Sexual service 1/2

The fun, playing in the mall, and eating at the restaurant were over, so Eleonora and the girls left the mall and returned to their home as it was already late and some who still attend school would have to sleep early, or they would be late on tomorrow morning. This is torture for Tamako since she doesn't really like studying, but the brown-haired tomboy has to do it, and she also sometimes has fun in school because of her friends around her.

And the trio of former heroes of 298 DE or Year 298 of Divine Era is freed from this since, right now, they live not on their own timelines but on Wakaba's. The ones who are the happiest when knowing this are Sonoko and Gin, while Sumi has to shake her head with an exasperated sigh and in disbelief when seeing her two best friends behaving like that.

However, because of what Eleonora did, Sumi also felt happy since their fate was changed for the better. Sumi's love and affection for Eleonora were constantly raised to the point that she would do anything for her lover, even if it was bad or good.

Some girls sleep in their own rooms, while others… not so much since they were barged in Eleonora's, wearing their sexy nightgowns or nightwear. Yeah, they are Kurumi, Neptune or Purple Heart, Ais, Miyuki, Artoria, Medusa, Raikou, Yasaka, Akame, Esdeath, Momo, and Adult form Aletia, Sonoka, and Chiyuki—all of them wear sexy and erotic nightgowns on them owns. Some have lustful, hungry, and seductive looks, while others have some embarrassment and try to brave themselves with it.

The ones who are embarrassed are Ais, Miyuki, Artoria, and Akame. The rest are waiting for this chance and want to do it with Eleonora when they fall in love with her and agree to be one of Eleonora's lovers. They have no problem sharing Eleonora with each other.

Offered with such beautiful sights from all her lovers like this, it naturally makes Eleonora's futanari dick slowly rise, not because she is a pervert like in many ero doujin or hentai that couldn't hold back their lust or perversion. She appreciates the beautifulness of all of them by giving each her honest compliment and comment regarding it.

"All of you are beautiful, no doubt. Honestly, to think a day like this would come and we would have… fifteensome? …Okay, that sounds weird and not right at all. Maybe an orgy is a correct word to say, right…?"

Eleonora asked her lovers that question in an unsure tone since that is what she felt. That gains some chuckles from her lovers. The time manipulator Spirit with long black hair, Tokisaki Kurumi, reply and answers Eleonora's question with her seductive, charming, and elegant smile. The long black hair that was let loose is beautiful and enhances the charm of Kurumi, while she wears only a black garter belt and black bras that expose most parts and skins of her body.

"Fufu~. Unfortunately, it is inevitable, Nora-kun. Since you're a harem king and goddess, someone who will have an endless harem of beautiful girls at your side, so you will experience this sort of thing frequently in the future. And it's not your usual orgy, but an orgy made special for you and only you who can enjoy us~. That is why you can do whatever you want with us, Nora-kun~."

All of Eleonora's lovers nod in agreement with Kurumi's statements. None of them has complained, rejected, or denied what the elegant gothic-themed young beautiful girl said. They are understanding and willing to let Eleonora do whatever they want with them, even those who are still embarrassed and unused to this.

"Kurumi-san's right, Leo dear. We have prepared to do this since the beginning that we love you and become your lovers. We also have no problem doing it simultaneously since we know it will take a lot of time for you to do it one-on-one. Even though you could manipulate the time flows of any world."

This time who speak is Yasaka, with a yellow nightgown that makes her voluptuous body visible. With one arm under her large breasts, the other placed in front of her lips, covering it as she let out a soft chuckle when she said those words to Eleonora. She wants Eleonora to have sex with her and bear Eleonora's child, raising it and becoming a family with the young bluenette goddess together and forever.

And then she continued to speak.

"After all, if we disagreed, we won't do this since all of us don't want to force each other. We want to offer ourselves to you, Leo dear. We want you to claim us, make us yours. Some may be embarrassed and not used to this, but they are brave enough to agree with this circumstance, Leo dear. It shows how much we want to do it and love you."

