Sega Goddess Heavenly Night

After both girls said that, Akame fell unconscious and snored as she was exhausted from the sex. Eleonora and others who saw it were amused and let out some chuckles and giggles. At least it is already over with Akame. Her intense and passionate sex with Akame is finished… for now.

They would most likely do another sex at another day in the future as they want.

Eleonora and others could see the satisfied expression on Akame's face. She was unconscious but breathing heavily and weakly due to the first sex she had with the young blonde bluenette or her beloved lover. Eleonora's futanari dick made the former assassin girl feel like she would be in Heaven.

Despite not being tired physically, Eleonora let out a sigh as of habit, then pulled out her futanari dick from Akame's pussy which caused a "Blop!" sound. That made the former black-haired assassin slightly jolt in surprise because it made her lift up a bit since Eleonora's futanari dick size was thick and massive, causing that reaction even though it was not hurting her girls that the young blonde bluenette fucked so far. Instead, they have fallen in love with her and her futanari dick more.

"Well, well… to think I would have sex with five girls, and it still not done. Strangely, my dick is still fully erect after all that. But it is also good that it won't go limp after having that much sex."

What she said gained some chuckles, especially from Chiyuki and Sonoka. They already knew of this fact since Eleonora's libido won't be ever satisfied easily and quickly with only five girls as it would need more and more of them. Both big sisters knew to sate Eleonora's libido, it would require a dozen or more girls and countless rounds of sex just for that.

"It won't be enough for you, Leo-chan. You need more for that."

Chiyuki told the truth, and Sonoka nodded, agreeing with it. This causes girls other than Chiyuki, Sonoka, Eleonora, Kurumi, Ais, Artoria, Miyuki, and Akame to be more lustfully hungry for the sex they would have with Eleonora later. It also makes them in awe that Eleonora could still stand even after having that much sex.

"Chiyuki-san's right. You would normally need fifty or more rounds to at least be satisfied, Leo-chan."

"Mhm. That's right, but fifty might not be enough anymore since it seems Leo-chan did more with us than fifty. I say… it is a hundred or so."

Sonoka said with a pink blush creeping up her cheeks as she felt a little shy when talking about that. As the girls heard this, they became embarrassed and hornier than before, as well as excited if Eleonora would fuck them in those numbers. After all, instead of being scared, Eleonora's harem finds it more thrilling and exciting to be fucked so many times like that by Eleonora.

Some wild fantasy filled with sex clouded their minds when they heard that. Their blushes became redder and more prominent, and some even had their nose bleed due to the extreme result of their naughty fantasy.

"Well, put that aside from now… who wants to do it next?"

A hand immediately lifted up the moment Eleonora asked that. With curiosity, the young blonde bluenette perked up and saw it was a mature-looking woman, one of Eleonora's lovers and harem. She has dark lilac-purple hair and blue eyes. Her hair is long and worn in twin-tail braids, while her bangs and the hair that frame her face are somewhat longer. She has small black circular pieces with glowing blues x's on hairclips. There is some visible light blush on her face when raising her hand, which came from Purple Heart or Neptune, and Eleonora asked the purple-haired goddess.

"Purple Heart, no—Neptune. Are you sure about this…?"

With affirmed decision and a look in her eyes, Purple Heart nodded in response to that question, leaving Eleonora to sigh a bit before flashing a smile, causing the purple-haired goddess to gain another blush on her cheeks. But then Purple Heart replied to Eleonora's question of concern.

"Yes. I want to do it, Eleonora, no—Noura. I want to have sex with you just like everyone else did. I want to offer you my virginity to be claimed by none other than you. That's why… please, I also want to do it with you. After all, I love you, Noura."

"…I see. Then, I will fulfill that wish as I also want to do it. After all, I won't do it if any of you don't want it, and I won't force myself to have sex with you since I am not that kind of person. I don't enjoy rape, and, if possible, I want sex with the consent of both parties."

Purple Heart and some merely chuckled at Eleonora's statement and understood. After Eleonora said that, Purple Heart ready-ed herself by laying down on the top of the bed and spreading her legs and wet and horny pussy, which can be seen clearly by Eleonora with her cheeks slightly blushed. With embarrassment but trying to say it with some courage, Purple Heart then told it to Eleonora.

