting this world. She is slightly skeptical because of what she had done to Shinju and other gods that became its enemy before.

'Although it's my first time doing a thing like this… I know that paranoia is not that good, but I also don't want to take the risk of any danger potential to myself and everyone. That is also one of the biggest reasons I trained everyone to the bone so they could be stronger and take care of themselves when I couldn't protect them.'

Aside from Sonoko and Sumi, who have to attend school, everyone is free and has nothing to do like working as civil servants or doing mandatory work like anyone else. Some spend themselves learning about cooking; others also diligently train in swordsmanship or any fighting style that could improve and support their abilities.

And what Eleonora did is actually something that would be impossible to achieve typically. It also would need a tremendous amount of mana and concentration. However, that is like child play for someone like Eleonora, even though it's her first time maintaining and checking the worlds' barriers.

She sighed and thought of something.

'Since multiverse is a real thing, I have to worry about enemies from any universe that might target my loved ones and me. Usually, it's something like gods or dragons who became the enemies, but there is also a case where otherworlders also have the potential to become enemies.'

Otherworlders are something that only Eleonora finds out from having read too many light novels with another world as its genre. But she also read some fanfiction with otherworlders as the protagonist, which some of them quite messed up since the protagonist tends to be the 'bad guy' or has a villain-like attitude.

'I wonder why they like become the bad guy? Some even raped the women that became their harem and treated them as a plaything. They always have cheats called 'System' or 'Gamer' to speed up their progress and become powerful. I also had a 'System,' but I created it myself since it would make me easier to organize many skills I had, and I don't have a level-up concept like them.'

Eleonora's 'System' is not like any otherworlders always use since it doesn't have a level-up, quest, status point allocations, and the likes from RPG video games because the young bluenette doesn't need any of that. However, if she wanted and had to, Eleonora could try creating it.

'And again, that kind of thing is no use for me since I could be skilled so fast and only need a few times to learn it. Not even half a year yet, I have almost become a genuine goddess and will also have a longer life extended from normal human's life.'

Dismissing that thought just for now, Eleonora then resumed her activity for today.


Several hours have passed since breakfast, and Eleonora has finished her work. Although, rather than mandatory, it was just something she did on a whim. However, it's also has a good use for her lovers since not everyone can do that. They're not Eleonora, so the young bluenette made some weapons, equipment, etc., that have magical features.

"I don't know if this is good compared to others since I don't have anything to compare, but I hope this is good enough. Making it without any materials or smithing is really amazing since I can do that by imagining it. I don't have to worry about the materials, success rate, or something like that."

She said in a happy mood and whistling happily. The weapons she created from her [Magic Creation] have the excellent and perfect quality, even though the owner herself doesn't know of them. Equipment that increased the Status tremendously, like armor, also made by the young bluenette, but she added some kind of effect that allows the armor to be shown or not since not all of them are okay with showing the actual appearance.

'I got the idea from [Solo Leveling], and that's good since I don't want them to be embarrassed like that, but maybe I have to hear everyone's opinion first since not all of them dislike it. Sonoko, Sumi, and Gin are the perfect example since they were heroes and have some transformation outfits.'

While thinking of that, she headed towards the training ground and started the training schedule with everyone. None are complaining since they know it would give them some good benefits. All of Eleonora's lovers also wanted to get stronger to protect their bluenette's lovers since they don't want to be protected all the time and be a damsel-in-distress or become useless.

Eleonora didn't force them, so they won't blame her since Chiyuki and Sonoka, the ones who previously just ordinary women, was wanted to do this for the sake of themselves and Eleonora. That is also why they won't utter any complaint when Eleonora starts the training, and it's also not that tough since the young bluenette give them an easy way, but it also gives them a good result.

It's kind of like a shortcut but without the negative drawback or side-effect, and they could still have the time to be calm and relax during that. All of it was possible thanks to Eleonora Pendragon, and if not for her, they would have a hard time being stronger faster without relying on a forced way such as hell training, demon transformation, etc.

'It's not like they're in a hurry and don't have much time. And if that happened, I could manipulate time so Chiyuki-nee and others won't have to do it in a hurry. I have already peeked at their [Status] with [Observe], but neither has a quick-progress way like I am. That's why they need many times they need unlike me.'

With that thought during the training, Eleonora kept her focus on it, and she can do that by using parallel thinking. This is a method that she always uses, and by using it often, Eleonora could think of many things differently while still focusing on something.

Another few hours have passed, and the night was coming, causing Eleonora to stop the training.

"Alright, everyone, today's training is finished! Another good work."

With an exhausted sigh, Neptune replied with a little cheer and stretched her hands up. Behind her were the exhausted fellows that suffered the same condition. Their entire bodies were covered by sweats coming from the training.

"Wohooo~! Another hard work is done, nepu!"

"Mhm. This is excellent training. Keep it up, Eleonora."

"It is. I'm still surprised that Eleonora could have this kind of method."

Some are chuckled seeing the reaction from the exhausted Neptune. After leaving the training ground, they head to the bath together and dip in it. A warm bath is always a good thing to do when one body is tired of doing any work that could be considered hard, just like today's training and of course they also have some good break time whenever they want. It's not like Eleonora insists on making them keep training without having a break, but some are decided to continue training without a break and end up with some good scolding from those who worried.

That makes Eleonora chuckle when she remembers it.

'Chiyuki-nee, Sonoka-nee, Yasaka, and Raikou did the scolding is a quite amusing scene and reactions. I am glad that I took some break.'

By the end of the week, Eleonora is positive that everyone here has the powers to challenge some divine beings such as gods, even though she didn't have any solid proof of it but what the young bluenette could do for now is believe in herself.

'Well, later, I will re-check their [Status] to see if there is something weird or missing. I could also give everyone some tips if I could review their [Status]. And it seems that I also have to organize all of the skills that I have, maybe combining them into one.'

And with that thought end, their bath time also came close, causing them to leave the onsen-like bath, and after that, they enjoyed dinner made by the people in-charge of today's dishes. Even though Eleonora could help too, she wasn't included in the schedule for some reason, and she already knew why but decided to be quiet for now.

'They really want to be a good wife and treat me as an actual husband. Not only in cooking, but some chores also weren't included for me. They were trying so hard to make me do nothing and be spoiled by them. This is felt weird and unsettling, but I won't complain about that since I also enjoyed it.'

Eleonora felt a guilty pleasure from it, and she couldn't deny that feeling.