After Yasaka ended her speech, Purple Heart, or Neptune HDD Form, spoke in her turn. She wears a purple babydoll that matches her color. Her appearance also drastically changed, as she has a dark lilac-purple while her eyes turn blue. Her hair becomes very long and is worn in twin-tail braids, while her bangs and the hair that frame her face are somewhat longer. Her hair clips turn into small black circular pieces with glowing blue x's. Her figure is more mature and curvier.

"Indeed, Eleonora. We are ready to devote ourselves to you, completely and entirely. That's why you do not have to hesitate with this. Let us makes you feel good, to be pleasured by us. We have wanted to have sexual intercourse with you ever since. Of course, we won't force you if you dislike it and appreciate the decision."

Esdeath Partas, the former high-ranking General of the Empire, nodded while wearing only a black garter belt and black bras that emphasized her sexy and seductive body. She wears the same thing as Kurumi since both want to use their sexiness for Eleonora. She then spoke about something to Eleonora

"She is right, Eleonora. You would be a Harem King or Queen of us, and we've been attracted to you in many ways. However, we also want to do more things to advance our relationship further. Intentionally or not, you basically conquer us and are about to officially make us yours."

Once again, they all nodded and agreed with Purple Heart and Esdeath's statements. While it sounds like they guilt trip Eleonora, it's not since if the young bluenette goddess doesn't want it, then they would act like usual and sleep without having sex. They would respect the decision made by Eleonora and understand it completely.

However, Eleonora's response to this is that she let out a small huff and shook her head as she looked at her lovers with a lovely smile. She nodded and answered, giving the response to everyone in the room about this.

"Why wouldn't I miss this chance? Of course, I would want to do it with you all. That's why I will claim you as mine only and forever. Selfish as it sounds, I don't care about it since that is what I want right now. That is what I feel right now. However…"

The bluenette goddess turned her attention to some girls as her eyes looked in turn to them. She looked at those who still hadn't had the chance to have their first date with the young goddess, which Eleonora wanted to ask about. Although it's not like her policy or something, she wanted to ask just to be sure. Even if Yasaka already said that to convince her. If anything, she wants to hear it directly from them.

'There is no hurting to hear something like that from them, right? Four of the girls were even embarrassed, as if they weren't ready yet to have this sex with me. And this is maybe my first time to have sex with more than two people since I have already done that with Sonoka-nee and Chiyuki-nee in a threesome. This will be the hardest challenge for me to have sex with thirteen people, and I will not use clones or anything since I feel like I want and can do it by myself.'

What she thought was quite dumb, but Eleonora became selfish since she didn't want to use the clone technique or anything like a certain loudmouth blonde ninja. Eleonora wants to taste them by herself, even if it would take a long time to do them one by one instead of using clones. Her stamina is also no joke since the bluenette goddess could not get tired for at least ten years without using any enchantment on her body.

'After all, the most exhaustion I felt was directed to mental one, not the psychical exhaustion. However, after ascending to godhood and becoming a full-fledged goddess, I don't think I will suffer like that anymore. I felt much stronger than before, and maybe without enchantment—I couldn't get physically and mentally tired for a thousand years. That is certainly a huge improvement which would help me with anything, especially with things like sex.'

After quick thinking, Eleonora ended it and asked Ais, Miyuki, Artoria, and Akame a question.

"Ais, Miyuki, Artoria, and Akame—I know you all love me and want to be claimed as mine. But… are you sure about it? If you aren't ready, I won't be pushing you. It would be better to wait until you four are ready for that. If you don't want to do it right now, you can just say so, okay?"

Eleonora asked them with her kind tone and smile. The four girls heard that, exchanged looks, and nodded with red cheeks, which was still embarrassing as Miyuki suddenly replied and answered her lover while wearing a lacy white see-through nightgown that made her curves and underwear visible.

"Leo-nee-sama, for me, I have ready to do it. Maybe I felt a bit embarrassed, but my heart, body, and mind—they have already steeled, and I am ready to be claimed as yours. I… I want to offer myself to you, Onee-sama. That is why you don't have to hesitate, at least with me. In the bed, too."

Miyuki said the last word quietly with a faint blush as the hint, causing Eleonora to sweatdrop since she could hear that. She didn't know that a dignified, diligent, and elegant young lady like Miyuki would say something like that to her. Eleonora didn't know that because she didn't watch anime or read enough manga and light novels to understand that trope.

