Initiating the same plan in different Era

"Alright, since the problem seems similar, we could use the same idea our group did before. Isn't that right, Gin, everyone?"

Eleonora said to her group, which gave the young bluenette a chorus of approval nods from those who understood since what she said was true that this era's problem lies in the same thing that Gin, Sonoko, and Sumi had experienced back in their time. Shinju, Heavenly Gods, Vertexes, and Taisha is the source of this world's problem that must get rid of so humanity can be safe again without them.

And, of course, this made Wakaba's group and some of Eleonora's teammates confused, while Utano already knew something since she had received some memories transferred by Eleonora earlier. Although it seems the young bluenette has no choice but to do the same to make the first hero team and some of Eleonora's teammates, which is to share memories related to what she and her group did back in the heroes' problem of Gin's era.

"Of course we are, Nora! We should beat the bad guys Taisha again in this era!"

"You got that, Eleonora. We could use the same idea we did before."

"I have agreed with you, Sonocchi, and Gin. The faster we did it, the better result we would have later."

"Well, since Nogi-san and her friends also everyone who wasn't with us back then is confused, I'll begin to do it. I'll share the memories I have at that time and don't worry, no negative side effects will occur, so you can be calm and relaxed—also, it would be better if you could understand and remember it right away, even though I don't have a problem to do it again."

They nodded in understanding; some were gulped with nervousness, while others were really calm. Seeing the divided reaction from them made Eleonora slightly huff and smile knowing it, but then she used [Memory Transfer], the improved version, by combining it with [Telepathy] so there is no need to require direct contact with the target. Its name is [Cognitive Grail: Storage of Memories], and again, Eleonora sighed as she gave up because the name instantly popped up like that without having the chance to name it by herself.

Anyway, she shook her head and dismissed that stupid thought as she focused on transferring some of her memories to those who currently need them. The progress didn't last long since it was only a second and caused Wakaba, Hinata, and Anzu to go into deep thought. Tamako and Yuuna exchanged stares and nodded as they finally understood something, while Chikage simply had her usual face as it was not being changed.

After transferring her memories using [Cognitive Grail: Storage of Memories], Eleonora looked at everyone, especially Wakaba and her friends, as she tried to see what kind of reaction they would show on their faces after knowing the idea from her memories. Instead of being disgusted, Wakaba, Hinata, and Anzu stared at each other and nodded as if they also understood something.

That made Eleonora nod when looking at Wakaba's group, except Chikage, who seemed already content with the idea instead of going into a deep thought like her friends. She still wears her deadpan face instead of mimicking the ones her friends have. The young bluenette could only sweatdrop and laugh nervously when seeing the black-haired scythe-user hero has that kind of expression showed on her face.

'Well, I had already expected that someone like her would be okay with this. But, to think she has that much affection for me….'

Eleonora squinted her eyes while using another new combined skill which results from combining [Observe], [Bullshit Detector], and [Sha Naqba Imuru: The Omniscient Omnipotent Star], and its new skill name is [Myriad Truths: Eyes of Knowledge]. She could only have expected this when Chikage was behaving like that around her.

Name: Koori Chikage

Title: C-Shadow Gamer, Shikoku Scythe's Hero

HP: 50.000/50.000

MP: 120.000/120.000

Age: 15

Date of Birth: 3 February 2003

Bust/Waist/Hip: 74/57/79

Height: 159.00 cm

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Description: Chikage is a shy and lonely girl who is not good at interacting with other people. Like many introverts, she enjoys playing video games, especially shooting and hunting games akin to Monster Hunter. Her constant bullying and unstable home life have caused her to become highly mistrustful of other people, only genuinely opening up to Yuuna. She has also developed a severe inferiority complex, leading to her tragic rivalry with Nogi Wakaba. Her fragile mental state has led to her becoming especially susceptible to the mind-corroding effects of the Trump Card, but despite that, she is a good person at heart who only wishes for acceptance.