"Here, Noura. Come, and… make me fully yours. I want to feel you inside me like everyone else does. Claim my virginity so it would be yours, Noura. Do that so I could belong to you only."

She said with certainty and no hesitation in her voice and face. This made Eleonora chuckle but nodded as she positioned herself to Purple Heart, holding both legs of her purple-haired goddess, with her fully erect futanari dick outside the purple-haired goddess' pussy.

"I will do it, so don't worry, Neptune. But to have claimed a goddess' virginity… maybe this is something unbelievable and the first time for me to do such a thing. I have never imagined that I would do something like this in my entire life."

Eleonora said, chuckling a bit and giving Purple Heart a little kiss on the lips before she was about to penetrate the purple-haired goddess' virgin pussy and claim it as herself. Her eyes widen in surprise as Purple Heart gets kissed, but she returns the kiss. It lasts for three minutes before separating their lips. Their kiss isn't passionate, but it is more like a chaste kiss without any lewd or naughty intention.

Both stared into each other eyes and then nodded. Eleonora began to push her hips and let her futanari dick penetrate Purple Heart's virgin pussy, causing the purple-haired goddess to let out a small moan of pain as she slowly felt her hymen get torn by her lover's. However, that pain soon became a pleasure as Purple Heart felt her lesbian and futanari's lover's dick slowly filling her up.

"A-Ahhh… Noura, your futanari dick is… slowly filling me! My inside… my pussy became… tight."

She said as if suffocated and breathing heavily due to how huge and long Eleonora's seventeen inches futanari dick was filling her whole pussy entirely. Her womb even gets kissed by Eleonora's fat futanari glans, which makes her squirt a little because of that impact. That impact also made Purple Heart's legs raise and straighten out in a V position, making Eleonora's futanari dick penetrate deeper.

"Shit! Your inside is also warm and tight! I know it is because you're a virgin, but… it's folding my dick nicely. Sorry for swearing, but this feeling is always nice and makes me never get bored."

"It's okay, Noura. I also felt good having your dick inside me and filling me like this. It is warm, and… your size is enormous and long; the thickness and stiffness also… make me slightly addicted. It makes me hope that we stay like this more…."

She said that while her arms hugged Eleonora's neck and legs locked on her bluenette lover's hips. She didn't want Eleonora's futanari dick and her pussy to be separated. Purple Heart wants it to stay like that for more time. All Eleonora's girls understand that even those who still haven't sex with the young bluenette, since they want to be with Eleonora for a bit longer no matter what.

After several minutes of staying in that position, Purple Heart whispered something to Eleonora.

"Noura, you can begin to move it. I am already fine, so no need to worry."

"If you say so, please tell me if you feel uncomfortable, and I will when you do."

"I know, Noura. I will."

"Then, I won't delay any longer."

Responding to that, Eleonora started to move her hips the moment Purple Heart let off the lock of her legs to Eleonora's hips as her bluenette lover's futanari dick went in and out of her pussy in slow and gentle movement back and forth. Even though the motion was slow and gentle, Purple Heart still felt overwhelmed with pleasure taking over; her back slightly jolted and jerked whenever she felt Eleonora's futanari dick pumping inside her.

"Ooooh! It is… really makes me tighter, Noura! Your thick and stiff member is gouging out inside me; it is going deeper to reach my womb! It also… feels me warm and… makes me hot! Please move as much as you want, Noura."

As Purple Heart says, Eleonora speeds up a little, her futanari dick thrusting inside her purple-haired lover, causing 'thump! thump!' sounds as its glans hit Purple Heart's womb entrance so hard and fast without stopping. The hitting sounds of Eleonora's dick on Purple Heart's womb entrance became louder as it pierced through until it kissed the cervix, causing the purple-haired goddess to widen in surprise and let out a moan of pleasure.

Eleonora kept pumping Purple Heart's pussy, and womb with her seventeen inches futanari dick, causing the latter girl to squirm as her pussy juices slowly leaked out with massive amounts of water, dirtying the bed sheets all over again. Even Purple Heart's breasts swayed a lot each time she felt her lover's futanari dick pistoning and gouging her pussy and womb with that speed and movement.