After Miyuki was done, the blonde-haired swordswoman of Loki Familia spoke—Ais Wallenstein—spoke of her words about it. She is wearing a red blooming dahlia babydoll while about to say something with her still red cheeks, and a soft smile adorned her beautiful face.

"Mhm. Miyuki's right, Eleonora. I want to do this with you even though I'm inexperienced since this will be my first time, and the one who will get it is you. You're the one who I love and the one that made me realize it. I want to do more things. Many things, including this, and I don't mind if we do this without dating first. That's why don't hesitate and don't let it prevent you from claiming me. I want to bear your child and become one of your wives, Eleonora."

Ais said it without hesitation and with confidence as her embarrassment was gone since her cheeks went to the normal color. The whole group, besides Ais, simply sweatdrops at her bluntness when saying the last sentence like that as Ais wants to have Eleonora's child. But that sweatdrop was gone after several seconds before Artoria was the one who spoke this time.

Cleared her throat, with a faint blush still on her cheeks, while she was wearing a white lacy nightgown and set her eyes locked on Eleonora when she was about to talk something with the bluenette goddess. Her breasts may not be big, but they could make a cleavage as it is not so flat.

She definitely will not if Eleonora did involve with it. Like rubs Artoria's breasts almost every day or just create a spell to make Artoria grow older or only a specific part of her body. The bluenette goddess will definitely do that if her blonde king of knights wants Eleonora to do it. Only if Artoria would put down her pride and embarrassment for a while or a long time.

"At the moment that I feel attraction to you and have this feeling, I already committed to be yours and have sexual intercourse with you, Eleonora. We may be family and related; our relationship could be called taboo, but I don't think such would be a problem for us. I already did the same thing with Morgan, and I… really want to be your wife."

A fire of resolution could be seen in Artoria's eyes as her face showed determination, even if there was also some faint blush on her cheeks. Their relationship might be called taboo since it's incest as they were blood-related, but both didn't care about it and will go through that if possible. After all, Eleonora and Artoria will ensure the world they would live in, and visit will accept their relationship.

Even though Eleonora and Artoria know it will be hard to do.

And the last person is Akame. After Artoria finished her talk, the black-haired and red-eyed former assassin was about to say her words while having the same faint blush on her cheeks as she wore a black knot-tied chemise that showed her medium-sized breasts. She also still wears the usual expression when about to say something to Eleonora.

"Me too, Eleonora. I already have my first date with you, and I don't mind having sex with you since the world we would live in would have some long-lasting peace, unlike my own, so I don't have any problem having sex with you and bearing your children. I always wondered what I should do after the war ended and the first thing I did was find the cure for Tatsumi's cure on a whim because of my promise. However… I also dream of having a family, with Kurome and Wave, if possible—since that guy is my sister's boyfriend and my brother-in-law."

Akame said all of that without missing a breath, which is quite rare for someone who is always quiet and rarely talks long would talk with many words. She let out the feeling within herself when saying it to Eleonora and continued to talk about it.

"And my dream of having a family includes you and everyone here. I want to be your wife, and you be my husband. I want us to have a big family. I don't know and don't care how big it is as long as you and I are together. I'm sure not only me who think it like that."

Her words got a chorus of agreement nods from every woman in the room except for Eleonora. They won't lie that all the women here wanted to have a family with Eleonora, and have many children, too. After all, the number of children she has could surpass a hundred with how many women on Eleonora's side. There was no hesitation, embarrassment, or doubt when they nodded at Akame's statement.

'…I see. My harem is really serious, and they don't seem jealous whenever I have another new girl to my harem. I could say this is the best harem since I don't have to deal with those annoying and useless dramas of jealousy. And I don't think I would suffer the denseness of harem protagonist since If I did, the start of that jealousy drama would be triggered, and I would already experience that.'

After saying all those, Akame still continued. She put a hand in front of her chest and closed her eyes.

"All of us think the same thing, Eleonora. Since this is my first time, and the one who will take it is you, Eleonora—I want the one who claims it is you, and only you, since I don't want anyone else. So, don't worry about anything else."

