Twenty Seven

I asked him why he wouldn't help us and he told us that his destiny was to help unite broken kingdoms, not unite them himself. He implies that he helps the heroes, but he usually isn't the main hero. We needed to find the hero destined to unite Pasiphae once more. George immediately asked if it was Nathaniel, but he was apparently, "destined to rule, but not unite."

     Joan suggested Donatello and George, but they were both shot down, since Donatello was destined to help Nathaniel rule, and not unite the land, and George was destined to protect me for the rest of his life. Donatello asked in a rather threatening tone if Paul was the one they were looking for, but Merlin said that "a man that greedy can never be a hero."

     When we were at a loss of who it could be, Nara grabbed the map and suggested that we use the map to find our hero. We closed our eyes and all placed a finger on the map and thought of the word hero. When we opened them, the map hadn't changed, so we turned to Merlin. He swore that it was merely coincidence that their hero is in Kingspin.

We decided to head for the port town after Nathaniel had recovered, but Donatello reminded us that we were being hunted and needed to keep moving.

     As we were walking, I told Merlin what had happened with Emmanuel and he was pleasantly surprised. He said that I might be brighter than he was at my age. I asked him to clarify, and he said that I have a gift.