However, due to the meeting with people from another world and timeline, she develops a crush and high affection of love for Eleonora Pendragon. She even counted on Eleonora and trusted her so much with her life. She felt better and more comfortable being around Eleonora than with Yuuna, although Chikage is still on good terms and has no problem with Yuuna being around her. She also began to bear a massive hatred towards Taisha even more due to knowing the truth and wanting to go to Eleonora's world so she could live with her as she didn't care about her parents.

Favorite: Eleonora, Video games, Playing video games, Monster Hunter

Dislike: Loud sound, Crowd, Bully, Her family, Being alone, Taisha, Vertexes, Heavenly Gods

Relationship: Nogi Wakaba (Friend/Comrade/Rival), Uesato Hinata (Friend/Comrade), Doi Tamako (Friend/Comrade), Iyojima Anzu (Friend/Comrade), Takashima Yuuna (Close Friend/Comrade), Eleonora Pendragon (Crush/Savior)

What she thought about you: She loves you, wants to be on your side forever, and fully trusts you.

Her future with you: She will be one of your wives and live happily with you. She will grow into a strong, dependable, mature beautiful woman who is loyal to you.

What she wants right now with you: Want to be your lover, marry you, bear your baby and leave this world to your world or another so she could live with you.

Eleonora had to hold herself not to coughed in shock when seeing the last one since that is really something from someone like Koori Chikage. However, she again remembers that her lovers who share the resemblances like Chikage also tend to be aggressive and thirsty about something. They also tend to be blunt or, as of right now, become frank after they get scolded by some people like Chiyuki and Sonoka.

'I am happy that she thinks so much of me with that much affection, but I hope it will not turn bad. Please don't make me jinx it, and I am also happy that Chikage wants to be my lover and harem later. And she deserves better if I read her description from her status. Although I intended to fix her relationship with her family, it seems she doesn't care about them, and it would be pointless to do it.'

She looked straight to Chikage, who blinked as she noticed, then the black-haired scythe-user flustered when their eyes met. The young bluenette simply chuckled amusingly, seeing Chikage's reaction like that. It's so pure and adorable that it would make anyone cooed seeing the cuteness, especially if Chikage had a fangirl or fanboy.

'Of course, that would make her be embarrassed if that happens. After all, she is not the type that could deal with something like that. Things like that are considered troublesome by someone like her, and I know how well it is since I sometimes have to deal with it. She will try her best to ignore or avoid it. Or maybe even let someone deal with it.'

The last two options seem more reasonable picks for Chikage, and Eleonora knew it too well that Chikage would definitely choose between those options for herself. The young bluenette simply nods at how accurate and correct she predicted Chikage since the black-haired scythe-user hero is similar to Ais, Akame, and some people she knew.

'She will definitely choose between those.'

As Eleonora thought of that, she heard Neptune's voice successfully gain her attention and everyone who quickly listened to her. The blue-haired loli goddess lifted her fist cheerfully while saying something.

"Hey-hey, everyone! How about we speedrun this? Beat the big bad guys quickly so they won't do anything to this world and its people anymore? Isn't that great, nepu?!"

"That idea is really not bad. Instead of waiting, let's just do it quickly. But if waiting was required for this, we have no choice but to do that and form some concrete plan. Eleonora, since some of us aren't well known about this, could you share what you've experienced before?"

"Of course, I will, Artoria. Don't worry about it. And she's right that it seems we need some time to develop a plan, everyone. Sorry for that, Neptune."

Eleonora sent an apologetic face to Neptune, who waved off her hands as if it was nothing.

"It's okay, Noura! Since this bad guy is more complex than the usual villain I've faced so many times, I think it's normal to develop some plan for it, nepu."

"Nep-nep learning and matured, it's surprising."

Ais commented with her frankness to Neptune, who was in shock because of that comment.

"Nepu?! I am still in my puberty and learning growth, Aisu! I'm smart and not stupid, nepu!"

"I'm not saying that, but you understand it so well, Nep-nep. Congratulation for being aware of yourself."