She finished what she said with her eyes opened and smiled softly, directed at Eleonora. The looks adorning Akame's face are filled with overwhelming love when she looks at Eleonora. Her affection for the young bluenette goddess is shown and obvious as everyone could tell it with a single glance—unless that person is clueless, dense, and stupid. Unfortunately, none of the girls present in the room is like that.

Before Eleonora said anything, the only glasses-wearing woman in the room spoke of her mind. She is Medusa and currently wears a black-transparent babydoll that shows most of her curves and voluptuous body to anyone; the top is fishnet-themed and motif. She adjusted her glasses and wore a small smile as the purple-haired woman said something to Eleonora.

"While there may be a chance of our multiple counterparts—the current me or us now prefers to be with you, Eleonora. We want to be on your side together and forever. Don't overthink something unnecessary. I think that is your bad habit, isn't it? I may not know you for long, but I already know some of it."

"Medusa-san's right, Eleonora dear. Just enjoy yourself in this and indulge yourself in the pleasure. If you want any help, we will surely help you to our best capability. No matter what it is, we will support and help you in any way."

This time is, Minamoto no Raikou whose talking. She is wearing a babydoll of the same color as Medusa but different design and motif. It really makes her motherly aura so obvious and enchanted. Yasaka did, too, and it's alluring.

"You heard what they have said, Leo-kun! You're my future husband and the surely soon-to-be King of Galaxy and Deviluke, so just ignore trivial things for now."

Momo reassured her futanari lover by wearing a lacy pink-colored babydoll that matched her hair color. It looked cute and innocent yet oddly enough, giving some sexiness just looking at her. She is really wearing something that matches herself.

"They are right, Eleonora. I want to be embraced and be your wife when I fall in love with you. The current me is the one who loves you and no one else."

Aletia or Yue said in her adult form while wearing a see-through white nightgown that showed her sexy and sensual underwear. Her adult form is because of her body engulfing Eleonora's futanari cum when they had sex. Because of that, Aletia ascended her race to Divine Vampire with several tremendous increases in her abilities and status.

Chiyuki and Sonoka nodded at Aletia's comment. The brown-haired woman wears a simple blue babydoll, and the carnation pink-haired woman wears a simple white babydoll. Both babydolls are emitting and enchanting the sexiness of Chiyuki and Sonoka as well as their mature aura; one is motherly while the other is onee-san, even though both could have a motherly and onee-san aura.

"Yes, yes. What everyone here has said is correct. Now, shall we begin doing it…? I'm sure some, if not all of us, wanted to do it from the start. Right?"

"Precisely. I also… want to have sex with Leo-chan again."

Sonoka said as her cheeks suddenly had faint blush. Some giggles and chuckles could be heard from everyone as a chorus of agreement nods came from them, too, when Sonoka said it. The brown-haired woman looked around at each girl, clapped both hands as she finished, and smiled in satisfaction when she confirmed it.

"Then, shall we start it, without further delay…?"

She asked the whole people in the room with massive blush over her face and a slightly lustful look. Everyone nods their heads while also having passionate expressions, a hungry look, and some people blushing very hard, which resembles the color of a ripped tomato. Although they were thirsty and wanted to do some naughty stuff—Eleonora's harem, which is currently in this room—knows a thing called holding back. Some of them went closer to Eleonora in order as they didn't want to make it a mess.

With a hungry yet restrained look, Tokisaki Kurumi brought her face and lips closer to Eleonora, locking her mouth and lips with her lover as they kissed each other for several seconds or maybe more. Noticing something at Kurumi, the young bluenette goddess saw her gothic time manipulator's eyes have heart-shaped pupils as if she is in a trance and won't let the kisses go. Their kiss is passionate, where Kurumi and Eleonora's tongues tease each other inside the mouths—be it licking, sucking, or anything that makes it sexy.