"Guuuh! Your pussy is folding my dick fiercely! It really doesn't want me to stop fucking you, Neptune!"

"Ahhh, ooohh! Yes, Noura! Keep fuck my pussy non-stop! Make it so it won't be satisfied except by your futanari dick!"

As they say those, Purple Heart's pussy folds Eleonora's futanari dick vigorously as if it doesn't want to let it off and wants to keep it inside. Because of that, the purple-haired goddess' pussy began to throb and twitch in excitement each time it thrusts by Eleonora's seventeen inches long, thick, and stiff meat shaft. Her pussy juices kept leaking out, flooding and wetting the bed sheets as they became a small puddle each time Eleonora's futanari dick went in and out inside her pussy back and forth without losing the momentum of her speed.

However, it is not only Purple Heart who feels that since Eleonora also feels the same. The young bluenette's meat shaft began to throb and twitch because of the pleasurable stimulation she received each time she pumped her purple-haired goddess lover's pussy and womb.

Both girls gritted their teeth and moaned in pleasure that waved through their bodies.

"Noura! Ahhh, Noura! I am about to come! Haaah, haaahh! I'm cumming! I am about to cum! Nghhaahh, ahhhhh!"

In response, Eleonora increased her movement speed and pace, causing her futanari dick to move at wild, rough, and quick speed as Purple Heart's love juices kept leaking out and producing more of it each time she squirted. As the purple-haired goddess' pussy keeps squirting out so many love juices, the bluenette futanari goddess has her futanari dick inside and outside Purple Heart's pussy easily than before, causing the futanari glans to constantly hit and kiss Purple Heart's womb fiercely.

"Me too, Neptune! I am also about to come! I'm cumming, Neptune! I will creampie you with my semen!"

"Yes, Noura! Ahhh, nhhaahh! Please come inside! Mhhaahh, uuhhahhh! Release your seeds inside and impregnate me!"

Hearing that confirmation from Purple Heart, Eleonora then increased more speed of her pumping, causing her futanari dick to go in and out of Purple Heart's pussy and womb. Not only that, but the purple-haired goddess' pussy also folded her bluenette lover's futanari dick neatly as both dick and pussy throbbed with more excitement than before.

With a single fierce thrust, Eleonora's futanari dick glans reached inside Purple Heart's womb. The young futanari girl has her dick kissed its tip with its glans, finally pouring out a batch of fresh semen inside, causing the latter girl to widen in surprise and shock as well, her pussy squirting out so much love juices. It's not only semen that fills Purple Heart but another batch of pleasure that goes through her entire body.

"O-Oooooh! Noura, your semen… nghhaahh, iieehh! Is crossing through… and filling me completely!"

Purple Heart says while panting heavily between her breath, as she still could feel Eleonora's futanari semen filling her by pouring all of it without stopping, making her body bloated a little as if she was already pregnant. And it is unheard of for a goddess like Neptune to be pregnant, especially with how divinity works in Gamindustri, as the people have never heard of something like that.

Eleonora smiled and nodded in response.

"Yeah. I don't know if you could get pregnant, but I will ensure we can cross that through to find out how."

"Haah… aahh… I know, and I also never heard of any case of Gamindustri CPU getting pregnant since even my sisters and other CPU Candidates are born from our Shares. Maybe you would be the first to make it happen, and people would make it a new history."

Eleonora chuckled regarding Purple Heart's words since that would be true and most likely would happen. After all, Eleonora has done something that they wouldn't have thought possible to achieve, and they fully believe in their young bluenette lover for that. And Eleonora would make sure that will happen as she doesn't want to doubt herself, and being too humble may worry her lovers if the young bluenette did that.

"I am sure I do. However, we will see if it could really happen. We will always be doing raw, unprotected, bareback sex, and I will always come inside you many times to fill you with my semen inside your womb."

"Fufu. That's not a bad idea, Noura. That sounds pervert and naughty, but we all are like that only towards you. So I can say that I am more than willing to have sex so many times and rounds with you."

