Casually chatting with god

A month has about passed by in the world of Nogi Wakaba and its timeline. During a month's deadline, when Eleonora was about to absorb Shinju and the heavenly gods' divinity, those gods warned the young bluenette about something. While Shinju's warning is full of concern and sounds kind, it's the opposite for the heavenly gods that raged when their divinity was about to get stolen by a mere 'demi-god' or hatchling.

"Please watch yourself, O Young Demi-God, that your future will have more people with the evil intention that might chase you. Especially since you're now ascended from mortal to divine being or god, the danger you will encounter will be more profound than this. You will frequently meet with those of the same level."

Eleonora listened carefully to the warning and took it seriously as she would be careful in the future. Then, the heavenly gods unleash those Vertexes and Stardusts, throwing their rage and yelling at the young bluenette when they warn her.

"Watch it, you ungrateful low-leveled hatchling! Bear it to your mind that if you do this, then the danger you will find now is just mere sand compared to others in your near future. You, your loved ones, and everything will be exposed to many dangers from any universe—not only this one small world and universe. You will soon realize that the danger you find in this world is nothing compared to another. You may be in relief for now; however… soon, you will have to cease that."

While it may sound silly and pathetic, Eleonora also has to take that statement into her mind. Although she has a skill that allows her to see the future, the young bluenette doesn't want to be arrogant and ignores it. She will adhere to that for a while until the problem that might come to her disappear entirely.

"Thank you for the warning, but I will solve that with everyone, so… please, you don't have to worry about it since your entire existence will completely vanish from multiple timelines in this world. That way, every timeline would be safe and doesn't have to suffer from the same fate."

With that said, Eleonora then absorbs all of the divinity that both Shinju and heavenly gods have into her body, causing herself to be covered in a bright light that shines, giving many who saw the light to feel hope. And soon, after the young bluenette's body undergoes some changes, which transform her into an entirely new person, the light slowly dies and shows Eleonora's new appearance.

Her face, which was already beautiful and felt otherworldly, became divine. The charm from her godly face could make Eleonora do anything to any woman. Her blue long braided ponytail hair also changed color to a "finely textured" blonde, while her hair seems "as if sprinkled with gold dust." Eleonora's new body's proportion also became finer and better than before. The young bluenette, which now turned blonde, has her hair color resembled her ancestor and lover's, too.

"Wow. It really looks like those cultivation novels. My entire body felt stronger, no—a thousand times better than before. My looks also improved a lot, and maybe I could make anyone be charmed easier than before…? That sound dangerous. I already did cuckold some people, but if it became even better when I'm still a human, I could do more things with cucking someone."

She shakes her head and lets out a sigh.

"Anyway, that's that. The problem is already solved. It should be here."

The young blonde newly goddess has one arm crossed while a familiar transparent box and sound are here. She smiled when she saw that familiar transparent box and sound from her completing the extra/secret mission the chat group's owner gave her.

[Yo! Looks like you finished another mission that I gave you. This time you did it with speedrun style…? I like this. I bet Neptune gives you that idea, isn't it? Not bad, although I couldn't call it a speedrun since you have to wait for a month, that's that. I don't care what it is called as long as you complete it. Anyway, like I've told you from that time, you could do it easily and… wow. You even became a goddess! You've ascended from mortal ranks to the divine in a short time that not even six months or a year is passed in your world.]

"Well… thanks, I think? Anyway. With this, all of this world's timelines will no longer have the same fate as this one, right? I don't want them to repeat the cycle if possible."

[I don't know. Maybe? You could find it out yourself with your skills. However, I can say that you just saved the heroes of this timeline. You saved Wakaba, her friends, and Utano, and let's not forget about Gin, Sonoko, and Sumi. However, the new generation of heroes around 300 DE won't happen since the whole existence of Shinju, heavenly gods, Vertexes, Stardusts, and Taisha disappeared. You may not get another Yuuna as your harem. Shame to you, though.]

The blonde newly goddess could only sweatdrop at the mention of the last part when she read the message. While it is maybe true, Eleonora doesn't have any problem with that since she has already prevented one of the worst possible futures of this world.

"I don't mind it. After all, I get Takashima Yuuna, and both Takashima and Yuuki are literally the same people. Not to mention I got the first Yuuna in this world. That is more excellent achievement for me. Anyway, don't change the subject, okay? I kind of hate it."

[Sorry, sorry. Anyway, here are the lists of your rewards this time. Take it, and don't be ungrateful like those damn male-lead protagonists.]

