Bellas POV


The whole evening i was baking cupcakes and cookies as i wanted to distract my mind from what happened today . It was giving me creeps .

  Once i my cookies were baked my cup cakes were still in the oven . I decided to take a nap . When suddenly my phone started ringing ,it was an unknown number so i decided to ignore it .. i again got a call from the same number so i picked the call and said "hello?" And the reply was "babygirl" and suddenly my body froze i dont know why am i afraid of this guy so much. "Xavier?" "Yes, baby and from today onwards i call u every day before sleeping i want to hear your voice "he said . Anger building up in me , how can this guy just order me around to do stuff.

"Bless your delusional heart u asshole if u think I'll be on the call with a creepy ass like u! " i screamed there was a long pause of silence on the other end then he started " listen babygirl i am not a very patient guy but for u princess  i have been very patient so dont test my patience and do-" i dint let him complete his sentence and i cut the call he was shouting and ordering me like he owned me .Bitch !

  He called again and i dint want to deal with him anymore so i switched off my phone and decided to order pizza and watch Netflix's.

After not finding anything good i decided to watch my favorite FRIENDS for maybe the 10000th time .

I was half way through the first episode and the bell rang .

Woho my pizza is before time !I'm definitely giving him a 10 dollar tip

And i ran towards the door with excitement to open it and as a opened it i was froze .Xavier.. There he was standing looking like a hot mess hair all messy black tshirt with track omg so hot . This isn't the time to admire him and after checking him out then i looked in his eyes and omg angry would've been an understatement he was livid like he was about to kill someone.  His pupil's were about 2 shades darker then how normally they were . I slammed the door on his face i was so fast dint think he would stop it but i was more wrong he looked more angry if thats possible.  He was coming towards me and i was taking steps back and after 4 5 steps my back hit the wall and he was moving towards me in a matter of seconds i was trapped his arms around my head . I gulped and gave him an innocent smile . For a second his anger like went away and again came back. Maybe i was imagining it . He was coming closer to me so I tried to push him but this got him more pissed he removed his hands from the wall and caught my hands so easily . I was fighting but it dint seem like it was affecting him one bit . He held both my hands with his ome hand and his other hand went behind my head and i felt stinging pain on my scalp . He was pulling my hair so tightly. AAaaaaaaa i screamed.  "Quite " he shouted . I was in tears by now . "Why did u not listen to me princess? Huh ? Dint u tell u not to defy me ?" He shouted . I kept quiet " TELL ME NOW !" he screamed and i flinched at each of his words my eyes were full of tears i couldn't see anything. "Answer me princess " "I--i-m I'm sorry " "but it dint seem like u were sorry when u shut the door at my face some minutes ago!huh princess! Are you going to lie to me now ?" He was holding my hands so tightly I'm sure its going to leave some bruises and my head pains a lot and i cannot think about something else " leave my hair Xavier it pains a lot" i tried to sound brave and order him but it sounded more like a request and it came out like a whisper. He let go of my hair , dint let go of my hand but reduced the pressure he was applying. I felt like a mouse in front of this huge lion .His eyes were still showed a lot of anger i couldn't look at his eyes they were too domineering and it was scary to look at them.

  Suddenly we heard a ring . I forgot about the pizza delivery 🤦🏻‍♀️


I hope you'll like it

Have a wonderful day and dont forget to vote 🙌

You'll can correct me if you'll find any mistakes . Im here to learn 🙌