She said, slowly getting up as her breath returned to normal and slowly crawling to Eleonora with a wink and giving a kiss on the young bluenette's lips, resulting in a loving kiss as they replied before they broke it. Both girls are smiling at each other and holding hands, but then they let off their hands as Purple Heart adjusts her position by lying on the bed. At the same time, she lifted one of her legs, causing her dripping and wet pussy, still leaking out some of her love juices can be seen clearly.

"Noura, I want you fuck me again. This time, do it roughly and… as wild as you can and want."

Seeing that desire shown by Purple Heart, who said it without hesitation even though there was a notable blush on her cheeks, made Eleonora smile happily and nod as she got closer to the purple-haired goddess. And once again, her futanari dick is still erect, which signifies that Eleonora is still unsatisfied and wants more sex.

After getting closer, Eleonora held one of the legs that Purple Heart lifted, teasing her purple-haired wet, and horny pussy with her futanari dick by rubbing the entrance and clitoris. And it made the Purple Heart let out small horny moans from her mouth. And as also happened before, Eleonora's other lovers' bodies fidgeted and started fingering their pussy as they felt horny again, watching Eleonora and Purple Heart having a hot steamy making-out session.

The constant moans from Purple Heart's mouth each time Eleonora's hips move and pound her is always slipped out, and the waves of love juices keep leaking out of the purple-haired goddess' pussy. Not to mention Purple Heart's pussy folding Eleonora's futanari dick without giving it a chance to escape, with no gap or anything, making the fully erect dick stay inside more as it is what Purple Heart want.

"Nhaah, aahhh! Noura, your magnificent and humongous dick keeps gouging out my pussy and womb! Ooooh! Nhhhmpph! It is making both my pussy and womb a mess!"

"It is, Neptune! Shhhh, nhhsshh! I will always mess your pussy and womb to my liking! Nghhh, nghhkkk! Your inside is incredibly tight and firmly folds my futanari dick that much!"

Eleonora says as she speeds up more, her hips thrusting movement inside Purple Heart's pussy as the young bluenette's futanari dick goes in and out of her purple-haired goddess lover easily and quickly with how wet and slippery inside. Because of Eleonora's pistoning movement from her hips, Purple Heart's soft and large bouncy breasts jiggled and swayed, causing Eleonora to become hornier when seeing it as her futanari dick size became eighteen inches. And Purple Heart's pussy and womb feel tighter than before as it firmly folds Eleonora's huge, long and stiff meat shaft.

The sound of Eleonora's hips and Purple Heart's collides could be heard loudly. It filled the entire room, causing all the women inside the room to be hornier than before. Their libido and lust went up a hundredfold as their love juices kept dripping out like crazy and created huge puddles while watching Eleonora and Purple Heart's hot and steamy wild sex.

Despite the fact they are incredibly horny and want to have sex with Eleonora, those girls are strangely patient and waiting for their turn. Even though it is obvious that they are holding back their urges to jump out and get fucked by Eleonora's eighteen inches futanari dick. After all, they already know it will be very worth the wait when their turn for it comes.

Purple Heart's entire body felt the surge waves of pleasure that went up a hundredfold each time she felt Eleonora's futanari dick go in and out of her pussy and womb. Eleonora's futanari dick scratched inside and gouged it, making her moan lustfully and loudly that could be clearly heard by everyone in the room. She loves it so much to be fucked by Eleonora, whether gentle and soft or wild and rough sex, as long as it is done by Eleonora, her beloved lover.

Purple Heart's breathing became heavier and heavier each time Eleonora's eighteen-inch fully erect futanari dick pounded her wet and horny pussy and womb full of semen. And her entire body sensitivity increased because of that, too, which feels good and pleasurable for the purple-haired goddess. She doesn't want this moment to end and wants it to be longer or stay forever.

"Ahhh, ooooh!! Noura, Noura…! It feels good! Even though it's the second time, it still feels good, and I want to do this more and more! Impregnate me, Noura! I want your child inside me! Ahhh, haaahhh!"

"I will, Neptune! Nnhhh, aahhhh! Oooohh, your pussy is so good, and it is folding my dick fiercely! Ahhh, nmmsshhh! It makes me doesn't want to be separated, too! And I will make you pregnant with my seed and child, Neptune!"