The golden-haired girl from Loki Familia said that with her deadpan and clapping her hands slowly. Everyone simply chuckles in response to that. Some are holding their laugh; others are chuckling and giggling. Neptune's cheeks were swollen as she pouted in anger because of the reactions, and then went to Eleonora and hugged the young bluenette while crying, burying her face in Eleonora's chest.

"Noura, Aisu is being a meanie to me, nepu! She is a bully!"

"I don't think Ais means that, Neptune. She is just joking, so don't worry about it."

Eleonora was consoling her blue-haired loli lover, gently stroking Neptune's head while smiling, and then stared at Ais as she said something to the golden-haired girl. The latter felt Eleonora's gaze towards herself and suddenly felt nervous.

"Ais, please don't do that to Neptune, and kindly explain it to her. Okay?"

Being reminded of that by her lover, Ais quickly nodded and promised Eleonora that. Although the young bluenette felt unsure if the golden-haired girl could keep the promise, that would be taken care of later in the future if something happened. She even saluted Eleonora, trying to convince the young bluenette that she would not break the promise.

"I understand it well. I promise not to do mean things to Nep-nep as long as it does not look like that from me."

Eleonora simply huffed and chuckled as she understood since Ais said sounded convincing. However, the young bluenette will try her best to observe it and maybe give some reminder to the golden-haired adventurer whenever she does that again.

"The difference of one viewpoint, huh. I guess that couldn't be helped. However, please refrain from being so frank or blunt with bad comments. I know that you mean good, but it will also help you if you are not doing that too much."

Many nods as they agree with what Eleonora has said. Ais listened to it very carefully, with such enthusiasm shown in her eyes. One of Eleonora's lovers, a blonde-haired woman of fox youkai, then speaks of what's on her mind to Ais.

"Leo dear is right, Ais. She simply said to think of what you've said and carefully choose the words you would use. While it may be true that you could be so casual to someone like friends or close-by, it is also not wrong to sometimes say something carefully and not make them get hurt by what we've said."

"…I see. So I have to mind my manner of speaking and the words I would speak. I got it. Thanks, Yassa, Eleonora, and everyone. I will try my best to remember it and won't forget."

"Good, then how about we start our plan for the revolution or sort of?"


Under Eleonora's suggestion and with the help of everyone, they then began to start doing the same thing that Gin, Sonoko, and Sumi did in their timeline to the Taisha and everyone. Created some bad rumors and spread them out so people would slowly doubt the Taisha and lose trust in them. But, of course, it won't be the same idea or plan since some of the girls also suggested adding new ideas.

They've been given a month's deadline since this timeline, which is 2018 AD, has a huge difference from 298 DE since Taisha's connection and the likes are quite strong. Although Eleonora wants to reject the idea of portraying herself as a new god or goddess, she can't go against the votes of everyone except them; even Wakaba and her friends think that Eleonora is suited and should be a goddess to be prayed for by many people.

And this time, Eleonora also had to absorb Shinju's divinity, along with the heavenly gods that oppose humanity, and give them the monstrous beings called Vertexes. For the first time, fighting against the Stardust or Vertexes' minions could be difficult due to the abnormality that changed within them; this time will be different since Eleonora and everyone has already know how to deal with them without getting any difficulty like before.

Also, because of what Neptune said, Eleonora and everyone is doing a speedrun, and this time again, the young bluenette took an absence from fighting and did not join it since she was told to let them handle it to make them grow stronger.

'Suppose this is fine, even though I'm worried if something like before happens again. Anyway, it seems it is good to do a speedrun instead of waiting uselessly for the right time like in any shounen stories or anything else. Maybe because I had the solution right away from the beginning? Should be that.'

But, before they had to face Shinju and the heavenly gods, everyone had to undergo some training to increase their strength and other things than that. Usually, things like training would take a long time, but thanks to Eleonora, something like that won't be a problem anymore since she could just freely manipulate the time flow of this world.