[Imagine Breaker: The Hand Which Purifies Gods and Slays Demons – Improved Version acquired]

[Instant Death: Anything Can Be Killed – Improved Version acquired]

[All Fiction: Everything Is Fictitious In Front of Me acquired]

[Divine's Fragment 2x acquired]

The young blonde goddess' brow rose when seeing the rewards she had received from the chat group's owner. Even though it's only three skills and two pieces of [Divine's Fragment], they are at overpowering levels. Especially with the word next to the first two skills she had has Improved Version on it. That could be considered a good thing since that would mean Eleonora has something better than the original.

"Another set of powerful abilities, and… I get two pieces of [Divine's Fragment]…? That is good. But I should keep it for later use since it might be useful. I am also grateful that those skills, especially the first two, seem better than the originals."

[Yeah. It's already cheating that you got those two, but those people improved it so you can use them without any problem. Geez, they indeed love you that much. Technically, most gods love you, including me, but some gods don't like you since they are kind of the old-fashioned ones or jealous of what you have done so far. Come to think of it, you have done another impressive feat, to even summoned a Heroic Spirit, not as Servant, but an actual Heroic Spirit that is in its full power. Not even Alaya or Gaia could easily do that, you know?]

Feeling embarrassed, Eleonora scratched her cheeks when she got a compliment like that. Although it was an unexpected outcome and event, the young blonde goddess felt grateful. She is blessed to be capable of summoning a full-fledge Heroic Spirit as her magical familiar. While Shiratori Utano isn't the strongest, her strength isn't something that could be underestimated, especially if the one that supplies and summons her is Eleonora Pendragon.

Shiratori Utano got a terrifying and godly being as her backer. Not to mention if Eleonora decided to train Utano so she would get stronger too in a short time. That would be scary since the young blonde goddess would do it to some extent, making everyone she knew at the level of god or something close. And that itself wasn't exaggerated since it's true, but with the recent abnormal thing that happened with them, Eleonora would take the training she did to another level while keeping peaceful and quiet since she didn't want to do an intense and hell-type of training.

"…I see. Not even Solomon from FGO or Merlin-sensei could pull that off?"

[Solomon could only summon a Servant, up to Grand-class. The same could be said for Merlin, though he will be lower than the one called "King of Magecraft," even if your teacher is someone awesome. Your dad wants to summon a Solomon for your magic teacher, but he can't do that since something is lacking. And considering your bloodline and history, he decided to summon one of the people he hates, Merlin.]

"So… dad didn't like Merlin-sensei that much, huh. I know that sometimes he argues with him, but it was to this extent. I don't want to be someone who can't read the mood or that they should do something about that, but I hope dad's problem with Merlin-sensei will be solved."

[Well said… anyway, since you're a goddess now, I think you might expect some invitation to your celebration in Heaven or the place I work. There might be some gods that despise you there, but just ignore them and enjoy the invitation. It might be around a month after your world's time.]

This made Eleonora blink in surprise when she read it. Even though she became a goddess and divine being, the young now-blonde girl didn't expect to be invited on something like that. And Eleonora didn't expect gods to do something like that. It might be similar to the celebration party she would always attend back home, but she could also expect more from this.

[It's just like Denatus in Orario or DanMachi, I think? Yeah, similar to that. Well, they held a meeting once every three months in that world, but for us, once a year since things sometimes go so fast, especially if they are someone with cheats like you. You probably know many anime, manga, or light novel that has overpowered protagonist that has their adventure for only a year but do many incredible things, including becoming a god or higher-being like that.]

What Netheos writes on the message isn't wrong since most stories have a year timeline in their adventures, which look long but are actually short yet have many meaningful things. Since most of them are going to a high school setting. While there are also not in a school setting, they have a year timelimit for their adventures. However, there is also a case like Eleonora; not even half or a year passed, and she had ascended from mortal rank to a god or divine being. Something rare to see but not impossible to happen.

[However, ordinary humans becoming gods often happen in fanfiction. Because they mostly have an [System] as their cheat and rely a lot on that. It's so cliché and boring to see [System] and their private dungeon filled with zombies. Nothing changed. For example, can they get more creative to have slime as the monsters of their first dungeon? Or something like flying baby chick like Piya in Seal Online. It is more interesting than just a zombie.]

"Uhm… if I were invited to that 'Heaven,' that means we could meet?"

[You're damn right. We will meet if you are invited to Heaven and maybe other gods who have the hots for you. I remind you again, but all of the gods liked you. Some male gods even wanted to change their genders to be your harem since you only like a woman. You could say they want to gender-bender themselves just to be with you.]