Eleonora's hips movement became faster, and her pistoning became rougher and wild. It is causing Purple Heart's bountiful and large breasts to bounce and sway, matching the rhythm and pace of Eleonora's futanari dick that goes in and out, fucking her wet and horny pussy as well as her semen-filled womb. It is a beautiful sight and makes Eleonora's futanari dick harden further as her hips move to another level.

And Purple Heart's stomach has a big bulge, caused by Eleonora's futanari dick size, which is eighteen inches, but surprisingly brings more pleasure and arousal to Purple Heart as she doesn't feel any pain or hurt from it. The purple-haired goddess' pussy flooded, overflowing with love juices each time it got penetrated by her bluenette lover's futanari dick. She keeps cumming, squirting out so many love juices while being fucked by Eleonora.

After a constant repeating piston and hips movement, she did with her futanari dick; Eleonora's dick felt the twitching and throbbing sensation as if it was about to blow out another batch of her fresh baby-making semen. Purple Heart also felt the same sensation within her pussy and womb, responding by tightening the grip and folds of Eleonora's futanari dick. Both girls cannot hold it anymore; they can't hold the feeling of climax, especially Purple Heart, as her pussy is drenched and her body soaked with sweats from having sex with Eleonora and wanting to be creampied more by the young bluenette.

"Neptune, I am about to cum! Nghhh! I can't hold it anymore!"

"Ahhh, haahhh! Me too, Noura! I am also about to cum! Oohhh unngghhh!"

"Ahhh! Good, then… oooohh! I will cum inside your womb! I will give you a child, making you a mother! Ahhh shhh! Let's cum together, Neptune!"

"Do it, Noura! Ahhh, nhhhh! Cum inside me! Please give me… haaahh, ahhhh… your precious baby seed and make me pregnant! Make my belly has your child, Noura! Ooohh, aahhhh!"

After pistoning Purple Heart's pussy and womb, Eleonora pushes her hips in a single strong thrust, causing the purple-haired goddess to flinch. She also felt the young bluenette's futanari dick pouring out her futanari semen in massive amounts, filling Purple Heart's pussy and womb once again as her body jolted in pleasurable sensation. Eleonora's futanari glans even kissed the deepest part of Purple Heart's womb, causing the latter to flash out an ahegao on her face due to the incredible and euphoric sensation she got.

"Shhh! Your pussy is so good! My dick won't stop cumming and pouring semen inside your womb, Neptune!"

However, Purple Heart or Neptune couldn't respond to Eleonora as she was currently in a frenzy and felt overwhelming pleasure within her entire body as she jolted a bit, twitching and shuddering with ecstasy. Her pussy juices squirted like a broken water hose as Eleonora thrust her futanari dick deeper, pouring another new batch of semen, causing Purple Heart's stomach to bulge again as if she was already pregnant with Eleonora's child.

After giving the second creampie in the second round of sex with Purple Heart, she pulled her futanari dick out from her purple-haired goddess lover's womb and pussy that caused a loud "Plop!" voice. Her eighteen inches futanari dick stood firm, stiff as if it was not yet satisfied by the two rounds of sex she did with Purple Heart.

"Haaaah… it seems you enjoyed it very well, Neptune. And the same could be said with me, though."

She said to the unconscious and satisfied Purple Heart that had her body lying on the bed. A little amount of Eleonora's futanari cum was leaking and oozing from her womb and pussy, which was a pretty sexy and beautiful sight to sees for the young bluenette futanari goddess. Even though her semen leaked out from Purple Heart's womb and pussy, Eleonora didn't mind it since she could cum as much as she wanted.

All Eleonora's remaining harem who still hadn't had sex with her instantly perked up and looked at the young bluenette futanari with a lust-filled look and heart-shaped pupils as they were so horny and wanted to be fucked by Eleonora, too. Eleonora noticed this and smiled as she looked up at them with her still stiff and firm erect eighteen inches futanari dick covered in the mix of her cum and Purple Heart's love juices.

"I might constantly say this, so please bear it a little, but… who wants to do it with me now?"