After fifteen seconds had passed, they were still deep kissing each other until some sliver of salivas slipped through their lips. But the kisses went in turn from Kurumi, Miyuki, Artoria, and Ais. And not only that, Eleonora felt her hands on something soft, squishy, and bouncing round things—which she suspects the sizes are quite large, and she glanced to see her right hand on Yasaka's right while the other hand on Raikou's breast. They let her hands squeeze and grope it so Eleonora could be more comfortable. Not only that, but she also felt a funny feeling between her legs, which is where her futanari dick was located as it was already half erect. And the cause of her half-erect comes from four beautiful women currently licking her shaft with their tongues.

Those four women are Momo, Purple Heart, Medusa, and Aletia in Adult form—they have a hungry and thirsty look filled with lustful thoughts while licking Eleonora's futanari dick half-erect shaft. And not only licking, but they sometimes give a lick on the head and suck her balls. But her pleasurable services of foreplay don't end just like that, as Eleonora felt her back and felt the familiar feeling of soft, squishy, and round things sticking and poking with some breasts. It comes from Esdeath, Chiyuki, and Sonoka.

All the pleasurable feelings she felt from them made Eleonora incredibly horny. However, she doesn't want to easily and quickly cum as she also wants to pleasure them in return, if possible. But, she also notices that they all have heart-shaped pupils in their eyes. It indicates that all her lovers are looking forward to this and want to do everything they can to pleasure Eleonora.

They have waited for this moment to come and advance their relationship further since they want to be Eleonora's wife in the future. And will expand her harem too, in addition to that. Since they don't have any problem with sharing Eleonora with others.

'If any stupid and jealous so-called harem protagonist knew this, or maybe the male best friend-type saw this, they would be irritated and mad at how I could have an incredible event like this happen. After all, it's not like they could get something like this—unless it's in ero doujin or ero fanfiction.'

What she thought was correct. Only a few or so rare harem protagonists have sex with their harem since most focus on their top goal, which becomes their priorities. Because of that, romance is almost forgotten or listed as an unnecessary part. Which sometimes became an opportunity for fans to make fanmade stories from that loophole.

While having that train of thought, Eleonora gently moved her hands and squeezed both large breasts, making Yasaka and Raikou release a slight moan of pleasure. She still deeply kisses each girl that ravages her lips with her tongue, making Kurumi, Miyuki, Artoria, and Ais let out naughty moans. Eleonora tried her best to hold back to cum because of the fellatio of Momo, Purple Heart, Medusa, and Aletia did at her futanari half-erect dick for several minutes.

'I… I thought Momo and Neptune were a virgin…? But how did they so good at it? Wait—does that mean they somehow self-trained it with banana or something else? That could be the answer, and as for Medusa… I don't know her complete tale; maybe I would ask her directly instead of just relying on the story or whatnot. As for Aletia, she has already done many with Hajime-san. Still… to think they were really good at taking care of my dick!'

Eleonora let out a small groan of pleasure when she felt the fellatio performed by Momo, Purple Heart, Medusa, and Aletia. And not only that, the service they did to their bluenette lover caused the mentioned person to have moaned more as several of it escaped her mouth—it is also causing her futanari half-erect dick turned to fully erect. And seeing that, the four women's eyes showed excitement, especially with Momo and Aletia licking their lips seductively as if they found prey when looking at their lover futanari's fully erect dick.

"Seriously, Eleonora, your dick is better than Hajime. Yours is long, thick, lasted long, and could easily let out a massive amount of semen, unlike Hajime. When I have sex with you, I don't have to take the lead all the time, unlike when I did it with him."

Aletia roasted her ex-lover, Nagumo Hajime, about the differences between Eleonora and him in sex and dick. Eleonora went sweatdrop that she didn't expect Aletia would nonchalantly roast her ex-lover like that and compare him with her.

'Does she really roasting him so casually without a shred of care? It is amazing, and I don't know why but I like it. It excites me for some weird reason. Does that mean I have a small side of sadism? That would be good.'

"Eh? Does your ex really like that, Aletia-san?"

Momo asked in disbelief and surprise when she heard that. Aletia simply nodded in response, causing the short-pink-haired girl to have a face of disgust when imagining and wondering what sort of man the blonde-haired vampire ex-lover was before becoming Eleonora's. Purple Heart and Medusa also began to imagine and wonder what kind of man this Hajime is to make Aletia describe him like that and roast him as if nothing mattered.