Eleonora sweatdropped when she read it. To think the gods, especially the male, went so far as to change their gender so they could be her harem is quite unbelievable that sounds impossible for anyone with an ordinary mind and sense. However, the young blonde new goddess is not normal since she was born, and that is her fate always brings her many good luck and fortunes. She has already been loved by many gods, fairies, devils, and many creatures since the day Eleonora Pendragon was born.

[Hey, I'm not kidding, okay? If you go up there, you will find it yourself. This invitation most likely will be sent to you around your birthday, so look forward to it. Even some annoying goddesses also want to be in your harem if possible, considering they would likely have to forfeit their powers and live as mortals. It is quite a huge decision for most gods.]

The young blonde blinked and was confused when she read that as she decided to ask.

"Wait… then, would I have to forfeit my divinity and power since I became a goddess and living in the mortal world? If I can be honest, I don't want that to happen. If becoming god could make me lose my powers and divinity just by spending my life in this world, I'd like to quickly reannounce myself as a mortal or ordinary human again."

[Didn't I tell you that you're a rare case? Maybe you could say, unique since you practically have the Goddess of Luck on your side and the whole gods, except some who show their hatred for you. They are willing to make an exception for you since they like you and show some favoritism. It's unfair, but the world in every universe works like that, so people shouldn't be jealous. They should do everything to make their life more interesting instead of just being jealous of some people blessed with a perfect or good life.]

Eleonora crossed her arms and couldn't help but agree with it, even though her life had been perfect without any serious trouble. She is always grateful for the life given to her to enjoy something like this, and if there is some problem, the young blonde goddess will make sure to solve it quickly. Either by herself alone or with some help. The power of friendship might be cliché, but if used correctly, there is nothing wrong with that.

'Well… my life has been perfect without any severe problems since young, so I understand why some people would get jealous. I would feel guilty if it were the old me, but maybe the current me won't have to be like that since I don't care about them. Why would I have to be the one at fault when it's not my problem or not even me who started it? That is indeed a strange kind of mindset if I remember it again.'

She nodded when thinking about that and huffed a little, annoyed a bit at what she did back then, and thanks to her lovers, she slowly became a better person and changed in the right direction. Although it can't be called 'right' in a general view of ordinary people with some common sense intact. However, common sense itself can be changed accordingly and make the former common sense become nonsense. And the young blonde newly-born goddess could do that right now since she became a goddess. Eleonora can make everyone's common sense in the world change according to her through brainwashing, just like what Saiki Kusuo did.

'Sounds villainy, but that is the fastest way to do that. I don't care if my method is quite terrible, but I am neither a hero nor a villain. I just do whatever I want since I can do that. People might hate me, but I don't care anymore since I am not the old me. I don't care if people like Hajime-san would appear since they are nothing.'

[…I can tell that you overthink about good and bad stuff like hero and villain. Don't do that; you're not a hero or villain, but maybe you're anti. An anti-hero, anti-villain, or whatever it is. Don't try so hard to be the Ally of Justice like Emiya Shirou or Kamijou Touma. Screw with them, and this is a good direction for your character development, so keep it up. Okay? People who love you would be sad if you become stressed because of something silly like that.]

"But… brainwashing an entire people in the world for the sake of that…."

[As I said, don't try so hard about it. You can do as you please without caring so much about it. Whatever you do is up to you, so be optimistic about that. After all, you're Eleonora Pendragon, the girl blessed and loved by many gods. Anyway, I think this message and conversation were too long, so we should end it now and continue it at another time. You have the right to be free and use your freedom, so do whatever you want since you have many gods at your sides!]

Eleonora scratched her head when reading it and nodded in understanding as she would try her best to be selfish and do whatever she wanted even though it sounded terrible. But the people that care and love Eleonora don't care about that since they want the young bluenette-turned-blonde to be happy and think more about herself. It will be hard, but the effect shows even if only a little and not that much.

"I will try my best to do that. Hopefully, I won't be a villain or something. Maybe an anti-hero since I'm not that heartless and cold. What would Artoria say about this, I wonder…? After all, she seems to care more about 'justice' and the likes. Umm… maybe I should talk about this to everyone to avoid any unnecessary things that might lead to something bad in the future."

[Good! I like that, and before I ended the message, since you're now a goddess and have some followers, you can gain some [Divine's Fragment] from your followers' prayer. You will also begin to hear their thought later, and some temple, church, or whatever it is called to worship you will be built and appears. You can also genuinely grant their wish or prayers as you want.]