'But… who is then responsible for the weird things happen to those Stardust…?'

Eleonora deeply questions that in her mind since it's bothering the young bluenette, and she doesn't know who is the one who did that or what caused it. Although she could use [Myriad Truths: Eyes of Knowledge] to find out about it, she decided to do that later, after returning to her homeworld.

'I will find it out later when returning to my world. Maybe I also ask about it to the chat group's owner. That guy seems to know about it. Or if he didn't, then I have to do it myself. For now, I have to solve this world's entire problem first.'


In Eleonora's world, life was gone like usual with no problem, which is quite surprising since the world has turned into a new era with monsters, people with superpowers, and many things that usually could be found in fantasy stories or movies.

Something that suddenly existed without any warning caused massive panic but quieted down and became calm after the government took a quick action to reduce the commotion and panic. One of many countries took about fifteen minutes to take such action, and it's Japan, which has Mikogami Tsukasa, the current Prime Minister of Japan and the leader of the Seven Prodigies group, among her friends.

And the seven of them gathered in the usual place they used as a hang-out. Something akin to a base or sort of, and one of the members is Eleonora Pendragon's lover—Kanzaki Keine, the greatest doctor in the world—currently having some small talk with another member of the Seven Prodigies. She is a beautiful pale-skinned girl with thigh-length black hair tied in a ponytail by a purple bow with bangs hanging over her forehead, vibrant-green eyes, and an upturned "punk" nose. She has a built-like athlete body, holding herself at the ready to move into action at any time.

She is Ichijou Aoi, a master and greatest fencer who weirdly dressed like a samurai and had katana as the weapon. She had a faint blush and twirled her fingers, currently discussing something with Keine as the doctor knew it but remained quiet until Aoi spoke of it. The blonde-haired young doctor simply smiled and chuckled while waiting for her friend to talk about it.

'Ah, Leo-chan. You seem to make another girl be your new harem member again. Although I've been expecting this, this still can surprise me a little. First Aoi-san and then Shinobu-san. Maybe when you're returning, you will be surprised knowing this.'

"U-Uhm, Keine… could I talk with you about… something?"

Aoi asked with a still faint blush on her cheeks, feeling shy and embarrassed. Although Keine already knew what the fencer master would talk about, she decided to pretend not to know it and responded to it with a simple nod.

"Sure, Aoi-san. What could it be? Please don't hesitate; feel free to ask about something you don't know about. I will help you to my best."

"It's… it is about Eleonora…."

"Oh, my. Did Leo-chan possibly do something to you?"

"No! No, she never did anything weird or harmed me! I just want to ask something that made me curious!"

"Ah, is that so? My apologies for the misunderstanding, but what could it be, Aoi-san?"

"You and Eleonora… have a relationship, and she has harem… so I wondered if I could… join in?"

When she heard the question, Keine's smile grew wider as she had expected the topic that was brought by Aoi. She then nodded and replied to the ponytail-haired master fencer about her answer. Though, she decided to tease Aoi a little.

"Sure, anyone can. However… Aoi-san, do you truly okay with sharing her with multiple girls…?"


"I'm home."

As soon as she went home from school, the young girl with thigh-length dark-blue hair with bangs hanging over her eyebrows, two hair strands framing her face on both sides, and purple eyes said her greeting to the people inside the house. She wears the school uniform, and the one who replied to her greeting is a woman with a similar or identical appearance, which is her mother.

"Welcome home, Rin. How's school today?"

"The same as usual, but…."

The girl named Rin, or Shima Rin, stopped saying it as she had a faint blush on her cheeks, causing her mother, Shima Saki, to be confused for a while before having a smirk on her face after she noticed the small faint blush on her daughter's cheeks.

"Oh? Is there something happening?"

"…Yeah, there is."

"Really? What is that, Rin?"

Her mother asked curiously what her daughter meant by that. Rin's blush slowly has a more vibrant color that some people could easily notice; she glanced at her mother before answering it with a low voice that could miraculously be heard by her mother.