"He is, and his cum or semen is so bitter and thin. He shot a small amount, too. Maybe when I became his lover, I did find it delicious because of my Stockholm syndrome, but after becoming Eleonora's lover, I began to realize all of that."

"Really? What is that?"

"Eleonora's dick and cum much, much better than him. Her cum could increase my status and advance my race to the new one. Not only that, but it is also delicious. I could get addicted and want her cum daily if I'm not careful. Point is Eleonora far better than Hajime, and he is not that strong in my opinion."

"Well, it's not like I care about him. Rather, I want to taste more Leo-kun's dick~. This thick, long, hard, and magnificent cock will make any women shudder in excitement~."

"That's right. Sorry for that, Eleonora. I might end up ruining the mood by saying that."

As Aletia finished her apology, she and Momo, along with Purple Heart and Medusa, began to give more pleasure to Eleonora's futanari dick before the young bluenette goddess could reply to her blonde vampire's words. This is resulting her moaning louder than before, and some twitch could be felt by Eleonora on her dick.

When noticing that, the four women began to advance their movement speed—their tongues and mouths began to move wildly. They paced up quite fast as they were eager and impatiently wanted to taste Eleonora's thick futanari cum when it came. Not forgetting her hands, Eleonora also began to squeeze Yasaka and Raikou's plump, soft and bouncy breasts more intense. While she is also enjoying the kisses she still did with Kurumi, Miyuki, Artoria, and Ais—Eleonora's lips are wet because of the salivas exchange and the tongues of her lovers that keep licking her lips. Her back also gets 'massage' treatment from Esdeath, Chiyuki, and Sonoka, who move it seductively and intensely.

"Fufufu, no one but you who could enjoy something like this, Eleonora. Not even Tatsumi before could have experienced something like this."

"That's right. Leo-chan is indeed truly lucky to get some services like this. This is exclusive only for Leo-chan, so no one other than you could enjoy this, and I don't think anyone here would do that."

"You're correct, Sonoka-san, only Leo-chan who could get this kind of treatment and services. I also want to do more things than this later if I get the turn, Leo-chan."

As Esdeath, Sonoka, and Chiyuki said all those—Eleonora became more aroused as her dick got harder and twitched when she felt her back get intensely massaged by those three women's soft, plump, and marshmallow-like breasts. Her entire shaft and balls get licked and sucked vigorously by Aletia, Momo, Purple Heart, and Medusa's mouths and tongues.

Eleonora's lips and tongue keep getting many deep, sensual, passionate french kisses from Kurumi, Miyuki, Artoria, and Ais—whose eyes have heart-shaped pupils that hint they are in ecstatic states. Her hands also still get occupied with squeezing and pinching the voluptuous breasts and nipples of Yasaka and Raikou—causing the two MILF to let out very loud, seductive moans.

People might hear those moans if not for Eleonora's soundproof magic and barrier to keep it. And to Eleonora's surprise, she noticed milk leaked out from Yasaka's nipples as her hands and fingers kept playing with it, making the milk leak even more surprising. However, because of that, and the sensation of the fellatio from four women still occupied between her legs—Eleonora's futanari dick twitched faster and let out small groans as she said something.

"I-I'm… cumming…!"

After saying that, the four women who did the fellatio quickly opened their mouths when they heard that. Eleonora's futanari dick twitched faster and wildly, and she immediately let out the semen stored within her dick and balls. The amount of semen she let out was tremendous as it could cover the entire faces of Aletia, Momo, Purple Heart, and Medusa, who are currently between her legs.

And upon the bluenette's semen covering the four women's entire faces, they immediately squirted out of their love juices so much that they caused a small puddle below them on the floor. Instead of panting heavily and exhausted, Eleonora was still in perfect condition as she adorned a slight smirk on her beautiful face as she said something to all her lovers present.

"Oh my… you four are fortunate enough to get Leo dear's semen. I became a bit envious of you."