"I see… it will be a pain to deal with hearing the thought of my worshipper. I will find a way to deal with it later."

[It might be started small, and some people won't notice your religion, but I'm sure if it is you, things will progress faster and smoothly without any trouble. Your life span also increased tremendously to the point you can live up to years. It's an average number, so you can improve it yourself. However, you're not an immortal, so please beware not to get yourself nearly killed carelessly. I'm sure you can solve this problem later. Also, the more believer or followers of your religion have, the more power, divinity, and life span you have.]

"That's convenient and seems easy to do. Maybe easy for me since it's myself."

[Getting cocky, aren't you? But I can't disagree with that since it's you. Anyway, I will send the full explanation to your email so you can read it, and that's it for now! So, I will see you again later someday! We will be waiting for your arrival at Heaven! Most of them are eager to meet with you!]

After reading the last part of the message, Eleonora nodded and planned to went to her home of this world's timeline before preparing to return to her homeworld since things had become better and her job was done. Taking a deep and heavy sigh, the blonde goddess then smiled with confidence, making her beautiful face more charming and could make anyone fall in love instantly without hesitation.

"Before heading home to everyone, I should find a way to conceal my goddess' form. Some manga have the gods do that, and some Chinese or Korean martial arts novels. I have to control the attractiveness level of my looks so it won't cause me any trouble. Heh, classic move."

She chuckled as the young blonde goddess did something to herself, concealing her goddess' form or deactivating it so that it won't make any troublesome scene in the future for herself or the people around her. She is too attractive, after all. Ordinary people couldn't handle it so well if they did see her goddess' form.

Waving her hand, she cast something on herself and smiled after she finished. Her appearance now is not like before since it's back on her mortal appearance or before taking her goddess' form after ascending her rank from human to goddess.

"There we are, back to my actual's appearance. I don't want to be narcissistic or arrogant, but I really have a beautiful face and voluptuous body. Anyway, I'm done with this and have to go back to everyone. I don't want them to be worried and waiting so long for me."


Stretching out her arms, Netheos felt the exhaustion from her whole body as she cocked her neck and head while rubbing her shoulders. One of the essential goals that many gods want is achieved as Eleonora Pendragon ascended from mortal human to god-rank. Many gods who heard this let out happy cheers and planned to hold a celebration party for the young blonde goddess during her birthday. The white-haired goddess could sigh in relief and smile happily when that was accomplished.

"That is a relief. I really have no doubt that she would get to this so fast. Not even half a year, or a year, but Eleonora could achieve something like this. Maybe it is because of how many cheats and overpowered skills she has? But if it is only that, there is no guarantee it will succeed since that depends on the wielder or user's capability to use their skills. A powerful weapon is useless if the wielder doesn't have the skill to use its full potential. In the end, all of it depends on the person, just like All For One, who has multiple quirks but couldn't win against All Might who only uses the stockpill quirk that One For All has. The brother of All For One must be disappointed when he just lost like that."

She chuckle dryly when remembering that the final battle of All For One vs. All Might is quite pathetic, according to Netheos. It is not really epic or giving her excited goosebump as others did. Instead, that made her yawn in bored. That fight didn't feel and look interesting to Netheos, even though the universe is said to be popular.

"Anyway, I purposely did not mention the abnormal thing that happened to Eleonora and her group fighting those Stardusts and Vertexes in Nogi Wakaba's timeline. Since, even though I held a suspicion on who is the culprit, there is still not enough evidence or proof to back it up. I don't want to be slandered or blamed when babbling about it."

Netheos sighed tiredly when she said that. She didn't have the skill that Eleonora had, and it was frustrating, but she had to wait until the investigation would be clear. That is quite problematic and troublesome, but it's not like she had a choice.

"I hope the result will come out faster since I don't want it to have me wait a year or so. However, if the culprit could somehow conceal or mask the traces, that would be terrible if that really happened. I hope the investigation went smoothly without a big problem because I worry about the safety of Eleonora and her lovers."

While Netheos is leaning backward on the chair she sits on, the white-haired goddess wears black tank top and red shorts as her casual clothes when in her own room and home. Even though the salary isn't that high, it can still make her rent a cheap apartment to live in Heaven. She doesn't want to be homeless or live in a shared apartment.

Pulling herself straight, the white-haired goddess and observer of Eleonora Pendragon's life then focused her attention on the computer screen.

"Alright. Let's get back to work. Luckily they made it easier for me to observe Eleonora's life through the computer."