"… It's about love. My chest felt weird when seeing someone."

Saki's eyes suddenly shone and sparkled as she was excited when hearing that coming from her daughter. A smile of curiosity also showed on her face, causing Rin to predict what would happen after this.

"Really?! Oh my… to think my only daughter, who is so far to be only interested in camping, suddenly be like this. Rin, are you serious about that question?"

"I am. It's not a joke."

"Hm… I see I see. But who is the person that makes you feel that?"

"It's Nadeshiko's sister-in-law…."

"Nadeshiko-chan's sister-in-law… huh? Wait, does she have an older brother somewhere?"

She asked with confusion evident on her face, causing Rin to let out a small sigh and answer her mother's confusion to clear it up.

"No. It's Sakura-san's girlfriend. I suddenly felt my chest fluttering, and it's warm."

"…Does that mean she is lesbian and… you too?"

Rin simply nodded with her cheeks went redder than before. Saki became quiet and stunned before giving her daughter the response. She smiled happily and put both hands on Rin's shoulder.

"Congratulation then, but… you have to explain it to Sakura-san and her girlfriend. Although the law in our country allows harem, you have to tell everything to them just to make sure. Got it, Rin?"

"I thought that you would reject it…."

"There is no way I would do that. You are my daughter, and your happiness matters. I am also happy that you learn something new besides camping and friends. I always thought that you would like Nadeshiko-chan in that way too."

"No way. She is… too blah for me."

Rin's mother only laughed when she heard that from her daughter.


Theodore Pendragon let out a heavy sigh with his right palm on his forehead. His wife, Yotsuba Yuuka, could only comfort her husband by patting his back and smiling worriedly. And Merlin simply wears his usual smile as he feels fascinated seeing the development happening right now.

"How come there is another person from another world that gets transported to our world…?"

"Dear, don't be discouraged. It's not like we could know when and who are they, right? Maybe only Ellen could do that."

"… You're right. If someone that could do that, it would be Elly."

"Your wife is correct, Master. I am fully certain that your daughter could do something like that. As her magic teacher and swordsmanship, too, I'm certain of it."

The last man of the Pendragon family ignored what Merlin said and looked straight at the person who sat politely and patiently waited until Theodore finished his rant. His eyes locked on that person's, causing that person to feel slightly nervous and awkward. Theodore is currently facing a young woman with plum-coloured hair, which is worn with a long braid, and mint blue eyes. She wears large round glasses.

"So… you're from another world. Judging from your clothes, no… that is a stupid deduction. You came from a continent called Zemuria, and your country name is Erebonia, is that right?"

The young woman who is currently being questioned by Theodore nodded with her kind and warm smile as she replied.

"Yes, Pendragon-san. I'm certain that we've come from another world to this world. My name is Emma Millstein, and this is my cat, Celine. Pleased to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too. So… you're a wizard, mage, or the likes, and that cat is your familiar…? Makes me want to say the popular quote from Rubeus Hagrid."

Theodore says it jokingly, causing Emma and Celine to blink in shock as the plum-haired young woman quickly denies what the person in front of her said as she goes into a panic and waves her hands.

"N-No. I'm not some of those and just an ordinary girl, and this is my pet."

"It is quite surprising that you deny it despite having that amount of mana. Your cat is also disguising herself with that animal's appearance. You can't fool us, and don't worry, we don't have any ill intention."

He said that bluntly, causing Emma and Celine to be stunned as they didn't know what to say.

"Dear, that makes you more suspicious if you are so blunt and straightforward."

"Indeed, Master. You should've cared more about what you wanted to say to them. If not, they will distrust us."

"Hey, that makes me sound dumb! I can't help it, okay? It's better to be blunt and honest rather than lie to them. That would be dumber like those cheap chinese martial arts or system novels out there. Or worse, fanfiction with the system."

The three of them debated with each other while Emma and Celina could only watch in awe and sweatdrops.