The golden-haired nine-tail fox said, licking her lips with her hungry, lustful eyes towards Aletia, Momo, Purple Heart, and Medusa—whose faces were basked entirely with Eleonora's futanari semen. Yasaka looked at the semen her bluenette's lover had on the four women that did the fellatio earlier to her. She felt her entire body heated up, her body aroused even further as Yasaka squirmed with heavy breathing when looking at Eleonora's semen.

And not only Yasaka who was behaving like that. The other women looked at Eleonora and her semen with their hungry, lustful eyes as if they were looking at prey. They also wanted the feeling of being dominated by Eleonora completely. The arousal feelings within their body increased tremendously, and their sensitivity went along with it. The ones that keep showering Eleonora's lips with kisses—Kurumi, Miyuki, Artoria, and Ais—also felt their bodies in the same conditions as they stopped the kisses.

Kurumi licked her lips with her lustful look and heart-shaped pupils in her eyes.

"Fufu, I also want to taste Nora-kun's precious semen myself. I wonder what the taste is like? Must be delicious since it can cause them to cumming just because you showered their entire faces like that, Nora-kun."

"Leo-nee-sama's semen…. I… I would like to know the taste!"

Miyuki said with excitement as she felt excited hearing that and drooled out a bit. Ais and Akame also have drool on their lips; they couldn't wait to taste the semen of their precious and beloved futanari. While they know it will be delicious, all Eleonora's lovers still want to know what kind of delightful taste her futanari semen has.

"Then, we should make Leo-kun feel good once more so she could let out her semen again, right, Leo-kun~? If possible, I also want to feel it inside me~."

Momo said shyly with a huge blush and perverted grin across her face. The others nodded at her and agreed with Momo's idea, even though some had bashful expressions on their faces since they were inexperienced or innocent virgins. However, they are also excited and want to do this with their beloved Eleonora.

But then, Yasaka interrupts by saying something to them.

"However, I don't think our foreplay is enough for Leo dear. Don't you agree? I still want to provide some for her. What do you think, Leo dear?"

The leader of Kyoto Youkai said to her bluenette lover with a smile as she received an approval sign from Eleonora, who nodded and spoke up about it as she looked around her lovers.

"Truth to be told, this might sound greedy, but I still want… to feel that from you all. After all, the night is still young, and knowing what I am capable of, we shouldn't worry about the time we have and spend. Right?"

"Of course not, Leo-kun! Maybe some want to feel your warmth inside their bodies, but I won't deny that our foreplay earlier is enough for you. Some, if not all of us, want to please our beloved Leo-kun, right?"

"Momo's right. I want to make Eleonora feel good more."

"I also agree with Momo, Ais, and believe everyone does. After we can adequately make you comfortable and good with our foreplay, we can proceed to another thing further. If Vert were here, I think she would say the same thing with me."

Akame, Esdeath, Miyuki, Artoria, and others nodded in agreement with Purple Heart's comments. Even though they already did it, all of the women still think it wasn't enough for Eleonora with one session of foreplay and believe it will need a couple more. Chiyuki and Sonoka knew about this since Eleonora won't be easily tired of cumming.

Eleonora simply sweatdrops when noticing the look given by Chiyuki and Sonoka at her. They had red-tinted cheeks when taking glances at Eleonora as they imagined the night of threesome they did with the young bluenette goddess. It is an unbelievable and astonishing experience for Chiyuki and Sonoka, knowing how enormous the stamina Eleonora has to pound them for so long.

'Looks like Chiyuki-nee and Sonoka-nee are thinking of the threesome we had the other day. Well, it's my first time having that kind of sex, and I became hooked on doing something like that in the future. However, a threesome is easy, but I don't know about this.'

Eleonora let out an inwardly heavy sigh and slightly shook her head.

'To think I would get hooked on sex, but not to the extent that I couldn't live without doing it every day. I am a pervert, but not the disgusting one like in porn or ero-stories. I love sex and naughty things, but in moderate ways instead of the opposite. Yeah, like that.'

"Then, how about we provide more service to our beloved Leo-chan?"

Chiyuki said while clasping both hands with her cheerful and sweet smile to everyone in the room. When hearing that, they nodded as they had the same thought as the brown-haired mature woman and answered it.

"Of course, we will!"